七年级英语下册 Unit 6 What are you doing for vacation(第一课时)Section A 1a-2c学案 鲁教版_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 6 What are you doing for vacation(第一课时)Section A 1a-2c学案 鲁教版_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 6 What are you doing for vacation(第一课时)Section A 1a-2c学案 鲁教版_第3页




1、山东省淄博市沂源县中庄乡中学七年级英语下册 Unit 6 What are you doing for vacation(第一课时)Section A 1a-2c学案(无答案) 鲁教版第一课时(SectionA:1a-2c)一、学法导引:1.学习用现在进行时表示将来的动作2.学会如何谈论自己、别人的未来计划二、学习任务:1.牢记本节课的单词、词组。度假_ 去野营 _ 拜访我的姑姑_临时照顾我妹妹 _ 听起来_运动野营_在家_多久 _ 在家看电视 _3.熟练的运用所掌握的知识点去分析、解决问题。三、重点难点:1.词汇度假 野营 临时照顾 听起来 运动野营 2.翻译句型:Whats she doi

2、ng for vacation ? She is babysitting her sister .Who are you going with ? Im going with my parents .When is he going ? Hes going on the 12th .学法指津:1.What are you doing for vacation ? 你假期将怎么度过?知识拓展: 这是一句典型的现在进行时表将来的用法,现在进行时不仅表示现在,还可以表示将来。现在进行时表示将来时常有“意图”,“安排”(但不是固定不变的)或“打算”的含义,这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感,它常表

3、示最近或较近的将来,所用的动词多是位移动词。如Im going . 我要走了。 Im leaving tomorrow. 我明天要走了。What are you doing for vacation? Im babysitting my sister. What are they doing for vacation? Theyre relaxing at home.上面句子使用的时态是_,现在进行时表示_的动作。常与now,_和_等连用。它的结构是:_.而本单元主要学习用现在进行时表示 _ 的动作,常与将来的时间状语连用。 如:next Sunday ,_ _ 等。实战演习: Next Fr

4、iday we are _ (go ) on our first field trip .My father _ for Beijing tomorrow . A. leave B. leavesC. is leaving D. leaving 试着翻译下列句子1).你要去哪里度假? Where are you_.? 2).他下午4点要去北京。 He _at 4 oclock in the afternoon.3)看!那个孩子正在那边做什么? Look! What _ over there?2.go camping 去野营 ,动词go+v-ing构成去购物_ 去钓鱼_ 去游泳_ 3.That

5、sounds nice.听起来不错。sound 在句中作系动词,后常跟形容词作表语。.Your idea sounds good/interesting._. 四听录音在横线上填写动词的适当形式。Conversation 1 Girl 1: What are you doing for vacation, Akiko? Akiko: Im _ time with my friends. Girl 1: That _ like fun! Conversation 2 Boy 1: What are you _ for vacation, Sharon? Sharon: Im _my grandm

6、other. Conversation 3 Girl 3: What are you doing for vacation, Fernando? Fernando: Im _ at home.听录音,完成练习2bMolly: Hey, Hector. What are you doing for _? Hector: Im _ in Canada. Im _ on Friday.How about you, Sumi? Sumi: Im going to _. Molly: Oh, cool. _ are you _? Sumi: On the _. Molly: Sounds great.

7、Hector: How about you, Molly? What _ you _for vacation? Molly: Im going to the beach with my family. _ this weekend.五看图完成下列问题的答案。(16分) 1. What are you doing for vacation? 2. What are you doing for vacation?Im _. Im _ with my uncle. 3. What are you doing for vacation? 4. What are you doing for vacati

8、on? Im _. Im _. 5. What are you doing for vacation? 6. What are you doing for vacation? Im _ Im _ with my friends. 7. What are you doing for vacation? 8. What are you doing for vacation?Im _ Im _六按要求改写下列英语句子。(16分)1. She often goes to see her friends on weekends. (改为一般疑问句)_2. We are going to have som

9、e classes next week. (改为一般疑问句)_3. Jim and Jill are going to watch football on Sunday afternoon. (改为否定句 )_4. We are going to plant trees the day after tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句)_5. Tom is going to see his uncle next Saturday. ( 用when提问)_6. He is going bike riding this coming Sunday.(用who提问)_7. Jack is going

10、 to visit the Palace Museum tomorrow.(用what提问)_8. They are going to meet outside the gate. (用where提问)七用所给词的适当形式填空。They are _(go) to Japan this week.Im going to the bench with _(they).They are going _(fish) in the lake.What are you _(do) for vacation?_ her mother going to _(visit) her grandma tomorro

11、w?根据汉语意思完成句子。我打算和我父母一起度过五一。 Im _ May Day _ my parents.今天下午母亲要去购物。 Mother _ _ _ this afternoon.1)你打算假期干什么呢?我打算在家放松。 _(2)她打算假期干什么?她打算照看她妹妹。 _(3)他们打算假期干什么?他们打算和朋友们一起度过。_(4)你们打算干什么?我打算去观光。 _(5)你打算跟谁一起去?我打算和我父母一起去。_(6)你打算什么时候走?我打算本周末走。 _单项选择。( )1. What _ your parents_ for vacation?does; do B. are; doing

12、C. is; do D. do; doing( )2. We are visiting Chengdu next week. _.A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Thank you.C. Its hard to say. D. Have a good trip.( )3. What about _ in the mountain? That sounds interesting.A. going hiking B. go hiking C. go to hike D. going hike( )4. China sent the Shenzhou VII _ September 25, 2008.A. on B. in C. at D. by(


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