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Mmacroeconomics n. 宏观经济学,经济学的分支,以国民经济总过程的活动为研究对象,包括国民收入、就业水平、价格水平等经济总量的决定及波动过程;macro前缀,表示“大的,巨型的,宏观的” 例:macrostructure n. 宏观组织,macromolecular a. 高分子的makebelieve n. U 由动词短语make believe变过来的复合名词,意为“假装,假扮,虚构” 例:She told me that her parents are millionaires, but its all just makebelieve.她告诉我她父母是百万富翁,但这一切都属子虚乌有。make the/ones point (通过争论或其他方式来有效地)证明一个论点或主张 例:He brought along a handful of documents to help make his point.他带来了一些文件以帮助证实他的观点。marginal cost increase or decrease in the total costs of a business firm as the result of one more or one less unit of output边际成本,指多生产一单位的产品所增加的成本measure vt. to find the size, length or amount of sth. using standard units测量,度量 * to judge the importance, value, or true nature of sth.估量,判定(重要性、价值或影响等) 例:Education should not be measured purely by examination results. 教育不应该只用考试成绩来衡量。n. 尺寸,大小 常用复数 措施,办法 例:take measures to do sth. 采取措施应对(某种情况)melt away 逐渐消失,消散 例:Julies anger slowly melted away.朱莉的怒气渐渐地消了下去。 mercurial m a. 含水银的 * 多变的,易变的 例:mercurial situation易变的形势 敏捷的,活泼的 例:her mercurial wit她的机智metric a. 公制的,米制的(以米或千克为度量标准) 例:Most countries adopt metric system.大多数国家采用公制。 (=metrical)用诗体写的,格律诗的 *n. 度量,度量指标microeconomics n. 微观经济学,经济学的分支,研究个体经济单位的经济行为,包括个人、家庭及单个公司;micro前缀,表示“极小的,微型的” 例:microcomputer n. 微型电脑,microbiological a. 微生物学的mill n. 磨坊,磨粉机 (生产棉花、布匹、钢铁等的)工厂 例:a woolen mill 毛纺厂 vt. to crush grain, pepper etc in a mill 将(谷物等)碾碎,磨(面粉) 例:All our flours are milled using traditional methods. 所有的面粉都是用传统方式磨制的。 (用机器)碾,轧,铣 (金属)短语搭配 *mill about/around(许多人)无目的地乱转,乱兜圈子 例:Crowds of students were milling about in the street.一群群的学生在街上转来转去。misplaced a. 放错地方的;(因记不起放在何处而)丢失的 * (情感等)错置的;不适宜的 例:misplaced confidence/optimism/fear不应有的信心/乐观精神/恐惧;mis 前缀,表示“不好的;错误的”,如 misunderstand误解,misconception错误观念mobile a. not fixed in one position, and easy to move and use in different places 移动式的;活动的;可动的 例:a mobile library 流动图书馆 * (在不同社会阶层、职业、或地区之间)流动的 例:People these days are much more socially mobile. 如今人们的社会地位变化得快多了。 able to move or travel easily行动方便的 例:She is more mobile now that she has her own car. 有了自己的汽车,她现在行动方便多了。monophonic a. * 具有单一旋律谱线的;单曲调的 单声道的;mono前缀,表示“一;单一” 例: monoplane n. 单翼飞机(只有一对机翼的),monatomic a. 单原子的moral a. 道德(上)的,道义上的 (故事等)有教育意义的,说教性的n. (用复数)道德,伦理;品行 例:public morals社会公德 * 寓意;道德上的教训 例:The moral of this story is “Better late than never”.这个故事的寓意是“迟做总比不做好”。mount vi. 登;骑上,跨上 例:She mounted and rode off. 她骑上自行车(骑上马)走了。 * to increase gradually, especially in a way that makes a situation worse 渐渐增加,增长 例:The tension here is mounting, as we await the final result. 我们等待着最终结果,这里的气氛越来越紧张。 vt. 骑上,跨上;爬上,登上 to fix to sth. and supported by it固定在上(后跟介词to/on) 例:The statue was mounted on a marble plinth.雕像被安放在大理石底座上。 