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1、2020/8/13,“一切问题都可以转化为数学问题,一切数学问题都可以转化为代数问题,而一切代数问题又都可以转化为方程问题,因此,一旦解决了方程问题,一切问题将迎刃而解!”法国数学家 笛卡儿Descartes, 1596-1650 ,2017年度“一师一优课一课一名师”活动,黑龙江省黑河市嫩江县新胜学校,学生年级:九年级,教材版本:人教2013版,学科:英语,授课教师:何英春,课题:Unit12 Section A(3a-3c),Section A (3a -3c),Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.,人教版 九年级,活动地点:新胜学校 主讲人:何英

2、春,Life is full of the unexpected.,be full of,be filled with,the+adj.=一类人/物,Talk about the unexpected things which happened in your life.,Discussion,Pictures of the American Event in 9.11 , 2001,学习目标,Read the passage aloud,and find out the new words,stare,wait in line,block,above,disbelief,airport,al

3、ive,burn,be about to,阅读指导: 朗读文章,找出你所不能理解的单词和句子,并在文中做出标记,根据上下文联系和构词法推断、理解生词的含义。 可以采取合作交流的方式,互相帮助。,Find words from the passage with opposite meanings to the words blow. Then write a sentence with each word.,Task2,1.lost 2.west 3.below 4.dead 5.empty,阅读指导: 朗读文章,找出你所不能理解的单词和句子,并在文中做出标记,根据上下文联系和构词法推断、理解生

4、词的含义。 独立完成该项任务,并把答案写在练习本上,The sun is shining above my head.,The dog is still alive.,The glass is full of water.,3.above:_ 4.alive _ 5.full:_,1.found:_ 2.east: _,I found the money on the floor.,She lives in the east of the city.,write a sentence with each word.,3a,Read the passage and answer the ques

5、tions.,1. Which two events does the writer mention?,2. How did the writer end up missing both events?,Task 3,阅读指导: 迅速通读全文,找出与问题有关的语句。 默读能提高阅读速度,要求独立完成。,The September 11 attack in New York。,1. Which two events does the writer mention?,The earthquake in New Zealand.,2. How did the writer end up missin

6、g both events?,The writer went to get a coffee first and was not in the office when the plane hit the World Trade Center.,He/she had overslept and missed his/her flight, so he/she was able to avoid the earthquake.,The writer,on Sept.11, 2001,At around 8:30,get a coffee wait in line,A plane hit the b

7、uilding,He felt lucky to be alive,the World Trade Center in New York,The writer,on Febrary 21, 2011,the airport,the plane to New Zealand had taken off,missed the plane,He felt bad luck had turned into a good thing,Thinking,turn into,good,bad,bad,good,Let It Be,In May 2001, I a job in New York at the

8、 World Trade Center. September 11,2001, I arrived at my building around 8:30 a.m. I was go up when I decided to get a coffee first. I went to my favorite coffee place even it was two blocks east from my office .As I in line with other workers, I heard a loud sound. Before I could join the others out

9、side to see what was going on, the plane had already hit my office building. We stared in at the black smoke rising the burning building. I felt to be alive.,Almost 10 years , I up at 10:00 a.m.on February 21,2011 and realized that my alarm never went . I jumped out of bed and went straight to the a

10、irport. But by the time I got to the , my plane to New Zealand already off. “This is the first holiday Ive taken in a year and now Ive missed my plane. bad luck! ”I thought to . The other planes were full so I had to wait the next day. The next morning, I heard about the earthquake in New Zealand th

11、e day before. My bad luck had unexpectedly into a thing.,Retell one of the events to your partner. Use these words and phrases to help you.,Task 4,阅读指导: 认真阅读全文, 注意描述事件的关键词或短语,有助于整篇文章的理解。这些关键词可能是动词或动词短语,可能是介词短语,形容词,或连词等。 可以把关键词按照文章的顺序列举在练习本上,有助于复述课文。可以与周围的同学进行讨论。,Sum-up,What have you learnt in this l

12、esson?,Let It Be,Recall(回忆) the unexpected in your daily life and try to tell them to your friends in English.,e.g. Once I was 9 years old ,THANKS,2020/8/13,1、P90页3、4、5 2、判断关于X,Y的二元一次方程组 解的情况,当a,b,c,d,e,f满足什么条件方程组有无数解、唯一解、无解。,嫩江县新胜学校录制,二0一七年六月,be about to 忙于;即将做某事。侧重于表示动作马上就要发生,常与when引导的从句连用,但不与具体的时

13、间状语连用。 e.g. One of my friends is about to have her second baby. 我的一个朋友马 上就要生第二个小孩了。,I went to my favorite coffee place even though it was two blocks east from my office. even though 即使, 虽然, 尽管, 用于引导让步状语从句。 block n. 街区 e.g. Hes the best teacher, even though he has the least experience. 他虽然经验最少,却是最好的老

14、师。,We stared in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning building. stare v. 盯着看, 凝视 表示看得比较仔细,有时候也带有吃惊的意味去看,常与at, into连用。 第三人称单数:stares 现在分词:staring 过去式:stared 过去分词:stared e.g. Dont stare at me like that. 别那样盯着我看。,in disbelief 不相信 ,疑惑, 怀疑 e.g. She looked at him in disbelief. 她全然不信地看着他。,a

15、bove prep. 1)(表示位置)在正上方;高于”(与 below在下 相对)。 2) 表示在地位、级别、能力、资历、重要性等方面“超过”、“在之上”、“比强”。 3) adv. 在上面,burn v. 着火,燃烧 (burnt, burnt / burned, burned) burning adj. 着火的;燃烧的 e.g. He was trapped in a burning house. 他被困在正在燃烧的房屋里。,5. I felt lucky to be alive. alive 一般作表语;也可以作后置定语或宾补。 “活(着)的;在世的;(继续)存在的”;反义词是dead。

16、 e.g. Do you know shes alive? (表语) 你知道她还活着吗? People alive should try their best to live better. (后置定语) 活下来的人应该尽力生活得更好。 Tom was kept alive in the big fire.( 宾补) 汤姆在这次大火中活下来了。,辨析 alive, living, lively alive “活着的”,在句中常作表语或定语。作表语时,常可与living互换;作定语时,常要放在被修饰词之后。侧重说明生与死之间的界限,既可指人,也可指物; living 意为“活着”强调说明“尚在人间”,“健在”,可用来指人或物,作定语或表语。living前加上the,表示类别,指“活着的人们”。 lively 则意为“活泼的”,“活跃”,“充满生气的”,可作定语、表语或宾补,既可指人,又可指物。,6. But b


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