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Section Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner 品句填词1Her latest novel _(标志着) a turning point in her development as a writer.答案:marked2She has built up her wealth by _(做买卖) with other countries.答案:trading3I think there are only a few sports that are both entertaining and _(使人放松的)答案:relaxing4The openair _(庆典) has been put off because of the bad weather.答案:celebration5I think the law that limits peoples rights should be _(废除)答案:abolished6All kinds of goods are being _(运输) to a lot of countries every day.答案:transported7These kinds of apples are more expensive because they are _(进口) from abroad.答案:imported8The black slaves fought for their _(自由) for many years, and finally succeeded.答案:freedom9The earth was here long before the _(起源)of the human species.答案:origin10The passage pointed out that all the countries _(联合) to fight global recession.答案:united 单句改错1Weve given up try to persuade them to change because they are determined not to change their mind._答案:trytrying2Do something relaxed before going to bedread a book, or take a hot bath. _答案:relaxedrelaxing3Ive already seen that film, so Id rather to see another one._答案:去掉to4Dinners usually consists of meat or fish with vegetables followed by dessert, fruit and coffee. _答案:consistsconsist5His explanation was more and less helpful to understand the question._答案:andor 课文语篇改错Carnival today is a international, multicultural experience. In order to understand what carnival is all about, we needed to look at the history of America and the meet of two culturesEuropean and African.After the slave trade began, millions of people were taken from our homes and transported to the New World. Six million was taken to the Caribbean islands. The European celebrated carnival and forced the slaves to watch. In Trinidad, the slaves began to hold their own carnival celebrations. When the slave trade abolished, the former slaves took over the carnival. It became much colourful than it had been before. Today, visitors from all over of the world come to the small state in the Caribbean to join to the fun of carnival. Carnival has become a celebration of life itself.答案:Carnival today is international, multicultural experience. In order to understand what carnival is all about, we to look at the history of America and the of two culturesEuropean and African.After the slave trade began, millions of people were taken from homes and transported to the New World. Six million taken to the Caribbean islands. The celebrated carnival and forced the slaves to watch. In Trinidad, the slaves began to hold their own carnival celebrations. When the slave trade abolished, the former slaves took over the carnival. It became colourful than it had been before. Today, visitors from all over the world come to the small state in the Caribbean to join the fun of carnival. Carnival has become a celebration of life itself. 单句语法填空1The 2019 summer camp,_(consist) of 30 students,will start for Beijing and stay there for two weeks.答案:consisting2Last month, the newlyelected president took _ the country which was full of tricky problems.答案:over3Parents hope that their children can be educated in a _(relax) and active atmosphere.答案:relaxing4There is no need for us_(rush) and its no use arriving there too early.答案:to rush5Slavery _(abolish) in the US in the 19th century.答案:was abolished6Last Monday the teachers and students held a grand ceremony in _(celebrate) of the 80th anniversary of our school.答案:celebration7(陕西卷)We would rather our daughter _(stay) at home with us,but it is her choice,and she is not a child any longer.答案:stayed8I refuse to trade _ that company again. They keep cheating us on the bill.答案:with9The cakes made by Mother were so _(taste) that I ate five within three minutes.答案:tasty10When you are done, put your paper in the envelope _(mark) with your name.答案:marked 阅读理解Since the 800s, November 1st is a holiday known as All Saints Day.The evening before is known as Halloween. During the festival,poor people would beg for food and families would give them “soul cakes” in return for their promise to pray for the familys dead relatives.Halloween, however, has a special meaning for children today, who dress in funny or ghostly clothes and knock at neighborhood doors shouting “Trick or Treat!” Princesses,_ghosts_and_witches all hold bags open to catch the candies or cakes that the neighbors drop in.Today school dances and neighborhood parties called “block parties” are popular among the young people and old.They dress up as historical or political figures and go to costume parties. Teenagers enjoy costume dances at their schools and the more outrageous the costume is, the better it is.Certain tricks such as soaping car windows and knocking at the neighbors windows are expected.But parties and pranks are not the only things that Halloweeners enjoy doing.Some collect money to buy