to plan, organize, and begin an event or a course of action 准备;发起;进行 例:mount an exhibition/a production/a challenge etc 举办展览/开始生产/发起挑战等 n. C Mount山,峰(用于山名) 例:Mount Everest 珠穆朗玛峰 被乘骑的马,坐骑multiplier n. 乘数;*multiplier effect 倍增效应Nnatural a. 自然的,天然的;非人为的 平常的,正常的 例:Its not natural for a child of his age to be so quite.向他这个年龄的孩子这么安静不太正常。*n. C 有天赋的人,天生擅长做某事的人 例:She didnt have to learn how to run: shes a natural.她不用学跑步技巧, 她天生就擅跑.net a. 仅用于名词前 * 净的,纯的 例:net weight净含量 / a net exporter/importer of rice大米纯输出/输入国 最终的,根本的 例:net result最终结果 / a net conclusion最终结论 vt. 获得净收入,净赚 例:I was netting around $64,000 a year.我每年净赚约64,000美元。noncontroversial a. 没有争议的;non 否定前缀,用在形容词、名词前,表示“非、不(是)、无” 例: nonalcoholic a.不含酒精的,nonsmoker n.不吸烟的人Oobscure a. * not well known and usually not very important 默默无闻的,没有名气的 例: an obscure poet 名不见经传的诗人 difficult to understand 难理解的,晦涩的 例:The environment is obviously important, but its role has remained obscure. 环境显然很重要,但它的作用却仍不为人所知。(2002考研翻译 ) vt. to make sth. difficult to know or understand 搞混,使难理解 例:Recent successes obscure the fact that the company is still in trouble. 近来的一些成功使人看不清公司依然处于困境。observation n. C, U 观察,注意,监视 例:under observation受(警方或医生等的)监视或观察 * C a spoken or written remark about sth. you have noticed评述,评论(后跟介词on/about) 例:Darwins observations on the habits of certain birds达尔文对某些鸟类习性的评述obsolescence n. 过时;废弃;淘汰 例:planned/builtin obsolescence(商品等)有计划的淘汰odds n. * 可能性 例:If you are male, the odds are about 1 in 12 of being colourblind. 如果你是男性,患色盲的可能性在十二分之一左右。 困难,阻碍 例:Theresa has overcome enormous odds to get where she is today. 特丽萨克服了巨大困难才取得今天这样的成就。 / against all (the) odds (=in spite of great difficulties)尽管困难重重officialdom , n. * 官员的总称;官场 官僚作风,官僚主义; dom后缀,用以构成名词,表示 “职位;领域;地位”如kingdom王国,dukedom公爵的爵位 “状态”如freedom自由,wisdom智慧 “(同一职务、行业、利益的)集体”如yuppiedom(全体)雅皮士offload vt. 卸载(货物) * to get rid of sth. that you do not want by giving it or selling it to sb. else(通过给别人来)清除 例:offload sth. onto sb. 把某物清理给某人onagain, offagain 时有时无的,断断续续的 例:The onagain, offagain air strikes resumed.断断续续的空袭又开始了。 on no account/not on any account 决不可以;切莫 例:On no account should we cut down the outturn.我们决不可以把产量降低。/ Dont on any account leave the prisoner unguarded. 这个囚犯决不能没人看守。other than apart from a particular person or thing; except除了 例:She has no close friends other than him.她除了他以外没有好朋友。 / I have never known him behave other than selfishly.我只知道他一向自私自利。outfit n. (尤指供特殊场合用的)全套服装 * (为特定目的或工作所需的)全套设备 例:a tyre repair outfit 修理轮胎用的整套工具vt. 为提供全套服装或设备;配备,装备#outlay n.(用于开始某项新实业、活动等的)花销,开支(后跟介词on/for) 例:a large outlay on/for carpets and furniture 买地毯和家具的一大笔开销lay out 1.花费(尤指大笔钱) 例:Weve just laid out $500 on car repairs. 我们刚花了500美元修汽车。2.铺开,展开 例:lay out a map on the table 在桌子上展开一张地图 3.布置,设计(建筑物、城镇、花园等)outlive vt. 比活得长 例:He outlived his wife by three years.他比妻子多活了三年。 * (在结束或消失后)继续存在 例:When he retired he felt that he had outlived his usefulness.他退休后觉得自己年老无用了。 