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总分复查人 2007 年 全 国 外 贸 业 务 员 培 训 认 证 考 试 外贸业务基础理论试卷(A 卷) (考试时间:2007 年 12 月 8 日 上午 9:0011:00) 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 阅卷组长 得 分 一、单项选择题(每小题 1 分,共 40 分) 1属于国家鼓励发展产业的外商投资项目,在投资总额内进口的自用设备,除外商投 资项目不予免税的进口商品目录所列商品外,可以免征( ) 。 A进口关税和进口报关费用 B进口环节消费税和进口环节增值税 C进口关税和进口环节增值税 D进口关税和进口环节消费税 2根据 INCOTERMS 2000 规定,由卖方支付运费的贸易术语是( ) 。 AEXW BFAS CFOB DCPT 3运价最低的运输方式是( ) 。 A海洋运输 B航空运输 C公路运输 D铁路运输 4在出口业务中,汇出超过合同总额 且超过等值 美元的双超佣金,需要提供外 汇管理局的批文。 ( ) A3% 3 万 B5% 5 万 C8% 8 万 D10% 10 万 5商检机构依据我国商检法的有关规定,对非法定检验的进出口商品可以实施( 得 分 评卷人 复查人 座位号 2 ) 。 A强制检验 B抽查检验 C随机检验 D定期检验 6根据联合国国际货物销售合同公约规定,如买卖合同对风险没有约定,且卖方没 有义务在某一特定地点将货物交给承运人,则货物风险转移的时间为( ) 。 A卖方将货物交给第一承运人时 B卖方将货物交给买方时 C卖方将货物起运时 D卖方将货物在该特定地点交给承运人时 7被扣留的涉嫌侵权货物一旦被有关行政执法机构认定构成侵权的,相关责任人除承担 ( )外,还可能承担民事责任和刑事责任。 A行业责任 B社会责任 C道德责任 D行政责任 8根据 UCP600 规定,开证行提出不符点必须遵循的条件是( ) 。 A在合理的时间内提出不符点,即在开证行收到单据次日起算的 7 个工作日之内向 单据的提示者提出不符点 B用任何方式将不符点通知提示者 C不符点必须一次性提出 D不符点可依据合同提出 9以下哪项不属于国际政治和法律环境调研内容?( ) A政局稳定性 B政府干预程度 C风俗习惯 D经济贸易政策 10在国际货物运输保险中,下列风险属于意外事故的是( ) 。 A地震 B串味 C拒收 D爆炸 11根据 UCP600 规定,若信用证没有规定是否允许分批装运和可转让,则视为( ) 。 A允许分批装运和可转让 B禁止分批装运和可转让 C允许分批装运和不可转让 D禁止分批装运和不可转让 12以下哪项安全认证体系不属于国际安全标准?( ) A欧洲安全认证体系 B北美安全认证体系 C加拿大安全认证体系 D日本安全认证体系 13出口企业对预计不能在报关日期( )天内收汇的,应当在货物出口报关后 60 天 外贸业务基础理论试卷(A 卷) 第 3 页 (共 12 页) 内凭远期备案书面申请、远期收汇出口合同或协议、核销单、报关单及其他相关材料 向外汇管理局办理远期收汇备案。 A60 B90 C120 D180 14从美国纽约进口货物,采用 FOB 术语报价描述错误的是( ) 。 A贸易术语应写成 FOB Vessel New York B买卖双方的风险不是以装运港船舷为界,而是以船舱为界 C卖方有义务协助买方取得由出口国签发的货物出口所需的各种证件 D出口税需由买方负担 15生产型出口企业向国税局申报出口退税时,无须提供的凭证是( ) 。 A出口货物报关单(出口退税联) B出口收汇核销单(出口退税专用) C增值税专用发票(抵扣联) D出口货物外销发票 16空运货物保险中,按“仓至仓”条款的规定,货物运抵目的港后没有进入指定仓库, ( )天内保单仍然有效。 A30 B60 C90 D120 17 ( )是指在收到开证行恢复原金额通知时才将信用证金额复原的信用证。 A自动循环信用证 B半自动循环信用证 C非自动循环信用证 D背对背信用证 18 “发货人工厂拼箱点装港堆场卸港堆场收货人工厂”是指( )的货物交 接方式。 AFCL/FCL BFCL/LCL CLCL/FCL DLCL/LCL 19出入境旅游是属于( ) 。 A知识产权贸易 B服务贸易 C货物贸易 D技术贸易 20对外贸易金融环境的复杂性是属于以下哪一类信用风险根源?( ) A国际因素 B国内因素 C企业因素 D银行因素 21The collecting bank may release the documents against the buyers acceptance of a( ) draft on documents against acceptance basis. Ausance Bsight Cbank Dcommercial 4 22The following are the basic functions of a bill of lading except acting as( ). Aa receipt for the goods from the shipping company to the exporter Ba certificate of origin, which certifies that the goods were produced in a particular country Ca document of title to goods being shipped overseas Da quasi-negotiable document 23 “Financial documents” means bills of exchange, promissory notes, ( )or other similar instruments used for obtaining the payment of money. Ainvoices Bdeposit receipts Cchecks Dbills of lading 24A bank, acting on instructions from the( ), issues L/C. Aexporter Bimporter Cseller Dconsignor 25Credit operations of all parties concerned deal with( ). Agoods Bgoods and documents Cdocuments DL/C 26You are selling your car for USD2000.00 to a person you do not know. Which is the most insecure instrument of payment?( ) ABank draft BCredit card CPersonal cheque DTravellers cheque 27According to INCOTERMS 2000, when the seller only makes the goods available to the buyer at the sellers premises, the corresponding trade term is( ). ADDP BEXW CFOB DDDU 28A quota is a numerical limit placed on a specific kind of goods that a country will permit to be imported without restriction during a specified period. If the quota is absolute, once the specified amount has been imported,( ). Aabsolute tariffs are imposed on further importation of the product Bno additional tariffs are imposed on further importation of the product Cadditional tariffs are imposed on further