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Module 5 Reading and Vocabulary Frankenstein 1. When was the film made? 1931 Writer: Mary Shelley Actor: Boris Karloff huge, human being, black lip, yellow eyes, monster, ugly, frightening, wrinkled skin Describe the monster, using the words in the box. Pre-reading Are you interested in horror films? What horror films have you ever seen? Part 1 the story of Frankenstein Scan this part and complete the sentences. 1. When Frankenstein studies at university, he _ _. 2. He creates the monster by _ _. discovers the secrets of how to give life to lifeless matter using bones from dead bodies 3. The monster is like a human being because _ _. 4. The scientist decides to destroy his creator because _ _ _. it has learnt to speak, is intelligent and has human emotions the monster murders his brother, his best friend and his wife 5. At last, _ _. the monster disappears into the ice and snow to end his own life Detailed understanding II. Read the text (P58-59) carefully again and choose the best answers. 1. Why did the monster kill Frankensteins brother, his best friend and his new wife? A. Because the monster felt lonely and unhappy. B. Because the monster wanted to become clever. C. Because Frankenstein refused to create a wife for the monster. D. Because Frankenstein gave the monster an ugly face on purpose. 2. Which of the following descriptions of the monster is TRUE? A. It had wrinkled black skin. B. Its eyes were yellow. C. It was unable to move. D. It had white hair and black teeth. Paragraphs Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 III. Read Part 2 of the text (P58-59) carefully and match the paragraph with the main idea. Main ideas a. The monster became a creature from Frankensteins worst nightmares. b. Frankenstein regretted having created the monster. c. The outlook of the monster. d. The monster came into being. 1-d; 2-c; 3-b; 4-a Step Three: Careful reading 1 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. (1)In what ways is the monster like a human being? 答案: The monster has a body which is made of human parts. (2)How did Frankenstein create the monster? 答案: He used bones from dead bodies to make a creature and gave it life. (3) Why did Frankenstein decide to destroy the monster? 答案: Because the monster hated him, and killed his brother, friend and wife. (4) What do we learn about the monsters appearance? 答案: He is very ugly, with wrinkled skin, yellow eyes and black lips. (5) Why was the young scientist so disgusted when he first saw the monster? 答案: Because he had wanted to create something beautiful, but it is very ugly. (6) What had Frankenstein wanted more than anything in the world? 答案: To give life to a lifeless body. (7) Why did Frankenstein wake, shaking with fear? 答案: Because he had terrible dreams. (8) Why did the monster come to Frankensteins bedroom? 答案: Because it wanted to talk to him. (9) What did Frankenstein do after running out of the room for the second time? 