



为深入贯彻落实党的十九大精神和习近平总书记的重要指示精神,保障人民安居乐业、社会安定有序、国家长治久安、进一步巩固党的执政基础,束城镇深入贯彻全市扫黑除恶会议精神,强化措施,深入扎实开展扫黑除恶专项斗争短文填空Passage 1(2016佛山中段模拟) One day a group of friends climbed mountains.The snow went on falling and they could see only a few meters in front of 1._. “We should go back.” said Judy.She was afraid.“But where is the path? Everything was 2._ with snow.The sky was grey.Whats the 3._?” asked Paul. Judy looked at her watch.“Nearly 5 oclock.It will get 4._ in an hour.” “We must continue walking and hope we find the 5._. I think the snow is stopping.” said Paul.But it wasnt stopping.The wind was strong. It 6._ around them cold and wet.“Just keep going downhill.” said Judy, “We cant go wrong.”Then Paul fell on some rocks.He shouted, “Judy! Ive hurt my leg.” He couldnt stand up. His leg hurt too much.“Ill have to phone for help.” said Judy, “I hope the mobile phone works up here!” 7._, it did.They phoned the mountain service.“Dont move.Stay 8._ you are.We are sending a team there.” shouted the man 9._ the phone.They were not far from the path. So the team found them 10._They were lucky! People often get into trouble when they climb mountains.You must always tell someone where you are going and take a mobile phone with you.Passage 1【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一个登山队在登山的过程中遇到大雪,他们找不到路而且天也快黑了。幸运的是电话还可以使用,所以他们最终获救,成功地脱离了险境。1.them【解析】句意:持续下着雪并且他们只能看到 _ 前面几米远的地方。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少介词的宾语。再结合句意可判断是“他们”,用宾格形式。故填them。2. covered【解析】句意:所有的东西都被雪_了。根据语境可判断此处指被雪覆盖,be covered with.被覆盖,固定短语。故填covered。3. time【解析】句意:保罗问:“_?”根据下句的答语“Nearly 5 oclock.”可知此处是问“几点了”,Whats the time?几点了,为固定表达。故填time。4. dark【解析】句意:一个小时后,天就要 _。根据语境可知,天要“黑”了,所以他们必须赶紧摆脱这种糟糕的情况。故填dark。5.path【解析】句意:我们必须继续走并且希望我们找到_。根据前文的内容来判断,雪把所有的东西都盖住了,所以他们没办法找到“路”了。根据下文“They were not far from the path.”可知填path。6. blew【解析】句意:风在他们周围_,又冷又潮。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少谓语。再结合句意及常识可知是风在“吹”,文章是在叙述过去发生的事情,所以时态是一般过去时。故填blew。7. Luckily【解析】句意:_,它还能用。根据上一句话的内容来判断,此处表示很“幸运”电话还能用。注意句首单词首字母需大写。故填Luckily。8.where【解析】句意:待在你们所在的地方。分析句子结构可知,此处引导地点状语从句。故填where。9. on【解析】句意:这个男士在电话里面大叫着说。根据语境可知,应该是在电话里说,on the phone在电话里,为固定搭配。故填on。10. soon/easily【解析】句意:因此救援队_ 发现了他们。根据上一句“他们离道路不远”,可判断救援队“很快/很容易”就发现他们了。故填soon/easily。Passage 2(2017原创)Ive just got back from my holiday! Its 1._ first holiday that my family have taken in these two years. So we were really excited. My dads sister 2._ in Guilin. And we stayed with 3._ for two days and then we went to Yangshuo and stayed there for a week. Yangshuo is such an attractive little town and theres so much to do!First we hired bicycles and went riding into the countryside to a place 4. _ Moon Hill. 5._ we got there, we hiked all the way to the top and the views were beautiful. The landscape around Yangshuo is amazing. The mountains stand 6._ different shapes and reach for the sky. That evening we 7._ out on a boat on the Li River to watch the