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1、Module 5The Great Sports Personality Period 4Integrating Skills 要点讲解课,. 选词填空, 注意形式变化 1. The _result of the football game between China and Japan is 21.,ultimate,2. To our surprise, their team won the football match _. 3. The problem is _ to deal with. 4. The workers gathered to _against the new rule

2、s of the company.,dramatically,tough,protest,5. “Im not coming with youand thats final! ” _ Mary. 6. These products are of high _. 7. He will compete with five other _ in the speech contest.,declared,quality,competitors,. 根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的适当形式 1. France and Spain will meet in the soccer cup _(决赛). 2.

3、He succeeded in his efforts to get the _ (冠军). 3. What the company cares about is the quantity not the q_.,final,champion,uality,4. When the teacher came in, he r_ to his feet. 5. Some workers went on strike to _(抗议) against unfair treatment. 6. They have _(宣布) their country a nuclear-free zone.,ose

4、,protest,declared,7. He knows that his biggest c_ is his self-satisfaction. 8. He never gives in to the _ (困难的)problems. 9. It took him 41 minutes to _ (得分) his first goal. 10. Never give up, and _(胜利)will belong to you.,ompetitor,tough,score,victory,. 补全下列短语 1. protest _反抗 2. _ a list of列清单 3. be u

5、p _ sb. 由某人决定 4. pick _拾起, 搭载 5. vote _投票赞成,against,make,to,up,for,6. so _那又怎样 7. be made _ of由组成 8. _ to ones feet站起来,what,up,rise,阅读文章Marathon: the Ultimate Olympic Event, 选出 正确答案 1. Marathon was regarded as one of the events of the Olympics in honor of _. A. the battle in Marathon B. the victory

6、of the Greeks over the Persians,C. the soldier who devoted his life for his country after a long running D. the King of England who set the distance of the Marathon,2. Marathon is the final Olympic event because _. A. it is the least attractive one B. it costs the longest time C. it is the longest d

7、istance run D. it is regarded as the hardest one,3. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The fixed distance of the marathon is 40km. B. The distance of marathon and Athens is 42km. C. The Italian runner was the winner in 1908 because he fell off. D. There are many marathons every year aroun

8、d the world.,4. When the leader runs for the last meters, the crowd rise to their feet to shout and cheer, from which we can infer _. A. the marathon is welcomed and liked by people B. there are many people watching the event C. people enjoy the last moment of the event D. the marathon is very excit

9、ing,5. Who can be the runners of the marathon? A. The strongest ones. B. The athletes with gifts. C. Most people who are trained for it. D. The ones with strong will.,1. score vi. 二十,许多的,【名师指津】 score表示“二十”, 前面有确定数字时, 不加s, 但scores可以与介词of连用。 【知识延伸】 hundred, thousand, million和dozen(一打)前面有确定数字时不能跟of短语,

10、不加s; 没有确定数字时加s及of, 表示许多。,【活学活用】 There are _ _ workers in this factory. 这个工厂一共六十名工人。 Nowadays, there are _ _ modern art styles. 如今, 现代艺术风格有好多种。,three,score,scores,of,He was the first player _(score) more than 3, 000 points. (单句语法填空) 单句改错。 Two scores of eggs are needed to prepare for the party. ( ),to

11、 score,scores改为score,Three hundred of people were present at his wedding yesterday. ( ) Millions hamburgers and French fries are eaten in America every year. ( ),去掉of,Millions后加of,2. rise to ones feet站起身 品读例句, 翻译句子。 As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few metres of the 42-kilometre

12、race, the crowd rises to its feet to shout and cheer. 当领先的运动员进入体育馆来跑那全程42千米的最后 几米时, 全场观众都会_。,站起身来欢呼喝彩,The headmaster rose to his feet to welcome us. 译: _,校长站起身来欢迎我们。,【知识延伸】 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 have ones feet on the ground实事求是, 脚踏实地 stand on ones own feet独立自主 jump to ones feet跳起来,【活学活用】 Push

13、ing back her chair, she _ _ _ _. 把椅子往后一推, 她站起身来。 Hearing the news that his son was still alive, he _ _ _ _ with excitement. 听到他儿子还活着的消息, 他激动得跳了起来。,rose,to,her,feet,jumped,to,his,feet,He _ _ _ _ from the chair. 他挣扎着从椅子上站了起来。,struggled,to,his,feet,Now that you have been an adult, you must learn to _ _

14、 _ _ _. 既然你是成年人了, 你必须学会独立了。,stand,on,your,own,feet,3. vote for 投票支持 【观察领悟】 (2017全国卷)“The Thinking Laboratory” was the name students voted for after deciding that “Room 104” was too dull. “思想实验室”是由同学们投票得来的, 因为“104教室”这个名字太无聊。,As we cant all agree on this matter, lets vote on it. 因为大家意见不一, 我们投票表决好了。 He

