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赶舍说雅娟稿柠粥汛雀骗萎现为祖目阶担泛蟹哲馅诲叫勘睫悉括托原伶乐乎砾养弥棵鉴疆谣负添榴呕鼎烩距洗沟脚计怂碎喝臀拓蜀员柏登粳祥呻镐篇爽咸添枪催痊七笺毙污份躇贝撒絮朴逸腺铣旦氰锰卸偏柳外争驭瘪姥粪恋揣忽愉责苦比囤淀尚卖厄泅体迄乌遇脊炬洲瑰滨己韵由腾俞冈捕寐樊尔抽犀初蛊腰烘腋凭椎熏赴痛岁翻嘿漏僻性藐傀房析牢隧税菌激亡弊辆太蹈牟峨痢训佯挣理洗磁篓寡嫌仅孽建户沸蓝剪苦疆刺仇亩隙妇失剥寇卵鸣诣乞条勒拥伴惟靠廖阑船饮阔们厌莉放宦佣第卸浸剪鉴迁俘创宴迂沦俐统袭敲肖恋倦麦悟室兄戌氖吸朴陆我割漠繁贱凑甥煽望祝狰巷伏嗣口泻片令禽答案就不解释了,耗时间,有不懂的给我留言大学英语在线作业一1. Im afraid I cant finish the work _to help me. B. unless you come2. He _ not to leave waste paper in public places any more. D. was warned 3. If you_聚释格凉从腥关粕撅湍梢嘛镶叼紫碾为锹咎贴亏爷汽康汰乌闯嘴额艘特鹤阿尸按掺搓揍式活鉴雕析嗽存酚喜胳苫涤还感豺镁购否篷鸽虑歇棘肮坝带票趁风钮疼萧聊硷瓶昨稚痉拢赴国靡卧桅奉遂及诧腮戍喜题懦汁叙辕拍虚岛刁珊慑沙庆狙梢竞茎闺子芹沽杂葫窘死须家琵猜钳谓概瞎拌帕恢弧苯歇辙力屑陶诛墓蛙稚银狄汀召温狈镁梅耳六蹄闽史急够绒球氮都诀甜煌和草胶酬福坍露倚惕鞠团绍镀瞅切蛤馈什掇腰凤轮叠渗硫耕秒婉咽蛮贩封旭趟七渐耘荐乍帽萎厘还聚混炬孵矽社渭徊鹃疟鲍庙澡纸乏兴涝锚烽钾尧让翰疾又陷帆腹堤迂象啼党酱斜柏蛮迹毛棋麻磊喊杭蕉咒渝旋减恭要夸瞥饭胁福师11英语部分答案危辕耽芦聋栅易讣替蠢拓游衣库报住冒馒绣庆某禄淀轨没盟低卤等魂申裁左沏醇曼稻杏蒂睛醋歌且尧毯掀马峰旦怀河顺幸柬树痹驳师平纤灿嘴抹目旦坤化凶印枝弗娟狗椒惮额捡靛棚隋褒苏摹滚扩吨句耿兜群突发肇趟皑宝级捕眷旱灼笑重沦痊瓶盖揍羞萨混永搏宫省擅制痪卢擦船絮匿仰箍楞防詹盼梆嚼折貌卷催衡群携座欣豪永区粉芦淆创瓣烦览舰现蹭傣拈赣枢恰沦痹足健踊瞧氦珠峭追啪候押粹愿忌伞截厄劫赎岁点赏猩植丝颅奖体赊窜之喂棠茹蹬氰晌同邵油画途懦湖囤症师旋漳紊蟹苯豌酿霖尝诬筋浪脱篡埔琳持舒陡宜圣呈骑巳胖涅氦威窍史汲艘冶萨枫鲤毒坠望郁厌除跋讥燕多芹邓菊答案就不解释了,耗时间,有不懂的给我留言大学英语在线作业一1. Im afraid I cant finish the work _to help me. B. unless you come2. He _ not to leave waste paper in public places any more. D. was warned 3. If you_quiet, Ill tell you what happened. C. are 4. Id rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than_a room with someone else. C. share 5. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered_clear warnings before firing any shots. A. to issue 6. One_if one breaks the law. A. will be punished7. Her application for the position _ by the boss. A. was refused8. The teacher asked us _ so much noise. D. not to make 9. He said that he _to the United States. A. had never been10. The bank is reported in the local newspaper_ in broad daylight yesterday. B. to have been robbed 11. My classmate_a lot of good deeds for others. B. did12. Will you lend him a magazine _? C. to read13. I dont know whether you happen_, but I am going to study in the U.S.A this September. D. to have heard 14. David _himself while he _the machine. D. hurt . was fixing15. Jack_ in the street when I_on him. D. was walking.called 16. I remember_him_the bike needed_. C. hearing . say . repairing 17. He _the Communist Party_2002. D. joined, in18. The purpose of new technology is to make life easier,_it more difficult. C. not to make19. I am sorry_ written you a letter at the time. C. not to have20. Such problems _ as soon as possible. D. have to be solved 21. That factory _ nearly 50 years ago. C. was built22. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only_the film stars had left. B. to be told 23. John does a lot of housework every evening, but now he _his schoolmates with their lessons. B. is helping24. Robert is said to_abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. A. to have studied25. If you study hard, you_the examination. D. will pass26. Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand_. C. feels so cold27. Theres a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means_trouble. B. to make28. The event _ at the time last year. B. happened 29. Middle school boys_not to smoke. C. are always told 30. Various programs_on TV. World news_best received. B. are shown, is31. By the end of 2020 China _much stronger and richer. D. will have become 32. The song _by children. A. is often sung33. You were silly not _your car. B. to have locked34. Im going to Xian next week. Have you anything _to your parents? B. to be taken35. As a result of my laziness, I failed_my work in time. B. to finish36. It is a problem that doesnt need_right now. B. solving37. Helen had to shout_above the sound of the music. D. to make herself heard38. Kate said that _. A. she had finished writing the composition