九年级u9 I like music that i can dance to B1a-1d (2).ppt_第1页
九年级u9 I like music that i can dance to B1a-1d (2).ppt_第2页
九年级u9 I like music that i can dance to B1a-1d (2).ppt_第3页
九年级u9 I like music that i can dance to B1a-1d (2).ppt_第4页
九年级u9 I like music that i can dance to B1a-1d (2).ppt_第5页
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1、选择单元9、第b期1 (1a1d )和正确答案。 1.imlookingatthephotograph _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yousentmewithyourletter.a.whob.ITC.which2. weshould ntsintheearthquake.a.whob.thosec.which 1.tomlostashirt.theshirtcosthimalotofmoney._ _ _ _ oughtfruitlastnight._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ weliketoeatfruitthat/whichmotherboughtlastnight .3.thenu

2、rsealwayscomestoworkveryearly.thenursewearsawhitejacket._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thenursewho/thatwearsawhitejacketalwayscomestoworkveryearly .Have a try: (利用),a 3360 whatkindofpetsdo b 3360 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。 关键词: a :假设b 3360 三. a 3360 whh b 3360是什么意思? 在定语从句中完成以下句子. themanismybrother.heisstandingunderthetree.shei stalk ingwiththeteacher .关键词:关键词:关键词:关键词:关键词:关键词:关键词:关键词:关键词:关键词:关键词:关键词:关键词:关键词liulikesthesingerswhocanwritetheirownlyrics .1. Mary把她上周买的书弄丢了。 marylostthebookthatshebo

4、ughtlastweek.2 .擅长英语的女孩来自日本。 thegirlwhospeaksenglishwellcomesfromjapan.3 .麦克昨天看的电影很有趣。 thefilmthatmikesawyesterdaywasveryinteresting.4 .你认识正在看报纸的少年吗? doyouknowtheboywhoisreadingthenewspaper? 5 .那是我们俩都感兴趣的话题。 (topic ) itisatopicthatwearebothinterestedin .Translation,1 .我喜欢擅长写文章的作家。 2 .我喜欢有很多优秀作品的作家。

5、3 .我喜欢热爱生活的作家。 4 .我喜欢外向、富有创造力的作家。、ipreferwriterswhoaregoodatwriting .ilovewriterswhohavemanygreatworks .I like writers who love life .ilikewriters, ipreferbooksthatgivemesomethingtothinkabout .ipreferbooksthatareeducational/interesting /、aregoodforstudyingthatareaboutloveth a : ilikebooksthatisinter

6、esting.I love Harry Potter.because,英国国家航空公司, haveaninterestingstoryareaboutdocumentaryaresadarescary a : I生命体移动.I love集结号smartcanwritetheirownmusicplaydifferentkindsofmusicwearcoolclotheshaveasweetvoice、ilikegroupsthat/whiiice、a 3360 ilikefruitte fillinthechart.writenamesofyourfavoriteband、book、and

7、mook listenandwritedownthethreethingsthatmichaellikesinthefirstcolumnoft What Michael likes,书籍列表again.writewhymichaellikeseachthinginthesecondcolumnofthechart .who explain things well . 超级天空. a 3360 ilikemoviesthataresad.I love titanic.b 3360 oh、idont.ilikemoviesthatarescary.I really like 1 ddiscuss

8、yourfavoritethingsin1awithyourgroup.saywhyyoulikeeachthing .a 3360 ilikebandsthatplayfastandloudmusic.thenicandancetets too.andialsolikebandsthatwriteandplaytheirownmusic.ilikethebeyond .a 3360 ilikebooksthatareinteresting.ilovejourneytothewest idont.ilikethebooksthatcanhelpsusknowhowmuchfunsciencec

9、anbe.ireallylovethesciencebookforgirlsandotherintelligentbeings. I .与_ (usual ) experiencewhiletravelinginafrica.2 .填充thebookaboutbasketbbs的a good basketball player .Exercise、unusual、to become, 3.helikesmoviesthat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be )现实执行.4. studentsliketeacherswho _ _ _ _ . (接收)接收,接收,接收,接收,接收,接收, 独立

10、选择1.shelikesclothes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。 三. myunclegotthetickettothefootballmatch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me.a.tob.onc.Ford.of4. weregoiii is weekend.a.haveb.havingc.hasd.had,c 5.-_kindofbanddook - Sorry,idont know.youcanaskhimaboutit.a.whereb.whatc.howd.when,b,III .用所给动词的适当形式填空。 意思是:什么意思?什么意思? newclothesismycousin.2 .温馨万事万事万物odbasketballplayerwhenhewasyoung.3 .温馨万事万物_ _ _ _ _ _ (have ) ashorttailis


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