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College English Test-Band 6,分项解析,四六级考试就是“浮云”,听力,阅读,写作,综合,35%710=248.5,完型,翻译,35%710=248.5,15%710=106.5,10%710=71,5%710=35.5,四六级考试就是“浮云”,听力,70%,710=422,阅读,写作,70%,70%,浮云 浮云 浮云,425,听力,你准备好了吗?,策略学习,积累经验 大量阅读,题材多样 词汇归纳,分类总结 多听多练,时刻准备 知己知彼,百战百胜 不求完美,只求卓越,策略学习,积累经验,预测和听力相结合(利用一切可用资源) 精听和泛听相结合(合理分配注意力) 听力和口语相结合 听力和记录相结合(关键词;大意、细节) 多和同学交流,共同解决问题,大量阅读,题材多样,生活题材的话题,多积累(短对话) 多读报纸,多听新闻,了解时事(中文) 阅读题材广泛:采访、新闻、广告等 从中文过度到英文材料的阅读(具一定词汇积累) 学会用自己的语言归纳中心含义,词汇归纳,分类总结,将不同题材有关的词汇进行归类(经济、宗教、政治、军事、医疗等) 习惯短语的积累 不同场景的用语(飞机场、银行、商店、车站、医院、图书馆、餐馆、办公室、加油站、旅行社、学校),多听多练,时刻准备,让你的耳朵适应英语 学会控制自己的注意力 多做听力练习 做完练习学会总结分析,知己知彼,百战百胜,六级听力题型有哪些 六级听力题型中哪些是我的薄弱环节 做模拟题和真题,并进行分析、总结 六级的听力什么时间播放 你的工具都带齐了吗?(2B铅笔、收音机、橡皮、电池等) 答题卡的填写规范你知道吗?,六级听力考试题型:考试时间35分钟 7-8组短对话,每组短对话包括一个话轮,对话后有一个问题,试卷上每题有4个选项,要求选出一个最佳答案。 2段长对话,每组长对话包括7-10个话轮,对话后有3-4个问题(两组共7个问题),试卷上每题有4个选项,要求选出一个最佳答案。 3篇听力短文共有10道题,包括题材熟悉、情节不太复杂的故事、讲话、叙述等,240-260词,读一遍,每篇后有3-4个问题,每题为一个问句,试卷上每题有4个选项,要求选出一个最佳答案。听力选择部分的每个问题后有一定的间隙(六级约为13秒)。 复合式听写,要求在听完一篇240-260词的短文3遍以后,补全空缺的单词和句子,读三遍。,六级录音的速度为较高要求(大学英语课程教学要求):能够基本听懂来自英语国家人士的谈话和讲座,能听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内英语广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟150词左右。能基本听懂外国专家用英语讲授的专业课程。能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。 听力理解部分的目的是测试学生获取口头信息的能力,包括理解主旨大意、重要的事实细节、理解隐含的意义、理解谈话人的观点态度等。,六级考试流程 2009上半年大学英语六级考试时间:6月20日 14:50-15:00试音寻台时间 15:00-15:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷 15:10取下耳机,开始作文考试 15:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但15:40才允许开始做) 15:40-15:55做快速阅读部分 15:55-16:00收答题卡一(即作文和快速阅读) 15:55-16:00重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试 16:00开始听力考试,电台开始放音 听力结束后完成剩余考项。 17:20全部考试结束,六级听力分值分布,不求完美,只求卓越,告诉自己:我不要100分,我要XX分,我有XX分可以舍弃 平静地心态对待每一个试题 错过就错过,不可以重头再来,学会放弃 关注下一题,会挽回很多 听力也可以检查,不要错过,Listening35%,短对话8% 长对话7% 短文10% 复合式听写10%,听力短对话8大高频考点,建议语句 But转折语句 虚拟语句 其他特殊句型 习语与搭配 观点态度 谈话主题 场景/人物身份推断,六级短对话共8题,主要考查考生能否抓住谈话主题、概括谈话要点、理解习惯表达和推出深层含义。短对话信息很浓缩,承载的信息量比长对话和短文少的多,但让人费的脑筋一点都不少。可是,只要熟悉短对话常考出题处,听音时便可做到有的放矢、听出弦外之音了。,一、建议语句,表达建议的句型是短对话考试设题重点之一,常用建议句型: Why dont you Why not How about Have you checked with Youd better Maybe you should,2007.12/T11,A) Proceed in his own way B) Stick to the original plan C) Compromise with his colleague D) Try to change his colleagues mind,M: The biological project is now in trouble; you know, my colleague and I have completely different ideas about how to proceed. W: Why dont you compromise? Try to make it a win-win situation for you both. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?,解析:对话中,女士用反问句Why dont you,建议男士这种处理,已达到双赢的局面,故C正确。【答案:C】,二、but转折语句,一般来说,听力测试多针对对话中的语义重心出题。but,however,yet等转折词之后就是语义重心。,2006.6/T1,A) She met with Thomas just a few days ago B) She can help with the orientation program C) She is not sure she can pass on the message D) She will certainly try to contact Thomas,M: Mary, could you please tell Thomas to contact me? I was hoping he would be able to help me out with the freshmen orientation program next week . W: I would certainly tell him if I saw him, but I havent seen him around for quite a few days. Q: What does the woman mean?,解析:男士让女士帮他捎口信给Thomas。