importation of the product Dfurther importation of the product is prohibited for the rest of the period 29Countries usually impose restrictions on free foreign trade to protect( ). Aforeign producers Bforeign consumers 外贸业务基础理论试卷(A 卷) 第 5 页 (共 12 页) Cdomestic producers Ddomestic consumers 30When a trader buys goods on credit he does not have to( ). Apay for them immediately Bpay for them until the end of the month Cpay for them Dpay for them until he receives the goods Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: The importer will require a full set of bills of lading in order to obtain the goods from overseas port. The bills of lading can only be obtained by payment of the bill of exchange (D/P), or by acceptance (D/A). Therefore, the importer cannot obtain the goods without paying or accepting the bill of exchange, and conversely an exporter retains control of the goods until payment or acceptance of the bill of exchange. When goods are sent by air, the airway bill could show the importers bank as consignee. Once again the importer must pay or accept a bill of exchange to be able to obtain the goods. Once the importer has paid or accepted the bill of exchange, the importers bank will issue a delivery order. The delivery order is an authority, signed on behalf of the bank, authorizing the airport to release the goods to the named importer. An exporter should obtain the prior agreement of the importers bank before he consigns goods to that bank. In practice, the importers bank will not agree to be named as consignee, unless its own customer is of major importance. When D/P terms are used, it is unnecessary to include a bill of exchange, since the overseas bank can release documents on payment of the invoice amount. However, sight drafts are usually included. 31The importer can obtain the goods only by( ). Ashowing the bill of lading Bopening a letter of credit Cpaying in cash Dpaying or accepting the bill of exchange 32When goods are sent by air,( )can issue a delivery order to release the goods. Athe exporter Bthe collecting bank Cthe exporters bank Dthe importer bank 33The importers bank will not agree to be named as consignee because( ). Aits own customer is of major importance Bthe exporter will not obtain the prior agreement from it Cit worries about the importers potential default Dthe exporters customer is not of major importance 6 34 ( )are the most important documents in international settlement. ACommercial invoices, bills of lading and insurance documents BCommercial invoices, insurance documents and airway bills CBills of lading, airway bills and bills of exchange DSight drafts, delivery order and bills of lading 35The meaning of D/P is( ). Adollar against pound Bdocuments against payment Cdelivery after payment Ddollar in payment Questions from 36 to 40 are based on the following passage: Wool is a natural fiber of animal origin. Though vegetable fibers were probably the first to be used for spinning and weaving into cloth, animal fibers in the form of skins were the earliest type of clothing worn by man. There are indications that, as early as the seventy century BC, people began to sell and buy woolen goods. The supply of wool available to the world every year amounts to about 5000 million pounds. After scouring, this is reduced to about 3000 million pounds of pure wool. The wool crop is insufficient to meet the world needs. Pure wool is often mixed with other types of fibers, which recovers the wool demand. The quality of different wools varies greatly. The Merino sheep of Australia, South