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新起点小学英语六年级下册Unit 13 Nature C Lets read.精品教案教学内容:新起点小学英语六年级下册 Unit 13 Nature C Lets read.教学目标:1、 了解短文内容,训练阅读技巧。2、 能在图表帮助下复述课文。3、 在操练文中词汇和句型的同时,了解水的重要性,培养节水意识。教学重难点:1、 对本篇关于水的科普短文的综合理解与把握。2、 对水的重要性和环保意识的培养。教法学法:教具安排:教学过程:一、 Preparation.1、 Free-talk.T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, teacher.T: Ok, Im so glad to meet you here. And I know that you are all from Linyi No. 9 Primary school. Yes? But I want to know you more.T: Hey, boy. How old are you?S1: I amT: Oh Im 24. Im older than you. And you are- younger than me.T: Hey girl, I am 168 cm tall. How tall are you?S2: Imtall. T: Oh, you are shorter than me.S2: You are taller than me.2、 Lets chant!T: Ok, boys and girls. We know Im older, and you are younger. Im taller, and you are shorter. And look! My hands arebigger. And your hands are-smaller. What about the sun, the earth and the moon? Now lets review and chant together.The earth is big.The moon is- too.Which one is smaller.The moon moon moon.The earth is big.The sun is too.Which one is bigger.You know know know.二、 Pre-reading.1、 呈现单词fire.T: Do you know which one is bigger?Ss: The sun.T: Quite right. Now look. The earth looks like a _ ball. What about the sun? The sun looks like a _ ball.Ss: 火球。T: Yes, fire ball.(领读单词fire和短语put out fires)2、 呈现句型is useful. We usetoSobrings us和相关单词。T: Lets look here. I think fire is useful. (Cause) We use fire to keep warm. So fire brings us warmth. (领读关键词,齐读关键句)T: Can you give us a sentence like this?S: Fire is useful. We use fire to cook dinner. So fire brings us food. T: Clever girl. You know what? In the old time, nobody can live without fire. (呈现远古人类)So fire is important!What about water? Is water important? Why? Do you know waters characters? (学生要认真听)三、 In-reading.1、 Generalreading.T: Now lets find out our sheet, read it silently and quickly, and try to get the key information. You can underline the key words or sentences, ok? (学生要认真听)S: Ok.T: Great, lets go. (学生开始行动)T: Boys and girls, ABC.Ss: CBA.T: Ready?Ss: Yes.T: Lets see waters characters first!Ss: Water has no color, no shape, no taste and no smell.T: Is water important?Ss: Yes.T: Sure. Water is so important. (板书) But why?T: Ok. You try please.S1: Water is everywhere. (生读完整,师板书。)T: Yes or no? Great! What else?S2: Water is useful. (板书)T: Yes? Excellent! Any other idea?S3: Water brings us happiness.T: Yes. Terrific. 2、 Detailedreading.T: We know Water is everywhere. Water is useful. And water brings us happiness? But why?Now lets read the passage again. But this time, you are divided into three groups.E group, lets answer why is water everywhere, ok? U group, lets try to answer why is water useful.H group, lets see why does water brings us happiness.Youd better read it more slowly and more carefully. And you can circle the key words or phrases. And if you find the words that you dont understand, you can come and write it on the board. Ok? Lets go!(生板书insects和 dragon boat races.)T: Finished? Ss: Yes.T: OK. Why is water everywhere? E group?S1: Its in the oceans, in the seas, in the rivers and in the lakes.S2: Its in the rain, in the snow, in the clouds, in the ice and in the air.S3: Its under the earth, in the mountains, and in the plants.S4: Its in the bodies of people, animals and insects. T: Good job. Why is water useful? U group?S1: We use water to drink.S2: We use water to cook rice.S3: We use water to take showers.S4: We use water to wash clothes.S5: We use water to do the dishes.S6: We use water to grow vegetables.S7: We use water to put out fires.T: Very good. Why does water bring us happiness? H group?S1: In spring we can row boats on the lake.S2: People in China have dragon boat races.S3: In summer, we can swim in rivers, lakes, or the sea.S4: In winter, we can skate or ski on the snow.3、 Read and write.T: Now, boys and girls. Lets read the passage quickly again, and choose some phrases to finish the diagram. This time, please try to get the information as quickly as you can, Ill limit you time, ok? And play attention to your handwriting. Ok? Lets go.T: Finished? Now exchange your sheet with your partner quickly. And try to give him or her A or B or C. T: ABC. Ss: CBA.T: Finished? Ok, give the sheet back now. If you get an A, hands up! T: Group A, congratulations.4、 Listen then repeat.T: Now lets look at your sheet and listen to recording. First time, just listen. This time, lets listen and repeat, please pay attention to your pronunciation and your intonation.5、 Read aloud.T: Ok, boys and girls, lets read the passage aloud. Then you can try to retell one paragraph of the passage with the help of the pictures, Ok?四、 Post-reading.1、 Retell the story.T: The first line.-Water has no_, no _, no _ and no _. (课件呈现,齐读)T: Group 1, who can try?S1:T: Super girl. (节奏鼓掌)T: Group 2?S2:T: Super boy.(节奏鼓掌)T: Group 3?S3:T: Super girl 2.2、Lets Talk about water in our lives.S1: Water is everywhere.Its in the rivers and in the lakes.Water is useful in my life.I use water to cook rice and to do the dishes.Water brings us happiness.In summer, I can swim in the lake.Water is so important. We need water.S2: Water is everywhere.Its in the rains and in the snows.Water is useful in my life.I use water to grow flowers and to cook dinners.Water brings us happiness.In winter, I can skate on the snow.Water is so important. We need water.T: Excellent. Now, boys and girls, I have another passage about water. Whats information can you get? Lets read and try to underline the sentences.五、 Progress.1、 Read the passage the underline some more information.Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We cant live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the room, to take showers and to make drinks. At work, people use water to put out fires and to grow trees .We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isnt it? S1: At home, we use water to clean the room.S2: At home, we use water to make drinks.S3: At work, we use water to grow trees.2、To appeal to save water.T: We know water is so important. And water is so beautiful, too. But, so much water is being polluted. And so muc


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