fishermen using birds to catch fish. Those 8._ are so well trained!The most exciting thing we did in the next few days was to go to a cave. There was a river in the cave so we could hear the sound of running water 9._ we couldnt always see it. Deep inside the cave it was so dark that I couldnt even see my hand in 10._ of my face! To tell the truth, I felt quite relaxed when I was in the open air again!Passage 2【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。作者主要讲述了与家人一起到桂林阳朔度假的经历。作者一家人去了一个小镇骑行,到月亮山看风景,晚上乘船到漓江看渔民捕鱼。同时,文章也简要提及到洞穴探险的经历。1. the【解析】句意:这是两年来我们家人一起度过的第一个假期。序数词first前面需用定冠词修饰。故填the。2. lives【解析】句意:我爸爸的姐姐(妹妹)_在桂林。live in居住,为固定搭配。且此处表示的是居住的状态,应用一般现在时。故填lives。3. her【解析】句意:我们和_住了两天,然后我们去阳朔待了一周。with为介词,后跟宾格。根据前面的“sister”可知填her。4. called【解析】句意:骑行到乡村,去了一个_月亮山的地方。根据语境可知,此处指一个被称作月亮山的地方。故填called。5. When【解析】句意:_我们到了那里,我们一路步行到山顶,那里的风景很美丽。分析句子结构可知,此处需要一个表示时间的连词,意为当我们到了那里。故填When。注意句首单词首字母需大写。6. in【解析】句意:山峦叠嶂高耸入云。根据语境可知,此处表方式。故填in。7. went【解析】句意:那天晚上我们_乘船在漓江上看渔民用鸟来捕鱼。go out外出,为固定搭配。联系上下文可知,时态为一般过去时。故填went。8. birds【解析】句意:那些_被训练得如此好!根据上句中的“.using birds to catch fish.”可知,此处指鸟儿被训练得好。故填birds。9. although/though【解析】句意:洞穴里有一条河,所以我们可以听到水流的声音_我们并不总能看到它。分析句子结构可知,此处用连词连接,前后句表让步关系。故填although/though。10.front【解析】句意:洞深处很黑,我甚至看不见在我面_的手!in front of在前面,为固定搭配。故填front。Passage 3(2017原创)Alice is only six years old. She 1._ from the USA. She is very brave and clever. Alice woke 2._ at four oclock last Sunday morning. Suddenly, she smelled something strange. She looked around and found that the kitchen was on 3._. Her parents were still sleeping. She went to wake 4._ up as quickly as she could. Then, she 5._ a phone call to the fire station. At that time, the smoke became thicker and thicker and they could only stay in the bedroom. Her father tried hard to take some wet towels(毛巾) out of the washroom. And then he asked Alice and her mother to 6._ their mouths and noses with the wet towels, lie down on the floor and wait for the firefighters. Several minutes 7._, the firefighters arrived. They put out the fire in time. “My daughter did what I had taught her. She kept very calm and stayed brave 8._ she found the fire. She has saved 9._ lives of our family. She is really great. Were 10._ of her,” said Alices father.Now, Alice is a heroine(女英雄) in many peoples hearts.Passage 3【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述6岁的女孩爱丽丝非常聪明勇敢。在厨房着火时,立刻报警并叫醒熟睡的家人。后来她爸爸拿湿毛巾让大家捂住嘴和鼻子,躺在地板上等候消防员的到来。最后火被及时灭了,她成了很多人心中的女英雄。1. comes /is【解析】句意:她来自于美国。根据句意和固定搭配“come/be from.来自”可知,此处表示来自于,且she是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三形式。故填comes/is。2.up【解析】句意:爱丽丝在上周天早上4点钟_。根据语境和后文中“She went to wake 4._ up as quickly as she could. ”可知表示醒来,wake up 醒来,固定搭配。故填up。3. fire【解析】句意:她环顾四周发现厨房_。根据下文中“Then, she 5._ a phone call to the fire station.”可知是厨房着火了。on fire着火,固定搭配。故填fire。4. them【解析】句意:她尽快叫醒_。根据语境可知,叫醒父母。wake sb.up把某人叫醒。故填them。5. made【解析】句意:然后,她打电话给


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