高中英语校本课程话题写作 Topic5 Expository writing教案2_第1页
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高中英语校本课程话题写作 Topic5 Expository writing教案2_第5页
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1、Topic5 Expository writingStep One Check the homeworkStep Two How to begin an expository writing说明文写作指导说明文是以说明为主要表达方式,介绍事物的形状、构造、性质、变化、类别、状态、功能、成因、结果等特征的文章。它是一种应用性物介绍等,常见说明方法有:定义、注释、举例、分类、比较、引用、比喻、描述、数字分析和综合等。说明文的时态常用一般现在时,语态常用被动语态,有时用虚拟语气。对中学生而言,说明文的出题形式为文字提示或图表、图示,文体则可见于短文、书信、便条、日记等。写说明文必须注意事实正确,表达


3、更鲜明突出。如:There are basic differences between large and small enterprises. In a your work and of your decisions ground. In the large organization you are normally taught one thing thoroughly. In the small one the danger is of becoming a Jack-of-all-trades-but-master-of-none. In the large it is of beco

4、ming the man who knows more and more about less and less.2) 整块比较It is easy to be a winner. A winner can show his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate his victory. People love to be with winners. Winners are never lonely. Unlike winners, losers are the lonely public. They have

5、nothing to celebrate and no one to share their sadness.2.分类分类是人类认识客观世界的重要手段之一,也是描写事物、解释观点最有效的方式之一。通过将一事物分类,可使复杂事物变得清晰明了,便于作者阐述自己的观点。分类段落的各类排列要条理,可采用从主要到次要,从次要到主要,从多到少或从少到多等方式排列,亦可平行排列。如: 1) As far as political views are concerned, people fall into three everything within reasonable limits. They are

6、more practical in this hard world. In my opinion, most people seem to belong to this group.本段采用平行排列的方式,按人的政治观点分为三类:保守、自由和温和。2) These are several reasons why I decided tom attend Bingston University . First of all, the tuition is reasonable. Secondly, the university has a deferred payment plan., whic

7、h lessons the load of peasant families like mine. Another reason is that Bingston has the finest teachers in its graduate program. My chief reason, however, is Bingstons program in agriculture, my chosen field, which is recognized as the leader in this area.该段采用主次排列的方式,分析了作者决定上Bingston大学的原因。fellow s

8、tudents are interested in or what they should do as a collective. They always organize proper activities at the proper time. So Li calls them “good organizers”. Four other students are very kind to their classmates, always ready to lend them a helping hand. They help to clean the classroom and the c

9、orridor even when they are not on duty. Li says that they are “ good comrades”. “What about yourself?” someone asks him. “Im a group by my self a good observer”.该段不同于以上两段,不是先分类再解释,而是先说明其特点,然后定义分类。虽分类并不科学,却达到了其幽默之目的。3.特征例证指具体说明人或事物特点、本质及其规律的方法。所用例子需有代表性、典型性。例证型段落的写作方式多为先提出主题再列举事例。在事例之前一般有For example或

10、For instance。例证后面,根据情况还可以加上结论句。如:In order to prevent non-smokers from being affected, measures must be government leaders should take the lead not to smoke. Above all, the harmfulness and dangers caused by smoking should be made known to all through newspapers, broadcast, or TV programs. Also the gr

11、owing of tobacco and the production of cigarettes should not be encouraged. If these measures can be taken, we can effectively reduce the chances of smoking.4 因果因果是两个事物之间的关系。一些说明文,议论文通过分析因果关系说明一个中心思想。如不能把因果关系解释清楚,文章将无法说明任何主题。因果型段落的扩展模式有两种,一是分类编法,另一个是连环编排法。如果只讨论成因或只讨论结果,细节比较简单,只需按其重要性或其逻辑顺序进行编排。分类编排法

12、指先讨论原因,然后讨论结果;或先讨论结果,后讨论原因。1)分类编排法:Music is my chief hobby. When I listen to music, good things happen to me. If I am lonely or homesick, I listen to pop music. The quick rhythm, listening to music and singing with my roommates because their smiles make me remember the happy times with my family. Fo

13、r me, music is an excellent escape, and without it, I wouldnt be so happy.2) 连环编排法是先讨论一组因果,再一组因果,再一组因果,形成一个锁链。当因果紧密相连,前一果为后一果之因时,经常使用这种方式。Students shouldnt stay up so late. Because of the pressure of well, they find it difficult to make good performance in examinations. So, it is not worthwhile to s

14、tay up late if you want to study well.5.人物描写人物描写包括外部特征、性格特征、思想状态、行为语言等,用于表现人物精神面貌、披露人物内心活动、揭示人物性格变化,借以突出作品主题思想。如:My sister is a boyish girl. She has short and straight hair like a boys. She likes white, black and grey colors, as most boys do. She never cares for When she is with her friends, she alw

15、ays says Ladies first” to other girls. The most interesting thing is that she has been mistaken for a boy many times. And she is pleased with that. She always says that she should be a boy.第一句作者明确表示他眼中的妹妹是个男孩子气十足的小姑娘。这样读者大都会在心中勾画出一种从长相、穿着到言谈举止都特男孩化的女孩。下文作者正是通过穿着、外貌和性格等方面向读者展现一个活生生的人物形象。6.地点描写顺序不可混乱,

16、否则读者会迷失方向。如下面一段作者从大门开始,由外向里逐步介绍学校的布置,读者如同跟着作者参观了一所校园。Now I will show you around our school. It is one of the largest middle schools in the city. When you step into the gate, you will see a beautiful two classroom buildings. On the left is the newly-built four-storyed building. Im lucky to study here

17、. I love my school very much.7.物体描写描写物体时应侧重物的形状、规格大小、颜色和功能。任何一段文字都应有叙述的中心,对物的描写也不例外。同样,主题句也应反映出作者对所要描写物体的看法、态度。如:The first thing I notice in the brides room is the beautiful curtain. This curtain is patchwork in design, and is sewn out of squares of materials of different colors like white, light green, brown


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