女士回答中的but词提示,她已经好几天没有看到他了,由此可知她不能保证能传到口信。【答案:C】,三、虚拟语句,虚拟句式是短对话常考命题点,当句子中出现if,wish,if only,should/could/neednt have done等虚拟句式时,应重点关注。这类虚拟句式表达的往往是不可能实现的愿望。,2008.12/T12,A) Consult her dancing teacher B) Take a more interesting class C) Continue her dancing class D) Improve her dancing skills,W: Im considering dropping my dancing class. Im not making any progress. M: If I were you, Id stick with it. Its definitely worth the time and effort. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?,解析:女士由于没有取得进步而打算放弃舞蹈课,男士说,“如果我是你,我会坚持下去”,C是stick with it的同义替换。注意虚拟语气处,常常是考点所在。【答案:C】,2006.1/T7,A) He shows great enthusiasm for his studies B) He is a very versatile person C) He has no talent for tennis D) He does not study hard enough,M: Your son certainly shows a lot of enthusiasm on the tennis court. W: I only wish hed show as much for his studies. Q: What does the woman imply about her son?,解析:女士用虚拟句式I only wish表达了她希望儿子对学习表现出对网球同样的兴趣,这说明事实上她儿子学习没有特别用功。【答案:D】,四、其他特殊句型,否定语句、比较语句等特殊句型,也是听力理解的常考命题点。以下关键词往往是听音重点。否定词:nothing but, no more, few, without, tootoo, dislike, deny;比较句式:asas, not soas, compare with,the more the more,morethan以及形容词、副词的比较级和最高级。,2006.1/T1,A) The dean should have consulted her on the appointment B) Dr. Holden should have taken over the position earlier C) She doesnt think Dr. Holden has made a wise choice D) Dr. Holden is the best person for the chairmanship,M: The Dean just announced that Dr. Holdens going to take over as chairman of the history department. W: I knew it all along! Hes the obvious choice. All the other candidates are no match for him! Q: What does the woman mean?,解析:男士说Dr. Holden 将接任历史系。女士发表她对这件事的看法,否定词no match “比不上,不是的对手”实际上表达肯定的意思,她认为Dr. Holden最能胜任系主任。【答案:D】,2007.12/T17,A) He will help the woman with her reading B) The lounge is not a place for him to study it C) He feels sleepy whenever he tries to study D) A cozy place is rather hard to find on campus,W: I find the lounge such a cozy place to study in. I really like the feeling of sitting on the sofa and doing the reading. M: Well, for me the hardest part about studying here is staying awake. Q: What does the man mean?,解析:男士说,对于他来说在休闲室学习时最难的(the hardest)就是保持清醒,即休闲室不是学习的好地方,B正确。【答案:B】,五、习语与搭配,短对话中,说话人往往不会直接说明所要表达的意思,有时甚至会使用一些考生不太熟悉的习语、固定搭配,要求考生结合说话的语境,揣摩其含义。,2006.1/T8,A) John has lost something at the railway station B) There are several railway stations in the city C) It will be very difficult for them to find John D) The train that John is taking will arrive soon,W: Were supposed to meet John here at the railway station. M: Thats like looking for a needle in hay stack. Q: What does the man imply?,解析:首先要识别出男士用了一句比喻looking for a needle in a hay stack“在草堆里找一根针”,由此可以联想“找到的机会非常渺茫”。选项中只有C与之匹配,所以是正确答案。