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1、Speaking, listening and writing task,Unit2 Robots,Supposition and belief,I think I suppose I dont think I guess I wonder Maybe I doubt I believe I dont believe,Sample,Robots can be found in the manufacturing industry, the military, space exploration, transportation, and medical applications. Well, f

2、or my conclusion I guess that robots are the way of the future and will be used on a daily use without,being controlled remotely or by a person. I think theyll be different robots for different uses, some will be used for law enforcement and others will be used for constructive uses only. Others wil

3、l be building cars, and the rest will be building the new schools we learn in and the houses we live in.,Listening task,1. What kinds of animals do you think they are? 2. Would you like to own one? Which one? Give reasons. 3. Do you think having a robot as a pet is a good idea? Give reasons why and

4、why not.,LISTENING TEXT,ROBOT PETS Amanda (A), Victoria (V) and Jamie (J) are reading about four robot pets and then discussing whether robot pets can be real pets.,PART 1,A: (reading) Aibo can walk, sit, lie down and wag its tail. It learns the name you give it and can answer when you call it. It d

5、evelops its own personality. It can learn about 50 commands.,V: (reading) Furby like being patted. At first he speaks his own language, then he gradually switches to English the more time you spend with it. (not reading) He looks like a big eared bird. Isnt he so cute, Jamie?,J: Well, Victoria, I th

6、ink he looks strange. I like these ones, though. (reading) Paro can open and close its eyes and move its flippers. Tama recognises her own name. She purrs when shes patted. That shows shes happy, but if you hit her shell give you an angry hiss. Gradually her behaviour changes and she develops her ow

7、n personality.,PART 2,A: I dont understand the point of a robot pet. Why wouldnt you get a real one? J: Well, you dont have to feed a robot dog or take it for walks. And they dont bark or bite! V: And it wouldnt make your house dirty!,A: Yeah but its not a real pet, is it? Its a toy. V: Well, Amanda

8、, I must say Aibo and Furby look like real animals. J: I dont think it matters if the robot looks like a real pet or not. If someone thinks of the robot as a pet, then it is a pet.,A: But Jamie, dont you think its sad if the person thinks of the robot as a real pet? J: No, I dont think so, not if he

9、 gets enjoyment from it. A: Well, I dont believe a robot can be a true friend even if it does develop its won personality.,I mean stroking a dog or cat makes you feel good because youre making it happy. You cant make a robot “happy”. V: But you can make Tama happy. It all depends on how you treat he

10、r. A: Thats true, but shes programmed to be like that .,J: Anyway, I think robot pets would be good kinds of pets for people who cannot have a live pet or who cant care for one like people who are old, sick or disabled.,Writing task,Imagine you are a robot pet that belongs to a child. Imagine what l

11、ife would be like with a child. Then write a diary from the robot pets point of view.,A sample,October 12th, 2007 I had a terrible morning. When Terry got up, he carried me to the table by my tail and made me sit on the table while he ate breakfast. He is such a messy boy and I got bits of food all

12、over me.,Unfortunately, he must have woken up in a bad mood because when his mother asked him to get dressed, he shouted at her and then hit me. So I was very angry and hissed at him. Then he hit me again and I hissed even more. Luckily he left me at home while he was at school and I had a very peaceful time.,When he got home he was much happier and was very nice tome. He sat for a long time on the sofa, patting me


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