答案: He hid in the garden because he was terrified by the monster and regretted having created him. (10)Why did Frankenstein regret creating the monster? 答案: Because he was terrified by it. Find words in the passage which mean: 1. a terrifying dream 2. your blood moves through these in your body Vocabulary nightmare veins 3. the most northern part of the world 4. the thing that everything is made of 5. very different from the Arctic matter contrast Explanation 1. While studying at university, he discovers the secret of how to create life. 本句的状语部分为一个 _句,省略了 主语和谓语。在时间、条件、让步状语 从句中,当从句的主语与主句的主语一 致,且从句的谓语动词含有 _时,可 将从句的主语和 be省略。 省略 be 【 即学即练 】 根据以上句型仿写下列句子。 1. 在牙医处等候的时候,我读了一整篇 短篇小说。 _ _ While waiting at the dentists, I read a whole short story. 2. resemble: vt. be like or similar to 与 相像 ,不用于进行时,被动语态。 常用短语 : resemble sb./sth. (in sth.) e.g. She resembles her brother in character. She strongly resembles her mother. 她和她弟弟性格很像。 她很像她妈妈。 3. chase: 追逐,追赶,追求 赶走,驱散 e.g. Outside in the yard, kids were yelling and chasing each other. 在外面的院子里 , 孩子们叫喊着 , 互相追逐 。 chase after 追求,追赶,追逐 chase up 催促 chase sb./sth. away/off/out把赶走驱逐 e.g. chase after ones dream The old man chased off all the naughty boys with a stick. 这个老人用棍子赶跑了所有调皮的男孩。 chase a dog out of a garden 4. It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation for the first time. (P58) 【 自我归纳 】 本句为 _句型,其结构为 _ _,在本 句中强调的是 _状语。 强调 时间 it is / was + 被强调部分 + that + 其他成分 【 原题再现 】 Ive read another book this week . Well, maybe _ is not how much you read but what you read that counts. (浙江 2009) A. this B. that C. there D. it 2. 这个人是昨天晚上八点被谋杀的。 _ _ It was at eight oclock last night that the man was murdered. 5. burn (oneself) out=be burnt out 燃尽 ,烧光 e.g. Lacking enough air, the fire was soon burnt out. 因为缺乏足够的空气 , 火很快就灭了。 Stop working like this or you will burn yourself out. 别再像这样工作了 ,不然的话 ,你会把自己 累坏的。 burn的其他词组: burn up 烧掉 , 烧光,被火完全烧毁 burn (sth.) down 把 (某物 )烧得精光 e.g. The house was burnt down soon, with nothing left. 这个房子很快就被烧得精光 , 什么都不剩 。 burn (sth.) to sth. 把 (某物 )烧成某种状态 e.g. The wood was burnt to ashes within a few minutes. 这块木头几分钟内就烧成了灰烬。 burn to the ground 把 烧成平地 牛刀小 试 完成句子 (1)他添了些煤,火旺起来了。 The fire _ when he added some coal. (2)他有累 垮 的危 险 。 He is in danger of _. (3)那所房子于 1995年 烧 毁 了。 The house _ in 1995. 答案: (1)burned up (2)burning himself out (3)burned down 6. contrast vi. /vt. vi. contrast with show difference 与 形成差异 /对比明显 e.g. The white wall contrasts with the black carpet. 白色的墙壁和黑色的地毯形成对比。 What he said contrasted with what he did. 他说的话和他的所作所为形成对比。 vt. contrast sth. with sth.: compare with 把 与 进行对比 e.g. Contrast this poem with that one and you will find much difference. 把这首诗与那首比较,你就会发现 很多不同之处。 contrast n. in contrast with/to sb./sth.: 和 形成对照 , 与 相比 e.g. In contrast to/with their new system, ours seems old-fashioned. 和他们的新制度相比 , 我们的看上去有点 过时。 make a contrast with 与 形成对比 易混辨析 compare, contrast (1)compare“比较 ”,指对于相似之处或 不同之处做比较, “把 比拟成 ” ,用于比喻。常用的结构有 compare. with.把 与 相比较; compare.to.把 比喻成 ; compared with/to.与 比较。 牛刀小 试 Here is an obvious _ between the cultures of the West and East. A contract B contrast C content D contact 解析: 考 查 名 词 的辨析。 句意 为 : 东 西方文化有明 显 的差异。 