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建筑工程毕业说明书论文开题报告外文翻译 “四方新村酒店式公寓”项目规划及建筑设计【建筑工程毕业说明书论文开题报告外文
毕 业 设 计(论 文)任 务 书1本毕业设计(论文)课题应达到的目的: 通过本次毕业设计,使学生进一步掌握五年所学的基础理论和专业设计知识,增强分析问题、解决问题的专业技能和设计创新能力,提高专业设计图纸绘制的规范性和方案计算机表现技能,促进学生养成独立工作的能力以及严谨的工作作风,为学生将来走上工作岗位,顺利完成所承担的任务奠定基础。 因该地闲置多年未利用,项目建成后除了能够充分利用该地块的土地价值之外,还能为小区居民解决商业、金融及社区配套服务,改善周边居住环境,为小区及周边居民生活提供便利。与传统的酒店相比,酒店公寓在硬件配套设施上毫不逊色,而服务更加家庭化,较普通高档公寓更完善,服务内容更多,更加人性化。2本毕业设计(论文)课题任务的内容和要求(包括原始数据、技术要求、工作要求等): 1.任务要求 1.1 基地背景1.1.1历史背景:南京是中华文明的重要发祥地,是六朝古都,长期是中国南方的政治文化中心,拥有厚重的文化底蕴和丰富的历史遗存。这样不仅带动了旅游业的发展,同时也让南京的经济飞速增长,人们的生活水平也提高了好多。 1.1.2基地现状概况:项目位于光华路南,四方新村小区北段,占地4390平方米,控制性详细规划中用地性质为住宅混合用地。该地块在原审定的四方新村小区的总平面为四层商业、娱乐餐饮及综合服务建筑。1.1.3场地特征:地块平整,无须搬迁,有利于建设1.2 建筑原有规模及结构1.2.1总用地面积:4390M2左右。1.2.2总建筑面积:约2.2万(可据设计适当调配10%)1.2.3建筑结构:框剪结构1.2.4建筑层数:19层2.技术要求2.1外围护结构热工要求,地区相当于200mm砖墙的热工条件;2.2主导风向:夏季主导风向为东南风,冬季主导风向为西北风;2.3耐火等级:二级;2.4抗震设防:按7度设防;2.5日照间距:南方地区按1:1.3考虑;2.6建筑的水、暖、电均由城市集中供应。3.设计要求3.1建筑设计要求 房间分类及名称数量(间) 面积()备 注设计中心用房面积1.6万50-60112616075-80644900商业用房面积3600商场卫生间自定厕所按男女使用人数各半考虑。社区服务用房1800物业管理140金融服务1100医疗1100会所1200社区服务1200其他11603.2景观环境设计3.2.1结合建筑及周边环境,合理设置相应的室外环境空间;并与周边建筑和环境形成对话关系,体现整体性。3.2.2环境应有明确的主题,充分运用小品、植被、水体、铺装、构筑物等设计要素,满足休闲与展示的要求。3.2.3设置室外各功能场地:入口广场,室外停车场等。 3.2.4符合无障碍设计要求。 毕 业 设 计(论 文)任 务 书3对本毕业设计(论文)课题成果的要求包括图表、实物等硬件要求: 3.1设计图纸不少于15张,A3版面排版(不包括封面、目录、设计说明)(各专业根据专业要求填写)3.1.1总平面布置图(包含相关技术经济指标);标明道路、绿化、小品、停车位和出入口的位置;标明技术经济指标:用地面积、建筑密度、容积率和绿化面积。 3.1.2单体设计各层平面图(不少于4张),标注轴线及开间尺寸,画出墙体、柱、楼梯、门窗洞口及门的开启方向,注写房间名称,在一层平面图中注剖切符号;3.1.3横剖面图(不少于2张),剖切位置应选择在楼梯间和能最大限度地表现建筑内部空间的位置;剖面包括:基础及基础墙;外墙、内墙;吊平顶;楼地面及屋面构造;楼梯;钢筋混凝土楼板及梁;注明各层楼地面标高;屋面坡度;剖面关键尺寸;使用提供的图例,加以必要的说明。 3.1.4建筑外观效果图(不少于3张)3.1.5建筑细部构造做法及分析图(不少于3张)3.1.6其他必要的分析说明图件 3.2设计说明书字数不少于4000字,团队项目设计说明书字数不少于5000字,要把相应的图纸成果穿插到说明书中去,要图文并茂,说明书中要有附图。3.3参考文献遵照金陵科技学院本科毕业设计(论文)撰写规范格式要求,数量不少于15本(近五年公开发表物,不含规范、行业标准和图集)。4主要参考文献: 1 关迪. 城市综合体酒店式公寓设计研究D.西安建筑科技大学,2011.2 房芳. 酒店式公寓设计研究D.广东工业大学,2014.3 肖艺,吴隽宇. 对酒店式公寓设计的思考以广州富力盈力大厦为例J. 华中建筑,2010,08:79-82.4张海峰,孔令元. 某酒店式公寓安全疏散设计J. 消防科学与技术,2012,09:938-940.5 关迪.城市综合体酒店式公寓设计研究D.西安,西安建筑科技大学,2011. 6 陈炜.自然与文化之旅海峡客家论坛中心规划与度假酒店建筑设计J. 中外建筑. 2015(11) 7 孔佑颖.“酒店式公寓”公共空间的设计与应用研究D. 广州,广东工业大学 2012 8凌淑萍. 酒店式公寓设计及趋势J. 广东土木与建筑,2015,02:39-41.9曹瑜刚,吴筱怡. 现代化酒店式公寓的景观设计以南京雨润宁南酒店景观规划设计为例J. 农业科技与信息(现代园林),2010,08:41-43.10白宇甲. 酒店式公寓建筑防火设计应注意的问题J. 中华民居(下旬刊),2013,03:324-325.11赵天华. 酒店式公寓设计初探临港酒店式公寓设计J. 中外建筑,2011,07:95-96.12刘萌旭,汪江. 浅谈酒店式公寓中的休闲性设计J. 黑龙江科技信息,2015,13:176.13陈悦. 例谈酒店公寓建筑结构设计J. 城市建筑,2013,20:66+68.14商业地产 后续供应脚步放缓,酒店式公寓独领风骚J. 楼市,2011,13:125-130.15张慧.基于不同老年人的老年公寓交流空间设计研究D.西安,长安大学,2014. 毕 业 设 计(论 文)任 务 书5本毕业设计(论文)课题工作进度计划:2015-12-52015-12-10 学生完成选题工作2015-12-20 下发任务书给学生2015-12-212016-1-9 学生熟悉任务书,进行资料收集,并撰写开题报告2016-1-102016-1-25 审核学生开提报告,外文参考资料及译文、论文大纲2016-3-212016-3-25 毕业设计初稿提交与审核,填写中期检查表;2016-3-252016-4-05 毕业设计中期检查2016-4-062016-4-12 毕业设计初稿修改,毕设成果定稿提交;2016-4-132016-4-24 毕业设计定稿审核、修改2016-5-122016-5-14 教师审核学生毕业设计定稿,对学生进行评分2016-5-152016-5-18 各位教师自评阅、互评等答辩准备工作2016-5-222016-5-25 进行毕业设计答辩工作所在专业审查意见:符合建筑学毕业设计的要求,时间安排合理,审核通过。