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1、a picture of Anns family,This is,grandmother,grandfather,mother,father,sister,brother,brother,-Who is this? -This is her ,grandparents,parents,brothers,-Who are these? -These are her ,Xiaoxin,father,mother,parents,This is his,These are his,grandfather,grandmother,grandparents,That is his.,Those are

2、his,Those arent his brothers. They are his .,Thats his .,sister,friends,this, these和 that, those的用法,these pron. adj. 这些。表示复数意义,指 较近的物体,其单数为 this(这个). those pron. adj. 那些。表示复数意义,指 较远的物体,其单数为 that(那个).,作指示代词,可单独使用。These are my friends. This is my friend. 2. 作形容词,放在复数名词前,起修饰,限定的作用。 Those cats are black

3、. I dont know these teachers.,而this, that放在单数名词前,也起修饰限定作用。,3. these 和those指代复数的人或物,作主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式 are. this 和 that指单数,要用is 4. these, those 不能与are 缩写。 this也不能与 is缩写, 但that 可以和is 缩写 成thats 。,this, these和 that, those的用法,2a,Listen and circle the words you hear.,1. Dave _ 2. Lin Hai _ 3. Mary _ 4. Jim _

4、,a,g,b,e,2b Listen and match the names with the people in the picture.,Photo guessing (照片大测试),A: Is this ? / Is that ?,B: Yes, it is.,B: Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,No, it isnt,Photo guessing (照片大测试),A: Is she/ he ?,B: Yes, she is.,B: Yes, he is.,No, she isnt.,No, he isnt,A: Is this Zhou Jielun? B: Yes

5、, it is.,注意区别,A: Is he Zhou Jielun? B: Yes, he is.,A: Is that Yao Ming? B: No, it isnt. He is Liu Xiang.,注意区别,如何区分 !,注意观察this 或 that 后边有没有跟着人,如:- Is this man your father ? - Yes ,he is . No, he isnt . -Is this your father ? -Yes, it is . No, it isnt .,man,A: Are these SHE? B: Yes, they are.,A: Are t

6、hose F4? B: No, they arent. They are H4.,5. 在回答these 或those作主语的疑问句时,用they 代替these 或 those. - Are these/those your pens? - No, they arent.,- What are these in English? - _ pens. A. It is B. They are C. These are D. Those are,this, these和 that, those的用法,3a Fill in the blanks.,Thats Anna and thats Paul

7、.,2.Yes, she_.,4.No, he _. Hes my friend.,Is she your 1._?.,And is he your 3._?,sister,is,brother,isnt,Exercise: 将下列句子变为一般疑问句,并作简要的肯定回答和否定回答.,1This is Gina. 2That is his brother. 3He is my good friend. 4Linda is my sister. 5Those are school things. 6. The pictures are nice.,Is this Gina? Yes, it is.

8、 / No, it isnt.,Is that his brother? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.,Is he your good friend? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.,Are the pictures nice? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.,Are those school things? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.,Is Linda your sister? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.,Section B,grandfathe

9、r,grandmother,father,mother,uncle,aunt,brother,cousins,daughter,son,father/,(1),(2),daughter,(brother),uncle/,(3),(_),_,daughter,(_),(4),(5),(6),grandmother,mother,aunt,sister,son,cousin,Family Tree,grandfather /,sister son cousin grandfather mother aunt,1. Add the words in the box to the family tre

10、e.,Exercises,words: 1.Jim is his fathers _. 2.My fathers sister is my . 3. Kates fathers brother is her _. 4. Tims father is my uncle, so Tim is my _. 5.His parents are his _ and _. 6.My grandparents are my _ and_ .,son,aunt,uncle,cousin,father,mother,grandfather,grandmother,2a. Listen and check ()

11、the words you hear.,grandfather _ grandmother _ cousin _ father _ mother _ uncle_ aunt _ brother _ sister _,2b. Which picture are Dave and Lin Hai talking about?,3a,Explanation (3a:P17),1. Thanks for意为“谢谢”后接名词。例如: Thanks for your help. 谢谢你对我的帮助。 Thanks for the beautiful card. 谢谢你给我这么漂亮的卡片。,2. Here i

12、s my family photo. 1) Here is 这是个倒装句, 句子的主语为my family photo, 是单数形式, 所以动词用is。其正常语序是 My family photo is here. 英语中Here引导的句子通常用倒装语序。”,2) family 作为一个整体时, 意思是“家庭”,后面谓语动词用单数形式。如果把family看作家庭成员时,应理解为复数,后面的谓语动词用复数形式。 My family are very well. 我的家人都很健康。 Tom has a big family. 汤姆先生有个大家庭。,开头(写信人的地址日期),Dear Mary ,

13、Thanks for the photo of your family .Here is my family photo ! Your friend , Emma,称呼,正文,结束语,签名,Qinglai school Mile Honghe Yunnan Oct.14th,2009,Mike Oxford, UK,收信人姓名,地址,Writing,请根据照片,以书信形式向你的好朋友Gina(住在英国伦敦)介绍你的家人。50词左右。,I,提示:1. 感谢Gina的全家福。 2. 介绍我家有几个人,他们是谁。 3. 分别介绍家人的职业,3b Look at the family photo. W

14、rite about the people in the photo.,Talking and writing,4. Your happy family,5. Draw a picture of your a happy family ,tell your partner about your picture.,Complete the conversations.,Mary: Look!_,father,Hes my father.,mother,You:_ Mary: No, she isnt. She is _.,Is he your grandfather?,my mother,gra