【答案:C】,2008.6/T14,A) The errors will be corrected soon B) The woman was mistaken herself C) The computing system is too complex D) He has called the woman several times,W: Hello, Professor White. I got my grade in the mail this morning, but I think there might be a mistake in my mark. M: Yeah, Ive got several calls, just like yours. There must be a problem with the computing system. It should be straightened out in a couple of hours. Q: What does the man mean?,解析:女士告诉男士说她的分数有误。男士回答说“计算机系统肯定出了问题,会在几个小时内纠正错误。”本题的解题关键是听懂straighten out“矫正,纠正”这一搭配,答案应为A。【答案:A】,六、观点态度,这类题型的特点是推理对话某一方的态度立场、喜怒哀乐,或得意或失望,或赞成或反对。通常对话中不会直接提及答案,考生需要通过抓关键词、习惯表达、固定句型等多种手段理解句子,判断说话人的弦外之音。,2006.6/T10,A) It was applaudable B) It was just terrible C) The actors were enthusiastic D) The plot was funny enough,W: You didnt seem to be terribly enthusiastic about the performance. M: You must be kidding. I couldnt have clapped any harder. My hands are still hurting. Q: What does the man think of the performance?,解析:本题couldnt have clapped any harder意为“拍手拍得最起劲了”,也就是说他非常热情地鼓掌,其中包含的习惯表达为“否定词+比较级=最高级”,因此答案为A。此外,还有一个小技巧:像C这样只是对原文片言只语的重复,往往不会是答案。【答案:A】,七、谈话主题,谈话主题在对话题型中占有相当的比例,考察谈话的主题,解题关键在于抓住某一主题最典型、最具代表性的关键词或句子,从谈话的整体去把握主题,决不能抓住只言片语、断章取义。,2009.12/T16,A) Newly-launched products B) Consumer preferences C) Survey results D) Survey methods,W: Lets look at the survey on consumer confidence we conducted last week. How reliable are these figures? M: They have a 5% margin of error. Q: What are the speakers talking about?,解析:女士想了解上周对消费者信心的调查数据的可信度,男士回答说有5%的误差。双方讨论的是调查结果,故选C。【答案:C】,八、场景/人物身份推断,对话中一般不会直接出现对话发生的地点、对话双方的身份,通常主要是通过几个关键词暗示对话发生的地点或人物的职业。,2006.6/T5,A) Tonys secretary B) Pauls girlfriend C) Pauls colleague D) Tonys wife,M: Hello, Mary. This is Paul at the bank. Is Tony home? W: Not yet, Paul. I dont think you can reach him at the office now, either. He phoned me five minutes ago to say he was stopping for a hair-cut on his way home. Q: What do you think the woman probably is?,解析:只要抓到听音关键Is Tony home? 和on his way home便可知,男士打电话到Tony家,Tony的家人接了电话,因此答案为D。【答案:D】,短对话猜答案技巧,语气绝对化的选项一般不是答案; 形态相似的选项预示答案; 语义矛盾的选项预示答案; 听到什么一般不选什么。,长对话4大应试技巧,扫读选项,确定听音重点 听音技巧:抓听首尾 留意语义重点 考点多细节,再现是答案,长对话2篇,每篇在300词左右,共7道题。一般说来,长对话考查的题型主要包括主旨大意题、细节题以及逻辑推理题,考查考生对时间、地点、数字、人物行为和观点的理解,也考查考生的逻辑推理能力。长对话篇幅较长、涉及信息较多,因此在听音前浏览选项、推测对话内容、锁定听音重点,就显得非常重要了。,一、扫读选项,确定听音重点,主动出击,在听音之前快速浏览选项。通过扫读选项,发现选项中的关键词、共同的成分,从而大体推知谈话内容,预测问题。 19. A) To interview a few job applicants B) To fill a vacancy in the company C) To advertise for a junior sales manager D) To apply for a job in a major newspaper,20. A) A hard working ambitious young man B) A young man good at managing his time C) A college graduate with practical working experience D) A young man with his own idea of what is important 21. A) Not clearly specified B) Reasonable enough C) Not likely to be met D) Apparently sexist,解析 由选项关键词:interview, job, company, advertise, apply, young man等,可推断对话与招聘或工作面试有关。19题四个选项都是动词不定式,关键动词是interview, fill, advertise, apply,问题很可能问谈话某一方要做什么事情。20题四个选项的中心词都是young man,选项的主要区分点在young man的修饰语上,听音时应注意听这方面的信息。21题四个选项中有三个的中心词都是形容词或分词;2个明显否定,2个形式肯定的选项中一褒一贬,至少可以缩小范围为二选一。,二、听音技巧:抓听首尾,长对话谈论的主题出现在开头,提示整个对话的内容。因此引出话题部分往往会出有关谈论话题主旨或细节的题目。结尾处也是命题的关键点。谈话最后,交谈双方一般会表明自己的观点、态度或提出建议,结尾处对整个对话起到总结的作用。