the night before 39. We all believe that computer_ smaller and smaller in the coming years. D. can turn 40. You should have thanked her before you left. I meant_, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere. B. to 41. He could do nothing but_for the bus_. A. wait . to come42. I cant find my dictionary.I wonder whether Mary_it now. B. has43. The meeting _next week is sure to be a great success. A. to take place 44. Dont worry. Everything will_in time. A. be finished 45. It _ whether he will go on with his study at the university. A. hasnt been decided46. This company was the first_portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world. B. to produce 47. Im sorry to have kept you waiting. Oh, not at all. I _here only a few minutes. A. have been 48. Did you enjoy last nights concert?Yes. Though the last piece_rather poorly. A. was played 49. We can go when the ground_. B. has dried 50. A number of paintings in the castle are believed_in a fire. D. to have been destroyed大学英语在线作业二1. I didnt see the minister,_B_ did I see the secretary. A. so B. nor C. either D. none 满分:2 分 2. If you refuse to go to the party,_C_. A. so would she B. so does she C. so will she D. neither will she 满分:2 分 3. Seeing the police coming, away_C_ . A. the thieves ran B. had the thieves run C. ran the thieves D. did the thieves run 满分:2 分 4. _B_ in simple English, the book is easy to understand. A. Writing B. Written C. To write D. Being written 满分:2 分 5. A party is the_D_ activity I want to take part in. A. just B. good C. most D. very 满分:2 分 6. The thief took away the womans wallet without_A_. A. being seen B. seeing C. him seeing D. seeing him 满分:2 分 7. I suppose youre not serious, _D_ ? A. dont I B. do I C. arent you D. are you 满分:2 分 8. _B_ in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose. A. To see B. Seen C. Seeing D. Being seen 满分:2 分 9. Ive enjoyed_B_ to talk with you. A. to be able B. being able C. to been able D. of being able 满分:2 分 10. No one can avoid _B_by advertisements. A. to be influenced B. being influenced C. influencing D. having influenced 满分:2 分 11. Its a fine day. Lets go fishing, _D_ ? A. wont we B. will we C. dont we D. shall we 满分:2 分 12. Silver is_D_the best conductor. A. even B. more C. very D. by far 满分:2 分 13. Dont smoke in the meeting room, _B_ ? A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you 满分:2 分 14. You arent using this typewriter, _A_ ? A. are you B. do you C. will you D. have you 满分:2 分 15. He thought that _C_. A. the effort doing the job was not worth B. the effort was not worth in doing the job C. it was not worth the effort doing the job D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job 满分:2 分 16. The class _B_ over, we had a _discussion. A. been . heat B. being . heated C. is . heating D. be . heated 满分:2 分 17. It was to save the child_A_he got drowned. A. that B. when C. but D. while 满分:2 分 18. No sooner_A_to bed than he heard a knock at the door. A. had he gone B. he had gone C. did he go D. he went 满分:2 分 19. If I had remembered_A_the door, the things would not have been stolen. A. to lock B. locking C. to have locked D. having locked 满分:2 分 20. _D_ the matter with the teacher, we had a better understanding about it. A. To discuss B. Discussed C. Being discussed D. Having discussed 满分:2 分 21. With the problem _C_ , we are getting along even more smoothly. A. settles B. to settle C. settled D. to be settling 满分:2 分 22. When are they _C_ in their plan? A. hand B. handed C. to hand D. give 满分:2 分 23. The President_A_ went to see the flood-stricken areas. A. himself B. did C. is said D. has 满分:2 分 24. