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阅读课目标分析 与案例,Planning a reading class 1. Intensive reading 2. Extensive reading 3. Vocabulary teaching 4. Grammar teaching 5. Reading for writing,People construct meaning based on their own experience and knowledge. Therefore, we may get very different impression about the same picture we are looking at.,If the students fail to understand the nature of reading, they will adopt inappropriate and ineffective reading strategies; if teachers fail to do so, they will be unable to help the students to develop effective reading skills.,1. Reading is an active process. It constantly involves guessing, predicting, checking and asking oneself questions. 2. Reading is the ability to understand the written words and respond to them in proper ways. 3. Reading means getting meaning out of a given text.,How do you read?,A. 自下而上的模式 (the bottom-up model) The reader builds up the meaning of a text on the basis of decoding smaller units: first words, and phrases, then sentences and paragraphs, and finally working out the meaning of the whole text. 阅读者从最小的单位:字母和单词识别开始,逐步弄懂较大的语言单位:短语、分句、句子和语篇的意义。这就是阅读理解自下而上的模式。依照这个模式去理解阅读过程,教师在教授阅读时,主要任务就是帮助学生解决语言上的障碍,即弄清词、短语和句子的意义。这个模式低估了阅读者的主动作用。,B. 从上而下的模式 (the top-down model) The reader uses his or her knowledge of the topic or of the type of the text and makes predictions about what the text will contain, then these predictions are checked by reading and trying to understand the text.,阅读者在阅读过程中,是主动的参与者,他们并不是逐字逐句地去理解,而是结合自己的预测,在文章中找出有关的信息,来验证自己的预测。这就是从上而下的模式。按照这个模式,阅读不但需要语言知识,而且需要有关客观世界的背景知识。一些学者认为从上而下的模式强调用某些背景知识或文中的提示来对意义进行预测,而对较低层次的能力如快速、准确地对词汇和语法结构等别的能力有所忽视。,C. 相互作用的模式 (the interactive model) The reader uses bottom-up and top-down ways together, and the two ways interact with each other in the understanding of a text. The reader may shift from one focus to another during the process. That means he might predict the context of the text by using his knowledge of the topic (top-down), then look for key words (bottom up) to check the prediction, or get the main gist of the text by skimming it quickly (top-down) and examine the writers choice of vocabulary for understanding the implied meaning.,相互作用的模式也可称图式理论模式(the schema theory model)。它认为在阅读过程中,人们运用两种方式进行信息处理,一种是自下而上的方式,另一种是从上而下的方式。无论在哪一个阶段、在哪一个层次里,两种信息处理的方式总是同时进行的。,阅读教学,35级教学目的 乐于阅读,基本养成阅读兴趣和良好的阅读习惯,掌握概括大意、理解词义、预测故事情节等基本阅读方法,基本掌握常用阅读策略, 初步形成语感。,35级,略读; 扫读、找读、跳读; 预测; 理解大意; 猜测词义; 推断; 理解细节; 理解文章结构; 理解图表信息; 理解指代; 理解逻辑关系。,读前活动,明确目的; 熟悉话题; 预测内容,激发兴趣和欲望; 激活相关语言; 布置任务。,读中活动,认读; 略读; 跳读; 根据所读内容画图、标图、连线、填表、排序、补全信息; 为课文选择或添加标题; 根据所读内容制作图表; 边读边操作; 判断信息的真实性。,读后活动,进一步理解与巩固所学语言; 转述所读内容; 根据所读内容进行角色扮演; 讨论。,写的教学,35级教学目的: 乐于用书面语言表达意思,基本连贯地表述与表达事实、观点、情感,形成基本的写作能力。,35级,激活相关信息; 整理思路; 组织素材; 列出提纲; 起草短文; 组织语言; 修改短文; 正确使用标点符号和字母大小写。,写前活动,激发兴趣; 激活相关信息; 明确目的和读者对象; 讨论主题; 搜集素材; 阅读范文; 语言准备。,写中活动,填空; 看图写话; 连句成文; 口头作文; 仿写、改写; 写提纲; 写初稿; 提示作文; 把图表转换成文字; 修改; 听写。,写后活动,展示作品; 小组交流; 制作板报、墙报; 同伴互评。,Major reading skills practised in reading class 1. Prediction: using ones own knowledge of the outside world to make predictions about and interpret a text. 2. Skimming: a type of rapid reading which is used when the reader wants to get the main idea or ideas from a passage.,3. Scanning: a type of speed reading technique which is used when the reader wants to locate a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage. 4. Reading for details.,5. Inferring: making use of syntactic, logical and cultural clues to discover the meaning of unknown elements. These may be the writers opinions and attitudes which are not directly stated in the text. . Inferring the meaning of lexical items; Inferring attitude and opinion; Inferring the purpose of the article; Understanding implied information.,6. Recognising rhetorical structures Rhetorical structures refer to the complex network of relationships within a text. It is the structure of the underlying ideas and the connections the writer makes between them. The most common text structures are chronological order; cause and effect; comparison and contrast; classification; process; definition,7. Recognising discourse markers: e.g. therefore + conclusion; however + contrast; that is + paraphrase; e.g + example. 