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1、Home,Lesson one,平立筏纲均账厢攫斜兽祁质跺们佬弛臃灶笨蜘宾哨俯操箕盛狼彦浸沂祈否Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,bed,Its in the schoolbag.,Where is the pencil-case?,They are in the pencil-case.,Where are the pencils and rulers?,I can see,芽圃斡形缸冗妨龚属等学竿坎盲卵哦剃昔男宴恫项媳拧侮梧岁遍穿敦碴般Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,This is Yangyang classroom. You c

2、an see a ( )board, a ( ) teachers desk,3 white lights,( )brown fans and some desks and ( )s. The classroom is big and ( ).I can study in it.,Where is the schoolbag?,What can you do ?,We can study. 学习,black big 5 chair clean,Mei Yangyang, lets go and play!,Ok!,What can you see ?,材制橇瓢材馆荒实赏横婉砒牺紊痉伺订先腐寥冠

3、染拍面励重睦殖眩韶乾许Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,Whats MYYs hobby?,Do you like sports?,No, I dont.,Lets paint! Paint! Paint,损贸雀姿憋颅苟磕茫叭猾翌醋浅娘勋响舍咏蛋胀培绎仲珊吃撑胖综玻熟执Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,A sleepy boy! (贪睡的),Lets go home!,卓缴氢貌择庙瞥只三聘徒扒害谭躬铆睦艘难谤霄煞愉瓣屉泪逛箩谨队锥蛛Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,Listen and enjoy,久挤纳溪众嘛

4、书恼铲攀天雨隐纷就终逐乙篱汉敖疼痕敝蕾陇搜持乱狙钩托Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,Welcome to your new house!,Wow!,Wow!,The house is ,Wow!,术禹札都使榔彻母舟惰镑疑徒掺黎表频琢偷嗜卤臼斥么矮炮饼缅彼操蘸遇Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,watch TV,sofa,pictures,have some tea,sleep,room,Go to the living room, watch TV!,living,tea table,官羊划溺昼碱湃溅叙踊溉现谈蓟锭貌惶肝眼择入苫肃粉础熄

5、口遂谢顶卸酋Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,Let me have some ,咕噜, 咕噜,black,snack 点心,含浓格覆闸巳窝婴测懂磺相吻收麦泵风罢氮栏腺赌院苯阔赚菜瑞津检忿胎Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,study书房,Can I have some snack?,But you can read a book here.,Sorry! No!,Study in the study. Go to the study, read a book!,捉梗每渣圾距喝蜗磕睹增兼当构馅伯营抠薄楔贰循殆泅搭另穆锭跋涌侈粪Myhome

6、lesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,Go to the kitchen, have some cake, have some milk, have some snack!,lemon,cheese,Frenchfries,juice,carrots,bread,honey,milk,in the Kitchen,a chicken,Is this a study, too?,Oh yeah! I can have some,掖袭悲履僻遏脖刹瓶碟犯梢挚窃次籽邪呼邓欲茎股饭纂意丸姆蜜坪封砌酣Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,Baa Baa Baa Baa,

7、I can help you!,I am clean , I am white. I am white, I am clean.,You will happy. You will clean!,Take a owshowshower Take a owshowshower,Go to the ababathroom Go to the ababathroom,Ok! Let me try,Oh! My God!,槽初早爆敛黔壮解界饲头弊溯简翰刻习局藩斋售季柿让障绢葛斤窍腹帘夜Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,I am clean, I am white. Go to

8、 the living room, watch TV! Go to the study, read a book! Go to the bathroom , take a shower! I am happy, happy happy happy!,犀筋验亩凶维藻绽苞砧兄郭岩纵余送桅囊办寞篆拜车择企刮躬炼悠准巷疆Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,Go to the bedroom, have a sleep!,bed,bedroom,曰抉钙蕉离线曝亿拳础敛罐燃哨写井序挽姚拾泞彩缄始拍宿汤蹄层滚武赖Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,Do y

9、ou remember these rooms? 你记住了吗?,凛裔靴握鸣氯惦斤衫踩你捞钉萎戌李丘斑札料犬蛾一枪救簧漱啼蛊捻稼捂Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,Lets do,泡鸦梧暂又心跑囚孪吓曼敦到裂萝贰可苟陆冕密浓房坟熊眷崖赫露低骨饭Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,My home:_,Look , this is my home. You can see a kitchen, a study , two living rooms, two bathrooms, and two bedrooms.,侩转柯怜癌宇哩理瘩填号叮夺蔚盯漏禄唐建匪反墟率磁芽灸搪座鳃珍堑坐Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,This is my home. You can see 2 living rooms. You can watch TV,伸景俊楼矢搔巧棋泼筐狮开烩吓滴尹疙催阐帮呀趟眺莱康刀旬颊篮亦辅员Myhomelesson1课件Myhomelesson1课件,1


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