food and medicine for poor children around the world.Halloween originated as a celebration connected with evil spirits.Black is one of the traditional Halloween colors,probably because Halloween festivals and traditions took place at night. In the weeks before October 31, Americans decorate windows of houses and schools with silhouettes(轮廓) of witches and black cats.Pumpkins are also a symbol of Halloween.Carving pumpkins into some kinds of lanterns is a Halloween custom also dating back to Ireland.When the Irish brought their customs to the United States,they carved faces on pumpkins instead of turnips(芜菁) because in the autumn they were more plentiful than turnips.Today the lanterns in the windows of a house on Halloween night let costumed children know that there are candies(糖果) waiting for them if they knock and say “Trick or Treat!”【解题导语】本文详细介绍了万圣节,尤其是孩子们欢度万圣节的一些方式。1“Princesses,ghosts and witches” in Paragraph 2 refer to _Apeople existing in the imagination of childrenBthe grownups dressing up to please childrenCthe children dressing up on this special holidayDthe actors or actresses invited to celebrate the holidayC解析:推理判断题。由短文第二段中的“Halloween,however,has a special meaning for children today,who dress in funny or ghostly clothes and knock at neighborhood doors shoutingTrick or Treat!”可知,princesses,ghosts and witches是指打扮成这些形象的孩子们,所以C为正确答案。2Children celebrate Halloween in the following ways EXCEPT _Aplaying little tricks on their neighborsBdressing up and attending costume partiesCdoing destructive things which are usually not allowedDdoing some good deeds to help those in troubleC解析:细节理解题。根据全文内容看A、B和D项的活动在文章中都出现了,而没有进行破坏性的活动,故选C。3According to the passage,why did the Irish choose pumpkins instead of turnips?ABecause pumpkins were much cheaper.BBecause in the autumn there were more pumpkins.CBecause pumpkins were suitable to make lanterns.DBecause the Irish wanted to make some changes.B解析:细节理解题。由最后一段的“.they carved faces on pumpkins instead of turnips(芜菁) because in the autumn they were more plentiful than turnips.”可知答案选B。4Whats the meaning of the underlined word “outrageous”in the third paragraph?AUnusual.BAttractive.CFunny.DExpensive.A解析:词义猜测题。根据文章内容我们知道孩子们在节日时打扮成鬼怪神灵,所以衣服应该是“不寻常的,离奇的”,所以选A。 完形填空It would be my first Thanksgiving since my father moved to heaven, and it would also be my first Thanksgiving being away from my family.Holidays are _1_when you cant be with family, and I was mourning(哀悼) the_2_of my dad and feeling sad about being_3_my family in Indiana. But, that sadness turned into_4_when it hit me:I was going to have to prepare a traditional Thanksgiving_5_ myself!That night at Dubyas Restaurant, which was our favorite place to _6_, I began discussing the situation with Jeff.“Its too bad that this place wont be open on Thanksgiving,_7_we could just come here,” I said.Dubya,the owner of the restaurant,happened to be _8_ by our table when I said those words.“You mean you expect me to_9_for you on Thanksgiving,too?” he joked.“Well,I guess youll just have to come to our_10_since the restaurant will be closed then.”Wed become_11_with Dubya and his wife,as we ate at Dubyas twice a week._12_, I didnt think we were close enough to share Thanksgiving dinner with his family.I was sure he was_13_But as we headed toward the door,Dubya handed Jeff a note with directions to their house and their phone number.“Youre_14_?”I asked.“Of course,”he said.And,two days later,we reached Dubyas house.Everyone _15_us. As expected,the food was marvelous but the company was even better.We truly felt that we _16_there.Of course,I wrote them a thankyou note the next week,but I couldnt really_17_into words what that Thanksgiving dinner_18_had meant to us. Ive never forgotten their kindness and that very_19_ Thanksgiving.So,heres my suggestion to you this year.If you know someone who will be dining_20_on Thanksgiving,why not invite that person over to join your family?【解题导语】远离家乡,而父亲又去世了,作者觉得这是一个悲伤的感恩节。幸运的是,作者收到了饭店老板的邀请,度过了一个不寻常的感恩节。作者想把这种爱心传递下去:当发现周围有孤独的人时,也邀请他们到自己的家里一起过感恩节。1A.confusingBinterestingCtoughDrelaxingC解析:作者没有和家人在一起,所以感觉一个人过节日是很“艰难的”,所以此处要用tough。2A.lossBfailureCchangeDsadnessA解析:从文章第一句中的“It would be my first Thanksgiving since my father moved to heaven”可知,作者的父亲去世了,因此作者在为失去父亲而悲伤,所以此处要用loss。3A.divided fromBseparated fromCconnected withDinvolved inB解析:从第一段中的“being away from my family”可知,此处指作者因和家人分离而感到悲伤,故此处要用separated from。4A.angerBpeaceCpanicDsilenceC解析:从下文可知,作者突然意识到要自己准备感恩节的晚餐,因此作者从悲伤转为恐慌(panic)。5A.decorationBceremonyCpartyDdinnerD解析:根据第四段中的“Thanksgiving dinner with his family”可知,作者发愁的是要自己准备感恩节的晚餐(dinner)。6A.danceBplayCeatDsingC解析:此处指Dubyas Restaurant是作者最喜欢的吃饭的地方。7A.orBandCbutDsoA解析:根据语境“这个地方在感恩节不营业,否则我们可以来这里”可知,这里应用or,表示“否则”。8A.cheeringBtalkingCleadingDpassingD解析:Dubya是餐馆的老板,他碰巧从作者他们的桌子旁边经过(passing)。9A.waitBcookCcareDlookB解析:从第二段中的“Its too bad that this place wont be open”可知,餐馆老板知道了作者的烦恼,因此他知道作者想


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