8. Understanding relations within the sentence and the text . 9. Knowing how to use an index, a table of contents, etc.,The three stages of teaching reading 1. Pre-reading stage 1) The aims of the pre-reading stage,a. Arousing the students interest in the topic or type of text; b. Motivating students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading; c. Preparing the students for the content of the text. 2) The skill practised in the stage Prediction,3) The activities done in the pre-reading stage. examine the accompanying visual information reflect on the title or the topic;, guess the topic by looking at key words from the text state what they already know about the topic state what they would like to know about the topic putting the events in the correct order,answer the teachers general questions about the text type or topic (oral or written); Students are given sentences which refer to the text, and they guess whether they are true or false. reviewing vocabulary or grammatical structures,2. While-reading stage 1) The aims of the while-reading stage a. To help the reader understand the content and structure of the text. b. To help the reader understand the authors purpose in writing the text.,2) The skills practised in the stage The main skills practised in the stage are skimming, scanning, reading for detail, drawing inferences about the authors purpose and intention. 3) The activities done in the while-reading stage, skim reading to get the gist (main idea) of the text; locating specific information; taking notes on the main points, or on specific points of the text; putting the events in the correct order;, transferring information from the text to a diagram, table, form, map, graph or picture; choosing a picture that fits the meaning of the text; drawing a picture to show the meaning of the text; drawing a diagram to show the text structure;, answering factual questions on the text; answering inference questions on the text (reading between the lines); questions for personal response; true or false; working out the meaning of words and phrases in the text from the context;, examining referents in the text and stating what they refer to; putting the paragraphs of a jumbled text back in the correct order; giving the text an appropriate title (also possibly a post-reading activity),3. Post-reading stage 1) The aims of the post-reading stage a. To consolidate or reflect on what has been read in the text. b. To relate the text to the students own knowledge, interests, or views.,c. To give the students the chance to consolidate that language by using it freely. 2) The skills practised in the stage Post-reading work usually contributes to the development of all the language skills and may involve using other skills than just reading.,3) The activities done in the post-reading stage gap-filling retelling the story of the text from the prompts; correct the summary: correction of factual errors to be given after comprehension tasks have been done., writing a summary of the main content of the text (based on the prompts); oral discussion of the topic of the text; role-play; writing a dialogue based on the text, finishing the story (orally or in writing), that means either predicting an ending or changing the ending to one of your own choice; listening to or reading some supplementary materials about the topic; comment on the content of the text; An interview if the text is suitable.,Layout for reading class School_ Junior or Senior Section_ Class _ Grade _ Size_ Time_ Date _ Materials _ Type of lesson_ Aids_ Contents: 1. Vocabulary 2. Structure 3. Reading,Objectives: 1. Instructional objectives 1) language knowledge 2) language skills 2. Educational objectives 1) affect 2) learning strategy 3) cultural understanding 3. Personal objectives Focal points: Difficult points: Aids:,Procedures and Time Allotment 1. Getting students ready for learning ( mins) 1) Greetings 2) Routine task 2. Revision ( mins) 3. Pre-reading ( mins) 4. While-reading 5. Post-reading ( mins) 1) Oral work 2) Written work 6. Assigning homework 1) Conclusion 2) Homework Self-evaluation,What are the principles for good lesson plann


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