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课时作业(二)基础题单词拼写1Id love to be introduced to the man wearing a business _ (西装)答案:suit2Social life is the _ (源泉) of wisdom of writers.答案:fountain3We expected 50 people, but the _ (实际的) number was a lot higher.答案:actual 4We should keep in mind that there is no _ (绝对的) freedom in the world.答案:absolute5The _ (问卷) survey is finished, and thank you for your participation!答案:questionaire6(2018北京高考)But however long it takes, the technology has the p_ to change our transportation systems and our cities, for better or for worse, depending on how the transformation is regulated.答案:potential7The performance of each student is e_ by their teachers.答案:evaluated8Violence e_ after police shot a student during the demonstration.答案:erupted9All items of e_ remain the property of the company.答案:equipment10A h_ hit the town, causing great losses to the crops.答案:hurricane选词填空be appointed as; burn to the ground; make ones way; be equipped with; out of the way; be amazed at; protect . from .; be covered with; as well as; compare . with . 1(2018天津高考)The floors of all campus buildings _ manual (手动的) fire alarm systems which include fire alarm pull stations and pipes.答案:are equipped with2The Red Army _ from the south of China to the northwest with great difficulties, which is called the Long March.答案:made their way3To our regret, the whole building _ in the fire.答案:was burnt to the ground4She can speak Japanese _ English.答案:as well as5Youd better often _ your handwriting _ others.答案:compare; with6I was told that Mr Smith _ the manager of the company.答案:was appointed as7The grass _ frost in the early morning.答案:was covered with8I moved my legs _ so that she could get past.答案:out of the way9I _ her ability to cope with the difficult situation.答案:was amazed at10Wearing dark glasses can _ your eyes _ the sun.答案:protect; from单句语法填空1After several weeks in the tropical forest we made our way back _ our camp.答案:to2Our milk powder is especially _ (suit) for children under 6, as it helps a lot to build the bodys natural defence.答案:suitable3The labs in our school are _ with a lot of good _, which is helpful for our study. (equip)答案:equipped; equipment4There _ (be) another chance, he will try his best.答案:being5Imagine _ (live) without electricity, what will it be like?答案:living6I knew that I was in a _ (potential) dangerous situation.答案:potentially7I was about to go to your home to help you with your English _ my uncle came.答案:when8According to the survey, the reason _ people are unhappy is that they do not have enough love.答案:why9If you are invited to dinner, you are supposed to arrive not later than the _ (appoint) time.答案:appointed10All the tasks _ (finish) ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.答案:having been finished单句写作1_ (被任命为领导) of the group, the man was very excited. 答案:Appointed as the leader2_ (配备有武器), the soldiers determined to fight against the terrorists.答案:Equipped with arms3_ (已经工作了两天), Steve managed to finish his report on schedule.答案:Having worked for two days4Tom _ (正要关窗这时) his attention was caught by a bird.答案:was about to close the window when5All night long he lay awake, _ (思索着问题)答案:thinking of the problem 能力题阅读理解AScientists found gravitational waves as they watched the effects of two black holes running into each other and forming a much bigger one, a century after Albert Einstein predicted that such an event would send ripples (波纹) through spacetime. Scientists “heard” the wave with the help of laser beams (激光束) sent through two pipes which form an angle of 90 between each other and are nearly 2,000 miles apart in the US. That equipment let them glimpse the nature of black holes. Together they made up the Laser Interferometer GravitationalWave Observatory (LICO)Gravitational waves were first observed in September 2015 and the second detection occurred three months later. The third detection, which the astronomers called GW170104, was made on January 4,2017. The astronomers believed their latest finding “provides clues about the directions in which the black holes are spinning”. “Black holes are beautifully simple. You just need two numbers to describe them completely: mass, how much they bend spacetime, and a spin, how much spacetime moves about them,” said Dr Christopher Berry of the University of Birmingham, one of the researchers in the project. “But it takes lots of hard work to measure these from our data. We now have wonderful mass measurements, and are starting to uncover details about the spins of these black holes, which could give evidence for how they formed.” The researchers said their discovery added further evidence to support Einsteins general theory of relativity and confirmed the existence of previously unknown black holes. More than 1,000 scientists from the LIGO Scientific Collaboration were involved in the project along with an additional 280 researchers from the Europeanbased Virgo Collaboration. Scientists hope gravitational waves will offer a completely different view of the universe, allowing them to study events that might be hidden from traditional telescopes. “We have further confirmation of the existence of stellar (恒星的)mass black holes that are larger than 20 solar masses. We didnt know they existed before LIGO detected them,” MIT researcher David Shoemaker said.1Who pioneered gravitational waves?ADavid Shoemaker. BChristopher Berry.CScientists from LIGO. DAlbert Einstein.