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1、,Unit7 Its raining SectionA1a-2c,七年级下 人教版,林口二中 张士凡,Unit7 Its raining SectionA1a-2c,七年级下 人教版,林口二中 张士凡,Look at the signs below and guess what we are going to talk about in this lesson.,(看下列图标,预测一下本节课我们要谈论什么内容),About the weather(天气),Predicting (预测),Unit7 Its raining!,(Section A 1a-2c),Learning Tasks,1.

2、学习描述天气的形容词,并能用所学语言谈论天气。 A:Hows the weather? /Whats the weather like? B:Its sunny/raining/windy/cloudy/snowing 2.能描述与天气相关的人们的即时活动。 What are you/they doing? Im / Theyre. Whats he/she doing? He / She is ,Turn to Page 126, read the new words on Pages 37-38,Follow me,Turn to Page 126, read the new words

3、on Pages 37-38,Follow me,Hows the weather?,天气怎么样?,=Whats the weather like?,Do you know how to ask about the weather?,A:Hows the weather? B:Its raining. /Its rainy.,rain n.雨 v.下雨,rainy adj. 下雨的;多雨的,Whats the weather like?,A:Hows_? B:Its windy.,wind n.风,windy adj. 多风的;刮风的,the weather,Whats_?,the weath

4、er like,cloud n.云,cloudy adj.多云的,A:Whats_? B:Its cloudy.,the weather like,s,sun n.太阳,sunny adj. 晴朗的;阳光充足的,A:Hows_? B:Its sunny.,the weather,A: _? B:Its snowing. Its snowy.,snow n.雪 v.下雪,snowy adj. 下雪的;多雪的,Hows the weather,snowing,sunny,cloudy,windy,raining,Hows the weather? Its ,Remember the words.(

5、1),snowing,sunny,cloudy,windy,raining,Hows the weather? Its ,Remember the words.(1),snowing,sunny,cloudy,windy,raining,Hows the weather? Its ,Remember the words.(1),a,b,e,d,c,Page 37,Page 37,莫斯科,多伦多,波士顿,Beijing,Toronto,Moscow,Shanghai,Boston,Page 37,Beijing,Shanghai,Toronto,Moscow,Boston,A: Hows the

6、 weather in ? B: Its Whats the weather like in? A: Its,1c Pairwork,学会描述天气的形容词,并能用所学语言谈论天气。 A:Hows the weather? /Whats the weather like? B:Its sunny/raining/windy/cloudy/snowing,Studying tasks:,What did you learn?,A: What is Aunt Sally doing ?,B: She is,cooking. cook v. 做饭/ n.厨师.,Listen and number th

7、e pictures (1-4) as you hear them.,1,2a,Page 38,Listen and number the pictures (1-4) as you hear them.,1,2a,Page 38,Listen and number the pictures (1-4) as you hear them.,2,3,4,1,2a,c,c,a,d,b,2c,Ask and answer what they are doing . A-C B-D,Group Work,“Look! Its snowing and Im cleaning the street.”,组

8、组进行PK, 快速用以上句型 进行造句,回答正确组,可加星奖励。,Its windy and were flying the kites.”,中央气象台播报员杨丹的播音稿件缺失了一部分内容,你能帮她补充完整吗?,Do you want to be a weather reporter?,Who is the best weather reporter?,Thanks for joining CCTVs weather show. Different weather is in different cities Look! Its snowing in Harbin. Children are

9、making a snowman. Shanghai is _ ,people are _ at home. It is _ in Hangzhou. Students are_ Guangzhou is _ . Boys are_ .,raining,watching TV,windy,flying kites.,sunny,swimming,Summary(总结) 1.你会谈论天气吗?有哪些句型? 2.小组合作写句子中你的创意多些还是 _的创意多些? 3.本节课你举手了吗?你觉得自己表现得够勇敢吗?,Hope(教师寄语):,Whether the weather is good or ba

10、d ,please keep your good mood(心情). - 不以物喜,不以己悲。,一、总结有关天气的词汇。 二、编写三个有关天气问答的对话。 1. windy 2. raining 3. snowy,Thanks for listening!,Goodbye,Lets relax!,Listen to a song,Make a song like this(编歌曲两只老虎):,Hows the weather? Hows the weather? Its raining. Its raining. What are you doing? What are you doing?