负责人: 2016 年 1 月6 日 毕 业 设 计(论文) 开 题 报 告 1结合毕业设计(论文)课题情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,每人撰写不少于1000字左右的文献综述: 随着生活环境的变迁和生活条件的不断提升,住宅的定义已经不仅仅是单纯的居住,而是衍生出对生活品味追求的一个映射体。在精品酒店兴起,别墅、复式、大户型层出不穷的当今,有一种展现新生活方式的建筑出现在人们的面前,它以其独特的装修,个性化的服务,齐全配套的设施,方便的交通,总价低,在寸土寸金的黄金地段悄然兴起,这就是酒店式公寓。酒店式公寓是一种提供酒店式服务的公寓产品,具有商住两用功能,它不仅提供完善的酒店服务和管理,又充满着家的感觉,深受商务人士和时尚白领精英的喜爱,也深受国外来华游客人士的喜爱。这种新的模式在短时间内抢占了中国市场,在北京、上海、广州等几个大城市落地生花。在酒店式公寓迅速发展的当下,我们发现开发商们一味的追求着量化而忽略了公寓的整体公共空间设计,其单一的设计风格,不合理的规划布局,没有齐全的配套设施都是酒店式公寓迅速发展形势下遗留的欠缺设计思考的问题。通过对高档的精品酒店公共空间环境的设计分析,笔者发现其公共活动空间有着鲜明的主题和独树一帜的风格,不管从装修风格上,还是设计手法上都值得目前酒店式公寓借鉴和学习。城市综合体酒店式公寓是城市地标,是家的样板,是流动的办公室,是整过容的小社会,是迷你版上流圈,是生活方式博物馆,是消费的集大成者。城市综合体酒店式公寓是城市综合体中重要的功能组成部分,现已成为房地产市场的新宠,投资者把它作为新兴物业,发展商把它作为新的利润增长点。城市综合体中建筑功能的复合性与有机性,使城市综合体酒店式公寓的开发和设计与功能相对单一的酒店式公寓相比有明显的差异性,因此,对城市综合体酒店式公寓的深入研究对城市综合体的开发有着重要的意义。酒店式公寓公共空间包括酒店大堂、门厅过道、会客接待的空间、梯间、会议室、酒吧、中西餐厅、健身场地等场地。在具体设计中,一般通过光、色、形三大方面来诠释这个统一的主题,只有不断探索和提高酒店式公寓公共空间的设计,更好的凸显它的时尚性、先进性和独特性,才能让这种新兴的模式永恒不衰的在城市中生根发芽。根据酒店式公寓商住两用的特征分析出租型,自住型,商业办公型几种不同形态的客户,通过分析归纳,形成一个详细的需求报告,从中阐述不同的客户群体的喜好并站在居住者的使用立场和感官需求上考虑,才能真实地设计出让每个居住者依据自己的喜好,从不同的角度上能够感受到私家拥有的酒店这种独特的服务,这样不仅能避免了酒店式公寓,酒店,普通住宅间的高替 换率,还能够提升整体公寓形象。在日新月异的时代进程中,酒店式公寓是时代的产物,它的发展是必然的,它是社会发展的衍生体,凸显了现代化文明精神。通过酒店式公寓公共空间设计的具体分析研究和一个设计项践,阐述一个好的酒店式公寓,不仅需要一个齐全的功能、完善的服务配套以及成本效益等,更加需要拥有一个好的公共空间设计,这样便完全可以提升酒店式公寓的品牌,增加入住舒适度。长久以来,由于整个行业缺乏统一的、规范化的管理和监督,导致了此类项目高端和低端的产品良莠不齐。特别是在一些中小城市,城市综合体酒店式公寓更是存在诸多问题。因此,对于城市综合体酒店式公寓建筑设计研究已是当务之急。 通过概念梳理、特征总结、现状调研及客户分析,将城市综合体酒店式公寓存在的现状问题归纳总结。同时对我国中小城市综合体酒店式公寓的设计模式进行探索,提出政策法规的完善建议和建筑设计优化原则,就其使用的多元性进行适应性设计研究。指出在设计中必须要从实际情况出发,坚持以人为本的设计思想,去认识和解决设计中的问题。论文还通过配套服务设施、安全保障和造型设计等方面对城市综合体酒店式公寓涉及的热点问题提出了自己的观点,具有较强的时效性。南京酒店式公寓存在的问题:(一)专业的酒店管理公司较少,管理水平不高。南京大多数酒店式公寓都是山物业管理公司管理,管理资质较低,服务的内容只涉及到水电、安保等普通商业住宅均可享受到的项目,失去酒店式公寓的真正的内涵,同时现有的酒店管理公司多是本土企业,管理水平较低,提供的酒店式服务项目很少,不能真正满足消费者的需求。 (二)酒店管理公司管理混乱,服务质量参差不齐。南京市场中真正意义上的酒店式公寓近一半都是山多家酒店管理公司分割独立进行管理,以城开国际为例,它山七家酒店管理公司分割楼层,独立管理,不同的酒店管理公司提供硬件设施和服务项目也不相同,管理混乱,容易给消费者产生误解,不易产生品牌效应。 (三)酒店式公寓的硬件一般,软件缺乏。南京酒店公寓的硬件设施只能满足消费者最基本的需要,例如凯润金城,小区虽设有红外报警系统及电子巡更系统、一卡通门禁系统、可视对讲系统、宽带网络系统、社区背景音乐广播系统。但相较于国内外知名的酒店式公寓,其硬件条件还相差很远。此外,南京酒店式公寓的软件设施缺乏,主要指服务人员综合素质不高,服务效率低下等原因限制了酒店式公寓的发展。1 关迪. 城市综合体酒店式公寓设计研究D.西安建筑科技大学,2011.2 房芳. 酒店式公寓设计研究D.广东工业大学,2014.3 肖艺,吴隽宇. 对酒店式公寓设计的思考以广州富力盈力大厦为例J. 华中建筑,2010,08:79-82.4张海峰,孔令元. 某酒店式公寓安全疏散设计J. 消防科学与技术,2012,09:938-940.5 关迪.城市综合体酒店式公寓设计研究D.西安,西安建筑科技大学,2011. 6 陈炜.自然与文化之旅海峡客家论坛中心规划与度假酒店建筑设计J. 中外建筑. 2015(11) 7 孔佑颖.“酒店式公寓”公共空间的设计与应用研究D. 广州,广东工业大学 2012 8凌淑萍. 酒店式公寓设计及趋势J. 广东土木与建筑,2015,02:39-41.9曹瑜刚,吴筱怡. 现代化酒店式公寓的景观设计以南京雨润宁南酒店景观规划设计为例J. 农业科技与信息(现代园林),2010,08:41-43.10白宇甲. 酒店式公寓建筑防火设计应注意的问题J. 