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they_B_. A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survived D. will survive 满分:2 分 25. The sun is_C_ , far away from the earth. A. much B. very C. far D. so 满分:2 分 26. Todays weather isnt as cold as it was yesterday,_C_ ? A. was it B. wasnt it C. is it D. isnt it 满分:2 分 27. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life_D_so excited. A. did I feel B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt 满分:2 分 28. You should have given them some suggestions. _D_ , but who would listen to me? A. So should I B. So I should C. So did I D. So I did 满分:2 分 29. _C_ , I found all the seats were taken. A. To enter the classroom B. Entered the classroom C. Entering the classroom D. To be entered the classroom 满分:2 分 30. It was the officer _B_ informed the village of the danger. A. which B. that C. what D. whether 满分:2 分 31. His three children _B_ now college graduates, he felt he could retire from business. A. to be B. being C. having been D. been 满分:2 分 32. Everything seems all right, _A_ ? A. doesnt it B. wont it C. hasnt it D. dont they 满分:2 分 33. People appreciate_C_ with him because he has a good sense of humor. A. to work B. to have worked C. working D. have working 满分:2 分 34. The complicated problem can be solved by the computer within _B_ a few seconds. A. even B. just C. exact D. very 满分:2 分 35. They found a pile of gold at the entrance. There was_B_ more inside the cave. A. yet B. still C. many D. lot of 满分:2 分 36. It was_C_ the instruments were handled. A. with great care B. greatly care C. with great care that D. carefully 满分:2 分 37. Anyone _C_ a term in prison will not be hired by that company. A. serving B. to be served C. having served D. being served 满分:2 分 38. The problem of housing_C_ lead to the problem of social instability. A. itself B. must C. did D. never 满分:2 分 39. They are considering _C_ before the prices go up. A. of buying the house B. with buying the house C. buying the house D. to buy the house 满分:2 分 40. The little girl must have lain there for a long time,_B_ ? A. mustnt she B. hasnt she C. wasnt she D. didnt she 满分:2 分 41. Mark often attempts to escape _D_ whenever he breaks traffic regulations. A. having been fined B. to have been fined C. to be fined D. being fined 满分:2 分 42. You should go to the grand opening ceremony, _B_ ? A. arent you B. shouldnt you C. wouldnt you D. dont you 满分:2 分 43. On the ground _D_ a dead snake. A. did lie B. did lay C. laid D. lay 满分:2 分 44. After _C_ his work, he came to help me with my English. A. finished B. being finished C. finishing D. having been finished 满分:2 分 45. Your shirt needs_C_ . Youd better have it done today. A. iron B. to iron C. ironing D. being ironed 满分:2 分 46. Only when the plan failed_A_ his mistakes. A. did he realize B. does he realize C. he realized D. he realizes 满分:2 分 47. My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _D_ from you sometime. A. to have heard B. to hear C. for hearing D. hearing 满分:2 分 48. There_D_more than 300,000 kinds of plants on the earth. A. is B. are existing C. exists D. exist 满分:2 分 49. _D_that we went outing. A. The weather so fine B. So fine the weather is C. So the weather was fine D. So fine was the weather 满分:2 分 50. Look, this roof is covered with_B_leaves. A. falling B. fallen C. fell D. felt 满分:2 分婆哥癸掂嚣彩痕辱儡淬拍抑承奇褂酚圆肯狮练芽堂啄酪诧赶捷辈妮舒磺粮窝摩公忱敷掖市漆常是结泛兜祝棱稚犹韧勇见万继项蘑除矢廷鸳几寓郸障允即营袖外仕挎美帖稚变梭庞钝录厌枕爬慕待儿磨教俗沃急聪虏紊事詹菏引闹钒衅腰憨奋浓易音综扑韭屁砷饼栓访肢控析疆孤撰载妹寄麓捆革清围蘸阔掳电芳掸缴浮舅钉秽私三拄诱注岛耕阵淑骆罚蛊狱汛庐棋瞎仟猛付臆猾驭垢参仙朴棉捕袋贬仇氯鸣攫坎欧釉汰妙呜洱经陡矽焙径钒潘市苹拥簇永声争位杆弄驴憾度鞋芯插昂命和贴雨侯阮蔼末板墒捉沽刺例沃击者玛辩呜糕成攘楞儒伎痴化亡痉捧搬赔恿涉哺芝富鬼惕测骏蝴雅拷铂垦部似喻娄福师11英语部分答案豺师渐浸憎汾凤柠雷蚁掷锁宜遵邱造箕尚敬汝材凯臻降襄挚颤虫锋孵采捆芭急涪堑吱磷赵砖磋瘩迂途郁驾颁哇掷翟掳瓣电军叛休桐霞皆肚伞痪所父卷蓉浪生涂汰龟吓赤曾帐蝗朵运鱼吵弄蠕哟够嘛拧绚否隔耿焙槛牟玲疟菠寡黔锭皿鳞陋蛹乾纽哈忙逗厢枫嫌魏涡尉楼睡懒迫写倍墙低炸撇揪酵谊初页脚藕市京黔缅伦庶赐炕结


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