



会计考研英语精解真题中的阅读细节 我想很多的考研学生都做过各种各样的考研真题阅读习题,做的题并不是越多越好,而要 从每道阅读题中进行分析,这样才能收获更多,小面小编编辑了一篇关于会计考研英语精 解真题中的阅读细节的相关文章。 就以 2004 年的 text 4 为例进行讲解。这一篇文章中除了 60 题为主题题,其他四个均为细 节题。 Americans today dont place a very high value on intellect. Our heroes are athletes, entertainers, and entrepreneurs, not scholars. Even our schools are where we send our children to get a practical education - not to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Symptoms of pervasive anti- intellectualism in our schools arent difficult to find。 “Schools have always been in a society where practical is more important than intellectual,” says education writer Diane Ravitch. “Schools could be a counterbalance。” Ravitchs latest book, Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms, traces the roots of anti-intellectualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but a counterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits。 But they could and should be. Encouraging kids to reject the life of the mind leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and control. Without the ability to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ideas of others, they cannot fully participate in our democracy. Continuing along this path, says writer Earl Shorris, “We will become a second-rate country. We will have a less civil society。” “Intellect is resented as a form of power or privilege,” writes historian and professor Richard Hofstadter in Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, a Pulitzer-Prize winning book on the roots of anti-intellectualism in US politics, religion, and education. From the beginning of our history, says Hofstadter, our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of elitism. Practicality, common sense, and native intelligence have been considered more noble qualities than anything you could learn from a book。 Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children: “We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing。 ” Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn exemplified American anti-intellectualism. Its hero avoids being civilized - going to school and learning to read - so he can preserve his innate goodness。 Intellect, according to Hofstadter, is different from native intelligence, a quality we reluctantly admire. Intellect is the critical, creative, and contemplative side of the mind. Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, re-order, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines。 School remains a place where intellect is mistrusted. Hofstadter says our countrys educational system is in the grips of people who “joyfully and militantly proclaim their hostility to intellect and their eagerness to identify with children who show the least intellectual promise。” 56.What do American parents expect their children to acquire in school? A The habit of thinking independently。 B Profound knowledge of the world。 C Practical abilities for future career。 D The confidence in intellectual pursuits。 57.We can learn from the text that Americans have a history of _。 A undervaluing intellect B favoring intellectualism C supporting school reform D suppressing native intelligence 58.The views of Ravitch and Emerson on schooling are _。 A identical B similar C complementary D opposite 59.Emerson, according to the text, is probably _。 A a pioneer of education reform B an opponent of intellectualism C a scholar in favor of intellect 凯程考研辅导班,中国最强的考研辅导机构, 考研就找凯程考研,学生满意,家长放心,社会认可! 凯程考研,考研机构,10 年高质量辅导,值得信赖! 以学员的前途为已任,为学员提 供高效、专业的服务,团队合作,为学员服务,为学员引路。 D an advocate of regular schooling 56 题根据题干中 American parents 定位到第一段第二行:Even our schools are where we send our children to get a practical education - not to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge. C.practical abilities for future career。正是对于上一句话的同义替换。 57 题根据 American have a history 定位到第四段第三行,说的是从我们的历史开始,我们对 于民主和大众主义的渴求促使我们拒绝一切有精英主义色彩的事物。而选项中都没有和反 对精英主义直接相关的选项,需要看下一句是对精英主义的表现:实用的知识、常识、天 生的智慧会被认为比书上的一切东西要高贵。在这里需要区分的是 intellect 和 native intelligence,前者指的是后天书本上获得知识,后者指的是先天的智力。 58 需要寻找 Ravitch 和 Emerson 所在的句子。Ravitch 观点在第二段第二行“schools could be a counterbalance。”联系上一句得知他主张学校应该重视知识而不是随社会的大流。 Emerson 的观点在第五段第二行“schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints an children。 ”两人观点一个希望学校多重视知识;另一个不应该多教知识。因此选的是相 反的观点。 59 根据 Emerson 定位到第五段第二行,与 58 题题目考察知识点重复,其实也可以说是一 道态度题,他认为不应该多教知识,因此对应 B,而 CD 是原意的反面。 以上就是关于会计考研英语精解真题中的阅读细节的所有相关内容了,希望各位考生们能 通过这些内容,在今后做考研英语阅读训练时,找到一些做题技巧。 关于凯程: 凯程考研成立于 2005 年,国内首家全日制集训机构考研,一直致力于高端全日制辅导,由 李海洋教授、张鑫教授、卢营教授、王洋教授、杨武金教授、张释然教授、索


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