中华民居(下旬刊),2013,03:324-325.11赵天华. 酒店式公寓设计初探临港酒店式公寓设计J. 中外建筑,2011,07:95-96.12刘萌旭,汪江. 浅谈酒店式公寓中的休闲性设计J. 黑龙江科技信息,2015,13:176.13陈悦. 例谈酒店公寓建筑结构设计J. 城市建筑,2013,20:66+68.14商业地产 后续供应脚步放缓,酒店式公寓独领风骚J. 楼市,2011,13:125-130.15张慧.基于不同老年人的老年公寓交流空间设计研究D.西安,长安大学,2014. 毕 业 设 计(论文) 开 题 报 告 2本课题要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的研究手段(途径): 1.研究问题或解决的问题 通过对酒店式公寓的产生,包括概念界定,其产生背景,国内外的发展现状,对酒店式公寓的前景分析,与公寓酒店的区别特征,功能分析,各种酒店式公寓不同项目的比较分析,对建筑类型、户型、配套服务功能空间,对酒店式公寓存在的问题,客户研究,管理模式等一系列问题进行分析和探索。 2.拟采用的研究途径 (1) 调研阶段:外出调研南京的多个酒店式公寓,分析它们的功能分区、流线以及风格特征,为自己设计做准备。(2) 构思阶段:考虑自己设计的风格和手法以及采用怎样的节能方式,去图书馆查阅相关书籍和资料,寻找理论支撑。(3) 草图阶段:将自己的想法以草图形式交给老师修改,指出其中不足。通过几次修改,敲定大体框架。(4) 扩充阶段:在草图基础上对方案进行扩充和细化,考虑细节和小空间氛围的营造,直至方案完全确定。(5) 方案图绘制阶段:将方案以图纸的形式绘制出来,利用计算机绘图、建模、渲染和排版,最后将打印A3文本上交。毕 业 设 计(论文) 开 题 报 告 指导教师意见:1对“文献综述”的评语:文献综述围绕酒店式公寓设计主题展开,简述了目前住宅建设的现状和存在的一些问题,并对公寓建筑设计发展趋势做出了一定的预想,为毕业设计下一步进行做好了准备。2对本课题的深度、广度及工作量的意见和对设计(论文)结果的预测:本课题深度适宜,广度和工作量适中,应该可以按期保证质量完成,可以达到合格毕业设计水平。3.是否同意开题: 同意 不同意 指导教师: 2016 年 02 月 21 日所在专业审查意见:能根据毕业设计题目收集有关公寓建筑设计相关内容,了解掌握设计要求、设计方法,同意开题。 负责人: 2016 年 02 月 22 日原文:Apartments of design patternsAbstract:In recent years,a new type of cabaret management mode-cabaret type apartment is developing in China,its speed is very fast,but the theory and practice of architecture design of it have not form a ripe system. This article analyses the cabaret type apartments which have been built in recent years in China,summarize some common mode in architecture design,offers the architects some references in design. Key words:cabaret type apartment; design mode; urban type; vacation type 1 IntroductionThe late 90s, a new hotel business model - Apartments gradual rise in our country. As Chinas sustained and rapid economic development, and hotel-style apartments because of their targeted market positioning and personalized service to the gradual recognition by specific consumer groups, from the rise of just 10 years since the time, hotel-style apartments in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other major cities have begun to take shape, and maintained a good momentum of development. As a new hotel business model, hotel-style apartments also be designed with a unique business philosophy echoes, to highlight its characteristics, from the more mature development in recent years a number of hotel-style apartment design, we can find some common denominator pattern language. 