contrast 对 比, 对 照,差异。 contract 合同,契 约 ; content 内容; contact 联 系。 答案: B 7. But now I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and horror and disgust filled my heart. 现在我已经完成了创作 , 但梦想中的 美丽已荡然无存 , 而恐怖和厌恶却充 斥着我的心灵。 disgust n. 厌恶 自我探究 disgust用作不可数名 词 ,意 为 “ 厌恶 ; 恶 心 ” 。 归纳 拓展 with disgust 反感地, 厌恶 地 in disgust 愤愤 地 (much) to ones disgust 令某人(非常)气 愤 的是 be disgusted at sth./with sb. 讨厌 或唾弃某物, 对 作呕 e.g. The smell filled me with disgust. 这股气味使我作呕。 The food disgusted me. 这食物让我恶心。 What a disgusting smell! 多么讨厌的气味! We are all disgusted at the way her husband has treated her. 她丈夫那样对待她,使我们都感到厌恶 。 8. I wish I had not created this creature, I wish I was on the other side of the world, I wish I would disappear! 但愿我没有制造出这个怪物来 , 但愿我在 世界的另外一端 , 但愿我能立刻消失的无 影无踪! 自我探究 wish后的 宾语 从句常用虚 拟语 气,表示一种 愿望。 (1)表示与 现 在事 实 相反的愿望: 宾语 从句 动 词 过 去式 (be一律用 were)。 (2)表示与 过 去事 实 相反的愿望: 宾语 从句 had 过 去分 词 。 (3)表示将来不大可能 实现 的愿望: 宾语 从句 would/should/could/might 动词 原形 。 e.g. I wish my brother werent so lazy. 我的弟弟要是不这么懒惰就好了。 I wish that I had not made such a terrible mistake. 我要是没犯这么个大错误就好了。 I wish that the rain would stop. 雨要是早点停就好了。 9. When he turned to look at me, I felt unable to stay in the same room as him. 【 考点 】 turn to look at意为 “转身看 ” turn意为 “转身;扭转(身体部位) ”, 为不及物动词。另外, turn to sb. / sth. 常意为 “向 求助 ”。 【 考例 1】 The children all turned _ the famous actress as she entered the classroom. A. looked at B. to look at C. to looking at D. look at 【 点拨 】 句意:当那个著名的女演员进入教室时, 孩子们都转过身来看她。 答案 : B 【 考例 2】 Shes having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesnt know whom to _. A. turn to B. look for C. deal with D. talk about 答案 : A 10. rush vi. 急速去或来;冲, 闯 vt. 急行,急送 归纳 拓展 : rush sb. into sth./doing sth. 匆忙做某事 rush into 冲 进 ,匆忙 进 入 rush out of 奔出 rush hour 交通 拥挤时 刻 e.g. She rushed into the room to tell us the news. 她冲 进 房 间 告 诉 我 们这 个消息。 The children rushed out of the classroom. 孩子 们 冲出教室。 He was rushed to the hospital . 他被 紧 急送去医院。 11.throw oneself on 后跟 宾语 ,意 为 “扑倒在 上 ”。 归纳 拓展 : e.g. He tried to catch the butterfly, but threw himself on the ground. 他想抓住那只蝴蝶,却扑倒在地上。 She threw herself on the bed after several days hard work. 经过 几日辛苦的工作,她累得扑倒在床上。 I throw myself on your support to help me with this competition. 我依靠你的支持来帮我 赢 得 这场 比 赛 。 The boy threw a stone at the dog. 那男孩朝狗扔了一 块 石 头 。 This could be the best chance youll ever have. Dont throw it away! 这 可能是你将 拥 有的最好的机会了,不要 错 过 ! 12. She looked well and happy, but as I kissed her lips, they became pale, as if she were dead. 她看上去健康而快乐。但是 , 当我亲 吻她时 , 她双唇失色 , 犹如死人。 as if/though引导从句可以用虚拟语气 , 也可以用陈述语气。 e.g. He talked about England as if he were from that country. 他谈起英国来好像他就来自那个国度。 She treats me as if she were my mother. 她像妈妈一样对待我。 It looks as if it is going to rain. 看上去天好像要下雨了。 The fish tastes as if it has gone bad. 这鱼尝起来好像已经变质了。 13.fear n.恐怖;害怕;担心; v.害怕,畏惧 e.g. The boys eyes were full of fear. 男孩的眼里充满了恐惧。 Helen didnt want to get out of bed, for fear of waking her husband. 海伦不想起床,生怕吵醒她的丈夫。 Little boys fear to go out alone at night. 小男孩害怕晚上单独外出。 归纳拓展 for fear of + n./doing sth. for fear that - clause 担心 ;以防 in fear of 害怕 in/with fear 惊恐地 fear to do/doing sth. 