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2011年12月英语六级考试(CET6)全真预测试卷(8)Part I Writing第1题1. 老一辈常说,能力比相貌重要2. 如今很多人却认为相貌比能力重要3. 你的看法【参考解析】 Ability and Good Looks Old people usually tell young people that they should not judge people by their appearance. That means appearance is less important than, say, ability. Indeed, weve seen so many brilliant people who are not good - looking at all. In the film “Mozart”, an opera singer reiterates this view by saying:” For a woman of taste, it is not the looks, but the talent that interests us.” For her, the preference shows ones taste. Nowadays, however, things are much different in the job market, With more and more interviewers putting emphasis on the looks, or the appearance of the job applicants, a lot of people come to the conclusion that appearance is more important than ability. Many beautiful girls acquire very good positions although they dont have much talent. In my opinion, ability is definitely much more important than good looks, not only because ability comes from efforts while good looks are born, but also because ability is the most important factor that determines a persons value, Good looks are pleasant, but if I have to make a choice between them, Ill choose ability because it proves my value.Part II Reading Comprehension快速阅读 单选题阅读材料,回答17题 How to Get Lucky and Live a Charmed Life For centuries, people have recognized the power of luck and have done whatever they could to try seizing it. Take knocking on wood, thought to date back to pagan rituals aimed at eliciting help from powerful tree gods. We still do it today, though few, if any, of us worship tree gods. So why do we pass this and other superstitions down from generation to generation? The answer lies in the power of luck,Live a Charmed Life To investigate scientifically why some people are consistently lucky and others arent. I advertised in national periodicals for volunteers of both varieties . Four hundred men and women from all walks of lifeages 18 to 24responded. Over a ten-year period, I interviewed these volunteers, asked them to complete diaries, personality questionnaires and IQ tests, and invited them to my laboratory for experiments. Lucky people, I found , get that way via some basic principlesseizing chance opportunities: creating self-fulfilling prophecies through positive expectations; and adopting a resilient attitude that turns bad luck around.Open Your Mind Consider chance opportunities; Lucky people regularly have them; unlucky people dont. To determine why, I gave lucky and unlucky people a newspaper, and asked them to tell me how many photos were inside. On average, unlucky people spent about two minutes on this exercise; lucky people spent seconds. Why? Because on the papers second page in big type was the message” Stop counting: There are 43 photographs in this newspaper.” Lucky people tended to spot the message. Unlucky ones didnt. I put a second one halfway through the paper.” Stop counting: tell the experimenter you have seen this and win 5250.” Again, the unlucky people missed it. The lesson: Unlucky people miss chance opportunities because theyre too busy looking for something else, Lucky people see what is there rather than just what theyre looking for. This is only part of the story. Many of my lucky participants tried hard to add variety to their lives, Before making important decisions, one altered his route to work. Another described a way of meeting people. He noticed that at parties he usually talked to the same type of person. To change this, he thought of a color and then spoke only to guests wearing that color women in red , say , or men in black. Does this technique work? Well , imagine living in the center of an apple orchard, Each day you must collect a basket of apples, At first , it wont matter ,where you look. The entire orchard will have apples. Gradually, it becomes harder to find apples in places youve visited before. If you go to new parts of the orchard each time, the odds of finding apples will increase dramatically. It is exactly the same with luck.Relish the Upside Another important principle revolved around the way in which lucky and unlucky people deal with misfortune. Imagine representing your country in the Olympics. You compete, do well, and win a bronze medal. Now imagine a second