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1、Unit12 life is full of the unexpected,平安镇中学李雪,Section B 2a-2d Reading,When is April Fools Day? Its on _. What do people do on that day? They often_.,Warm up,April 1st,play tricks or jokes on others,Fast reading,Read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with the main idea. Paragraph 1The most

2、 famous trick played Paragraph 2Examples of funny stories that happened on April Fools Day Paragraph 3An introduction to April Fools Day Paragraph 4 A sad story that happened on April Fools Day,Take place Around the world Play all kinds of tricks and jokes on Each other,Paragraph 1,= happen,=all ove

3、r the world,= one another,Paragraph 2,Announce = say sth. in public As much as Hoaxes = jokes By the end of,What,Who,Why,Result,spaghetti,reporter,be sold out,stop growing,Special water,TV show,Loose weight,More than10,000 people phoned to find out,Funny stories,Paragraph 3-4,End up doing Invite ont

4、o Get married Rather than Move across,When,Who,What,Result,April Fools Day,TV star,Lost and be canceled,Asked his girlfriend to marry him,In October, 1938,Actor,Aliens from Mars landed on the earth,People left their homes,Sad stories,Post reading,2d.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the v

5、erbs in brackets.,After the spaghetti story _ (appear) in the news, everyone _ (rush) to the supermarkets. By the time people _ (find out) the story was not true, all the spaghetti in the supermarkets _ (disappear). By the time the day _ (end), more than 10,000 people _ (call) the TV station to ask

6、about the special water. By the time the show _ (end), the TV star _ (lose) his girlfriend. By the time police officers _ (tell) the country that the story was a hoax, many people _ (run away) from their homes.,appeared,rushed,found out,had disappeared,ended,had called,ended,had lost,told,had run away,Jokes are just jo


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