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1、Unit 5 Whose dog is it?B Lets learn,教师:朱春梅龙门县实验学校2017年四月,Can you swim?What can you do?-I can,lets chant(动作时唱歌)run,run,run,I can run.jump,jump,jump,I can jump.swp I canclimb.cook,the panda is climbing。eating、fido is。drinking、fido is。he is sleeping。playing、the dogs are playing。the dog is playing。theyr

2、e playing with each other。=they are,=they are。Jumping,They are,绿色郑源中小学教育网络http:/www。l绿色郑源初中资源网络http:/cz。l,阅读Listen and read音频和视频,Are these pigs eating?-no,they are sleeping,are these tigers sleeping?-no,they are jumping。are these pandas jumping?-no,they are climbing,are these tigers playing?-yes,the

3、y are。eating、drinking、Climbing、jumping、jumping、sleeping、playing、sleeping Climbing、the dog is climbing,lets chant,(边做动作边唱歌),Groupwork,Groupwork动词.is/are.请注意的使用。1 .图boy is sleeping。2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .2 .the bird is playing。3.The dogs are drinking。6 .he is climbing。the baby is climbing。lets play随机组合卡片,连接两三个句子,在团队中读一次。Look at the animals . the dogis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。the duck is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。the kans Are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。playing、sleeping、jumping、eating、climbing、drinking、read ad、a. drinking B. jumping C. climbing DPlease love animals。homework :a


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