Olympics. This time you do even better and win a silver medal. How happy do you think youd feel? Most of us think wed be happier after winning the silver medal. But research suggests athletes who win bronze medals are actually happier, This is because silver medalists think that if theyd performed slightly better, they might have won a gold medal. In contrast, bronze medalists focus on how if theyd performed slightly worse, they wouldnt have won anything. Psychologists call this ability to imagine what might have happened, rather than what actually happened,” counter-factual” thinking. To find out if lucky people use counter-factual thinking to ease the impact of misfortune, I asked my subjects to imagine being in a bank. Suddenly, an armed robber enters and fires a shot that hits them in the arms. Unlucky people tended to say this would be their bad luck to be in the bank during the robbery. Lucky people sail it could have been worse;” You could have been shot in the head.” This kind of thinking makes people feel better about themselves, keeps expectations high, and increases the likelihood of continuing to live a lucky life.Learn to Be Lucky Finally, I created a series of experiments examining whether thought and behavior can enhance good fortune. First came one-on-one meetings, during which participants completed questionnaires that measured their luck and their satisfaction with six key areas of their lives. I then outlined the main principles of luck, and described techniques designed to help participants react like lucky people. For instance ,they were taught how to be more open to opportunities around them, how to break routines, and how to deal with bad luck by imagining things being worse. They were asked to carry out specific exercises for a month and then report back to me, The results were dramatic : 80 percent were happier and more satisfied with their lives and luckier. One unlucky subject said that after adjusting her attitude expecting good fortune, not dwelling on the negative her bad luck had vanished. One day, she went shopping and found a dress she liked. But she didnt buy it, and when she returned to the store in a week , it was gone. Instead of slinking away disappointed , she looked around and found a better dress for less. Events like this made her a much happier person. Her experience shows how thoughts and behavior affect the good and bad fortune we encounter. It proves that the most elusive of holy grails an effective way of taking advantage of the power of luck is available to us all.第1题People can pass superstitions down from generation to generation because of _A the power of luckB the power of God C the power of belief D the power of intelligence【参考答案】A【参考解析】文章精要千百年来,人们向上帝向神仙祈祷,希望他们保佑自己幸运,取得成功,殊不知幸运原本就掌握在每个人的手上。只要你主动地、积极地、努力地寻找幸运,它自然就来到你的身边,最终你也会取得成功。根据题干信息词pass superstitions定位到第一段最后两句,即:迷信之所以可以一代代地传承下来,答案就在于幸运的力量(the power of luck),故本题选A。第2 题 The purpose of the authors investigation is to study _Awhy people try hard to seize luckBwhy people worship gods since ancient time Cwhy some people are always lucky and other arentDwhy people are feeling lucky while worshiping gods【参考答案】C【参考解析】根据题干信息词the purpose of the authors investigation 定位到第一个小标题下地首段第一句,即:为了研究为什么有些人总是幸运,而其他人则不是,作者做了一些调查,故答案为C第3题 Considering chance opportunities, unlucky people dont have because they _Ahave missed a lot of chanceBare born with misfortuneChave little abilities to deal with problemsDhave no chance actually【参考答案】A【参考解析】根据题干信息词consider chance opportunities 定位到第二小标题下地首段,作者对幸运的人和不幸运的人做了一个实验,结果是为了说明不幸运的不是没机会,而是他们已经错过了很多机会,故答案为A。第4题According to the passage , unlike lucky people ,unlucky people _Aalways think in a positive wayBalways tend to point to the messageCalways spend less time on the exerciseDalways see what theyre looking for【参考答案】D【参考解析】根据题干信息词unlike lucky 和 unlucky people 定位到第二个小标题下地第二段,可知不幸运的人错过了机会是因为忙于去寻找其他的东西,而幸运的人首先看到的是有什么东西而不是一味地寻找,故答案为D。第5题The story of apple orchard suggests that _Ayou should find an orchard with enough applesBthe more you change ,the more chances you will getCyou can pick more apples because of your luckDyou should try harder to find apples in the places youve visited before【参考答案】B【参考解析】根据题干信息词apple orchard 定位到第二个小标题下地第四段,该段首先讲了苹果园的故事,最后一句给出了本段的主旨,也就是这个苹果园故事要说明的问题是如如果你每天都去苹果园里不同的地方摘苹果,那么每天你都可能找到可摘更多苹果的机会。言外之意就是说你变化得越多,你的机会就越多,故答案为B。