听音时,应特别注意对话首尾。,2008.12/T19,A) It saw the end of its booming years worldwide B) Its production and sales reached record levels C) It became popular in some foreign countries D) Its domestic market started to shrink rapidly,W: Mr. White, what changes have you seen in the champagne market, in the last ten to fifteen years? M: Well, the biggest change has been the decrease in sales since the great boom years of the 1980s when champagne production and sales reached record levels. Q: What does the man say about champagne in the 1980s?,解析:第一个话轮引出谈话主题“香槟酒”。从选项预测本题询问某一产品的市场情况。对话中,男士说,自从20世纪80年代香槟的生产、销售创历史记录后,销售量便不断下滑,故选B。【答案:B】,2008.12/T25,A) Doubtful B) Reserved C) Indifferent D) Supportive,W: Well, people may think differently of your methods but theres no doubt youre doing a great job. Keep it up and good luck. And thanks for talking with us. M: Thanks for having me. Q: What is the womans attitude towards the Green Peaces campaigns?,解析:女士在采访结束时说人们可能对该组织做事的方式持不同看法,但他们做的事情很了不起(doing a great job),希望他们继续(keep it up)并祝他们好运,故选D。【答案:D】,三、留意语义重点,一般说来,长对话听力题型主要包括主旨大意题、细节题以及逻辑推理题,考查考生对时间、地点、数字、人物行为和观点的理解,对话出现since, result from, therefore, so, due to等体现语义重点的词语和数字时,应引起重视。,2008.6/T22,A) 11,500 B) 30,000 C) 250,000 D) 300,000,W: Really? Tell me, how many customers do you have on an average day? And how much do they spend? M: About 30,000 people come on an average day. But during the sales, the number increases to 300,000 customers a day. How much do they spend? Well, on average, customers spend about 1.5 million pounds a day Q: About how many customers come to Harolds on an average day?,解析:男士说,“来Harolds的顾客平均每天可达大约30000人。”B正确。D是大减价时可能达到的顾客人数。【答案:B】,2008.12/T20,A) They cost less B) They tested better C) They were in fashion D) They were widely advertised,W: And the other reasons? M: Another important factor has been price. In the early 90s, champagne was very overpriced, so many people stop buying it. Instead they bought sparkling wines from other countries, in particular from Australia and Spain. And then there was another problem for champagne in the early 90s. Q: Why did sparkling wines become more popular than champagne in the early 90s?,解析:在采访中男士提到香槟销量下滑的原因之一是价格过高,从而导致消费者转而购买汽酒,A正确。So表明前后句的因果关系,instead表转折语义,这两个地方都是听音重点。【答案:A】,四、考点多细节,再现是答案,细节题的正确选项一般都是对话中的原词或语义再现,很少有用同音、音近词作干扰项。换言之,长对话主要考查对细节的辨听,而不是考查对这些细节的表述的语义的转换或推论。因此,答题的基本原则是听到什么选什么。,2007.12/T22,A) It has seen a steady decline in its profits B) It has become much more competitive C) It has lost many customers to foreign companies D) It has attracted a lot more designers from abroad,M: Has the fashion industry in Italy changed since 1982? W: Oh, yes. Its become a lot more competitive, because the quality of products from other countries has improved a lot. But Italian quality and design is still world-famous. Q: What do we learn about the change in Italys fashion industry?,解析:男士问:“1982年以来意大利的时装业有什么变化吗?”女士回答说:“当然有变化,现在竞争更激烈了。”competitive是原词再现,B正确。【答案:B】,破译短文听力6种命题手段,首尾多出题 逻辑关系处常考 举例、引用处常考 解释说明处常考 比较处常考 数字、地名等信息处常考,短文听力共 3 篇,每篇长度为 240-260词,每篇3-4 题,共10小题。