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Im going to.,Unit 3 We are going to travel.,Lesson 15,管铺头中心小学 李琳琳,the Great Wall,长城 春秋战国时期,各国诸侯为了防御别国入侵,修筑烽火台,并用城墙连接起来,形成了最早的长城。 据记载,秦始皇使用了近百万劳动力修筑长城,占全国总人口的二十分之一。当时没有任何机械,全部劳动都由人力完成。 长城是中华文明的瑰宝,是世界文化遗产之一。,故宫位于北京市中心,旧称紫禁城。故宫占地72万平方米,建筑面积约15万平方米,共有殿宇8707间是明、清两代的皇宫,是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代皇家高级建筑群。,the Forbidden City,中国现存规模最大、保存最完整的皇家园林,中国四大名园(另三座为承德避暑山庄、苏州拙政园、苏州留园)之一。,the Summer Palace,昆明湖 昆明湖是颐和园的主要湖泊,占全园面积的四分之三,约220公顷。,明、清两代皇帝“祭天”、“祈谷”的场所,the Temple of Heaven,明十三陵是中国明朝皇帝的墓葬群。,the Ming Tombs,When are you going to the Summer Palace?,Tomorrow morning.,Fill in the blanks,the Great Wall,in the north of Beijing,the Ming Tombs,the Summer Palace,in the west of Beijing,the Forbidden City,in the centre of Beijing,the Temple of Heaven,in the south of Beijing,learn a lot about the history of China,I am the best tour guide!,Lucy is _ England with her friends next month. A. go B. going C. going to D. goes,We live _ the north _ China. A. in , of B. in, to C. on, of D. in, on,Is the Great Wall far _ here? A. at B. from C. in D. on,The Ming Tombs are in the north of Beijing. 翻译:,the Summer Palace 天坛 the Forbidden City 颐和园 the Temple of Heaven 紫禁城 the Great Wall 明十三陵 the Ming tombs 长城,I love Beijing!,I love the interesting places!,I love China!,Search more information about other interesting place


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