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Module 6 Problems综合能力演练I. 单项选择。1. Hi, Ann! I won the first prize in the English Speech Contest. Congratulations! And I guess your parents must _ you. A. be mad atB. be proud ofC. be angry withD. be impolite to2. Parents always _ their children _ play football in the street. A. warn; not toB. say; toC. say; not toD. warn; to3. _ the magic show, we all stood up and clapped our hands. A. At the endB. In the endC. In the front ofD. At the end of4. It is a shame _ such a mistake. A. makeB. to makeC. makingD. to making5. Do you think your daughters spend _ money on clothes? No, I dont think so. A. too manyB. much tooC. too muchD. many too6. Were going to hold a party next Saturday, and Id like you to come. _ ! I have a meeting to attend that day. Thank you all the same. A. Good luckB. What a pityC. Its greatD. Well done7. Ill play computer games instead of _ TV. A. watchingB. to watchC. watchD. watches8. Tom likes telling the truth; he is _ honest boy. A. anB. aC. theD. /9. _ , you guys! You can catch the early bus. A. Look upB. Hurry upC. Give upD. Save up10. Why not go camping this weekend? Good idea, if it _. A. will rainB. wont rainC. rainsD. doesnt rain11. Im very sad, mum. I did badly in my exams. Thats OK, dear. You have tried your best _. A. after allB. at firstC. at lastD. first of all12. One of the shoes_ dirty. A. are B. is C. were D. be13. Do you know if Tom _ with us tonight? I believe if he_ his homework he will join us. A. plays; finishesB. will play; finishesC. plays; will finishD. will play; will finish14. It _ me about 10 days _ painting the walls. A. took; to finish B. cost; finishing C. took; finishing D. spent; to finish15. Did you have breakfast this morning? No. I got up late and went to school _ breakfast. A. for B. in C. without D. after【真题链接】1. Mike is _, but his brother Sam is much _. A. heavy; heavier B. heavy; heaviest C. heavier; heaviest D. heavier; the heaviest2. Look! Laura is getting the first place. _ fast runner she is! A. How B. What C. How a D. What a3. You must make sure your tea is not too hot _ you drink it.A. beforeB. afterC. sinceD. whileII. 完形填空。Ted sat next to me when we were in primary school (小学). He had serious problems when he talked with people. One 1always guess what he was saying. Besides, most of my classmates did not like to be with him 2 his hands and shirts were 3dirty. I tried to let him know the importance of being clean by 4 him several times a day to wash his hands. 5he just could not understand. One day, our teacher Miss Li walked up to Ted. Without saying 6, she took Ted to the washroom. Slowly, Miss Li 7 his hands and told him that he should keep himself clean. She did that every day for one 8. Finally, Ted understood. Miss Lis love has given me a good example to follow when I am doing my 9. I always remember to teach my students 10 showing them the right ways to do things. And most important of all, I always remember to give them more time to learn and to grow up. 1. A. shouldB. had toC. mightD. could2. A. althoughB. afterC. beforeD. because3. A. alwaysB. sometimesC. seldomD. never4. A. tellingB. killingC. hurtingD. feeding5. A. AndBOrC.ButD. So6. A. nothingB. everythingC. somethingD. anything7. A. touchedB. washedC. movedD. caught8. A. hourB. secondC. dayD. month9. A. jobB. homeworkC. travelD. business10. A. withB. inC. toD. byIII. 阅读理解。ADear Mr. Knowledge,My dad is very busy, and he is always on business (出差) a lot. I usually stay at home with my mom. I feel that I like my mom better because I know her better. How do I shake (摆脱) this feeling? LucyDear Lucy,Your feelings are natural (自然的), so dont feel bad. Can you and your dad call each other at a certain (确定的) time each day? Pick a book youll both read, and discuss it after you finish each chapter (章节). Find a question and talk it about with your dad. You should try to stay with your dad when he is free, and you can do something with him when hes home. Youll get to know your dad better, and hell know more about you, too. Mr. Knowledge根据短文内容,判断正误(T/F)。