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1、,Robert Burns (1759-1796),小组成员:高洁 曹文进 吴婷 郑彩荣,1,Outline of the lecture,Brief introduction of Burns and his poetry Poem appreciation: “A red, red rose ” and “to a mouse ” Influence and summary of Burns poetry,2,Robert Burns,Burns, was born in a sharecropper family(佃农家庭) in 25 January, 1759 in Scotland

2、 , died at Dumfries(邓弗里斯) in 21 July, 1796.he is an excellent native poet of Scotland The most excellent poetry was produced in 1785 were collected in the anthology the mainly Scotland dialect and the poem. The pomes reflected the poet style of anti British Poetry neoclassical, His most of l

3、yrics praising nature, love, and friendship, such as “A Red, Red Rose,” “My hearts in the Highland”. His “Auld Lang Syne” (Old Long Ago) which have been sung as a parting song in many places of the world in different languages. In 2009, Robert Burns was elected to be the history of the greatest peop

4、le in Scotland by Scotland television station STV,3,Auld Lang Syne,是一首非常出名的诗歌,原文是苏格兰文,直译做英文是old long since或times gone by,意思大概是逝去已久的日子。Auld Lang Syne是十八世纪苏格兰诗人罗伯特彭斯(Robert Burns)根据当地父老口传录下的。这首诗后来被谱了乐曲,除了原苏格兰文外,这首歌亦被多国谱上当地语言,在中国各地普遍称为友谊地久天长。人们通常可以哼出歌曲的旋律,但大部份人只可唱出歌词的一小段。,4,怎能忘记旧日朋友 心中能不欢笑 旧日朋友岂能相忘 友谊地

5、久天长 友谊万岁 朋友 友谊万岁 举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长 我们曾经终日游荡在故乡的青山上 我们也曾历尽苦辛到处奔波流浪 友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁,5,Burns Reputation,He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland, and is celebrated worldwide. He is the best known of the poets who have written in the Scots language, although much of his writing is also in Eng

6、lish and a light Scots dialect, accessible to an audience beyond Scotland.,6,He is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement and after his death, became a great source of inspiration to the founders of both liberalism and socialism. A cultural icon in Scotland and among the Scottish Diaspora ar

7、ound the world, celebration of his life and work became a national charismatic cult during the 19th and 20th centuries, his influence has been long and strong on Scottish literature.,7,Notable works,Auld Lang Syne逝去已久的日子 To a Mouse 致老鼠 A Mans A Man for A That无论何时都要保持尊严 Ae Fond Kiss 爱之吻 Scots Wha Hae

8、苏格兰勇士,8,Celebration of Burns,Burns Supper On Jan. 25, as Burns night Have haggis (羊肚包杂碎), traditional Scottish food Play pipes Poetry reading,9,Burns Cottage,in Alloway, Scotland,10,Burns statues,Statue in Australia,Statue in Dumfries, Scotland,11,Poetry of Burns,The poems of Burns are written in th

9、e Scottish dialect on a variety of subjects.,1) Political poems 2) Satirical poems 3) Lyrics,Mainly, 3 kinds,Examples,12,Burns Poems,As well as making original compositions, Burns also collected folk songs from across Scotland, often revising or adapting them. His poem (and song) Auld Lang Syne is o

10、ften sung at Hogmanay (the last day of the year), and Scots Wha Hae served for a long time as an unofficial national anthem of the country. Other poems and songs of Burns that remain well-known across the world today, include A Red, Red Rose, A Mans A Man for A That, To a Louse, To a Mouse, The Batt

11、le of Sherramuir, Tam o Shanter and Ae Fond Kiss.,13,Lyrical: A red, red rose,written in 1794, published in 1796,14,Questions,How dose the narrator in the love song express his love? Why is this poem so touching to the readers?,15,Question 1,How dose the narrator in the love song express his love? t

12、o use many figures of speeches: simile, metaphor, repetition,16,Question 2,Why is this poem so touching to the readers? 1) original flavor in fiery and direct expression: directly passionate 2) artistic recreation; imagery presentation: newly sprung rose/ sweetly played melody 3) in repetition to st

13、ir an echoing effect,17,Comparison with Chinese folk song,上邪 上邪,吾欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。 山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝! Q: what are the similarities between the two songs?,18,Summary writing,Write 500-word summary on Burns lyric “A red, red rose”.,19,Summary,This is one of Burns popular love lyrics and is also a

