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1、1,Section A 1a-2d,Unit 1 Whats the matter?,body,feet,tooth,teeth,head,hand,arm,finger,knee,foot,neck,shoulder,stomach,leg,back,1a Look at the picture. Write the correct letteram for each part of the body. _arm _back _ear _eye _foot _hand_head _leg _mouth _neck _nose _stomach _tooth,k,c,g,i,m,a,l,b,f

2、,d,j,h,e,Whats the matter? (你)怎么了?,Whats the matter with sb? = Whats the trouble with sb? = Whats the problem with sb? = Whats wrong with sb? = Whats up with sb? 注:with为介词,后跟人称代词宾格, 如her,him,them等 eg: 1.你的妈妈怎么了? Whats the matter with your mother? 2.你怎么了 Whats wrong with you? 3.她怎么了 Whats the trouble

3、 with her?,have a (bad) cold,have a stomachache,感冒,胃痛,have a cold=catch a cold,have a toothache,have a headache,have a (high) fever,发烧,牙痛,头痛,have a sore back,have a sore throat,背痛,喉咙痛,Whats the matter with him ?,He has a stomachache.,他胃痛。,=He has got a stomachache.,Whats the matter with him?,He has

4、a sore back.,他背痛。,He has got a backache.,Whats the matter with him ?,He has a sore throat.,他喉咙痛。,She has a (high) fever.,Whats the matter with her ?,她发烧。,She has a (bad) toothache.,Whats the matter with her?,她牙痛。,He has a (bad) headache.他头痛。,Whats the matter with him?,He has a lot of headaches.他头经常痛

5、。,have a sore throat,have a sore back,have a toothache,have a headache,have a stomachache,have a cold,have a fever,have a earache,have a cough,have a cold,have a fever,have a headache,have a stomachache,have a toothache,have a sore throat,have a sore back,a. 喉咙痛,b. 背痛,c. 牙痛,d. 头痛,e. 胃痛,f. 感冒,g. 发烧,L

6、ook and say,Nancy_ Sarah_ David_ Ben_ Judy_,1b: Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names (1-5).,4,2,1,3,5,Nurse: You dont look well. Whats the matter, Sarah? Sarah: I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didnt put on my jacket. Now I have a cold.,C

7、onversation 1,Conversation 2,Nurse:Whats the matter, David? Are you OK? David: I ate too much junk food at my friends birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldnt get myself out of bed this morning.,Conversation 3,Nurse:Whats the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben: Not really. I

8、was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back.,Conversation 4,Nurse: You look really tired. Whats the matter, Nancy? Nancy: I didnt sleep well last night. I have a toothache. Its terrible! I cant really eat anything either. It hurts a lo

9、t.,Conversation 5,Nurse: Whats the matter, Judy? Judy: Im sorry, but its very difficult for me to talk. Nurse: Oh, dear.Whats the matter? Judy: I talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now.,2a-2b,4. toothache,3. cough and sore throat,2. stomachache,1. fever

10、,a. lie down and rest,b. drink some hot tea with honey,c. see a dentist and get an X-ray,d. take your temperature,5. cut myself,e. put some medicine on it,Listen and number the pictures 1-5 in the order you hear them. Listen again and match the problems with the advice.,A:You dont look well. Your fa

11、ce looks a bit red. B: Yeah, and my head feels very hot. What should I do? A: Maybe you have a fever. You should take your temperature. B: Yes, youre right.,should 应该 情态动词,后接动 词原形,Conversation 1,B: I didnt take good care of myself. I didnt wear enough warm clothes yesterday. Now I have a cough and a

12、 sore throat.,A:Whats the matter?,A: You should drink some hot tea with homey.,B:That sounds like a good idea.,Conversation 2,B: I think I ate too much at dinner last night. It was an all-you-can-eat meal at the restaurant. But now I have a stomachache.,A: You look terrible! Whats the matter?,A: Tha

13、ts too bad. You shouldnt eat so much next time. Right now , you should lie down and rest.,B: I guess I should.,Conversation 3,B: Its not my face. Its my tooth. I have a toothache.,A: Whats wrong with your face?,A: You should see a dentist and get an X-ray.,B: But will it hurt?,Conversation 4,A: No,

14、and if you dont go to the dentist now, itll hurt even more later!,B: I was making dinner just now and I cut myself by accident.,A: Oh, no! What happened?,A: Oh, that looks serious. You should put some medicine on it . Here, let me lhelp you.,B: OK, thanks.,Conversation 5,problem n. 问题,难题,习题(有待解决),qu

15、estion n. 问题(有待回答),This question is a problem.,They are doing some math problems/exercises.,May I ask you a question ?,stomachache,fever,toothache,对症下药,sore throat,should?,shouldnt?,-What shouldnt he do? -I think he shouldnt ,He has a sore throat,shouldnt = should not,drink cold drink. eat ice cream

16、. eat hot food. talk too much. talk loudly.,He shouldnt,A:Whats the matter? Do you have_?,a toothache,B:Yes, I do.,A:You should_. You shouldnt _.,see a dentist,eat sweet things,.,stay in bed . have a good rest. lie down and rest. wear warm clothes. drink lots of water. drink hot tea. take some medic

17、ine.,You should,.,I have a cold. What should I do?,take some medicine,traditional Chinese medicine,western medicine,-Whats the matter? -My head feels very hot. -Maybe you have a fever, I think you should -Thats a good idea./ That sounds like a good idea. / I guess I should./ Yes, youre right.,Whats

18、the matter?,I have a_.,sore back,You should _.,see a doctor,You shouldnt_.,exercise,Pairwork:,Whats the matter? I have a _. You should_. You shouldnt_.,fever,drink lots of water and go to bed,go out and exercise,A:Whats the matter? B:I have a _. A:You should_. You shouldnt _.,stomachache,lie down and have a rest,eat anything for two hours,2d.Read the conversation and answer my questions .,1. Whats the matter with Lisa? 2. What did Lisa do on the weekend? 3. What should Lisa do ?,Mandy: Lisa, are you OK? Lisa: I have a headache and I cant move my neck. What should I do? Should I take my t


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