11、Im reading. Im reading.,Whats the weather like? Whats the weather like? Its windy. Its windy. Whats he doing? Whats he doing? Hes cooking. Hes cooking.,Hows the weather? Hows the weather? Its sunny. Its sunny. What are they doing? What are they doing? Theyre running. Theyre running.,Music,2c,Memory

12、Test,What are they doing?,(1分钟记忆),1.Words: 天气:rainy, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowy, cool, cold, hot, warm 城市:Moscow, Toronto, Boston 2. Sentence: Hows the weather? Its sunny/rainy/ Whats the weather like? Its sunny/rainy/ 3. How to write a weather report.,Summary,Write the weather !,sunny,cloudy,windy

13、,rainy,snowy,Please predict the learning tasks in this lesson. (请预测一下本节课我们的学习任务),Predicting (预测2),Learning Tasks 1.学习描述天气的形容词,并能用所学语言谈论天气。 A:Hows the weather? /Whats the weather like? B:Its sunny/raining/windy/cloudy/snowing 2.能描述与天气相关的人们的即时活动。 What are you doing? Im watching TV.,Guessing Game:,Plea

14、se look at the parts of each picture, then guess what he/she doing.,抢答,(请看每幅图片其中的一部分,然后猜出他/她在做什么。),Last July,went swimming,Yesterday evening,cooked dinner,3,played soccer,danced,4,You,Your friend,make (ones) bed dirty kitchen more noisy relax read terrible feel,铺床 adj. 脏的 n. 厨房 adj&pron. 更多(的) adj.

15、吵闹的 v.放松;休息 v. 读;阅读 adj. 非常讨厌的;可怕的 v. 感受;觉得,Words and expressions,strict be strict (with sb) remember follow follow the rules luck keep hair learn,adj. 严格的;严厉的 (对某人)要求严格 v. 记住;记起 v. 遵循;跟随 遵守规则 n. 幸运;运气 v.保持;保留 n. 头发;毛发 v. 学习;学会,Words and expressions,Work in groups of four. (四人一组讨论汇报)How does Nina go

16、 to the library? A: First, sheto B: Next, shetoC: Then she D : Finally she ,Its time to have a match!,Please choose one of the numbers, then give us your best advice. Come on !,My parents want me stay at home every night. My brother his CDs too I dont have I my best friend. My clothes are,plays播放,lo

17、ud 大声的,argued with和某人争吵,out of style不时髦的,enough money足够的钱,to,Memory Test,这节课我们学习了 哪些知识?,SUM UP,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,8,1. Is Molly Brown happy? Why or why not? 2. When does she have to get up every morning?,No, she isnt.,Because she has many rules in her family.,She has to get up at six oclock.,Read an

18、d answer.,The table _ very smooth(光滑的). A. look B. turn C. feels D. smell,C,学为所用,1. Is Zhao Pei happy? Why or why not? 2. When does she have to get up every morning? 3. Can she play with her friends after school? Why?,No, she isnt.,Because she has many rules in her family.,She has to get up at six o

19、clock.,No, she cant.,Because she has to do her homework.,Reading,拓展延伸,抢答夺星,3c Write a letter to Dr. Know. Tell him about all the rules and how you feel about them.,成果展示,最快最准最优!,If you have a chance to make some rules for your parents, what rules would you like to make?,Task,What can we do at school?

20、 What cant we do? And what do we have to do? Talk about school rules.,Study in groups,我知道! 我也会说!,Language points,before dinner 饭前 before prep. conj. 在之前 adv. 以前 before + 时间点 Ill be free before 7 oclock tomorrow. 我明天7点前会有空。,疑难点拨,1.我觉得我家的约束太多了。 I think I have _ _ rules in my house. 2.你认为你的英语课怎么样? What

21、 do you _ _ your English class? 3我们不能在教室里吃东西。 We cant _ in the _. 4.音乐课上我们可以唱歌跳舞。 We _ sing and dance _ _ class. 5.我们可以在食堂吃饭。 We _ eat in the school _ hall.,Test,最快全对获优,too many,think of,eat,classrooms,can,in,music,can,dining,下面是do和名词搭配的几个例句: 1. Go and do your hair.梳头 2. Do your teeth, please.刷牙 3.

22、Can you do the room now?打扫房间 4. When is he coming to do the windows? 擦窗户,合作探究,h,c,e,b,g,d,f,1a Read the rules in the chart in 1b. Then match the picturea-hwith the rules.,成果展示,1d Talk about the rules in Daves house.,巩固提高,1. 组内争优! 2. 组间PK!3.全班摘星 !,Its snowing,Its snowy,Hows the weather?,warm adj.暖和的,

23、cool adj.凉爽的,cold adj.冷的,hot adj.热的,cold, snowy,humid, windy,hot, rainy,cool, cloudy,spring,summer,autumn,winter,How is the weather in spring/?,Memory Game!,(记忆游戏):,1,3,A:What did he/she/they do last weekend? B: He /She/They last weekend.,played basketball,walked in the park,played soccer,5,did Chin

24、ese Kung Fu,had a party,studied,Memorygame(记忆游戏):,2,3,4,5,6,Beijing,Toronto,Moscow,Shanghai,Boston,sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,snowy,Hows the weather?,(Whats the weather like?),1,2,3,4,1,Whats he doing?,He is flying.,He isnt running,Is he flying?,Yes, he is.,Is he running?,No, he isnt.,Weather and things,Whats she doing?,She is exercising.,She isnt eating,Is she exercising?,Yes, she is.,Is she eating?,No, she isnt.,Weather and things,What are they doing?,T


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