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1、形容词知识专题,天津市佳春中学 齐雪梅,回顾检测:,1.比(conj.) :than 2.安全的(adj.):safe 3.高的(adj.):high 4.忙的;繁忙的(adj.):busy 5.年轻的(adj.):young 6.更好(adj./adv.):better,回顾检测:,7.著名的(adj.):famous 8.低的(adj.):low 9.宽的(adj.):wide 10.更多的(adj.);更(adv.):more 11.危险的(adj.):dangerous 12.迟的;晚的(adj.):late,回顾检测:,13.流行的;受欢迎的(adj.):popular 14.激动人

2、心的(adj.):exciting 15.累人的(adj.):tiring 16. 不流行的;不受欢迎的(adj.):unpopular 17.令人厌烦的(adj.):boring 18.放松的;轻松自在的(adj.):relaxing,学习目标:,1.我能够尽可能多地落实形容词的基本词汇; 2.我能够牢记形容词的原级、比较级和最高级的变形方法; 3.我能够掌握关于形容词在使用上的一些基本知识,并且能够利用基本知识解决绝大多数的练习题。,观察例句1 :,Chang Jiang is wide. The River Thames (泰晤士河) is wide. Chang Jiang is wi

3、der than the River Thames.,观察例句2 :,Tianjin is busy. Shanghai is busy. Hong Kong is busy. Shanghai is busier than Tianjin. Shanghai is the busiest city.,结论:,(1)、形容词有:_级、_级和_级三种。 (2)、形容词主要用来修饰_词和_词,修饰_词时放在它的_边,修饰_词时放在它的_边。,原,比较,最高,名,不定代,名,不定代,前,后,观察例句:,1. Running is cheaper and safer than skiing. 2. S

4、hanghai is busier than Tianjin. 3. Chang Jiang is wider than the River Thames. 4. China is bigger than the UK. 5. Table tennis is more popular than tennis.,总结:形容词由原级变为比较级的方法:,形容词由原级变为比较级的方法:,形容词由原级变为比较级的方法:,多音节形容词由原级变为比较级:,在原级前+more,反馈练习1:写出下列词的比较级,1.early_ 2.hot_ 3.many_ 4.dangerous_ 5.much_,earlie

5、r,hotter,more,more dangerous,more,反馈练习1:写出下列词的比较级,6.nice_ 7.popular_ 8.interesting_ 9.good_ 10.little_,more popular,more interesting,nicer,better,less,小组讨论: 形容词的原级和比较级的 用法还有什么?,总结:,一般形容词原级常用来描述一个人或者一个事物,而比较级通常用于_者之间; 和一样”:_;“和不一样” :_或_; “less+原级 than”可以表示_,两,asas,not asas,not soas,不如,总结:,“the+形容词”可以

6、表示:_; 可以放在比较级前修饰比较级程度的词有:_等;,一类人,例如:the old(老年人),much(得多),far(远远),even(甚至),rather(相当),a little(一点),总结:,“比较级 and 比较级”可以表示:_; “the比较级, the比较级”可以表示:_; “比较级+than any other可数名词_数”可以表示_级,越来越,越,就越,单,最高,one of + 最高级+ 可数名词复数,总结:形容词由原级变为最高级的方法:,单音节和少数双音节形容词 由原级变为最高级: 规律与变比较级类似在词尾加 “est”,多音节形容词由原级变为最高级: 在原级前+

7、the most,反馈练习2:单项选择,1. Debbie is growing fast. She is even_than her mother. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest 2. Everyone was_when they heard the_news. A. exciting, exciting B. excited, exciting C. exciting, excited D. excited, excited,反馈练习2:单项选择,3. David is_student in our class. Nobody is

8、 taller than him. A. tall B. taller C. the tallest 4. This story is _ interesting than that one. A. more much B. much more C. more more D. much much 5. There is _ in todays newspaper. A. interesting nothing B. nothing interesting C. interested nothing D. nothing interested,反馈练习2:单项选择,6. Tom is talle

9、r than Mike. But he is not _ Mike. A. clever as B. so clever as C. so clever D. as clever 7. Shanghai is one of the _ in the world. A. big city B. biggest city C. biggest cities D. big cities,反馈练习2:单项选择,8. Mr. Li is very kind but he is_ us. A. strict with B. strict at C. famous for D. proud in 9. Is

10、 China larger than _ in Africa? A. any country B. any other country C. any countries D. all countries,反馈练习2:单项选择,10. Tianjin is becoming _. A. beautiful and beautiful B. more beautiful and more beautiful C. beautifuler and beautifuler D. more and more beautiful,书面表达:,对于中学生来说每天休息好很重要,因为这对身体健康有好处。作为一名中学生,你觉得跟过去相比:1.作业少了;2.回家更早了;3.学校生活变得更美好了。请根据以上信息,完成


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