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名词 学期队伍排,行 一点俱乐部滑雪板排球网球运动员梦想舞蹈演员未来(一份)工作赛跑者课间休息唱片黄金奖牌遗憾运动员山脉小时锻炼棒球周末跳跃心,心脏队友假期肺动词 更喜欢 加油,喝彩 获胜 划船 骑自行车 加入 滑冰 滑雪 成长,种植 打破,损坏 度过,花费 锻炼 跳跃 (使)适合,安装 (使)放松 到达 离开,使留下形容词 精力旺盛的 金黄色的 单一的 漂亮的 流行的 著名的 健康的 激动的奥运会的副词 几乎 相当 十分介词 对着,反对短语 为加油 许多,大量 长大成人 今后放弃参加 既又花费(时间)做跳高做运动相当好跳远 到处对有益保持健康后天到达某地同比赛动身去某地 Unit 1 Topic 1Section A写出下面动词的过去式see- play- know- have- come- win-cheer- prefer- row- join- skate- 在文中找到并划出下列短语并翻译almost every day_ during the summer holiday_ this term_have a basketball game against Class Three_ cheer us on_prefer rowing_ row much_ quite a bit / a lot_join the school rowing club_ table tennis_语法重点:be going to结构be going to + 动词原形-表示将要发生的事或打算,计划,决定要做的事,常与表示将来时间的状语连用。如: tomorrow, this evening, next week, next year, in 2020试一试吧!今天下午我打算去游泳。译:_下个星期我打算去参观博物馆。译:_总结:be going to结构的否定句和疑问句形式怎样变化?Tom is going to play table tennis with his classmates this afternoon. 1 2(否定句) _ (一般疑问) _(划线提问1) _(划线提问2) _思考:“be going to + 动词原形”和 “will +动词原形”都可以表示将要发生的动作,它们之间有何异同?多数情况下可换用。They are going to / will help us clean the house tomorrow morning.但是在预测时,根据迹象表明某事可能发生就用“be going to+动词原形”; 如果说话者认为某事会发生就用“will+动词原形”试一试吧! I think it _ rain. 译:_Look at those clouds. It _ rain. 译:_在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结1. I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.译:_点拨:see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事我们经常看见他帮助老人。 译:_对比:see sb. doing sth. 看见某人在做某事刚才我看见Jim在操场打篮球。 译:_链接:hear sb. do / doing sth. 听见某人做了/ 在做某事2. -Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? -I prefer rowing.译:_点拨: prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某事 = like doing sth. better滑雪和滑冰Tom更喜欢哪一项? 他更喜欢滑雪。(1)译:_(2)译:_Section B 一. 写出下面动词的过去式dream- grow- give- take-二. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译know something about him_ 2.26 meters tall_play for the Houston Rockets_ grow up_ in the future_some photos of sports stars_ an active young man_one of the best runners in the world_ win a gold medal_break the Olympic record_ give up the race_ His foot was hurt._What a shame!_ at a single Olympics_ take part in_ one of the worlds best women table tennis players_三. 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结1. I like Yao Ming best. 译:_链接:likebest_ likebetter_ not likeat all_试一试吧! (1)我最喜欢滑冰。 (2)他比较喜欢滑雪。 (3)他们根本不喜欢划船。(1)_ (2)_ (3)_2. What are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be a dancer. 译:_点拨:be going to后面要使用动词原形,所以am, is, are在其后要用原形be试一试吧!Tom长大后打算当一名歌手。译:_3. What a shame! 译:_点拨:此句是个感叹句的省略形式,完整说是:What a shame it is!试一试吧!What a lovely girl she is! 译:_ 那棵树真壮啊! 译:_3. Liu Xiang took part in both the Athens and Beijing Olympics. Athens /AWEnz/ 雅典 点拨: take part in 参加(活动) 对比:join 参加(团体) 但是:join in = take part in 参加活动both A and B A和B两者都拓展:take part in the sports meet_ join in the sports meet_ join us_试一试吧! 刘翔打算参加下届奥运会。译:_Tom和Jim两人都打算参加校划船俱乐部。译:_4. No one won eight gold medals at a single Olympics before Phelps. 译:_点拨:no one 没有一个人 同类词有-某个人_ 任何一个人_ 每个人_总结;以上都是不定代词(指人),使用时都是单数! 试一试, 用上面的不定代词填空。