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1、8A Unit1 Friends Revision,无锡市华庄中学,I have two close friends. One is a girl called Tracy and the other is a boy called James. Tracy is a good-looking girl with s_and shoulder-length hair. She is as s_ as I am. She always wears a s_ on her face. When something w_ me , she can always make me happy. She

2、is also a t_ friend who can keep s_ and never says a bad w_ about anyone. She wants to be a s_ worker in the f_ and she also wants to t_ around the world when she grows up. James has very poor e_ because of working on the computer too much, so he wears a pair of r_ glasses, and it makes him look s_.

3、 James has a very good sense of h_. When we feel b_, he always tells funny j_ to make us l_. However, James has some p_ with his study and he is not w_ to study hard. Can you give him some a_?,traight,lim,mile,orries,rue,ecrets,ord,ocial,uture,ravel,yesight,mart,ound,ored,okes,augh,roblems,illing,dv

4、ice,umour,Translate some phrases,说有趣的笑话 和我一样苗条 3.让某人做某事 4.想成为一个社会工作者 5. 让我担心 6. 直的的披肩发 7.路过我们的课桌 8.学习上有些问题,tell funny jokes,as slim as I,make sb. do sth.,want to be a social worker,worry me,straight and shoulder-length hair,walk past our desk,have problems with study,9.有好的幽默感 10.保守秘密 11. 感到无聊、紧张 12.

5、 和某人分享某物 13. 视力很差 14. 因为太多的电脑工作 15. 周游世界 16. 说某人的坏话 17. 给建议 18. 面带微笑 19. 户外活动,has a sense of humour,keep secrets,feel bored / nervous,share sth. with sb.,have poor eyesight,because of too much computer work,travel around the world,say a bad word about sb,give advice,wear a smile on ones face,outdoor

6、 activities,1.再一些 some more 2.再一次 once more 3.喝的东西 something to drink 4.怎么样 what about = how about 8.讲故事/笑话 tell stories/jokes 9.愿意做某事 be willing to do sth =be ready to do sth 10.准备好做某事 be ready to do sth= be ready for 11.有机会做某事 get to do sth 12.把某物从撞掉 knockoff 14.看起来一样 look the same 15.对某人慷慨 be gen

7、erous to sb,16.某人什么样子 ( 询问品质/性格/外表) whats sb like 17.某人长的什么样子(外表) what does sb look like 19.将来 in the future 20. 今后 in future 22.某人发生某事 sth happen to sb 23.在某方面有问题 have (some) problems with sth have (some ) problems (in) doing sth,和某人交朋友 make friends with sb 脸上带着微笑 wear a smile on ones face 感到无聊 fee

8、l bored 长大 grow up 因而出名 be famous for 有幽默感 have a good sense of homour 某事令某人担心 sth worry sb= sb worry about sb =sb be worried about sth 说某人的坏话 say a bad word about sb 看起来精神 look smart 告诉某人某事 tell sb (about) sth 告诉某人不要做某事 tell sb not to do sth,35.和一样 as as 35.找出,find out 36.因为 because of 36.不如 not as

9、 as 37.比 比较级+than 38.越来越比较级+比较级 39.越,越the+比较级,the+比较级 40.两者之中较的the +比较级+than+of the two 41.最A+be+the +最高级+of/in短语 A +行为动词+最高级+of/in 短语,42. 认识某人get to know sb. 43. 隔壁 next door 44. 面带笑容wear a smile on ones face 45.深棕色 dark brown 46 ,两者都 both .and 46.微笑的眼睛 smiling eyes 47.正确地回答 answercorrectly 48.同意某人

10、 agree with sb 49.很了解 know.well 50.有个叫/像Alan的朋友 have a friend named Alan have a friend like Alan,戴着圆圆的眼镜 需要中的 像一样苗条 保密 长大 愿意做某事 想起 环球旅行 讲有趣的笑话 使我快乐 最高的男孩,wear round glasses,in need,as slim as,keep secrets,grow up,be willing to do sth.,think of,travel around the world,tell funny jokes,make me happy,t

11、he tallest boy,成为一名著名歌手 解决问题 一名社会工作者 我未来计划 感觉不舒服 给我一些建议 微笑的眼睛 面带微笑 竭尽全力做某事 同意某人,become a famous singer,solve problems,a social worker,my future plans,feel uncomfortable,give me some advice,smiling eyes,wear a smile on ones face,try ones best to do sth.,agree with sb.,share sth. with sb.,与某人分享某物,.,Ch

12、oose the right answers:,( )1.The film was very _,so I felt _.,A.bored,bored B.boring;boring C.boring;bored D.bored;boring,C,( )2.I dont know how _to my new classmates.,A.to talk B.talking C.talks D.talked,( )3.We often hear him_this song. A.sings B.singing C.to sing D.sing,A,D,D,( )4.He tells funny

