



Unit 7 Its raining! 教学设计教学内容Go for it ! 七年级下册Unit 7 Section A (1a1c)教学设计理念本课时为Unit 7 Its raining! 的第一课时,是一堂听说课。通过本课时的学习,学生要求掌握表示天气情况的词语,并能用目标语言谈论天气情况,可以结合前面学过的城市、国家名,以及上一单元所学的正在进行的活动来拓展学生的知识范围,充分利用多媒体和真实场景的设计,使学生切实理解现在进行时。教学思路本单元的话题是谈论天气,结合Unit 6所学的现在进行时,展示图片,显示学生在不同天气情况下进行的活动,从而复习现在进行时,在自然引入到有关天气的话题,激发学生的学习兴趣。充分利用多媒体向学生展示各地的天气情况,并要求学生通过电话询问朋友、亲人的情况,引导学生学会关心他人。教学目标1、知识目标(1) Learn to read and use the new words: rain, raining, wind, windy, cloud, cloudy, sun, sunny, snow, snowy, weather.(2) Learn to use the sentences to talk about the weather. -How is the weather? -Its .(3) Review how to make a telephone call(4) Review Present Progressive Tense2、能力目标 Students can use target language to describe weather and practice listening.3、情感目标 Students learn to care about their friends or family in different places.教学重点1、Master the new words2、Master the sentences that describe the weather.3、Review Present Progressive Tense教学难点1、Use the new words to describe the weather.2、Use Present Progressive Tense freely.教学方法在打造高效课堂的背景下,充分利用图片、录音、影像等资源,创设情境,围绕天气这一话题,运用探究式、合作式教学方法,让学生分小组讨论学习,通过小组互助合作完成课堂学习任务,充分调动学生的学习积极性,发挥学生学习的主体地位。教学手段多媒体课件教学步骤Step 1 Lead in 1. Show some pictures with weather and activities in them, and ask the questions: What is he she doing? What are they doing?2. Look at the pictures and find out the new words that describe the weather.Purpose: Make students be interested in our new class and review the Present Progressive Tense .Step 2 Presentation1. Present the new words. Ask students to list the new words they found.raining, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowy2. Show a picture and present the new drills. -How is the weather? -Its .3. Show some pictures of some cities (Moscow, Toronto, Boston, New York, Tokyo, Sydney) and practice the drills.Purpose: Study new words and target language, and contribute situation to help students to understand target language better.Step 3 Listening (1b)1. Talk about the pictures in 1a.2. Listen to the tape of 1b once. Then check the answers.3. Listen again and students repeat the tape scripts following the tape.Purpose: Help students get familiar with target language and practice listening ability.Step 4 TasksTask 1 Show a piece of weather report and answer the questions according to it.How is the weather in Beijing.?Task 2 Show a map of China, and ask students to give a weather report in front of class. Students can discuss with each other to prepare for it.Today is Tuesday, April 23rd. The weather in Beijing is Task 3 Work in groups. Make a telephone call to your friends or your family to talk about weather and what you doing with them.Purpose: Help students expand their knowledge, and practice oral English.Step 5 Homework Watch weather report and write down 5 cities weather.教学反思 本堂课围绕天气这一话题,着重从听说方面来练习目标语言。天气是一个较日常的话题,学生能较快掌握句型,但重点词汇的运用方面要多花时间,学生对现在进行时也能掌握较好。课堂上提供了大量的口语训练。在本堂课的教学中,从复习学生已学过的知识入手,再加上多媒体展示的图片,学生感觉知识较容易并且有趣,极大的激发了


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