



湖北省2013高考英语二轮(完成句子+书面表达)专题训练(14)及答案湖北省2013高考英语二轮复习书面表达专题训练:完成句子+短文写作(33)第一节:完成句子阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。1. he says he is still reading the old man and the seahe cant _ (还在读那本书). i gave it to him ages ago and its quite a short book. (read)2. helen had to shout to make _ (人们听到她的话) above the music at yesterdays party. (herself)3. every possible means _ (已用来) to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. (use)4. the boy couldnt give the teacher a good reason for _ (他上学迟到). (be)5. from the distance _ (来了一个士兵) who was riding a horse. (come)6. im sure you would rather she _ (去上学)by bus every day, wouldnt you? (go)7. _ (你待在那儿越久), the more you will like the place. (stay) .8. _ (如果你打开电视) and you will often see advertisements showing happy families. (turn)9. your advice _ (她等待)till next week is unreasonable, so she is wise not to take it. (wait)10. i was still sleeping _ (火灾发生了), and then it spread quickly. (break)走出书面表达误区(2)又如:小偷被带进来了,双手被绑。误:the thief was brought in,with his hands being tied.正:the thief was brought in,with his hands tied.说明:tie不能用进行时表达一个延续的状态。但可说:he is tying his shoes now.又如:我的钥匙丢了。误:my key is missed.正:my key is missing.说明:miss作动词没有丢失之意,意为错过,想念等,而missing在此作形容词丢失的,不见的。又如:现在我想对你说实话。误:i am wanting to tell you the truth now.正:i want to tell you the truth now.说明:want, like, prefer等属于人的情感动词,没有进行时、将来时、完成时。一般只用于现在时或过去时。误区三:不理解句型结构。如:我们一直盼望着的那一天终于来到了。误:the day we had been looking forward to coming at last.正:the day we had been looking forward to came at last.说明:此句错误原因是对句型结构不理解,came为谓语动词。又如:承认自己的错误并不可耻。误:there is nothing to be ashamed in confessing ones errors.正:there is nothing to be ashamed of in confessing ones errors.说明:误句中不定式是nothing的定语,在意义上nothing又是不定式的宾语。因此需要用to be ashamed of短语。比较:1) its nothing to be proud of.这不值得骄傲。2) dont cry. there is nothing to worry about.别哭,这没有什么可担心的。又如,我们已经把意见告诉他了。误:we have informed him our opinions.正:we have informed him of our opinions.说明:表示告诉某人某事,不能说inform somebody something,应说inform somebody of something,这是inform的句型要求。比较:i have to inform you that i shall leave the city next friday.我得告诉你我下星期得离开这个城市。说明:inform somebody之后接that clause就不用of,但必须先接somebody才能再接从句,否则省略了somebody则为误句。*结束第二节:写作外籍教师jack教过你班英语,回美国后,他一直惦记着你,现在你收到了他的电子邮件,在邮件中他询问你目前高三的学习和生活情况以及你高中毕业后的打算。假如你叫李华,请你根据以下内容要点给他回一封电子邮件。要点: 学习生活紧张、有意义(上课、完成大量练习);其它学科好,数学弱(花较多时间学习数学、家人和老师鼓励);理想(上名校、学计算机、做电脑工程师)。注意:1. 词数为120左右;2. 参考词汇:高考the national college entrance examination3. 邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数);4. 已给出的邮件的开头和结尾不得抄入答题卡。dear jack,im very glad to receive your e-mail.best wishes.yours,li hua*答案1. be (still) reading it (now) 2. herself heard 3. has been used4. his/him being late for school 5. came a soldier6. went to school 7. the longer you stay there 8. turn on the television/tv或turn the television/tv on 9. that she (should) wait 10. when the fire broke out dear jack,im very glad to receive your e-mail.my school life now is busy but meaningful.every day i am studying devotedly, attending classes and finishing piles of schoolwork. i have little time to enjoy the sunshine. as i told you, math is difficult for me, so i have been spending a great deal of time figuring out the problems. to my delight, it is improving. although i can not become the best in math, i dont have any trouble with the other subjects.the national college entrance examination is drawing near. determined to be admitted to a good university, now i put all my heart into the subjects. i owe thanks to my family and teachers whose help and encouragement make me conf


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