



课时训练 3.单词拼写1.I bought this bag as a (纪念品) of my visit to London.答案:souvenir2.He won a s to Harvard,so he neednt spend much money in college.答案:scholarship3.The s in the mountains is very beautiful.答案:scenery4.The Suez C joins the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.答案:Canal5.What made us very angry was that 18 p saw the injured girl,but no one went to her rescue.答案:passers-by6.No a into my office without being permitted.答案:admission7.Grandfather has many w on his face.答案:wrinkles8.Miss Green took the m of the desk for me.答案:measure9.Our emotions are r in our posture,face,and eyes,so we can express them without even saying a word.答案:reflected10.Grass started (飞溅) from the blades of the lawn mower(割草机).答案:spraying11.He put some books under his head when sleeping,using them as a p.答案:pillow12.When meat goes bad,it gives off a d smell.答案:disgusting13.Ask the children to guess whats in each container by d their fingers in.答案:dipping14.Robots do exist today,but m in factories and other working environments.答案:mostly.用下面括号内所给短语的适当形式填空(carry out,cut out,stick out,lay out,make out,try out)1.Before the dinner party,my daughter helped me the knives and forks on the table.答案:(to) lay out2.London Transport hopes to the new system next week.答案:try out3.The police said that the attacks by the terrorists.答案:were carried out4.The children were squares from the scraps of material.答案:cutting out5.You should warn your children against their heads when riding on a bus.答案:sticking out6.The table is of special wood and weighs very heavy.答案:made out.单项选择1.There was a hole in the pipe and water out all over me.A.ranB.gotC.sprayedD.spilt解析:根据“水管上有一个洞”和“水溅了我一身”可知,水应该是从水管里喷了出来。run out“跑出来”;get out“泄露”;spray out“喷出来”;spill out“溢出来”。答案:C2.I dont trust them in that shop;they give you short .A.lengthenB.metreC.measureD.wide解析:根据题意,此处应该用名词,故可排除A、D两项;又由本题表达的语意,应该表示抽象含义,故可排除B项。答案:C3.Once a decision is made,we must it without making any changes.A.insist onB.stick toC.carry onD.object to解析:insist on sth.“坚持要求(得到)某物”;stick to sth.“坚持,不改变某事”;carry on sth.“继续进行某事”;object to sth.“反对某事”。根据句意“一旦做出决定,我们就必须坚持,不能作任何改动”可知, stick to符合句意。答案:B4.Her behaviour at the dinner party was really . I was really sick of it.A.surprisingB.interestingC.frighteningD.disgusting解析:根据下文的信息“我真的很讨厌”可知,上文应该表示“她在宴会上的行为举止令人厌恶”。surprising“令人吃惊的”;interesting“有趣的”;frightening“令人恐惧的”;disgusting“令人不快的,令人厌恶的”。故D项正确。答案:D5.They employed some skilled designers to the exhibition of their new products so that they could appeal to more people.A.lay outB.make outC.set outD.give out解析:lay out“布置,设计,布局”;make out“理解,辨认出”;set out“动身,着手”;give out“发出,分发,耗尽”。句意:他们雇用了一些技术好的设计人员来安排他们新产品的展览以便吸引更多的人。故A项正确。答案:A6.Do you haveat home now,Annie?No.I still have to get a pound of meat and some vegetables.A.anythingB.somethingC.nothingD.everything解析:从下文的“不是,还需要一磅肉和一些蔬菜”可知,上文问的是“家里现在什么都有吗?”所以答案为D项。答案:D7.Pay no attention to these failures and you can still at it for another time.A.have a lookB.have a knockC.have a glanceD.have a go解析:根据上文“不要管那些失败”可知,下文应该表示“你还可以再试一次”,have a go表示此意。have a look“看一下”;have a knock“敲一下”;have a glance“瞥一眼”。答案:D8.The editor advised him to the last part of his article,which was concerned with some sensitive issues.A.cut offB.cut inC.cut downD.cut out解析:根据句意可知,此处表示“删掉文章的最后一部分”,故用cut down“削减,缩小(尺寸,数量或数目)”。cut off“切断,隔绝,阻挡”;cut in“插嘴”;cut out“剪下”。答案:C9. you understand it,its easy for you to obey it.A.As soon asB.OnceC.UnlessD.The moment解析:句意:一旦你理解了,遵守它就不难了。once表示“一旦”,引导条件状语从句。 as soon as 和the moment都表示“一就”;unless “除非”,都不合句意。答案:B10.As is clear to us now, to the club is restricted to members only.A.entranceB.admissionC.applicationD.limit解析:根据句意可知,只准会员进入俱乐部。entrance“入口”;admission“准许进入”;application“申请”;limit“限制”。故选B项。答案:B11.Most of the students are poor at spoken English,so I cant make of what they are saying.A.mistakeB.meaningC.differenceD.sense解析:make sense“理解”。句意:大部分学生英语口语很差,因此我无法理解他们所说的话。答案:D12.The rising price of gold affects India,where gold isused for making rings,necklaces or something alike.A.mostly;mostlyB.most;mostC.most;mostlyD.mostly;most解析:most“最,十分”;mostly“大部分,主要地”。句意:黄金价格的上涨对印度影响最严重,在印度黄金主要用来制作戒指、项链及一些类似的东西。所以前面是most,后面是mostly。故选C项。答案:C13.It never occurred to me you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.if解析:it是形式主语,真正的主语是由that引导的主语从句,that在从句中不作任何成分。it occurred to sb.that.“某人想到”。句意:我根本没有想到你能成功说服他改变主意。答案:B14.How about going out for a picnic on Sunday morning?Hmm.The weather is very good these days.A.Yes,why not?B.Well,no way.C.Oh,never mind.D.Sure,no matter.解析:根据“The weather is very good these days”可知答案。why not是用来回答提建议的日常用语。答案:A15.The big fire spread very quickly and fiercely, nothing in the house.A.leavingB.to leaveC.leftD.having left解析:句意:大火蔓延得很快,火势很猛,房子里什么东西都没有剩下。前面的谓语是原因,后面的分词是结果。现在分词作状语,表示自然而然的结果。正确答案是A项。答案:A.完成句子1.(一旦下定了决心),you will stick to it.答案:Once youve made up your mind2.(你负责布局这些模型) in the shop windows today.答案:You are in charge of laying out these modals3.A fire broke out in the building at about 7:30 on Tuesday morning,(导致一个小女孩死亡).答案:having resulted in the death of a young girl4.(一根鱼刺卡在我的喉咙里),and I felt very uncomfortable.答案:A fishbone got stuck in my throat5.Dont you know,my dear friend,(她爱的是你的钱而不是你)?答案:that it is your money not you that she loves.书面表达1.你参观一个有关地球上水资源的展览会。从该展览会,你了解到目前地球面临水资源危机,请根据以下提示写一篇短文。(1)人们以为淡水是取之不尽的;(2)实际上淡水是非常紧张的;(3)人类应该怎样办?要求:(1)词数150左右;(2)文章应该包括上述要点中的所有信息,但不必逐条翻译;(3)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。答案:Global Shortage of Fresh WaterMany people believe that the worlds fresh water will never be used up. They think that fresh water comes from such a variety of sources that it is always sufficient for use. Such an opini


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