害怕做某事 fear that. 害怕 ;担心 牛刀小 试 He got to the station early, missing his train. A. in case of B. instead of C. for fear of D. in search of 句意 为 :他早早地到了火 车 站,害怕 错过 他 那班 车 。 for fear of害怕 。 答案 : C 14.句式 : While studying at university , he discovers the secret of how to create life. 在他上大学 时 ,他 发现 了如何 创 造生命的秘密。 品味 经 典 e.g. He often kept silent unless spoken to. 除非 别 人跟他 说话 ,否 则 他 经 常保持沉默。 He often makes mistakes when speaking English. 说 英 语时 ,他 经 常出 错 。 I wont go to the party unless _invited. 如果不被邀 请 ,我不会去参加那个晚会。 If _ given more time, I will do it better. 如果多 给 点 时间 ,我会做得更好。 You can make some changes where _ necessary. 你可以在必要的地方做一些改 动 。 (I am) (I am) (it is) 自我探究 在 while引 导 的 时间 状 语 从句中省略了从句主 语 he和 谓语 was。 在 when, while, once, if, unless等引 导 的状 语 从句中,当从句的主 语 与主句主 语 一致 ,且从 句中有系 动词 be时 ,或从句中含有 it be时 ,可 省略从句中的主 语 和 be动词 。 连词 后是使用 过 去分 词还 是 现 在分 词 ,要看 该动词 和 主句主 语 之 间 的 逻辑 关系。 牛刀小 试 (1)(2010年高考浙江卷 )The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if _ regularly, can improve our health. A being carried out B carrying out C carried out D to carry out 解析: 选 C。据 题 干分析,此 题应为 状 语 从句的省 略,全句 应为 : If proper amounts of exercise are carried out regularly。根据省略的原 则 ,把相同的 主 结 和系 动词 be省去,就只剩下 carried out regularly。 (2)Repeat these five steps, _ in the last exercise. A as B if C and D or 解析: 选 A。句意 为 :照前面的 练习 一 样 ,重 复 这 五个步 骤 。 as后省略了 you repeated/did。 弗 兰 肯斯坦的怪物 第一部分 弗 兰 肯斯坦 的故事 弗 兰 肯斯坦是瑞士日内瓦一位年 轻 科学家的名字。 还 在上大学 时 ,他就 发现 了怎 样创 造生命的秘密 。利用死人的骨 头 ,他制造出一个像人的怪物,并 赋 予了它生命。那个怪物异乎 寻 常地高大、 强 壮, 并且极其丑陋,所有的人 见 了它都感到害怕。但是 ,怪物却有着人 类 的智力和情感 (emotion),并学会 了 说话 。由于找不到任何朋友,他感到非常孤独和 难过 ,并开始憎恨 创 造他的那个人 弗 兰 肯斯 坦。 当弗 兰 肯斯坦拒 绝 (refuse)为 他造一个妻子后,怪 物 杀 害 (murder)了弗 兰 肯斯坦的兄弟和他最好的朋 友克莱瓦 尔 ,最后, 还杀 死了弗 兰 肯斯坦的新婚妻 子伊 丽 莎白。 为 了除掉怪物,弗 兰 肯斯坦追赶 (chase)他到北极,但弗 兰 肯斯坦本人却死在了那儿 。在故事的 结 尾部分,怪物在冰天雪地中 结 束了自 己的生命。 第二部分 弗 兰 肯斯坦 节选 我在 11月的一个寒冷的晚上首次看到我的 创 造物。 它躺在我的脚 边 ,我 紧张 不安地准 备 好了 赋 予它生 命所需的 设备 。 时间 已是凌晨 1点,雨点敲打着窗 户 。蜡 烛 即将燃尽 (burn out),就在此 时 ,借着微 弱的 烛 光,我看 见 怪物 睁 开了黄色的眼睛。它喘着 粗气 (breathe呼吸 ),挪 动 着四肢。 该 怎 样 描述我看 见这 一切 发 生 时 内心的感受呢? 该 怎 样 描述我 费 尽心血 创 造出来的 这 个怪物的模 样 呢 ?我曾尽力想把他 创 造得好看一些。好看?他 是我看到 过 的最丑陋的 东 西!他黄色皮肤下的血管 (vein)依稀可 见 。他 头发 是黑色的,牙 齿 是白色的 。但却与他的黄眼睛、 皱 巴巴的黄色皮肤以及黑嘴 唇形成了 骇 人的 对 比 (contrast with)。 我忙了近两年,目 标 只有一个,将生命注入一具尸 体。 为 此,我放弃了睡眠,累坏了身体。它一度是 这 个世界上我最想要的 东 西。 现 在我已 经 完成了 创 作,但梦想中的美 丽 已 荡 然无存,恐怖和 厌恶 充斥着我的心灵。 现 在,我唯一的想法是: “ 但愿 我没有制造出那个家伙,但愿我身 处 世界的另一 边 ,但愿我可以消失无踪! ” 当他 转过 身来看着我 时 ,我受不了和他呆在同一个房 间 里。我冲 (rush)了 出去 ,接下来的很 长时间 就在自己的卧室来回踱步 。最后我和衣倒在床上 (throw oneself on),试图 睡一 会儿。尽管我睡着了,但是噩梦 连连 。我梦 见 我的 未婚妻 走在城 镇 的大街上。她看上去健康而快 乐 ,但是, 当我 亲 吻她 时 ,她双唇失色,犹如死人。她的 脸 变 了,我感 觉拥 抱着的是我死去的母 亲 。我 浑 身 战 粟着吓 (fear害怕 )醒了。就在那一刻,我看 见 了 我 创 造出的怪物。他正站在我床 边 ,看着我。他 张 开嘴 ,发 出一种声音 (make a sound),然后像是笑了 。我猜他想 说 什么,但我没听 见 。他伸出手来,好 像是想 拦 住我,但我冲出了房 间 。由于害怕,我藏 身花园,一直呆到天亮。我一遍又一遍 (again and again)地想: “ 但愿我没有做 这 可怕的一切,但愿 我死了! ” 你无法想象那 张脸 有多可怕!当他 还 没有生命的 时 候,我看着他,只 觉 得他丑陋。当他站起来行 走后,他就成了我最可怕的噩梦 (nightmare)中的 怪物。 I. 根据括号内所给的提示完成句子,每空 一词。 1. After the earthquake, the city looked like a battlefield. (改为同义句) After the earthquake, the c


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