out前缀,表示“在之外;超过”,例: outdoor户外的,outlet出口,outrun比跑得快、远out of context 脱离上下文的 例:quote a remark out of context 断章取义 * 脱离背景的,与背景条件不符的outpouring n. 用复数 强烈感情的不断流露 例:outpourings of grief 悲伤的倾吐 * 迸发,涌出,涌出物 例:an outpouring of creative energy创造力的爆发outrageous a. 蛮横的,暴虐的 * very shocking and extremely unfair or offensive骇人的,极不公正的,使人无法容忍的 例:outrageous prices 高得惊人的价格 extremely unusual and slightly amusing or shocking极不同于平常的,搞怪的 例:an outrageous hairstyle 怪里怪气的发型oversee vt. 俯瞰 * 监管,监督,监察 例:You must employ sb. to oversee the project.你得雇个人监督这一工程。 over前缀,表示 “过多,过头” 例:overactive a. 过于活跃的,活跃得不正常的,overpopulation n. 人口过剩 “在上面,超过” 例:overhead a./ad. 在头顶上 “另外的,附加的” 例:overtime n./ad. 超时,加班Ppacifism n. 和平主义,反战主义package n. 包,盒,袋 * a set of related things or services sold or offered together(必须整体接受的)一套,一揽子 例:a benefits package 一套福利措施 / an aid package 综合援助计划 / package deal 一揽子交易paint n. 油漆;涂料;颜料 例:a coat of paint一层油漆或涂料 * 化妆品;(演员)化装用的油彩 例:She wears far too much paint.她化妆太浓。vt. 给上油漆,涂颜料 例:Lets paint the door blue.我们把门漆成蓝色吧。 (用颜料)绘画、上色 (用化妆品)涂,搽,抹 例:She spends hours painting her face.她一化妆就是几个小时。patchy a. 补缀的,多补丁的 零散的,分布不均的 例:patchy fog零星的雾 * 不完整的,不全面的;拼凑的 例:My knowledge of science is patchy.我的科学知识只是一鳞半爪。personality n. C, U 个性,性格 例:He has a dynamic personality.他是个性活跃的人。 * C (因常出现在电视、报纸等上而知名的)名人 例:a sports personality体育名人pick on *1.找的岔子,对唠叨指责 例:Why pick on me? 为什么偏要跟我过不去?2.作弄,惹恼 例:They picked on smaller boys. 他们欺负比他们小的孩子。 3.挑选,选中(某人或某物) 例:They picked on him for the work. 他们挑中他做这份工作。pick up 拾起,拿起 例: pick up the phone拿起话筒 (偶然、无意地)获得(收益、知识、消息等) pick up a tip from my mother 从妈妈那学到一个窍门 接收(讯号),收听(广播等)例:pick up the BBC World Service 接收英国广播公司国际广播节目 * (情况等)好转,改进 例:Trade is picking up nicely.生意很有起色。pick up on * 注意到,明白,意会 例:It was very smart of you to pick up on the difference between the two.你真聪明,注意到了两者之间的不同。 / I was trying to indicate that I didnt want to go, but they didnt pick up on it.我竭力暗示我不想去,但他们没有意会到这一点。 重新回到(已被提到的论点或观点)并作进一步讨论 例:Can I just pick up on your objections to the project? 我能否回过头来再谈谈你对这项计划反对的理由呢? 轻微指责,责备(某人) 例:He was picked up on his use of the word “deception”.他因使用了“欺骗”一词而受到责备。pilot n. 1.飞行员,宇航员;(船舶的)领航员 2.向导,带路人 3(广播或电视的)试播节目a. 1.指引的,引导的 例:a pilot beacon 引航灯塔 *2.试验性的,试点的 例:pilot test/ project/ scheme试点测试/试点项目/试验计划 vt. 1.驾驶(飞机等);给(船舶)领航 2.引领,带领,指引 例:pilot sb. out into the street把某人领出屋子到街上 3.实践(新想法),试用(新产品等) 例:They are piloting the book in language schools. 他们在语言学校试用这本书。pitch n. * C 比赛场地 例:The crowd invaded the pitch at the end of the match.比赛结束时,人群涌入了场地。 the highness or lowness of a musical note; the ability of a musician to play or sing a note at exactly the correct pitch音调,音高;乐感 例:Shes got good pitch.她乐感很好。 vt. to throw sth. with a lot of force, often aiming carefully(常仔细瞄准后用力)投,扔,抛,掷 例:Fran screwed up the letter and pitched it into the fire.弗兰把信揉成一团,扔进火中。 