2 Review 2.1 Concept and Origin Apartments In essence, is to split the hotel property for sale, buyers will operate the property leased to the hotel management company, through access to a fixed share of its operating profit return on investment of a hotel derivatives. Buyers can either pay the property management fee to enjoy the hotels star service, but also through the lease, property rights transfer, etc. to get the return on investment. Apartments take-star hotel-style services, apartment-style management, in addition to the traditional hotel offers various services, but also to provide customers with a family-style living arrangement, home-style service so that guests enjoy the hotel services at the same time can understand home feeling. It combines residential, hotels, clubs and other functions into one, is a highly comprehensive property management concept. Apartments originated in Europe, is a tourist area was rented out to tourists for its temporary leisure properties. These guests although only for a short rest and stay, but the property has come to provide them with a unified management, so both the nature of the hotel, but also the equivalent of the individual temporary home, thus forming the embryonic form of hotel-style apartments. This mode of operation spread quickly in Europe and well received by vast consumers, and now, hotel-style apartments have been all over the world. Chinas hotel-style apartments first appeared in Shenzhen, followed by Shanghai, Beijing and other cities have developed has now spread to the country, major and medium-sized cities as well as the resort tourist area. 2.2 themes and characteristics According to the different sites can be divided into city-hotel-style apartments and tourist resort two kinds. The former is mainly concentrated in the capital cities, large and medium cities and economically developed cities and regions, consumer groups to business people, senior white-collar workers, multinational executives and other class-based; the latter mainly concentrated in the tourist cities, resort areas and coastal cities, consumption of groups to tourists, most people who vacation and leisure. In hotel-style apartment design, architects according to their different types and characteristics of targeted design, a good grasp of different types of hotel features and image of construction specific requirements.2.3 Master Plan Apartments in the overall planning and base sites, as well as the hotels location is closely related to, according to the previous classification, city-and tourist resort hotel-style apartment buildings have their own master plan to follow the basic principles. As the service targets mostly busy business people, city-based hotel-style apartment location should be close to the CBD shopping district and other urban centers or urban core areas, in order to provide customers with a convenient office environment. The main building should be based on high-rise, super high-rise mainly to improve the urban centers of the land-use efficiency, but also the formation of the regions landmark buildings. Should make full use of a