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1、2012英语备考杂谈,浙江工业大学外国语学院 黄 会 健 ,说明:本次杂谈仅限于学术讨论,有关数据仅供参考,有关观点只是我个人的看法。提供该数据,表述这些看法,皆旨在推动中学外语教学的改革,帮助解决教学与应考的矛盾,促进考生水平与成绩的提高。听者在理解上可有自己认识,但引用时请注意本义。如在高考中如遇相关内容,当属巧合,不是有意为之。,一、2011英语高考情况回顾,A. 2011年考生平均得分情况: 1) 语言知识运用与阅读(80 points): 44.93/ 45.68 难度系数: .56/.57 2)11短文改错(10 points): 5.31/ 5.90 难度系数: .53/.59

2、3) 11书面表达(30 points): 11.67/ 12.14 难度系数: .39/.41 4)总平均分: 61.91/ 63.72 总难度系数: .52/.53,B. 2011模块题得分情况:,1)05模块平均分: 6.95/ 7.11 难度系数: .70/ .71 2) 06模块平均分: 4.37/ 4.43 难度系数; .44/ .44,二. 2011英语高考的几点评价,A. 2011的试卷难度适中,主要基调为稳定、少变。难度系数为 .52。多年的实践也表明,我省英语高考的难度不会大起大落。 B. 客观题部分的难度适中或偏低,为.56, 这是历年来我省考卷的特点。 英语知识运用部分

3、除4个交际型选择题外,基本上围绕语法概念、词义区分、语词搭配和惯用法等方面展开。题目没有多少拐弯抹角的地方,解题方法较为直接。语句较为地道。,阅读题中,首篇讲人类活动与科技关系的问题,科技是人类智慧的产物,但人类在使用科技技术是会遇到许多问题;第二篇围绕查字典这一学习的基本方法,表明命题者注重学生平时学习方法的使用;第三篇谈的是服务业的经营理念和策略的问题;第四篇是作者回忆一个周六两个家庭放风筝一事、以及此事对邻居的孩子以及作者自己以后生活的重要影响和意义;第五篇以添加小标题归纳段落大意的方式替代了以往的任务型阅读。 完型填空部分并无多大变化。,在语言知识与运用部分,阅读所占的分数比例较大,阅

4、读量较大,对考生的要求较高。对付阅读理解题,需要考生有浏览、细读、推理、猜字悟义、归纳等阅读技巧。,C. 短文改错,难度偏高,.53/.59, 好差悬殊,得0-1分的考生为17.78%,说明考生在主观题方面,基础很差。 D. 与上年相比,写作得分呈下降趋势11.67/.39,同样看出,考生实际运用语言的能力,尤其是写作能力相当薄弱。 E. 05,06模块题得分分别为6.95/4.37(2.58),(2010: .73 /.47:2.46之差) 说明这类题型的设计不够稳定。也说明,考生比较善于做选择题,而不善于做主观题。,三、作文分析,The reason why I write this le

5、tter to you is that I just feel sad when I see some students scribbling and littering at school. In my opinion, everyone is due to provide ourselves harmonious atmosphere for study. As a result, those who make our school become dirty and mess should be blamed. Suggestions point out these situations,

6、 such as scribbling and littering is not only communication but also is action. For example, if someone litters, of curse, he will be asked to pick it up at first, and then he will become a cleaner for at least one week at the place where he littered. It is our responsibilities for it, isnt it? (114

7、 words),The reason why I write this letter to you is that I just feel sad when I see some students scribbling and littering at school. (purpose) In my opinion, everyone is due to provide ourselves ()harmonious atmosphere for study. As a result (therefore?), those who make our school become dirty and

8、 mess should be blamed. Suggestions point out these situations, such as (scribbling and littering) is not only communication but also is action. (logic?) For example, if someone litters, of curse, he will be asked to pick it up at first, and then he will become a cleaner for at least one week at the

9、 place where he littered. It is our responsibilities for it, isnt it? (reference) (114 words) 部分内容不是很切题,连贯性不够好,指称不明,少量语法错误。,三、作文分析 (continued),Im writing to tell you some of my thoughts about scribbling and littering in our school. Whoever has common sense knows that scribbling and littering can do

10、harm to the environment of our school. Scribbling as well as littering may lead our school to be in poor condition. We are shamed of those who keep littering and scribbling about. To deal with the bad behaviors of scribbling and littering, I suggest to you that we should carry out some rules to ban