13、jokes and always makes me_.,A.to laugh B.laughs C.laughing D.laugh,( )5.I saw Tom _ basketball when I left school yesterday.,A.play B.plays C.playing D.played,C,Translation,1. 他今天上学迟到了,是因为下大雨。,He was late for school because of the heavy rain.,He was late for school because it rained heavily.,2. Max

14、是如此的慷慨以至于他愿意和好朋友分享一切。,Max is so generous that he is willing/ready to share everything with good friends.,3. 什么让她如此与众不同? 是她的幽默感。,-What makes her so different? -Her good sense of humour.,biggest,bigger,big,The first kite is good.,The second kite is _ the first one.,The third kite is _ of all.,better t

15、han,the best,The first pig is quite fat.,The second pig is much,The third pig is of all.,Compare them,fatter.,the fattest,Conclusion,We use comparatives to compare two people or things 2. We use superlatives to compare three or more,than, much, even, a little, of the two , Which/Who is , A or B? etc

16、.,the, of, in , Which/Who is , A, B or C? etc.,We add the before the superlatives.,taller,tallest,smaller,smallest,一般情况下直接加”er”或者”est”,nicer,nicest,later,latest,以“e”结尾的形容词直接加”r”或者“st”,prettier,prettiest,easier,easiest,以辅音字母+“y”结尾的形容词吧“y”改“i”加“er”或“est”,slimmer,slimmest,bigger,biggest,重读闭音节并且只有一个辅音字母

17、结尾的形容词双写加“er”或者“est”,more beautiful,most beautiful,部分双音节词或者多音节词直接加“more”或者“most”,interesting important good/well bad many/ much little old far,more interesting most interesting more important most important,better best,worse worst,more most,less least,older oldest elder eldest,farther farthest furth

18、er furthest,nervous _ _ heavy _ _ cheap _ _ clearly _ _ safe _ _ much _ _ hot _ _ dangerous _ _ bad _ _ far _ _,Form Comparatives and Superlatives,more nervous,most nervous,heavier,heaviest,cheaper,cheapest,more clearly,most clearly,safer,safest,more,most,hotter,hottest,more dangerous,most dangerous

19、,worse,worst,farther/further,farthest/furthest,Simon is _ (tall) Kitty. 2. This apple is _ (red) of all. 3. My mother is _ (busy)in our family. 4.Which pen is _ (dear),this one or that one? 5. _ (old)of the two men is my uncle. .,taller than,the reddest,the busiest,dearer,The older,Peter is much _(t

20、all) than Kitty. I think diving is _ (difficult) activity of all. Now this house is much_ (expensive) than before. Who is _ (pretty), Jim or Mike? Chian is one of _ (large) countries in the world.,taller,the most difficult,more expensive,prettier,the largest,Most people think English is _ (popular)

21、than French. Jonhs English is_(good) than Mikes. Daniels Englsih is _ (good) of all. Which sport is _ (dangerous), swimming , skiing or skating? Simon is tall, but Sandy is _ than him. Daniel is _ of the three.(tall),more popular,better,the best,the most dangerous,taller,the tallest,He wants to be a

22、 doctor when he _ _.(长大) She is _ help others.(乐意),他经常告诉我有趣的笑话使我开心. 他是班上最高的男孩. 他想要成为一位著名歌手.,He often tells me funny jokes and makes me happy.,He is the tallest boy in the class.,He wants to _.,grows up,willing to,be/ become a famous singer,你能告诉我你的将来的计划吗? 你能给他一些建议吗? AMY 总是面带微笑. 他总是尽力做好每件事. LUCY和BETTY

23、一样苗条.,Can you tell me your future plans?,Can you give him some advice?,Amy always wears a smile on her face.,He always tries his best to do everything well.,Lucy is as slim as Betty.,格林先生是这四个人当中最高最胖的。 Mr Green is _ and _. 2. 小香蕉往往比大香蕉好。 Small bananas are often _. 3. 我的铅笔比你的短得多。 My pencil is _. 4. 在中

24、国,哪一条河流最长? Which river is _ in China? 5. 他的观点比我的新。 His idea is _.,the tallest,fattest of the four,better than big ones,much shorter than yours,the longest,newer than mine,Translation,Liu Xiang is not as tall as Yao Ming.,I think Cai is as beautiful as Zhong.,asas 和一样,否定:not asas,Liu Xiang is as handsome as Yao Ming.,as +形容词(原形)+as,Lily is 1.60 metres tall. Lucy is 1.60metres tall, too. Lily is _ _ _ Lucy (is).,Sandys hair is_.(和我的一样长) 我的房间和她的一样大。,Swimming is not as dangerous as diving.,not as+adj.+as(


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