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1、商务英语翻译(二),产品介绍的翻译(2),LOGO,由NordriDesign提供 ,产品介绍翻译技巧总结,词汇特征: 1.专业性:产品介绍往往包含许多各行各业的专业术语. 2.评价性:使用评价性且具有褒义的词汇宣传产品 3.词类:多用非谓语动词和介词短语句式特征,产品介绍翻译技巧总结,句式特征: 1.语态:产品介绍被动句使用较多 2. 时态:通常使用一般现在时 3.句型:多用祈使句(说明使用方法或步骤)和复合句(具体说明产品性能和特征),产品介绍翻译技巧总结,总体特征: 1.简洁(Conciseness):产品介绍一般要求言简意赅,但又必须事无巨细,必须涉及该产品方方面面的信息和用法要求 2

2、.清楚(Clearness):细节介绍必须清楚而不留任何含糊 3.准确(Exactness):术语与用词必须准确无误,产品介绍翻译技巧总结,产品介绍的翻译技巧 1.直译:多数产品介绍采用直译法,忠实表达原文含义 2.意译:产品介绍的宣传性决定了某些部分需要采用意译法 3.增译:增加说明性词汇,使表意更加清楚、明确 4.减译:基于文化考虑,中医药和白酒产品介绍中的文化负载词可适当减译,产品介绍翻译-形合与意合,原文:Vitamin D, an essential nutrition found in fruits and vegetables and taken in large doses b

3、y many people as a dietary supplement, is a double-edged sword, providing benefits but also inducing the production of compounds associated with cancer. 译文:维他命D是水果、蔬菜中的一种重要营养物质,很多人大剂量地服用以作为食品补充。但它也是一把双刃剑,能给身体带来好处,也可能产生致癌化合物。,产品介绍翻译-形合与意合,原文:本品为糖衣片,除去糖衣后,显棕褐色;味甘,微苦。(青春宝抗衰老片) 译文:The tablets have sugar

4、 coatings. When the coatings are removed, they appear brown with light sweet and bitter taste.,产品介绍翻译-形合与意合,原文:玫瑰女王系列玫瑰酒入口醇厚,余韵绵长,芳香细腻,口感圆润,柔和优雅。(玫瑰女王系列酒) 译文:The Rose Wine is fragrant and mild, mellow and sweet, leaving you a memorable aftertaste.,比较翻译,原文:该参茶具有养血复脉,养心安神,补肺定喘,健脾止泻等多种功能。 原译:It has the

5、 functions of nourishing blood circulation, recovering pulse, relieving uneasiness of body and mind, nourishing lungs and calming asthma, invigorating the function of spleen and relieving diarrhea. 改译:Doing good to your blood circulation, heart, lungs and spleen, it is a multifunctional healthcare t

6、ea.,比较翻译,原文:本产品是根据中医理论“腰为肾之府”、“肾为先天之本”、“脾为后天之本”及“内病外治”的医理,采用高科技方法研制的保健药品。 原译:This product is a new kind of healthcare medicine developed on the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory to strengthen your kidney and spleen with the state-of-the-art technology. 改译:This product is a new kind of hea

7、lthcare medicine developed on the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory for kidney care with the state-of-the-art technology.,比较翻译,原文:它保持了酱香浓郁、典雅细致、协调丰满、回味悠长等贵州茅台的特点。 原译:It possesses the unique style and flavour and is an extensively enjoyable drink. 改译:It is characterized by Moutais unique style, fragrant flavour and prolonged aftertaste.,课堂练习,Mentholatum Lip Ice Moisturizing Color Gloss, protects and softens chapped lips. Contains the antioxidants of Vitamin C & E. Helps delay aging and maintain hea


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