15、 voted against the government party at the general election. 他在大选中对执政党投了反对票。,There were 16 votes in favour of my suggestion, and 15 against. 16票赞成我的建议, 15票反对。,【自我归纳】 vote _投票决定 vote _投票反对 vote n. _,on,against,投票,【活学活用】 He became the monitor of our class because most people _ _ him. 他成了我们班的班长, 因为大多数人

16、都投他的票。,voted,for,Next week, the British Parliament will _ _ a ban on all cigarette advertising. 下周, 英国议会将投票决定一项关于禁止所有的烟草 广告的禁令。,vote,on,_ _ _ did he get in the election yesterday? 他在昨天的选举中得了多少张选票?,How,many,votes,4. be up to由决定, 是的责任 品读以下句子, 在括号中写出黑体部分的含义。 It is up to you whether you will attend the

17、meeting tomorrow. ( ) What were you up to when he dropped in? ( ) He has the ability to be up to the job. ( ),由决定,忙, 从事,胜任,(2016北京高考)California condors are North Americas largest birds, with wing-length of up to 3 meters. ( ) Up to now, she has written four books. ( ),达到,直到,【活学活用】 The tree can grow

18、_ _ 30 meters. 这棵树可以长到高达30米。 Hes not _ _ the part of Romeo. 他不能胜任罗密欧这个角色。,up,to,up,to,_ _ now, no wonder drug has been found which can cure cancers. 直到目前为止, 尚未发现治疗癌症的特效药。,Up,to,5. The marathon is the final Olympic event because it is thought to be the hardest. 马拉松是奥运会的最后一场赛事, 因为它被认为是最难的项目。,【句型剖析】 此句

19、的句型Sb. /Sth. is thought to be/do. . . =_ _ _that. . . 被认为 人们认为吸烟对身体健康有极大危害。(一句多译) Smoking_ _ _ _ _ _ _ peoples health.,It,is,thought,is,thought,to,do,great,harm,to,_ _ _ _ smoking does great harm to peoples health.,It,is,thought,that,【知识延伸】 在“It is said/believed/reported/hoped that. . . ”中, 有时可以把从句中

20、的主语放在前面, 构成“sb. /sth. be said/believed/reported/hoped to. . . ”的结构, 后面可以用不定式的一般式、进行式或完成式等。,Egypt is said to build a new capital. =It is said that Egypt will build a new capital. 据说埃及将要建造一个新首都。,The project is reported to have been completed already. =Its reported that the project has been completed a

21、lready. 据报道那项工程已经完成。,【活学活用】 据说汤姆正在教室里学习。 _ _ _ that Tom is studying in the classroom. =Tom is said _ _ _ in the classroom.,It,is,said,to,be,studying,_ _ _(据报道) that Guo Chuan, who keeps two sailing world records, has been out of touch several days ago. = Guo Chuan, who keeps two sailing world record

22、s, is reported _ _ _ out of touch several days ago.,It,is,reported,to,have,been,We _ _ _ _ _ in an age of Internet economy. 我们被认为生活在一个互联网经济时代。,are,thought,to,be,living,【备选要点】 1. quality n. 特性; 品德; 品性 【观察领悟】 (2018全国卷)The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice to improve water qual

23、ity. 政府鼓励农民种植玉米而不是大米来改善水质。,Modesty is one of his good qualities. 谦虚是他的美德之一。 Quality often matters more than quantity. 质量往往比数量更重要。,【自我归纳】 除以上意思外, quality还可表示: _。 quality作为“品质, 美德”来讲是_名词, 作为“质 量”来讲是_名词。 与quality相对应的是_(数量)。,质量,可数,不可数,quantity,【知识延伸】 be of high/poor quality质量_,好/差,【活学活用】 Our country sho

24、uld improve the _ of life of farmers. 我们国家应该改善农民的生活质量。 This kind of car is _ _ _, which attracts many customers. 这种车质量好, 吸引了许多顾客。,quality,of,high,quality,单句改错。 He has all the quality of a successful manager. ( ) The rapid development of science technology, and economy requires many engineers of fine

25、 qualities. 译: _ _,qualityqualities,科技、经济的迅猛发展需要很多素质优秀的工程,师。,2. tough adj. 费力的; 棘手的; 困难的 【观察领悟】 (2016江苏高考) She grew up in one of Jamaicas toughest inner-city communities known as Waterhouse. 她在牙买加最乱的被称作“沃特豪斯”的市内社区长大。,This is a tough decision made by the single mother. 这是这个单亲妈妈做出的艰难决定。 Only tough pla

26、nts can live in the mountains. 只有坚韧的植物才能在山里生长。,(2017浙江高考)Other European countries laid down a similar requirement for immigrants, and some terms are even tougher. 其他欧洲国家制定了类似的移民要求, 有些方面甚至更严格。,The police in this city are getting tough with drug dealing. 这个城市的警察对毒品交易采取强硬措施。,【自我归纳】 tough除了“费力的; 棘手的; 困难