历年短文听力文章的类型以故事和说明文为主,其中说明文包括简单说明文、科技说明和人物传记。短文听力题型主要有主旨大意题、事实细节题、观点态度题等。从考查的内容看,短文听力侧重对重要细节的考查,多针对“语义重心”出题。 “语义重心”有两大类:一是篇章结构的“起承转合”之处,尤其是文章的“起”(文章开篇)和“合”(文章结尾)。另一类是突出语义处,如逻辑关系处、数字信息处等。,一、首尾多出题,同长对话一样,短文的开头一般会负载着主题信息,结尾也往往归纳或重申作者的观点。因此,短文听力的一头一尾常设置考点,值得加倍留意。,2009.12/T30,A) The fierce competition in the market B) The growing necessity of staff training C) The accelerated pace of globalization D) The urgent need of a diverse workforce,One of the biggest challenges facing employers and educators today is the rapid advance of globalization. The market place is no longer national or regional, but extends to all corners of the world. And this requires a global-ready workforce. Q: What is one of the biggest challenges facing employers and educators today?,解析:文章开篇第一句直指话题:全球化的快速进程给雇主及教育者带来的挑战。选项 C 中的 accelerated pace 是文中 rapid advance 的近义表达 。【答案:C】,2009.12/T32,A) Reflective thinking is becoming critical B) The labor market is getting globalized C) Knowing a foreign language is essential D) Globalization will eliminate many jobs,. Students themselves, however, may not realize that when they graduate, they will be competing in a global labor market. And universities need to raise awareness of these issues amongst undergraduates. Q: What should college students realize according to the speaker?,解析:在短文最后,作者指出:学生自己或许还未意识到毕业时将面临与国际劳动市场 竞争的现实,而大学应不断提高在校生的这一类意识,故选 B。这两句是短文的结尾句,在上句中出现转折关系词 however,其重要性不言而喻。【答案:C】,二、逻辑关系处常考,短文听力信息量大,信息按照一定的逻辑关系严密组织而成。短文中凡是体现逻辑关系之处都常被设为考点。几大常见逻辑关系包括:转折、因果、条件、并列、递进等。这类逻辑关系“信号词”是听音辨义的重点.,2007.6/T27,A) By finding sufficient support for implementation B) By taking into account their own ability to change C) By constantly keeping in mind their ultimate goals D) By making detailed plans and carrying them out,. Its not that change is impossible but that it wont last unless our resolutions are supported with plans for implementation. We have to make our intentions manageable by detailing the specific steps that will carry us to our goal. Q: How can people turn their new years resolutions into reality?,解析:考点体现出“语义重心出题”的原则。Its not that. but that 结构有强烈的对比含义,We have to.进一步补充说明前一句的意思。此处的 by 结构不应该漏听。原文谈到“我们必须通过细化能够把我们带往最终目的的步骤,从而使我们的打算变得可执行”,D 是原文 by detailing the specific steps.的同义表达,D 正确。 【答案:D】,2007.12/T27,A) Major European airlines will go bankrupt B) Europeans will pay much less for traveling C) Traveling time by train between major European cities will be cut by half D) Trains will become the safest and most efficient means of travel in Europe,. If their proposal becomes a reality, it will revolutionize train travel in Europe. Journeys between major cities will take half the time they take today. Q: What will happen when the proposal becomes a reality?,解析:命题点设在条件句 if.处,逻辑关系信号词为听音重点。文中提到:“如果它们的提议成为现实的话,欧洲的火车旅行将发生革命性的变化,欧洲主要城市之间的旅行时间将会缩短一半。”选项 C 正确 。【答案:C】,2006.12/T27,A) He disliked being disciplined B) He was expelled by the university C) He couldnt pay his gambling debts D) He enjoyed working for a magazine,As an unskilled game player, he often lost money. Since he couldnt pay his gambling losses, he left the university and began working for magazines. Q: Why did Edgar Allen Poe leave the University of Virginia?,解析:本题符合“语义强调处出题”的规律,since 表因果关系。