第6题Athletes who win bronze medals are happier because they think_Athey would have won the gold medal by working hard a littleBthey might have won a silver medal if they had performed a little betterCthey should win the bronze medal since theyd performed very wellDthey would have lost the bronze medal if theyd performed a little worse【参考答案】D【参考解析】根据题干信息词athletes who win bronze medals are happier定位到第三个小标题小的第二段。获得银牌的人和获得铜牌的人对待事物的态度是不同的,一般看来,得到银牌的人一定会比得到铜牌的人高兴,但作者的实验证明,获得铜牌的人更高兴,因为他们想如果自己的表现稍差一点,就不会得到任何奖牌了,而得到银牌的人会想如果自己表现得再好一点,就会得到金牌了,故此处D项描述正确。第7题Lucky people use counter-factual thinking to _Aencourage others to be happierBmove their misfortune to otherCweaken the impact of misfortuneDhelp unlucky people deal with misfortune【参考答案】C【参考解析】根据题干信息词counter. Factual thinking 定位到第三个小标题下的第三段,该段用一个例子证明了幸运的人会用“反事实的想法”来减少不幸对自己的影响,故答案为C快速阅读 填空题第8题 A series of experiments described in the passage is to examine whether thought and behavior can _【参考解析】enhance good fortune. 根据题干信息词A series of experiments和examine whether thought and behavior定位到第四个小标题下地首段,可知作者创造了一系列的实验,为了验证思想与行为是否可以增加好运,故答案为enhance good fortune。第9题The unlucky subject in the experiments said that her bad luck had died away, because she has _【参考解析】adjusted her attitude.根据题干信息词unlucky subject定位到文章第二段第二句,可知这个参加实验的人说她得坏运气已经不在了,因为她调整了自己的态度,渴望好的运气,不再悲观了,故答案为adjusted her attitude.第10题Her last experiment proved that an effective way of taking advantage of the power of luck is _【参考解析】available to US all. 根据题干信息词an effective way of taking advantage of the power of luck定位到文章最好一段末句,可知利用幸运的力量是取得成功最有效地方法,它同时适用于我们每一个人,故答案为available to US all.Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)仔细阅读 填空题回答 4751题 The earliest known galaxies in the universe ,which formed during the universes “dark age” nearly 13 billion years ago, have been spied by two teams of astronomers. The discoveries, reported separately in this weeks issue of the journal Nature , suggest that galaxies were forming just 700 million years after the birth of universe. Theory holds that the universe formed 13.7 million years ago when an extremely dense concentration of mass rapidly expanded in an event known as the big bang. The universe has been expanding ever since. So astronomers are able to age galaxies by computing how much the wavelength of their light has stretched or red shifted as the expansion takes the galaxies father from Earth. The redder the light is, the older and more distant the galaxy is. The detection of such ancient galaxies adds intrigue(神秘色彩) to theories of how the first galaxies formed, according to astronomers. Were there many large ,young galaxies rare and small way back then, as a prevailing theory suggests, and later clumped together to from larger galaxies such as the Milky Way? “We believe that we need both these processes to explain what we see.” Masanori Iye, a professor at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, said in an email. The galaxy , called IOK-1, formed about 750 million years after the big bang 60 million years closer to the event than the previous record holder. Given the number of galaxies found during a later epoch about 810 million years ago, the researchers had expected to find. as many as six galaxies like JOK-1.But the comparative rarity (稀有) of objects like HOK-1 means that the universe must have changed significantly over the 60 million years that separate the two epochs, the team suggests. Iye and colleagues believe that they are witnessing the last phase of a process known as reionization (再次电离). According to Iye , about 380,000 years after the fiery hot big bang , the universe cooled so much that protons and electrons recombined to from neutral hydrogen. This is known as the beginning of the dark age of the universe, because neutral hydrogen absorb the light from stars. As more galaxies started to from about 300 million years later, the hot stars heated the intergalactic (银河间的) medium and gradually reionized the neutral hydrogen back to protons and electrons. The ionized hydrogen then became more transparent, allowing the galaxies light to pass through. Iye said the new result support the idea that neutral hydrogen was still abundant 750 million years after the big bang, blocking even older galaxies from view.” We are starting to see the last phase of cosmic reionization , or the dawn of the cosmic dark age.” He said. Iye added that the discovery also supports the “hierarchical” theory of galaxy formation, which suggests that big, bright galaxies formed as smaller galaxies collided and merged.” The epoch we have probed is yet in this critical stage,” he said .