定基音,为定调 例:pitch a song high/low 把歌的音定高/低 plunge n./vi. C一般用单数 a sudden quick movement down or forward 突然前移;突降,俯冲 例:Without warning, the plane began a plunge towards the Earth.飞机没有发出警告就开始向地面俯冲下来。 / Her car swerved and plunged off the cliff.她的车突然转向跌下悬崖。 * C a sudden large fall in the value of property, shares etc(财产、股票等价值的)暴跌,骤降 例:a dramatic plunge in house prices房价的突然暴跌 / The price of oil has plunged to a new low.石油价格已跌至新低。push (sb.) for sth. *1.不断要求得到(某物),力图得到(某物) 例:People living near the airport are pushing for new restrictions on night flights. 住在机场附近的人们正强烈要求订立限制夜航班机的新规定。 2.催促、敦促(某人)做(某事) 例:Im going to have to push you for an answer.我将不得不催促你答复了。poke vt. to quickly push into sth. or sb. with ones finger, a stick, or sth. else 戳,捅,刺 例:Be careful with that umbrella, or youll poke sb. in the eye.小心那把伞,否则你会扎到别人的眼睛。 to move or push sth. through a space or opening插;伸出,探出 例:He poked his hands deep into his pockets.他把双手深深地插进口袋。vi. 插入;伸出,探出 例:Ella looked at the tiny face poking out of the wool blanket.埃拉看着那张从毛毯里露出的小脸。n. 捅;拨;戳;轻触 例:Vanessa gave me a poke in the ribs.瓦内萨在我的肋部捅了一下。短语搭配 *poke fun at sb.嘲笑,取笑 例:some kids were poking fun at Judy because of the way she dressed.一些孩子在取笑朱迪的穿着。polish vt. 擦光,擦亮 to improve sth. by correcting, making small changes or adding new material 修正, 修改, 修饰 例:polish a speech给讲稿润色n. 用单数 磨光,擦亮 例:a tabletop with a good polish 打磨得很亮的桌面 * U a special quality of great skill and style in the way sb. performs, writes, or behaves优美;高雅;精致;完善 例:Carlas writing has potential, but it lacks polish.卡拉的文章很有潜力,但不够优美。polyphony n. * 复调音乐(作品) (字母等的)多音现象;poly前缀,表示“多的,多个的;聚合的” 例: polysyllabic a. 多音节的,polycentric a. 多中心的pour out (液体等)大量涌出,倒出 (尤指不开心时)倾吐,倾诉 例:pour sth. out to sb.向某人倾诉premium n. C (尤指每年支付的)保险费 例:Insurance premiums are set to rise again.保险费很有可能再次上涨。 an additional amount of money, above a standard rate or amount加付款;额外费用;津贴;奖金 例:You have to pay a premium for express delivery. 你得支付特快投递的补加费用。 / premium payments for weekend work 周末工作津贴a. of higher than usual quality or value优质的,价值高的 例:premium gasoline质优价高的汽油 短语搭配 at a premium 以高出一般的价格 例:Shares are selling at a premium.股票按超出票面价值出售。 *奇缺,难以搞到 例:Foldaway furniture is the answer where space is at a premium.对于空间很小的地方,可折叠家具是个好的解决办法。proenvironmental a. 保护环境的;pro前缀,表示 “赞成,支持” 例:proAmerican a. 亲美的,proabortion a. 赞成人工流产的 “代理的” 例:provicechancellor n. 代理副大臣projection n. * C (对于未来情况的)预测,估算,推断 例:projections of declining natural gas production对于下降的天然气产量的预测 C sth. that sticks out of a surface凸出物 U 投影,投射;放映 例:projection equipment 投影器材profile n. C (事物的)外形,轮廓;(人的)侧面,侧像 (某地方的)概况,人物简介 例:an employee profile 雇员简介*vt. to write or give a short description of sb. or sth.写的传略或概况 例:The new editor was profiled in the Sunday paper. 星期天的报纸登载了这位新主编的简历。prototype n. C 原型,模型;典型,榜样;proto 前缀,表示“原,第一,原始的”,如protovirus原始病毒;protozoology原生动物学provision n. C, U 供应,供给,提供 例:The government is responsible for the provision of medical services.