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1、*Keep the victim lying down and do not move him or her.You could make an injury worse if you move the victim. * Take necessary emergency steps. *Call for help or ask someone to make the EMS system(急救系统) start. *Do not remove clothing unless you have to.If clothing must be removed,tear the clothes al

2、ong the seams(线缝) *Keep the victim warm.Cover the victim with a blanket.Coats and sweaters can be used if a blanket can not he found.,*Reassure (使安心)the victim.Explain what is happening and that help has been called. * Do not give the victim any food or fruit. *Keep the bystanders (旁观者 )away from th

3、e victim.Bystanders want to have a look, offer advice, and say something about the victims condition.The victim may believe that the condition is worse than it really is.,教师用书独具演示,教学目标 初步掌握本课文中的词汇,浅层次理解课文,了解相关的背景知识。 本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对下一堂课对课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。,教学地位 本单元的

4、中心话题是“急救”。阅读部分首先陈述皮肤对人体的重要性,然后介绍烧伤的各种原因、三种不同的烧伤程度以及它们所表现出的主要症状和所应采取的急救措施。急救可以救人于危机之中甚至性命,所以学会一些急救知识对每个同学都有重大意义,因此同学们应该好好学习这一课。,新课导入建议 通过一个具体事例,如某个同学在打扫卫生时被玻璃划伤手臂,流血不止,面对这一状况学生们应该什么急救措施。先让他们分组讨论,互相交流,最后选出最佳措施。,演示结束,.篇章结构 阅读P3335的Reading部分,完成下列表格(每空不超过3个单词),5When someone is burned,what should be done

5、first? ARemove clothing. BDry the burned area gently. CCool burns immediately. 【答案】15BCBCA,.课文缩写 阅读P3335的Reading部分,完成下面课文缩写 As everyone knows,the skin is 1. to us,and it acts as a 2. against being burned as well as gives us a sense of touch.However,our skins can sometimes be burned due to our carele

6、ssness.Therefore,first aid shows its importance in the 3. of burns. Generally speaking,burns,which are caused by 4. ,fire,radiation and so on,can be divided into three typesfirst degree,second degree and third degree burns 5. on the injured layers of the skin.,All various degree burns need first aid

7、.If one is burned,you should not only take clothing off the buried area unless it is 6. it ,but also other clothing and jewellery near burns. To minor burns,7. proves to be helpful in stopping the burning 8. ,stopping the pain and preventing or reducing 9. .But to severe burns,get the 10. to the doc

8、tor immediately.,【答案】1.essential2.barrier3.treatment4.hot liquids5.depending6.stuck to7.the cool water 8process9.swelling10.victim,.短语填空 first aid,fall ill,electric shock,squeeze out,stick to,over and over again,in place,carry out 1Could you please one room for me? 2He might or meet with some other

9、disaster,so it was always better to be prepared. 3He got burnt so badly that his clothes his skin. 4I warned him not to go there at night.,5Do you know how to first aid if someone is bitten by a snake? 6I got an from that faulty light switch. 【答案】1.squeeze out 2.fall ill3.stuck to4.over and over aga

10、in5.carry out 6.electric shock,.句型背诵 1Often the illness or injury is not serious,but there are other times when giving first aid quickly can save lives. 这种病或伤害通常不严重,但有一些时候,迅速急救会挽救人的性命。 2If possible,discuss what kind of first aid you should give in these situations. 如果可能,讨论一下在这些情形下你应该实施什么形式的急救。,3So as you can imagine,if your skin gets burned it can be very serious. 因此你可以想象得到,如果你的皮肤烧伤了就可能非常严重。 4There are three types of burns.Burns are called first,second or third degree burns,depending on which laye


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