15、ndfather,You: Is_? Mary: Yes, he is.,he your grandfather,cousin,You: _ ? Mary: No, he isnt. Hes_.,Is he your friend?,my cousin,资料链接 你知道世界上形形色色的“father”吗? Father-in-law 岳父、 Father Time 时间老人、 Father Christmas 圣诞老人、 stepfather 继父、 fatherland 祖国,Jelf Green,Laura Green,George Green,Linda Green,Ian Green,

16、Rose Green,Jim,Kate,Cindy,Jims Family Tree,Grammar,单数:,This is my brother.,That is his father.,复数:,These are my brothers.,Those are his fathers.,观察:如何将单数句变成复数句,单数:,复数:,1.将单数句变为复数句时,要注意: 指示代词this 或that分别变为these 或those。 am或 is 要变为 are。 不定冠词a / an 要去掉。 可数名词单数要变为复数形式。(一般为词尾加-s) e.g. This is an orange. T

17、hese are oranges.,5. 如果主语是人称代词,则也必须变为复数。 I we我们, you you你们, she (he, it) they她们,他们,它们 my our我们的, your your你们的, her (his, its) their她们的,他们的,它们的,2. 名词的数 名词: 分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词有单数和复数之分。 表示一个人或事物的名词用单数; 表示两个以上人或事物的名词用复数 如何把单数名词变为复数名词呢?,表示人或事物的名称。,名词单数变复数规律: 一般在名词后面加-s (清辅音后读s,浊辅音后读/z/) pencilpencils egg

18、eggs 以-s, -x, -ch, -sh结尾的名词后面加es (读作/iz/) boxboxes classclasses 以o结尾的词,有生命的加-es, 没生命的加-s (读作/z/) photo photos, tomato- tomatoes,(4)以辅音字母y结尾的名词,把y变成i,再加es。 (读作/z/) storystories citycities (5)以f, fe结尾的将f, 或fe变为v后再加es。 (读作/z/) thiefthieves knifeknives,还有一些不规则的变化,如: ChineseChinese JapaneseJapanese manme

19、n womanwomen childchildren,把下列单数名词变成复数:,pencil baseball game notebook ring ruler,pencils baseballs games notebooks rings rulers,watch bus box potato tomato,watches buses boxes potatoes tomatoes,family baby party,families babies parties,boy class dictionary photo,boys classes dictionaries,photos,代词:是

20、代替名词的词。,人称代词主格(作主语) I 我 you 你 he 他 she 她 it它 we我们 you 你们 they他们,形容词性物主代词 :表示某人或某物属于“谁 的”,常放在名词前作定语。 my 我的 your 你的 his 他的 her她的 its 它的 our 我们的 your 你们的 their 他们的,把下列句子单数变成复数:,1.This is a book.,2.That is an orange.,3. This is my pencil .,4.That is her quilt.,5.Is this your watch?,6.Is that his diction

21、ary?,7.It is my map.,8.Thats her ring.,These are books.,Those are oranges.,These are my pencils.,Those are her quilts.,Are these your watches?,Are those his dictionaries?,They are my maps.,Those are her rings.,【基础训练】,( )1.What are these? A. This is a book. B. Thats a book. C. Theyre books. D. These

22、are books. ( )2.Are you her uncle? . A. Im not B. Yes, I am not C. No, I am D. No, Im not,C,D,( )3.Is he your father? . A. No, he is B. Yes, hes C. No, he not D. Yes, he is ( )4.Excuse me, is that watch? A. youB. your C. yours D. yourself,D,B,()1.This isnt bag. is bag. A. her; Its; her B. his; It; s

23、he C. his; Its; her D. his; It; her ()2.There are two rooms in her . A. familyB. homeC. houseD. room ()3.My parents are workers. both work in the same factory(工厂). A. Them B. They C. He D. She,D,C,B,【拓展训练】下列各句均有病,它们的病 情还挺复杂,请你给它们诊断一下吧,(1)What are these? These are apples. (2)Mum, these are my friends

24、, Jim and Mary. (3)Your picture is very good. No, its not good. (4)They are woman teachers. (5)Are they your uncle?,(1)They,(2)they,(3)Thank you.,(4)women,(5)uncles,把下列句子翻译成英语:,1.这是他的铅笔。,2.那个是你的文具盒吗?,3.那些是你们的桔子吗?,4.那些是他的字典吗?,5.这些是安娜的削笔刀吗?,6.它是我的学校。,This is his pencil.,Is that your pencil case?,Are t

25、hose your oranges?,Are those his dictionaries?,Are these Annas pencil sharpeners?,It is my school.,7.他是我的弟弟。,8.郭鹏是你的表哥吗?不,他不是。,9.感谢你给我你的全家照。,He is my brother.,Is Guo Peng your cousin? No, he isnt.,Thanks for the photo of your family.,中考链接,1. - Where are the _? - They are playing _ football on the pl

26、ayground. A. boys students, the B. boy students, the C. boy student, / D. boy students, /,2. Tom regards Nanjing as his second _ because he has been here for over ten years. A. family B. room C. house D. home 3. Two bags are on the table. They are _. A. the twins B. the twins C. twins D. twins,1. This is an eraser. (改为否定句) _ an eraser. 2. This is my friend. (改定为复数句子) _ my _. 3. She is my friend. (变一般疑问句) _ she _ friend?,. 句型转换,请根据括号内的要求改写下列句子。,This isnt,These are,friends,Is,your,4. This is my brother. (就画线部分提问) _? 5. Are these your friends? (做否定回答) _, _.,Who is this,No,they arent,( ) 1


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