1. Lucy stays with her mom longer than with her dad. 2. Lucy feels she doesnt like her dad very much because her dad doesnt love her. 3. Mr. Knowledge thinks its strange for Lucy to have such feelings about her dad. 4. According to Mr. Knowledge, Lucys problem is that she and her dad lack (缺乏) the chances to get to know each other better. 5. Mr. Knowledge advises Lucy to talk with her dad more often. BI am a fifteen-year-old girl. I have a problem now. I want you to give me advice. Three months ago, I knew a boy on the Internet. He saw my picture on the Internet and wanted to make friends with me. I found that he had the same character as me. We both like drawing and swimming. We both hope to travel all over the world. We got on well soon. We often talked with each other on the Internet. Two weeks ago we began to talk on the phone. We both felt comfortable when talking to each other, as if we had been good friends for a long time. Last week we hung out (闲荡) together because he doesnt live far from my home. We talked a lot and enjoyed ourselves together in the gym. However, some of my friends said that I shouldnt make friends on the Internet. They also said that the boy might be dangerous. I dont know what I should do. I dont want a close relationship with him, but Im really happy with him. Should I talk about this problem with my parents or teachers? Im afraid that they would be angry and think Im a bad girl. So I ask you for advice. Please help me. 6. The writer knew the boy _. A. at schoolB. on the InternetC. at a partyD. in a gym7. The writer began to talk with the boy _. A. two months agoB. two weeks agoC. three months agoD. three weeks ago8. The writer got on well with the boy because _ .A. the boy was cool and richB. the boy was nice and safeC. they had the same characterD. they were in the same class9. The underlined word “relationship” means “_ ” in Chinese. A错误B距离C行动D关系10. From the passage we know that _ .A. the writer and the boy have been friends for a long timeB. the writer and the boy talked on the phone for the first timeC. the writer doesnt know where the boy livesD. the writer doesnt know whether she should make friends with the boy or notC Flow like the river of change Little stream ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests. Then it reached a desert. “I went through so many difficulties. I should have no problem crossing the desert,” she thought. As she started, she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand. After many tries, she still failed. “Maybe I cant reach the ocean, she said sadly to herself. At this time, a deep voice said, “If a breeze(微风)can cross the desert, so can a river.” It was the voice of the desert. But the little stream answered, “Thats because a breeze can fly, but I cannot. ” “Thats because you cant give up what you are. Let yourself evaporate(蒸发)into the breeze, and it can take you across,” said the desert. “Give up what I am now? No! No!” The little stream could not accept this idea. “The breeze can carry the vapor(蒸汽) across the desert and let it leave as rain. The rain will form a river again,” said the desert. “And whether youre a river or vapor, your nature never changes.” Hearing this, the little stream went into the open arms of the breeze. It carried her to the next stage of her life. The course of our lives is like the experience of the little stream. If you want to go through difficulties in your life to head for success, you should also change the way you are.11. The little stream aimed to reach _.A. the forestB. the oceanC. the desertD. the