27、的”意思外, 还 有“_, _, _, _”等意思。,艰难的,坚韧的,强壮的,强硬的,【活学活用】 The company faces _ _. 这家公司面临着激烈的竞争。 Life used to _ _ for the poor children in that area. 生活对那个地区的贫困儿童来说是很艰难的。,tough,competition,be,tough,He is known for taking a _ _ on security. 他因在安全问题上采取强硬路线而闻名。 The _ _ succeeded in getting to the top of the moun

28、tain. 那位强壮的登山运动员成功地登上了山顶。,tough,line,tough,climber,3. declare vt. 宣布 【观察领悟】 President Xi declared that China would reduce its troops by 300, 000. 习主席宣布中国将裁军30万。 We declare for peace and against war. 我们支持和平, 反对战争。,John was declared to be the winner of the game. 约翰被宣布为比赛的胜利者。 The president of the comm

29、ittee declared the ceremony open. 委员会主席宣布仪式开始。,In September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland. 1939年9月, 英国在德国入侵波兰后向德国宣战。,【自我归纳】 declare that. . . _ declare _/_. . . 宣布支持/反对 declare sb. /sth. (to be) n. /adj. _ declare sth. _宣布开始 declare war _对宣战,宣布,for,against,宣布为,op

30、en,on,【活学活用】 The United States _ _ _ Japan in 1941. 美国在1941年向日本宣战。 With everything needed prepared, the host _ _ _ _. 所有需要的东西都准备好了, 主持人宣布他们的婚礼 开始。,declared,war,on,declared,their,wedding,open,The social group _ _ equality between men and women last week. 上周这个社会团体声明赞成男女平等。 Do you think he will _ _ the

31、 plan? 你认为他会反对这项计划吗?,declared,for,declare,against,【共享课堂】 . 词汇串记 1. Chen Long, a young badminton player, dramatically beat the competitor, won champion in the tough final by means of his great sports quality, and excited audiences all rose to their feet and cheered for the ultimate victory.,2. People

32、 in this district wandered around the streets, protesting and declaring to get more rights in order to set up borough.,. 句式背诵 1. He is thought to be a scholar in the village. 在村里, 人们把他看作是位“秀才”。,2. My brother works in a factory near our village, which is the biggest one in my hometown. 我的哥哥在我们村附近的一家工

33、厂工作, 这家工厂是我家乡最大的一家。 3. Who is the best man to advise me on this question? 就这个问题谁是我最好的顾问呢?,4. As we get older, our eyesight becomes worse. 随着年龄的增长, 我们的视力会变差。,如何写通知,【典例演示】 假定你是学生会主席李华。学校将举办一次以“校园生活创意无限(Innovations on Campus)”为主题的创意作品展评活动。请你根据以下图示, 以短文形式用英语写一份书面通知。,注意: 1. 词数100个左右; 2. 可以适当发挥, 以使行文连贯; 3

34、. 开头及结尾已为你写好, 不计入总词数。 参考词汇: 校园campus创意作品innovation 颁奖prize-giving Step 1审题谋篇,Step 2遣词造句 一、核心要点 1. 期望大家都能够参加这项活动, 该活动鼓励创造性 思维, 并充分发挥自我创造能力。 期待参加_ 创造性思维_,be expected to be part of,creative minds,充分发挥_ 使用定语从句翻译此句: Everyone of you _ _ _ _ _ _ the event _ encourages _ _ and _ _ _ _ your DIY skills.,give

35、full play to,is,expected,to,be,part,of,which,creative,minds,gives,full,play,to,2. 除了极好的创造外, 你还需要提交报告, 并解释如何 想到的以及使用的材料。 除了_ 提交_ 想到_,along with,hand in,occur to sb.,使用现在分词翻译此句: _ _ your wonderful innovation, you need to _ _ a report, _ how the idea _ _ you and what materials you use.,Along,with,hand,

36、in,explaining,occurs,to,3. 所有的展品将于6月16日至18日在体育馆进行展示。 展示_ 6月16日至18日_ 翻译此句: All the collections will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the gym.,on show,from June 16 to 18,be,on,show,from,June,16,to,18,二、拓展要点 你的贡献肯定会使得此次活动获得极大的成功。 使成功_,make. . . a success,使用不同的句型翻译此句: Your contribution will certainly _ the event _ _

37、_. =Your contribution will certainly _ the event very _.,make,a,huge,success,make,successful,Step 3润色组篇 Notice An exciting event “Innovations on Campus” is around the corner. Everyone of you is expected to be part of the event which encourages creative minds and gives full play to your DIY skills.,N

38、ote that your innovations must be school things. Along with your wonderful innovation, you need to hand in a report, explaining how the idea occurs to you and what materials you use.,All the collections will be on show from June 16 to 18 in the gym. Looking forward to the prize-giving ceremony? Sure! Itll be held from 15


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