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1,车辆热管理的研究方法和内容,2,热管理系统与整车的集成研究,主要通过研究汽车热管理系统空气侧复杂流动和传热过程机理,探讨汽车总布置设计、热管理系统集成方式以及行驶工况等因素对热管理系统性能的影响。在此基础上,从系统工程观点和综合指标出发,妥善解决热管理与汽车结构和总布置设计之间的关系,控制汽车热管理系统空气侧流场结构,避免热风回流,改善冷却风道特性,提高热管理系统的实际运行性能 试验研究与数值模拟为热管理系统与整车集成研究的基本方法。,车辆热管理的研究方法,3,国外主要的实验结论,通用汽车公司的Patrick Hoover在实验室中,考虑集成在一起的发动机机体、冷凝器、散热器和风扇密封板等影响,对发动机舱内流动进行试验,分析了冷却风扇与发动机舱流动之间的匹配性能。该研究模拟车速50km/h,环境温度49条件,对散热器工作和不工作时的热管理系统冷却空气流量进行测量和比较。结果表明,散热器在加热条件下的冷却空气流量低于不加热时约12% 最新的冷却系统发展方向(VALEO公司): 1. Nucleate boiling engine cooling: 发动机内部冷却液沸腾冷却系统(REROM) 2. THEMIS system: 智能化电子冷却系统(电子控制阀控制条件冷却液的温度和流量) 3. CoolMaster:电子水阀 代替传统的 节温器或电子控制阀 4. UltimateCooling:,/mags/sohe/ /mags/aei/,4,电子泵代替机械泵 低压循环系统0.2bar (1.50 适合更高的(高和中等)发动机负荷 汽缸头的温度高 510C 循环水量更少 13001400L/H (43005400),REROM 系统,There are two coolant architectures for nucleate boiling engine cooling: partially filled coolant architecture: there is coolant in the cylinder bloc and the cylinder head and all the rest of the coolant circuit remains empty. This coolant architecture was adopted and studied by two car manufacturers (Nissan and BMW). Completely filled coolant architecture: there is coolant in the whole coolant circuit. That means the coolant circuit is practically the same as the conventional engine cooling today. This is our coolant architecture and was adopted and studied by two car manufacturers (Renault and VW).,5,REROM 系统,6,智能化冷却系统,7,8,ULTIMATECOOLING SYSTEM,9,10,Compared to the conventional cooling system and based on Mercedes C class 220CDI, UltimateCooling system exhibits the following results : Packaging reduction in Front End by -10 Liters (-40%), Danner crash repair cost reduction, Green House Gas benefit (750g of R134a 1000 kg of CO), Better WCAC performance (4 to 10 C better if A/C is ON, and 13 to 20 C better if A/C is OFF) Better engine performances and dynamic response (turbo lag), Mutualization of thermal exchange potential : all heat exchangers being cooled down by the same fluid, A/C, Charge Air and Engine cooling operates by sharing power depending on the vehicle speed conditions, Could supply low temperature coolant to other fluids : fuel cooler, EGR cooler, oil cooler, electronic cooler and electric power-train cooler for HEV, FCEV, Less high cost hoses: A/C, OC, CAC, Cross-line component standardisation : WCAC, WCDS,UltimateCooling system 优点,11,Recommendations : THEMIS or CoolMaster could be used if the fuel consumption and pollutions reduction are really the main target. Also its very good for the medium and high vehicle range equipped with the gasoline engine. REROM could be a good system in order to reduce fuel consumption, pollution and system cost. Its very beneficial for low vehicle range equipped with small gasoline and small diesel engine. UltimateCooling is a good system in order to reduce the packaging of cooling module at the front end. Its an ideal system for high vehicle ange equipped with the turbo diesel or turbo gasoline engine.,12,吸风风扇:有利于空气更均匀的流过CPK 吹风风扇:有利于更多空气流过CPK ,但由于产生的二次流的能力损失,降低空气流量;在12.5cm内,吹风方式有更好的性能;在大于12.5cm,吹风方式性能降低 如果风扇与冷却模块间距小于120mm,吹风方式有利。 对吹风方式而言,风扇和冷却模块理想距离为50mm;,风扇的性能,13,14,15,16,国内将发动机热管理当作一个系统来进行考虑的比较少,国内主要还是对各子系统单独考虑,并在此基础上进行一些优化。 装甲兵工程学院毕小平教授等人对发动机冷却系统和润滑系统进行了建模和编程计算。 山东大学的李国祥教授及其学生对发动机冷却系统进行了建模并主要对冷却风扇和散热器进行了优化设计。 清华大学的张扬军教授等人进行的燃料电池热管理系统对本研究也具有参考价值 南京理工大学的宣益民. 。,17,18,19,20,21,发动机冷却液性能 发动机冷却液是发动机循环冷却系统的冷却介质,主要由防冻剂、缓蚀剂、消泡剂、着色剂、防霉剂、缓冲剂等组成。随着汽车工业的发展,对发动机的性能要求也越来越高,不仅要求冷却液具有较低的凝固点和较高的沸点,还应具有较好的金属防腐性、防气蚀性、防结垢性,以及对环境污染小或不污染环境,且有较长的使用寿命等等方面的综合性能。 冷却液由多种成分组成,但是主要的成分是水和乙二醇。在不同的地区根据气候的不同将水和乙二醇进行配比得到需要的冷却液,40%60%; 50%50% 发动机冷却液中水和乙二醇的配比是由当地的气候决定的,冷却液具有高的沸点和低的凝固点。高沸点保证了冷却系统在较高温度也不会沸腾,提高了冷却系统散热器的散热效率。低的凝固点保证了冷却液在冬天不会结冰,改善了发动机的低温启动性能。,22,40的乙二醇60水配比得到的冷却液


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