11、such irresponsible conduct. Whats more, we should let all the students join us and obey the rules. Only in this way can the problems be solved completely. (109 WS),Im writing to tell you some of my thoughts about (scribbling and littering) in our school. Whoever has common sense knows that (scribbli

12、ng and littering) can do harm to the environment of our school. (Scribbling as well as littering) may lead our school to be in poor condition. We are shamed of those who keep (littering and scribbling about). To deal with the bad (behaviors)of (scribbling and littering), I suggest to you that we sho

13、uld carry out some rules to ban such irresponsible conduct. Whats more, we should let all the students join us and obey the rules. Only in this way can the problems be solved completely.,在这篇短文中,文句正确顺畅,初看起来没有什么可挑剔。但109个字的作文中有约20字是重复的,另外在冠词、单复数、习惯用法,逻辑等方面都有程度不同的失误。,四、命题作文练习,Sample One email From: Sara

14、 Martins Sent: 15th March 2009 Subject: Restaurant You remember how Alex and I have always wanted to open a restaurant - well, were going to do it! We want to serve food from different countries in our restaurant so were planning to travel around to collect some ideas. We want to come to your countr

15、y. When is the best time to come? We want to find out what people cook at home every day. Whats the best way for us to do that? Wed also like to go to some local restaurants which serve tradition food. Can you recommend one? When we open the restaurant in July wed like you to come. Will you be free?

16、 Reply soon. Sara,To say when and why To put forward some suggestions To give details and explain why,Sample Two: You have seen this announcement in an international magazine: MY FAVOURITE TEACHER Tell us about a favorable teacher of yours and say what you recommend about him or her. (We will publis

17、h the most interesting articles next month.),专家的建议,要在遣词造句上下功夫。 要在意义连贯上下功夫。 有意识学习和掌握一些正反两面评价性词汇。 培养换位思考的意识,对一种现象,可将批判、惩罚与树立好榜样和表扬好现象结合起来。 对于一些优秀的学生,应该鼓励他们将话题上升到公共意识、法律意识和文化层面来考虑,以突显文章的思想性。,五. 短文改错的评分方法及问题,修改超过10处,只看前10处得分,其余计不记分。 修改后的答案完全正确,但使用符号不够准确或答案写在错处上面,原则上不扣分,但这不能成为下一次评分的原则。 修改之后又有明显的擦去迹象,可不计为

18、一处修改。 要注意经改动的词的大小写问题。,六. 模块题情况与问题,A. 05模块的问题 1) 题号填错,如将05填为06 2) 答案不附小题号,如EADB 3) 写一些与题目无关的词语,显得啰嗦冗余: You can get rid of shyness with patience and practice. One / People/ We/ Someone used to be shy can finally overcome this problem and meet strangers calmly,What does the underlined part in the last

19、paragraph mean? you will be able to quiet the butterflies in your stomach. 4) 写一些与题目无关的词语,显得啰嗦冗余: You can get rid of shyness with patience and practice. One / People/ We/ Someone used to be shy can finally overcome this problem and meet strangers calmly,5) 过于简单: You will not be shy. . 略微偏离原意: Its po

20、ssible for you to overcome shyness. You will be outgoing/easygoing and confident You are likely to /could/would overcome shyness.,B. 06模块题的问题 1) 填错号码 2) 词的大小写 3) 多种可能的答案,如第十个空中可填,time, year, days, years, period, (这是命题问题),总之,作文方面,除基本功问题之外,有许多考生以为死背硬套,可以蒙混过关,这是个误区。猜题目,背范文,这是应试的特点。另外,字数限制的问题开始凸显。如何解决这个问题,值得认真研讨。 短文改错方面,解题不按照指令,符号紊乱,答案位置不确定,大小写随意。 模块题方面,标号错误。尤其是解答05模块的第二节时,不按指令,自作主张。不针对要点,写一些无关紧要的东西。06模块也有大小写的问题。,七. 几点建议,1. 因材施教,因人施教。去年的高考结果虽然对我们今后的工作有一定的启示,但两者毕竟有所不同。以过去的结果来推测未来,是有局限性的。要重视学生间现有英语水平的差异性,复习要有针对性。 2. 要把提高英语水平与做模拟题应试这两种性质不同的活动区别开来。大量的模拟题,或许能提高学生的水平,但提高英语的水平不能仅仅靠做


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