base area and an apartment matched set of outlets, podium and other commercial facilities, commercial space for apartments should be well balanced layout of internal and external people to use to strengthen the commercial space for the citys open, so as to enhance its commercial value. Since land is limited, green layout should make full use of the gap between the building and a base, compact layout, fully set up three-dimensional greening and roof greening to enhance green space base. City-hotel-style apartments on the higher demand for parking spaces, underground parking should be mainly used as a high-rise tower of the underground part of the parking lot. Beijing Yintai Center is such a hotel representative , which is located in the heart of Beijing Central Business District zone, covers an area of about 30000 m2, total construction area of 350,000 m2. The main building by two 42-story office building and a 63-story hotel-style apartments composition, skirt part of a well-established business matching space, three-and four-story underground garage can accommodate 1,600 parking spaces. The central main building of high-249.9m, is the tallest building along the Changan Avenue, becoming the highest point of Changan Avenue and the landmark building. Resort hotel-style apartment usually located in the scenic tourist area and comfortable environment. Because of its targeted consumer group is holding entertainment, the purpose of relaxing from, so the overall planning of these hotels should be to create a comfortable and beautiful indoor and outdoor environment as a priority. Building density should not be too large to multi-layer, high-rise main. The overall planning should strive for more green area, in order to create a beautiful outdoor environment to create conditions, building layout should fully consider the perimeter of the high-quality introduction of the indoor landscape. For the hot springs, sea themes such as class hotels, to focus on the theme of planning and design, in close connection with the local environment, highlight the hotel features. Platinum coast of Hainan hotel-style apartments, for example , which is located in Hainan, a high lung Gulf Coast along the east large Coconut Grove, Northeast Pro Tongguling scenic areas, natural beauty. Hotel covers an area of approximately 290,000 m2, construction area of 300,000 m2, floor area ratio 1.05, greening rate of 50%. Building groups planning around the sea, coconut palms and sea mangroves layout, the introduction of the indoor landscape. In addition, there diving club, cruise ship terminals, sea hot springs, hang gliding clubs, hot springs and other features-home facilities to enable guests to fully enjoy the vacation, leisure, health fun. 2.4 