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1、CET 4集中培训,test seven,part iv reading in depth,uncertainty n .不确定性similar adj相似,类似exposure n .暴露,暴露,暴露外观pollutant n .污染物对应影响、on/upon电阻、against反应、回来作用(on/upon)化学作用(with/on) N) eyestrain n n候选人的词汇和,Cloze问题解决技术,Cloze问题解决技术,问题解决阶段wo,step 2,step 3,step 1,理解效果,初选回答,步骤1,在第一次阅读中,很明确的回答,如几个茄子固定的数组,不能先填充,主要是理解

2、文章效果。大部分问题都要考虑上下文和文章大义,从整体上考虑。例如,测试3,67,68,69 the lecture speaks for one or two hours,perhaps _ 67 _ the talk with slides,writing up important is _ 68 _牙齿税茄子问题要全面考虑,从出题者的出题思想开始。一般有你茄子的想法。step 2、1。词汇辨析的基本要求是,在词汇把握方面,有能力根据4200个单词(综合掌握2500个单词)和这些单词组成的共同词组、基本词汇识别新单词。在测试词汇时,填空意义的区分主要集中在失语(名词、动词、形容词、副词),选

3、项经常以同义词、近义词、反义词、反义字或刑根离婚语的形式出现。例如测试7,67.or,at any rate,that is how _ 67 _ appeared to many people . situtations b)things c)Situations将显示习惯用语和固定组合,固定组合中有很多动词,形容词副词,介词组成的短语。例如,测试7,68 the supposition was _ 68 _ on half-digested and partially understood scientific reports . based b)imposing cimpose必须使用b

4、e imposed on表示“在上面收费”。只有be based on符合“基础”动词文章模式。,另一个例子是测试7。74 there are now some daring souls who are _ 74 _ once again to eat the odd spoonful of straw berry jam and _ 75 _ the consequences。Prepared C) tended D) satisfied的四个茄子选项中,只有prepare与be ed to do sth匹配,因此B、3。语法结构考试点,1)属性子句,主要考试连词,限制副词子句。2)非动词(

5、动词不定式、现在分词、科举分词、动名词)等于Test 3(测试3)。82.it is important to _ 81 _ that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills _ 82 _ in college study.Requiring D) are required必须用科举分词作为定语,因此B,3)与主谓词匹配(时态、语气、语气、人称、数)例如:test 1.67 most of our planet is coveret 例如,测试1,71 the great basins between the

6、 continents,in which all this water _ 71 _,Are themselves more varied topograps _ 84 _ it not for these algae,The seas would _ 85 _ be completely sterile(贫瘠)and the land _ 86 _ .86.a C根据全文意义,牙齿空格单词必须填充表示“无人”的单词,因此D,uninhabited,7)名词等单词类之间的组合要求(例如名词需要形容词,名词需要)动词需要副词短语公式。而且,在物动词后面要加上宾语等。例如,test 1,81 li

7、fe first appeared in this _ 81 _ rich water some 3.5 billion years ago . chemically b)chemical c)chemistry d牙齿中,rich是形容词在语法结构中,虚拟语气一直是四级考试的重点。示例:test1,69 there is so _ 67 _ of it that if all The _ 68 _ of The world levelled and their debris(碎片)dumped into the世界上所有的山及其碎片扔进海里,地球表面就会在几千米深的海底”,但实际上不是这样。

8、所以要使用与现实相反的虚拟语气。所以d,表示虚拟语气的几个茄子特殊的文章模式(1)。条件语句中省略连词if。像Should这样的动词(不包括行为动词)在主语之前移动,如Test 1,84 _84_ it not for these algae。the seas would _ 85 _ be completely sterile and the land _ 86 _ . 84 . a)be b)is c)were d)had在当前情况和虚拟情况下提供以下功能(3) It is (about,high) time子句It is (about,high)time we clean off the

9、 books on the desk。(4)使用介词without、but for、but that等引导虚拟语气到连接词but,比较评级包括without the fossil fuels、there would be no auto mobile industry Mr Wang was SSSotherwise he would have won the first prize in the contest。再看一下Test 9。76 the way he spoke reminded me _ 74 _ some one _ 75 _ who is afraid to talk in case he _ 76 _ himself a serious injury . 76 wour所以排除A,C,伤害某人要说do sb an injury或do indury to sb。所以选择B。(5)混杂的时间虚拟的条件语句意味着主句和子句的动作不会在同一时间发生。动词的形式要根据意思来决定。例如,(子句与现在虚拟,主子句与科举事实虚拟),4。逻辑推理,1)上下文中的所有上下文、段落和段落之间、句子和文章之间的狭窄语境,指文章内部词语之间的语义关系。徐璐表示其他逻辑关系的连接词:(1)表示枚举的连接词:first、second、third firstly、se


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