原文说:因为爱伦坡无法还赌债,所以退学了,C 正确 。【答案:C】,三、举例、引用处常考,短文常常通过举例或引用某人的话来说明某一问题或观点;当听到 for example/ instance, such as, first, second 等词时,应特别留意 。,2008.12/T27,A) Ancient people were better at foretelling the weather B) Sailors sayings about the weather are unreliable C) People knew long ago how to predict the weather D) It was easier to forecast the weather in the old days.,Sailors took note of this long ago, and came up with the saying, “The farther the sight, the nearer the rain.”. Sounds bounce off heavy storm clouds and return to earth with increased force. An old saying describes it this way, “Sounds traveling far and wide, a stormy day will be tied”. Q: What does the speaker want to show by quoting a couple of old sayings?,解析:短文两次提到谚语时用的是long ago 和old saying,这与 C 中的 People knew long ago 对应,两句谚语的内容都体现了怎么预测天气,故选 C 。【答案:C】,四、解释说明处常考,短文在陈述某一现象后,接着进一步补充说明,帮助读者理解。解释说明处,也是短文的常考命题点。当听到 that is, which means 等词时,应特别留意。,2007.12/T32,A) Expensive drugs may not prove the most effective B) The workings of the mind may help patients recover C) Doctors often exaggerate the effect of their remedies D) Most illnesses can be cured without medication,. Evidence from a 1997 study at the University of California shows that several patients who received such substances were able to produce their own natural drug, that is, as they took the substance their brains released natural chemicals that act like a drug. Q: What evidence does the 1997 study at the University of California produce?,解析:effective, recover, effect, cure 关键词看出,选项讨论药效问题。关键词 that is 后面的内容对前面作进一步补充说明,为听音关键。短文说:“1997 的研究证明,几个服用这样的物质的病人体内能够自己产生天生的药物,也就是说,当他们服用该物质时,他们的大脑释放出产生出药一样效果的天然化学物质。”言下之意,大脑对身体康复具有积极作用,所以 B 正确 。【答案:B】,五、比较处常考,短文中出现形容词、副词比较级或最高级,同级比较 as. as., in comparison, by contrast, whereas, compared with 等引出的比较结构, 以及出现两种情况的对比时,这些地方常是命题重点。,2008.12/T34,A) Pretend to be in better shape B) Have more physical exercise C) Turn more often to friends for help D) Pay more attention to bodily sensations,. In addition, people are more likely to pay attention to certain bodily sensations such as aches and pains when they are under stress and to think that they are sick. Q: What are people more likely to do when they are under stress?,解析:选项含有比较级,听到文中有比较级的句子时应该进行信息匹配。短文中说当人 们处于压力之下时,更容易关注身体的某些感受,如疼痛和不适,故选 D。符合短 文听力“听到什么选什么”的原则 。 【答案:D】,2007.12/T28,A) Train travel will prove much more comfortable than air travel. B) Passengers will feel much safer on board a train than on a plane. C) Rail transport will be environmentally friendlier than air transport. D) Traveling by train may be as quick as, or even quicker than, by air,. If businesspeople can choose between a three-hour train journey from city-center to city-center and one-hour flight, theyll choose the train, says an executive travel consultant. They won


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