Architectural Design Hotel-style apartments Unit, from dozens to hundreds of square meters square meters, ranging generally about 40m2 120m2 mainly small and medium-family. Unit design should fully reflect the diversity and flexibility of its functions, chamber layout should be compact and flexible layout capabilities make full use of interior space, reducing the number of indoor negative space, reduce the share of public area. Bedroom dwelling size design can be separated by a flexible to adapt to different levels and living habits of the occupants. The Serene International Hotel in Weihai apartment, for example, its flagship Unit just over 50 square meters, it includes a bedroom, living room, kitchen, toilet, balcony and many other functions, the bedroom and living room furnished in a large space, Kitchen with entrance into the open space design style, air conditioners located in the balcony left out of a fixed position, the whole-family compact and flexible, space without feeling cramped. In property management, hotel-style apartment property includes not only traditional hotel service functions and management models, but also has a good working environment at the same time provide residents with the pattern of family housing and home-style services, such as banks, clubs, bars, convenience store, fitness room, and secretary, business center, information consultation, translation and other business services, as compared with the traditional hotel has more and more full of life, office supporting functions. Therefore, in the skirt and commercial space set design in addition to the traditional hotels function space, shall give full consideration to increase the corresponding service function space. Image in the construction, located in urban centers of the hotel-style apartments should fully reflect the core of their commanding position in the region, building the image should have the symbol reflects the sense of the times and spirit of the city; in tourist resort apartments should give full play to the natural landscape of the expression in order to create a beautiful natural environment as a theme, building the image of the natural landscape should be harmony and unity. 2.5 Interior DesignApartments rooms according to different uses, can be divided into residential apartments and commercial nature of an apartment. Residential apartment complexes, mostly refined decoration, interior space into a more complete functionality, are generally equipped with a separate kitchen, toilet, balcony and so on, provide a full range of home design and electrical appliances. In the design of a modern style, based on the general will of style pragmatism, unity (Figure 4), Unit have different style for different designs to