政府负责提供医疗服务。 用复数(尤指为旅行准备的)粮食,食物 例:We set out with enough provisions. 我们带上足够的食品出发了。 * (协议或法律中的)规定,条款 例:The present law makes no provision for this.现行的法律对此未作任何规定。vt. 为(尤指旅行)提供食品和其他必需品 例:They provisioned the ship for a long voyage.他们为远航在船上准备了食品和必需品。provocative a. intended to cause a reaction, esp. anger or annoyance(言行等)使人生气的,挑衅的,有煽动性的,引起争议的 例:Harry claims to be an anarchist but hes really only striking an attitude to be provocative.哈里自称是一名无政府主义者,但是他实际上只是在装腔作势以引起人们的议论。psychiatric a. 精神病学的, 精神病治疗的 例:a psychiatric hospital精神病医院 / psychiatric treatment精神治疗put/lay sth. to rest to get rid of a false idea or belief by showing that it is not true揭穿真相从而制止某事(谬误等) 例:At last these dangerous rumors have been put to rest.这些危险的谣言终于平息了下去。 put out 放出,伸出 例:put ones hand out伸出手 * 出版;公布,发布 例:put out a statement 发布声明 熄灭,关掉 例:put out a fire熄掉炉火,扑灭火灾 / put out gas关掉煤气 困扰,使不安;激怒 例:be easily put out by trifles常因小事感到不安(或发怒)put up with 忍受,容忍 例:Im not going to put up with your cheek! 我可不想容忍你这个厚脸皮。 QRraging a. 仅用于名词前 狂怒的,暴怒的 例:I was in a raging anger.我暴怒不已。 * 猛烈的,强烈的 例:a raging storm 肆虐的暴风雪 / raging inflation剧烈的通货膨胀rake n. C (长柄)耙子 (赌台上赌资收付人用的)钱耙子vi. to move a rake across a surface in order to make the soil level, gather dead leaves etc(用耙子)耙,耙平(后跟介词over/up) 例:She raked over the soil to loosen the weeds.她来回耙这块土壤,好把杂草除掉。 仔细搜寻(后跟介词through/ around/ about) 例:Ive been raking through my drawers looking for those tickets.我一直在抽屉里仔细翻找那些票根。vt. (用耙子)耙 (用枪、照相机或强光)来回扫射 例:The searchlight raked the open ground around the prison.探照灯在监狱周围的空地上来回扫射。短语搭配 *rake in大量、快速地敛集(钱财等) 例:Shes raking in the shekels (ie earning a lot of money) in her new job.她做这份新工作可捞着钱了.recital n. C (通常为单人表演的)演奏会,演唱会,诗歌朗诵会等 例:a piano recital钢琴独奏会 * 叙述,口头描述 例:I had to listen to a long recital of all his complaints.我得听他那些没完没了的牢骚。 recruit vt.&vi. 招聘,吸收(新成员) 例:Were having difficulty recruiting enough properly qualified staff.我们难以招聘到足够的合格职员。 招募 (新兵);(通过招募)组建(新部队) 例: Most of the men in the village were recruited that day.村里的大多数男子在那一天都应征入伍了。 劝说,说服( sb to do sth.) 例:I recruited three of my friends to help me move everything to the new apartment.我动员了三个朋友帮我把所有的东西搬入新公寓。n. C 新兵 例:raw recruit未经任何训练的新兵 * (机构、团体等的)新成员 例:The society was always trying to find ways of attracting new recruits.该社团总是在想方设法吸引新成员加入。redundancy payment 裁员支出,遣散费,指公司裁员时付给被裁员工金钱或物质方面的补偿reed n. C 芦苇 例:There are some reeds in the pond.池塘里有些芦苇。 * (吹奏乐器安装的)簧片refuse vt. 拒绝,谢拒 拒绝给予 例:The U.S. authorities refused him a visa.美国当局拒绝给他签证。vi. 谢绝,不接受(别人给的东西) 例:Their offer is too good to refuse.他们的开价好得让人无法抗拒。 *n. 废料,废物 例:a refuse dump垃圾场rein n. C (又作reins)缰绳 统治,支配 例:keep a tight rein on sb./sth. 严加控制某人/某物 vi. (后跟介词in) 用缰绳勒住(马) * to start to control a situation more strictly严加控制 例:The government is reining in public expenditure.