America and South Africa produce very fine and soft wool. The quality of wool from these sources depends upon the conditions and heritage of the sheep. Port Philip wool is the finest in Australia and is used to produce the highest quality woolen and worsted fabrics(精纺毛织物). Wool from South Africa is very wavy with a good white colour and is used for good quality worsted and woolen goods. South American wool is usually of lower quality than wool from Australia or South Africa. Merino wool has been successfully raised in Germany, France, Spain and the United States and is of high quality. Wool is attacked by hot sulphuric acid(硫酸)and decomposes completely. It is generally resistant to most other mineral acids of all strengths. Wool will dissolve in caustic soda(氢氧化 钠)solutions that would have little effect on cotton. 36According to the passage, which statement is true?( ) AWool is the first natural fiber being used for spinning and weaving into cloth. 外贸业务基础理论试卷(A 卷) 第 7 页 (共 12 页) BV egetable fiber fabrics such as cotton piece goods were the earliest type of clothing worn by man. CSkins were the earliest type of clothing worn by man. DLeaves were the earliest type of clothing worn by man. 37The world wool consumption amounts to( ). A5000 million pounds B3000 million pounds C2000 million pounds Dthe quantity is unknown 38The quality of the wool is up to( ). Athe place of origin Bthe scouring skills Cthe heritage of the sheep Dthe mood of the sheep 39The high quality wool is available in( ). AAustralia BAustralia, Germany, France, Spain CSouth America and the United States DChina 40When wearing or washing wool clothing, special caution should be taken to( ). Amineral acids Bsulphuric acid Ccaustic soda Dboth B & C 二、多项选择题(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分,多选或少选均不得分) 1以下属于 L/C 支付方式、CFR 条件下出口履约阶段的工作有( ) 。 A投保 B订舱 C催证 D退税 2支票与汇票的区别在于( ) 。 A前者只有即期,后者既有即期也有远期 B前者的基本当事人为两个,后者则有三个 C前者在使用过程中有承兑,后者则无须承兑 D前者的付款人仅限于银行或其他金融机构,后者的付款人范围更广 3在进口货物谈判过程中,让出口商降低价格的理由包括( ) 。 A延长付款时间 B增加订单量 C原材料价格上涨 D缩短付款时间 4在操作出口自行车业务中,关于签订国内采购自行车合同错误的表述是( ) 。 得 分 评卷人 复查人 8 A国内采购合同的交货期应与出口合同一样 B最好在出口合同签订之前签订国内采购合同 C最好在收到并确认信用证之后签订国内采购合同 D国内采购合同的交货地点最好在工厂交货 5CIC 航空运输货物保险条款的险别包括( ) 。 A航空运输险 B航空运输平安险 C航空运输一般险 D航空运输一切险 6以下有关卖方发盘正确的表述有( ) 。 A若是畅销货,一般发盘的效期较短 B若是滞销货,一般发盘的效期较短 C若商品的市场价格变动幅度较大,一般发盘的效期较短 D贸易术语与运输、保险的逻辑关系要一致 7进口贸易融资的方式有( ) 。 A打包贷款 B进口押汇 C票据贴现 D假远期信用证 8对于非限制类商品的加工贸易业务,以下哪些情况,可以不设保证金台帐。 ( ) A进口料件金额在 1 万美元(含 1 万美元)以下的加工贸易合同 B5000 美元以下的客供辅料或其他辅料 CAA 类企业 D保税区内企业开展的加工贸易 9根据我国产品质量法规定,生产者可用以产品质量缺陷抗辩的理由包括( ) 。 A未将产品投入流通 B产品投入流通时,引起损害的缺陷尚不存在 C将产品投入流通时科学技术水平尚不能发现缺陷的存在 D缺陷是由于遵循该产品的国家标准或行业标准而引起 10在出口业务操作中,关于外贸业务员跟踪生产进度正确的表述是( ) 。 A加强与生产管理人员的联系,明确生产、交货的权责 B掌握进度,并督促企业按要求交货 C减少或消除临时、随意的变更,规范设计、技术变更要求 D加强产品质量、不合格产品、外协产品的管理 三、判断题(每小题 1 分,共 15 分,对 的打,错的打) 得 分 评卷人 复查人 外贸业务基础理论试卷(A 卷) 第 9 页 (共 12 页) 1出口信用保险公司对国外某客户 O/A 方式项下承保金额越大,表示该国外客户的信用 风险越小。 ( ) 2在出口报价时,可用 CIP Tokyo 代替 CIF Tokyo。 ( ) 3来料加工是指经营单位用外汇购买进口原材料、辅料、元器件、零部件、配套件和包 装物料,加工为成品后,再出口销往国外市场的加工贸易方式。 ( ) 4在国际贸易中,外贸公司向保险公司按 CIC 投保一切险后,在运输途中由于任何外来 原因所造成的一切货损,均可向保险公司索赔。 ( ) 5信用证项下汇票付款人必须是开证行。 ( ) 6海关监管条件代码 B 是指入境货物通关单。 ( ) 7电放提单一般用于远洋运输。 ( ) 8出口玻璃器皿,因运输途中易出现破碎,故应在按 CIC 投保平安险的基础上加保碰损 破碎险。 ( ) 9某公司进口钢材时,采用 FOB 术语和租船运输方式,若不想承担装船费用,可选择 FOB Under Tackle。 ( ) 10发盘的撤销是指发盘人的撤回通知,在发盘到达受盘人之前或同时到达受盘人,收回 发盘阻止其生效的行为。 ( ) 11对进口实行许可证管理的大宗、散装货物,溢装数量按照国际贸易惯例办理,即报关 进 口 的 大 宗 、 散 装 货 物 的 溢 装 数 量 不 得 超 过 进 口 许 可 证 所 列 进 口 数 量 的 10%。 ( ) 12一般情况下,海关签发的进出口货物征免税证明的有效期为半年,逾期应向原审 批海关申请展期。 ( ) 13原产地标记是产品原产地标示的一种形式,由原产国标记和地理标志构成。 ( ) 14Inspection certificate can b


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