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1、In The Name Of People,One of the newest television dramas in China, In the Name of the People debuted in China on March 28 on Hunan Satellite Television. The show portrays officials at various levels carrying out anti-corruption actions against high-ranking officials (“tigers”) as well as low-level

2、ones (“flies”). 3月28日,中国新剧之一人民的名义在湖南卫视播出。该剧描述了各级政府官员针对高层官员(“老虎”)和基层官员(“苍蝇”)的反腐行动。,Adapted from a novel of the same name, In the Name of the People tells its story through the fictional character of Hou Liangping, who is the Procuratorate (检察院)s anti-graft department director in the show, which focus

3、es on the investigation of a string of corrupt officials who are involved in real-estate allotment in Jingzhou city of Handong province. 人民的名义根据同名小说改编,主人公是虚构人物最高人民检察院反贪总局侦查处处长侯亮平,他正在调查卷入汉东省京州市地产分配案的贪官污吏。,In The Name of the People chronicles the internal power struggle of the Chinese Communist Party

4、in the fictional city of Jingzhou, featuring stories about Chinese politics that are often talked about but never seen on mainstream television. 故事发生在一个虚构的城市京州市,它主要讲述了那些经常被人们讨论,但从未被搬上荧幕的故事中国官场政治斗争。,The message is to convey that China is “a country of the people, all power belongs to the people.” 这部剧

5、想要传达的信息正如预告片中所说:“我们是人民当家作主的国家,一切权力属于人民”。 So far, reception to the show has been positive. The pilot episode of In the Name of the People was viewed 350 million times across all platforms. 目前该剧好评如潮。试播集在所有平台的浏览量达3.5亿次。,贪官 corrupt official 行贿受贿 bribery 廉洁 clean 潜逃 abscond 红色通缉令 Interpol red notice 阿谀奉承

6、 sycophancy,toady (献媚)(up) to sb 拍马屁 fawn on sb 巴结讨好 subject to questioning at an appointed time and place双规,Vocabulary,是搅局者?还是背叛者?正义与邪恶的终极博弈。 A spoiler or a traitor? Its the ultimate battle between good and evil. *spoiler:搅局者 *traitor:背叛者 *ultimate:终极的 *good and evil:正义与邪恶,Sentence,别说了,像你们这种人,党和人民就

7、是专门用来对不起的。 Stop it! To someone like you, “the Party and the people” are nothing but part of your apology.,你大把大把捞黑钱的时候,怎么没想到自己是农民的儿子?中国农民那么倒霉,有你这么个坏儿子! When you took bribes, why didnt you think of your identity as the son of farmers? How unlucky Chinese farmers are to have a bad son like you! *take bribes:收受贿赂,就是“捞黑钱” *identity:身份,不管查到什么人,不管是哪个级别的干部,一查到底,绝不姑息! We must conduct a thorough investigation and adopt a zero tolerance policy on corrupted officials, in spite of status and rank. *a zero tolerance policy:零容忍的政策(也就是“绝不姑息”),你只要


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