14、 good example of how the poet made use of old Scottish folk poetry and created immortal lines by revising the old folk material. The extreme simplicity of the language and the charming rhythmic beat of the verse express better than anything else the poets true sentiments toward his beloved.,20,Comme

15、nt on A Red, Red Rose,This poem is written by a man for his lover. In the last stanza we see that he is going away somewhere and “fare the weel”. The narrator keeps the poem simple as he does not want to complicate the expression of his feelings, his only desire is to proclaim his love for his partn

16、er, like a rose, soft, delicate, beautiful and innocent, in its simplicity, it sums up this mans feelings for someone he adores.,21,Summary (con.),This song is truly Burns own hand, every line has produced a rush of traditioners who pretend to treat us with what they call the old words. To all lover

17、s of Burns and to the great mass of romantic souls who appreciate fine love songs, these are immortal words for the rose newly sprung in June provides us with perfect imagery. Indeed the poets world-wide appeal rests strongly on this and other love songs whose various elements of old ballads are bro

18、ught together. Only the touch of a genius could transform them into such a song. Burns imagination and his ear gathered these inherited comparisons and metaphors together, altered them, however slightly, purged them of all vulgarity and created in the end one of the loveliest lyrics of all time. It

19、is a masterpiece of technique rather than of passion. It is by the superb blending of the various units into one harmonious whole that the song achieves its beauty.,22,Summary (con.),The red rose is a lyric of genius, made out of the common inherited material of folk song. It is an example of someth

20、ing that is very old but which seems startlingly new because it manages to convey deep feeling without qualification or embroidery. In the rose, there is no incongruence between particular and universal. The reader, still more, the singer, experiences what they have felt for a person which they them

21、selves have loved. The reader attaches the beautiful words and tune to their own image of the face and of the person. This they can do, only because the song generalizes the emotions of countless lovers, high and low, at all times and in all places. Here the distinction between personal and imperson

22、al becomes quite worthless. Burns is any man in love with any woman, yet in the act of artistic creation he is more truly and more intensely himself than at any ordinary moment of daily life.,23,Comment on A Red, Red Rose,This is one of the world famous love poems, and also one of Burns best poems.

23、With its simple Scotch language, Burns expresses his love with strong emotions in effective words and haunting rhythm. The language of the poem is quite simple and such Scottish words like “luve”, “las”, “gang”, make it melodious and immortal. So, the poets own emotions are expressed with such vivid

24、ness and simplicity that they appeal directly to the readers heart.,24,Influence,In Scotland and England: He is generally classified as a proto-Romantic poet, and he influenced William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Percy Bysshe Shelley greatly. His direct literary influences in the use of

25、 Scots in poetry were Allan Ramsay (1686-1758) and Robert Fergusson. The Edinburgh literati worked to sentimentalise Burns during his life and after his death, dismissing his education by calling him a heaven-taught ploughman. Burns would influence later Scottish writers, especially Hugh MacDiarmid,

26、 who fought to dismantle the sentimental cult that had dominated Scottish literature in MacDiarmids opinion.,25,Influence,In Russia: Burns became the peoples poet of Russia. In Imperial times the Russian aristocracy were so out of touch with the peasantry that Burns, translated into Russian, became

27、a symbol for the ordinary Russian people. In Soviet Russia Burns was elevated as the archetypical poet of the people. A new translation of Burns, begun in 1924 by Samuil Marshak proved enormously popular, selling over 600,000 copies.,26,Burns Influence,In Russia: Russia, not Scotland, was the first

28、country in the world to honour the man with a commemorative stamp in 1956. The poetry of Burns is taught in Russian schools alongside their own national poets. Burns was a great admirer of the egalitarian ethos behind the French Revolution and that was an additional reason for the Communist regime t

29、o endorse him as a progressive artist. However, he has remained popular in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union as well.,27,The statue of Robert Burns erected by Clement Wilson at Eglinton Country Park, North Ayrshire.,28,Comments on Burns,Burns is a many-sided genius. He is not only famous as

30、a lyricist on the themes of love and friendship and nature, but he is a patriotic poet and a writer of political verse calling for national independence for Scotland and liberty, equality and fraternity for all the people in the world.,29,summary,The greatest thing about Burns is that he is a peasant poet, that he comes from the people and therefore can understand the people and share their feelings and thou


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