meet the users individual requirements. Functional division of more emphasis on practicality and flexibility, such as setting the open-style kitchens, cut off and so on. Business mainly for the purpose of the apartment business office can also double as living. This apartment is no separate kitchen and balcony, indoor to large space-based, so that the user flexibility to divide office space. Apartment interior decoration of crude-based, users can be used directly after the arrival, but also fine for indoor decoration. Resort hotels interior is biased towards rural, natural style, will be sea, hot springs and so on introduction of the indoor decoration materials, more use of wood, stone, bamboo and other natural materials, giving close to nature feel. 3 ConclusionFrom the developed situation, the hotel-style apartment development to a certain stage there is a stable property type, currently in the country has just entered a stage of development. In response to this new hotel model, the architect should be followed by the changing times, designed to meet their functional and aesthetic requirements of architectural forms. These are hotel-style apartments at this stage is the development of the status quo, with hotel-style apartments in Chinas growing popularity is bound to feature in the construction and image characteristics of architectural design in terms of higher demands, the architect should follow these changes, to create a rich, moving space. In addition, how this exotic with the traditional spirit of Chinese architecture combine to create a rich geographical and cultural characteristics of architectural space, but also an architect in the future to constantly think about.中文译文:酒店式公寓设计模式初探摘 要:近年来,一种新兴的酒店经营模式酒店式公寓在我国逐渐兴起,发展迅速,但与其相对应的建筑设计理论与实践却没有形成一套成熟的体系。本文通过对近年来国内已建成的酒店式公寓项目的分析,从中总结出酒店式公寓在建筑设计方面的一些共同的模式语言,以供建筑师在设计中加以参考。 关键词:酒店式公寓; 模式语言; 城市型; 度假型 一、引言90年代末期,一种新兴的酒店经营模式酒店式公寓逐渐在我国兴起。随着我国经济的持续快速发展,酒店式公寓因其具有针对性的市场定位和个性化的服务逐渐受到特定消费群体的认可,从兴起至今短短十几年的时间,酒店式公寓在北京、上海、深圳等大中城市已初具规模,并保持着良好的发展势头。作为一种新兴的酒店经营模式,酒店式公寓的设计也应与其独特的经营理念相唿应,彰显其特色,从近年来发展较为成熟的一些酒店式公寓的设计中,我们可以发现一些具有共性的模式语言。 2、 综述(一)概念及源起 酒店式公寓从本质上来说,是将酒店进行产权分割出售,买家将物业出租给酒店经营管理公司,通过分得其经营利润取得固定投资回报的一种酒店衍生品。买家既可以在支付物业管理费用后享受酒店的星级服务,又可通过出租、产权转让等方式来获得投资回报。酒店式公寓采取星级酒店式服务、公寓式管理,除了提供传统酒店的各项服务外,还向顾客提供了家庭式的居住布局、家居式服务,使客人在享受酒店服务的同时也能体会到家的感觉。它集住宅、酒店、会所等多种功能于一身,是一种综合性很强的物业管理概念。 酒店式公寓最早起源于欧洲,是当时旅游区租给游客供其临时休憩的物业。这些客人虽然只作短暂的休息和停留,但物业也给他们提供统一上门管理,所以既有酒店的性质,又相当于个人的“临时住家”,从而形成了酒店式公寓的雏形。这种经营模式在欧洲很快普及,深受广大消费者的好评,如今,酒店式公寓已遍布全球各地。我国的酒店式公寓最早出现在深圳,之后在上海、北京等地均有发展,现在已经普及到全国各大、中城市以及度假旅游区。(2) 概念及源起 根据选址不同,可将酒店式公寓分为城市型和旅游度假型两种。前者主要集中在省会城市、大中型城市、经济发达城市和地区,消费群体以商务人士、高级白领、跨国公司高管等阶层为主;后者主要集中在旅游城市、度假区和海滨城市,消费群体以游客、度假休闲人士为主。在酒店式公寓的设计中,建筑师要根据其不
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