答案:D细节理解题。根据第一段中的“a century after Albert Einstein predicted that such an event would send ripples (波纹) through spacetime”可知,科学家们的这一发现发生在爱因斯坦预测此事件的一个世纪后,因此爱因斯坦是引力波的先行者。2How did scientists discover gravitational waves?ABy using laser beams.BBy joining vertical pipes.CBy using traditional telescopes.DBy following the orbit of black holes.答案:A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Scientists heard the wave with the help of laser beams (激光束) sent through two pipes which form an angle of 90 between each other and are nearly 2,000 miles apart in the US.”可知,科学家们是通过使用激光束来探测到引力波的。3What can we learn from the last three paragraphs?AMore than 2,000 scientists took part in the event.BScientists have already discovered spins of black holes.CGravitational waves contributed to black holes research.DThere is no way to find out how black holes are formed.答案:C推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The astronomers believed their latest finding provides clues about the directions in which the black holes are spinning”和第四段中的“We . are starting to uncover details about the spins of these black holes, which could give evidence for how they formed.”可知,科学家们第三次发现引力波给黑洞的旋转方向提供了线索,黑洞的旋转细节可能为它们的形成方式提供证据。即引力波有助于黑洞的研究。故选C。4What do the scientists think of the application of gravitational waves?AIts controversial. BIts promising.CIts limited. DIts demanding.答案:B推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Scientists hope gravitational waves will offer a completely different view of the universe, allowing them to study events that might be hidden from traditional telescopes.”可知,科学家们希望引力波会提供一个完全不同的宇宙观,使得他们能研究使用传统望远镜可能发现不了的事情,即他们认为引力波的运用很有前景。故选B项。B(2019中央民族大学附中月考)Since English biologist Charles Darwin published OntheOriginofSpecies in 1859, scientists have vastly improved their knowledge of natural history. However, a lot of information is still the subject of the speculation, and scientists can still only make educated guesses at certain things.One subject that they guess about is why some 400 million years ago, animals in the sea developed limbs (肢) that allowed them to move onto and live on land.Recently, an idea that occurred to the US paleontologist (古生物学家) Alfred Romer a century ago became a hot topic once again.Romer thought that tidal (潮汐的) pools might have led to fish gaining limbs. Sea animals would have been forced into these pools by strong tides. Then, they would have been made either to adapt to their new environment close to land or die. The fittest among them grew to accomplish the transition (过渡) from sea to land.Romer called these earliest fourfooted animals “tetrapods”. Science has always thought that this was a credible theory, but only recently has there been strong enough evidence to support it.Hannah Byrne is an oceanographer (海洋学家) at Uppsala University in Sweden. She announced at the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Oregon, US, that by using computer software, her team had managed to link Romers theory to places where fossil deposits (沉积物) of the earliest tetrapods were found.According to the magazine Science, in 2014, Steven Balbus, a scientist at University of Oxford in the UK, calculated that 400 million years ago, when the move from land to sea was achieved, tides were stronger than they are today. This is because the planet was 10 percent closer to the moon than it is now.The creatures stranded in the pools would have been under the pressure of “survival of the fittest”, explained Mattias Green, an ocean scientist at the UKs University of Bangor. As he told Science, “After a few days in these pools, you become food or you run out of food . the fish that had large limbs had an advantage because they could flip (翻转) themselves back in the water.”As is often the case, however, there are others who find the theory less convincing. Cambridge Universitys paleontologist Jennifer Clark, speaking to Nature magazine, seemed unconvinced. “Its only one of many ideas for the origin of landbased tetrapods, any or all of which may have been a part of the answer,” she said. 5Who first proposed the theory that fish might have gained limbs because of tidal pools?AHannah Byrne. BCharles Darwin.CAlfred Romer. DSteven Balbus.答案:C细节理解题。根据第三段内容“Recently, an idea that occurred to the US paleontologist (古生物学家) Alfred Romer a century ago became a hot topic once again.”和第四段第一句“Romer thought that tidal (潮汐的) pools might have led to fish gaining limbs.”可知,是Alfred Romer最先提出了鱼类可能因为潮汐潭而


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