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1、Welcome!,Sufficient: adj.足够的,充分的 辨析:enough and sufficient Enough 指愿望上的满足 Sufficient 指需要的达到目的的满足 所以事实上常常已经”sufficient” 但并不一定感到”enough” eg: The miser had sufficient money but he thought it was not enough. 每个守财奴有足够的钱,但他还是觉得不够。,Pose : v.摆姿势;装腔作势;提出(问题) n.姿势,姿态 eg:His concern for the poor is a mere pose.

2、他关心穷人只是故作姿态罢了。 词汇拓展: Pose v. 摆姿势;装模作样 n. 姿势,姿态;装模作样; Position n.姿势,姿态;职位,工作 vt. 安置;把放在适当位置 Posture n.态度;情形 vi. 摆姿势,Indulge: v. 纵容,放任;沉迷,沉溺于 eg: His mother indulged him in pocket money. 他母亲放纵他,给他很多零花钱。 搭配: (1)indulge in sth. 尽情享受某物 How comfortable it is to indulge in a long hot bath after a days work

3、! 工作了一天之后,享受一下泡在浴缸里洗上半天热水澡的滋味是多么舒服啊! (2)indulge oneself/sb. with sth. 在某事上放纵自己/某人 My father is really going to indulge himself with a bottle of brandy. 父亲今晚真的要放纵一下自己,喝它一瓶白兰地。,Condemn: vt. 批评,谴责;判刑,给定罪;迫使陷于不幸的境地 eg: Adding erotic contents in childrens web sites should be seriously condemned. 在儿童网站加载色

4、情内容应受到严厉的谴责。 辨析: Blame :埋怨,责怪 Condemn: 常用于较正式严肃的场合,意味着从道义或原则上的“谴责” Reproach: 表示“责备”,往往只是表示不满的意见 Scold: 表示“责骂,训斥”,Principle : n. 行为准则,原理,原则;主义,信念 eg: I take this seriously. It is a matter of principle. 我对此很认真,这是原则问题。 搭配: in principle 原则上,大体上 on principle 根据原则 eg: Her proposal sounds fine in principle

5、. 她的建议听起来大体上还好。 She would never ask to borrow money, on principle. 按理说,她绝不会开口借钱。,Element: n. 元素;组成部分 eg : Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life. 诚实,勤劳和善良是幸福生活的要素。 辨析: Composition: 尤用于指物体内在固有的不可分割的组成部分 Element :表示“成分”,通常指一个整体中内在固有的成分 Ingredient : 也表示“成分”,但主要指混合或熔融在某个整体中的部分,Mainta

6、in: v. 保持,维持;维修,保养(车辆,道路等);支持,坚持,主张 eg: Ann and Mary maintained their friendship for the next thirty years. 安和玛丽在此后的三十年中一直保持着她们之间的友谊。 He maintains that he once saw a UFO. 他坚称自己曾看见过飞碟。,Yield:vi. (to)屈服,服从;倒塌,垮掉; vt. 生长,出产; n.产量,收获 eg. To strive, to seek, to find, and no to yield.(Tennyson) 奋斗,探索,发现,而

7、不要放弃。(丁尼生) The shelf is beginning to yield under that heavy weight. 在那么重的压力下架子就要坍了。 辨析: (1)Submit: 强调“放弃抗拒,屈服于某一势力、权力或意志” Yield: 指“在压力、武力或恳求下让步” (2)output ,production 多指工业产量 yield: 多指农业产量或收成,Preclude: vt.阻止,排除,妨碍 eg: My present finances preclude the possibility of buying a car. 按目前的财务状况我是不可能买车的。 搭配:

8、 preclude sb. from doing = prevent sb. from doing 辨析: preclude 是指事先防止某事发生,但不是出于人的有意识的行为,不能用人作主语,只能是事件环境或决定等事物作主语 prevent 是常用词,用于人时指为阻挠、妨碍或限制某事发生而采取的预防或阻止措施,也用于指构成妨碍或阻止的非人力的作用或偶然因素,此时强调行为结果,也含有事先考虑或准备的意思,be apt to 倾向于 Food is apt to deteriorate in summer. 食物在夏天容易变质。 He was apt to blurt out the whole

9、truth, in cases where other people would have kept silence. 他常常直言不讳地说出全部真情,而其他人在这种情况下则往往会保持沉默。 is apt to He is inclined to lose his temper in different situations. tends to This is one of his general characteristics. When he finds out what you said, he is likely to lose his temper. This will happen in this particular situation.,flat out 以最快速度,以全速;坦率地,直截了当地 eg: They were working flat out to get the job done on time. 他们正在以最快的速度工作,争取按时完工。 She asked him flat out whether hed been seeing another woman. 她直截了当地问他是否在跟另外一个女人约会。,run riot 撒野,胡作非为 eg: The football supporters ran rio


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