第47题According to the discoveries of the astronomers , when did galaxies from?【参考解析】文章精要现知最早的星系形成于距今130亿年前的“黑暗时代”,根据发现可知,这些星系是宇宙形成七千万年后形成的。文章介绍了人类对宇宙间星系的探测和研究,并指出,目前宇宙正处于变化的关键时期。Just 700 million years after the birth of the universe.根据题干中得关键词discoveries 和 form 定位到文章第二段可知,发现表明,星系形成于宇宙诞生七千万年以后,再结合上一段可知,这些发现是天文学家得出的。第49题Why can astronomers age galaxies by computing how much the wavelength of their light has stretched?【参考解析】:Because the universe has been expanding ever since the big bang.根据题干中得关键词 age galaxies 和 computing 定位到第四段可知,宇宙自形成以来一直在扩张,因此天文学家可以通过计算星系中光线波长的延展度,来计算星系的年龄。第50题The comparative rarity of IOK-1 means that significant changes must have occurredin the universe over the 60 million years that _【参考解析】separate two epochs根据题干中的关键词comparative rarity 和 60 million years 定位到倒数第六段可知,诸如IOK-1之类物体相对的稀有性表明,在分割两个时代的六千万年间,宇宙一定有了重要的改变。第51题What happened when the ionized hydrogen became more transparent?【参考解析】The galaxies light Can pass through根据题干中的关键词ionized hydrogen 和more transparent 定位到倒数第三段最后一句可知,电离氢变得更为透明,这使得星系的光线可以从中穿过。第52题According to the passage, the “hierarchical “ theory of galaxy formation suggests that big, bright galaxies formed as _【参考解析】smaller galaxies collided and merged 根据题干中的关键词”hierarchical” theory 定位到最后一段,可得答案仔细阅读 选择题回答 5256题Most of us are taught to pay attention to what is said the words. Words do provide us with some information , but meanings are derived from so many other sources that it would hinder our effectiveness as a partner to a relationship to rely too heavily on words alone. Words are used to describe only a small part of the many ideas we associate with any given message. Sometimes we can gain insight into some of those associations if we listen for more than words. We dont always say what we mean or mean what we say. Sometimes our words dont mean anything except “Im letting off some steam, I dont really want you to pay close attention to what Im saying. Just pay attention to what Im feeling.” Mostly we mean several things at once. A person wanting to purchase a house says to the current owner.” This step has to be fixed before Ill buy.” The owner says,” Its been like that for years.” Actually , the step hasnt been like that for years, but the unspoken message:” I dont want to fix it. We put up with it. Why cant you?“ The search for a more expansive view of meaning can be developed of examining a message in terms of who said it, when it occurred , the related conditions or situation , and how it was said. When a message occurs can also reveal associated meaning. Let us assume two couples do exactly the same amount of kissing and arguing. But one couple always kisses after an argument and the other couple always argues after a kiss. The ordering of the behaviors may mean a great deal more than the frequency of the behavior. A friends unusually docile(温顺的) behavior may only be understood by noting that it was preceded by situations that required an abnormal amount of assertiveness. Some response may be directly linked to a developing pattern of responses and defy logic. For example, a person who says “No!” to a series of charges like “Youre dumb!” “Youre lazy !” and “Youre dishonest!” may also say :No!” and try to justify his or her response if the next statement is “And youre good looking.” We would do well to listen for how messages are presented. The words :” Its surely nice to have you by my side.” Can be said with emphasis and excitement or ritualistically. The phrase can be said once or repeated several times. And the meanings we associate with the phrase will change accordingly. Sometimes if we say something infrequently it assumes more importance; sometimes the more we say something the less importance it assumes.第52题Effective communication is rendered possible between two conversing partners if _Athey use proper words to carry their ideasBthey both speak truly of their own feelingsCthey try to understand each others ideas beyond wordsDthey are capable of associating meaning their words【参考答案】C【参考解析】:文


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