(1). -Is _here? -Tom isnt here. 译:_(2).There isnt _ in the classroom. Its quiet. 译:_(3).There is _ in the classroom. Its quiet. 译:_(4).Listen! _ is singing in the classroom. 译:_拓展:还有一些不定代词(指物),使用时也都是单数!某事/物_ 任何事/物_ 每件事/物_ 没一件事/物_试一试, 用上面的不定代词填空。1.There is _ wrong with my bike. I cant ride it home. 3._ is OK. Lets have a party.2.There is _ wrong with my bike. I can ride it home. 4.There isnt _ in the box. Its empty.5. There is _ in the box. Its empty.Section C一. 写出下面动词的过去式spend- take- do- make- cost- keep-二. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译go cycling_ go mountain climbing_ twice a week_half an hour_ spenddoing_ do exercise_ pretty well_school sports meet_ next weekend_ take part in_ the high jump_the long jump_ cheer her on_ be sure that_ make me strong_ be good for_ keep healthy_ a good way to keep fit_ all over the world_三. 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结1. She spends half an hour doing exercise in the gym every day. 译:_sb. spend money/time (in) doing sth. 某人花费时间/钱做某事 = sb. spend money/time on sth. 例如:I spent 50 yuan (in) buying the shirt. = I spent 50 yuan _ the book.链接:take/cost都有花费的意思,但用法不同。看例句:The shirt cost me 50 yuan. It took me two hours to do my homework. (观察主语)译:_ _试一试吧! 这辆新车花费了他五万元。(spend / cost)译:_ _他昨天花了一个小时打扫房间。(spend / take)译:_ _2. She is also good at jumping. = She does well in jumping. 切记:介词后面的动词用doing试一试吧!他们很擅长画画。译:(1)_ (2)_你能用pretty well试试吗? (3)_3. There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend. 译:_分析:这是一个There be + be going to 的合成句-将会有发生There is going to be a heavy rain tomorrow morning. 译:_明天下午在操场将会有一场排球比赛。译:_4. They are sure that she will win. 译:_点拨:that在句子中无实际意义,用来引导句子,可以省略。链接:Im sure (that) she will win. 译:_ Im afraid (that) they cant join us. 译:_ I think (that) Tom does well in volleyball. 译:_ They hope (that) China will be strong in the future. 译:_5. Because it makes me strong and it is popular all over the world._make 使,让 后接形容词或名词He always makes me angry. 译: _We made him our monitor(班长)last term. 译: _试一试吧! 昨天她让我们很开心。 译: _6. Swimming helps to keep her heart and lungs healthy and it is a good way to keep fit.译:_思考:swimming在此的用法是_总结:keep (保持,保存) keep sb. / sth. + 形容词 - 使某人/物保持状态Dont keep the door open. Its cold outside. 译: _试一试吧!我们应该保持教室清洁。 译:_总结:a good way to do 一个干.的好办法 Reading English is a good way to learn it well. 译:_思考:当动词或动词短语做主语时,动词要使用什么形式?_试一试吧! 睡觉是一个休息的好办法。译:_7. Running is good for his legs, heart and lungs. 译:_思考:swimming在此的用法是_总结:be good/bad for 对有好处/坏处 Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes. 译:_试一试吧!吃得太多对我们的健康有害。译:_注意:healthy(健康的)-health(健康) 拓展:sunny(阳光明媚的)-sun(太阳) cloud( )-cloudy( ) noise( )-noisy( )Section D一. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译a famous soccer star_ arrive in Beijing_ leave for Japan_ go skating_the day after tomorrow_ climb a mountain_ row a boat_ prepare for_二. 在文中找到下面的句子并翻译1. David Beckham, a famous soccer star, arrived in Beijing with his teammates yesterday.译:_ a


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