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VB“API飬洢WIN95/98CRACKDOS-#$% assume cs:prognam ;涨 CS mov cx,100h ; mov dl,0 ; ASCII next: mov ah,2 int 21h inc dl ;INC DL 1 loop next ; CX1CX0 int 20h prognam ends ; end ; start: mov dl,1 ASCII OBJEXECOMlabel31 ASCII.ASM ASCII.COM 1.MASM ASCII2.LINK ASCII3.EXE2BIN ASCII ASCII.COM 衢飬飬 8086裬滮裩黯滮滮飨鶼 BINIHEX8086BX粻 binihex segment assume cs:binihex mov ch,4 ; rotate: mov cl,4 ;CL rol bx,cl ;BX4 mov al,bl ;bxblal and al,0fh ; add al,30h ;AL30Hal cmp al,3ah ;3ah jl printit ;3ah add al,7h ;AL30Hal printit:mov dl,al ;ASCIIDL mov ah,2 int 21h dec ch ;ch1 jnz rotate ;JNZ1 int 20h ; binihex ends end ROLBX(BX)4:1. CL2.BX AND BLALAND0Fh00001111ALASCII30h39hASCII41h46h7hAL3AhAL30hAL7hADDFlag Register9漰10 ZFSFOFCF CMP AL 3Ah01 JLCMPJG JL DECIBIN BX 1 BINIHEX decibin segment assume cs:decibin mov bx,0 ;BX newchar:mov ah,1 ; int 21h ;al sub al,30h ;al30HalASCII jl exit ; cmp al,9d jg exit ; cbw ;8al16ax xchg ax,bx ;axbx mov cx,10d ;10cx mul cx ;axax xchg ax,bx add bx,ax jmp newchar ; exit: int 20 ; decibin ends end CBW :ALAH00hAHFFhXCHG CRLF crlf segment assume cs:crlf mov dl,0dh ;ASCII0DHDL mov ah,2 int 21h mov dl,0ah ;ASSII0AHAH mov ah,2 int 21h int 20 ; crlf ends end BINIHEXDECIBINCRLF crlf proc near mov dl,0dh mov ah,2 int 21h mov dl,0ah mov ah,2 int 21h ret crlf endp SEGMENTENDSPROCENDPPROC NEARFAR DEBUG INT 20 CALL RET,RET CALL 鶼 decihex segment ; assume cs:decihex org 100h mov cx,4 ;cxcxcx repeat: call decibin; call crlf ; call binihex ; call crlf loop repeat ;44 mov ah,4ch ; DOS214cINT 20H int 21H ; INT20H decibin proc near push cx ;cx; exit: pop cx ;cx; retdecibin endp binihex proc near push cx pop cx retbinihex endp crlf proc near push cx pop cx retcrlf endpde


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