政府正严格控制公共开支。repertoire n. C一般用单数 (演员、剧团等的)全部剧目,常备节目 the total number of things that sb. or sth. is able to do 全部技能 例:the behavioral repertoire of newborn infants新生儿的全部行为 文中a whole repertoire of 指“大量的,多种多样的”resolution n. C 正式决定, 决议 U (问题、纷争的)解决 例:The lawyers advice led to the resolution of the problem. 律师的忠告使这个问题得以解决。 * C, U (电视、显微镜等的)清晰度;分辨率resolve vt. * to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty解决 例:There werent enough beds, but the matter was resolved by George sleeping on the sofa.床不够用,但乔治睡到沙发上问题就解决了。 to make a definite decision to do sth.(某人)决心,决定 例:After the divorce she resolved never to marry again.离婚以后,她下决心永不再嫁。 (委员会、会议等通过投票)作出决议,表决 例:The Senate resolved to accept the Presidents budget proposals by 70 votes to 30.参议院以70票对30票通过决议,同意总统的预算草案。 vi. 下决心,决定 例:He resolved on/against (making) an early start. 他决定(不)早出发.resort n. C 常去的地方;度假胜地 例:seaside/beach/mountain resort 海滨/海滩/山间度假胜地 / This restaurant is my favorite resort.这饭馆是我最爱去的地方。 用单数 the act of turning to for aid or relief, or the people or things you turn to for this求助、求援;求助的对象、手段 例:Our only resort is to inform the police.我们唯一的办法就是向警方报案。*vi. to use sth. or do sth. that is bad, in order to succeed or deal with a problem 采取(某种手段),诉诸(后跟介词to) 例:When polite requests failed Paul resorted to threats.客气的请求不起作用时,保罗便采取威胁手段。roll call n. 点名 例:The boy turned up missing at roll call.小男孩在点名时不见了。*(投票表决时)唱票roll out 辗平,铺开 例:roll out the red carpet for sb.展开红地毯隆重地欢迎某人 * 滔滔不绝地说出;洪亮地讲出或唱出 例:roll out verses朗诵诗句 rule out 划线去掉 例:Rule out that entry in the ledger, the transaction was cancelled.交易已取消了,请从分类账上划去那笔账目。 * 排除在外,认为不可能 例:The police has ruled out suicide.警方已经排除了自杀的可能。 / Bad weather ruled the excursion out for that day. 恶劣的天气使那天不能出游。 取消(参赛资格);使不能参加 例:He has been ruled out of the match with a knee injury. 膝盖受伤,他不能参加那场比赛。run off 迅速离开,逃跑 例:The treasurer has run off with the clubs funds. 会计卷走了俱乐部的资金,逃跑了。 驱赶某人 例:Smith had run them off his property with a rifle.施密斯用一把来复枪把他们从他的土地上赶走了。 * 使流掉;排出(液体) 例:Please run off the water from the tank.请把桶里的水放出。 快速的印出,写出 例:Ill run off a few more copies before the meeting.开会前我要再赶快印出几份来。 / He could run off a fivepage essay in an hour.他能在一小时之内写出一篇五页长的作文来。runoff n. (比赛打平手后的)决赛;(竞选的)决胜选举 * 流走之物Ssay vt. 说话 (用文字、数字、图画等)传达、表明 例:The clock in the hall said it was 7:30.大厅的钟是7点30分。*n. U the right to take part in deciding sth.决定权,发言权(后跟介词in) 例:The workers had no say in how the factory was run.工人在工厂管理方面没有发言权。scope n. U the range of things that a subject, activity, book etc deals with(学科、活动、书籍等的)范围 例:a repertoire of extraordinary scope范围特别大的全部剧目 * the opportunity to do or develop sth.(发挥能力的)机会,施展余地(后跟介词for) 例:Is there much scope for initiative in this job? 这份工作是否可以让人发挥主动性?scramble vi. to climb up or over


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