river12. The little stream _ before she got to the desert.A. didnt meet much difficulty B. was worried about herselfC. knew well about the desertD. was confident about herself13. At first, the little stream didnt accept the deserts advice because _.A. she failed many timesB. she was afraid of the breezeC. she wasnt able to flyD. she wouldnt give up what she was14. The little stream finally crossed the desert by _.A. evaporating into the breezeB. forming a riverC. disappearing into the sandD. changing her nature15. What does the story mainly tell us?A. The road to success is not always easy and smooth.B. Whatever others say, we should always be ourselves.C. To succeed, we should change the way we are if necessary.D. We may experience difficulty in life just like the little stream.IV. 书面表达。下面是大明写给他朋友Tom的一封信,信中描述了他的烦恼。请你以他朋友Tom的身份,给他写一封80词左右的回信,在信中指出他的问题并给他提出建议。信的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tom,My classmate,Lucy,bought a new penI liked it very much,so I used it without her permissionUnluckily,I broke itThen I put it back secretlyNow she finds out the truth and is very angry with meI dont know what to doCan you help me?Yours,DamingDear Daming,I have known your problem._Yours,Tom【答案与解析】I. 单项选择。1.B。句意:嗨,Ann!我在英语演讲比赛中得了第一。祝贺你!我猜你父母一定为你感到自豪。be mad at“对疯狂”;be proud of“为感到自豪”;be angry with“对生气”;be impolite to“对不礼貌”。故选B。2.A。warn sb. not to do sth. 表示“警告某人不要干某事”,固定搭配。句意:父母总是警告孩子们不要在街上踢足球。3.D。句意:在魔术表演结束时,我们都站起来并且鼓掌。at the end of 表示“在末端(到尽头)”,符合题意。故选D。4.B。It is a shame to do sth. 是个固定句式,表示做某事很遗憾。5.C。too many+可数名词复数形式,表示“太多”;too much+不可数名词,表示“太多”;much too相当于very, 修饰形容词或副词。问句中money是不可数名词,因此用too much来修饰。故选C。6.B。句意:下周六我们要举行一个聚会,我希望你来。多么遗憾!那天我有一个会议要出席。仍然要谢谢你。A项“好运气”;B项“多么遗憾”;C项“太好了”; D项“干得好”。故选B。7. A。instead of中的of是介词,介词后要加动词的-ing形式,故选A。8. A。honest中的字母h不发音,它是一个以元音音素开头的单词,且本题强调“一个”,故其前用an。9. B。根据句意“你们这些人快点,能赶上头班车。”表示催促,意为“快点”用hurry up;look up表示“(在字典中)查询,查找”;give up意为“放弃”;save up意为“储存起来”,故答案为B。10. D。if引导一个从句,在此省略了主句,补充完整应该是If it doesnt rain, we will go camping this weekend.本句注意“主将从现”。11. A。本句句意“毕竟你已经尽力了”;after all意为“毕竟,终究”;at first意为“起初”;at last意为“最后”;first of all意为“首先”,故本题选after all。12. B。one of +名词复数,谓语动词用单数形式。13. B。第一个空是宾语从句,主句用一般现在时,从句根据时间状语tonight可知用一般将来时;第二个空是条件状语从句,要依据“主将从现”原则,故选B。14. A。本题考查It takes sb. some time to do sth.的句型,故答案为A。15. C。句意为“我起床晚了,没吃早饭就上学了”,表示“没有”,用without。【真题链接】1. A。句意:迈克重,但他的哥哥更重。根据句意,第一个题空用原级,第二个题空中哥哥在和他比较,两者比较用比较级。故选A。2. D。句意:看!Laura要得第一名了。她跑得多快啊!由how和what引导的感叹句的结构为:Howadj. / adv.(主语谓语)!和What(a /an)adj.n.(主语谓语)!故答案为D项。3. A。句意“在喝之前,你必须确保你的茶不太烫。” before之前;after之后;since自从,既然,因为;while当,然而。根据语境,应该在喝之前判断茶是不是太烫,故选A。II. 完形填空。1.B。have to意思是“必须,不得不”。结合上文“He had serious problems when he talked with people. ”可知,Ted 与人交流时有严重的问题。因此,当他说话时,人们必须猜测他说的意思。2.D。although“尽管”; after “在之后”; before “在之前”;because “因为”。由“most of my classmates did not like to be with him”可知选D。3.A。always意为“总是”;sometimes意为“有时”; seldom意为“几乎不”; never意为“从来没有”。结合上文,大部分学生不喜欢Ted的原因是他的手和衬衫总是很脏。故选A。4.A。“by telling him several times a day to wash his hands”表示每天告诉他几次让他洗手。5.C。but表示转折。虽然我每天都告诉他要洗手,但是他听不懂。6.D。without意为“无;没有”表示否定,故用anything。7.B。结合下文可知,老师给他洗手并告诉他应该保持自己干净。wash ones hands意思是“洗手”。8.D。“for+时间段”表示一段时间。由句中的“every day”可知,应选D。即老师一个月内每天都那样做。9.A。由下文“I always remember to teach my students. . . ”可知,我也是一个老师。因此,当我做工作的时候,李老师的爱给了我一个好的榜样。job意为“工作”; homework意为“家庭作业”; travel意为“旅行”; business意为“商业,生意”。符合条件的只有A项,故选A。10.D。by“通过”,表示方式。III. 阅读理解。A1.T。由短文第一段“I usually stay at home with my mom. ”可知。2.F。由短文第一段“I feel that I like my mom better because I know her better. ”可知,Lucy对妈妈了解多一些,对爸爸了解少一些,而并不是爸爸不爱她。3.F。由短文第二段“Your feelings are natural. . . ”可知,Mr. Knowledge认为Lucy这样的感觉是自然的,而并不是奇怪的。4.T。结合短文内容可知,Lucy和她爸爸缺乏交流,缺乏相互了解。5.T。结合短文第二段可知,Mr. Knowledge建议Lucy多和她爸爸交流。B6. B。由文章第一段 “Three months ago, I knew a boy on the Internet. ”可知,三个月前作者在网上认识了一个男孩。7. B。由文章第一段 “Two w


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