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湖南省武冈三中八年级英语竞赛题 人教新目标版(时间:90分钟 总分:100分)、在下列各句的空白处填入一个最适当的词,使句子意思完整、语法正确。(5分)1. the chinese people like eating dumplings. before making them, they often _up meat and vegetables into small pieces.2. on my friends birthday, i gave her a nice_. she was very happy.3. the noodles are tasteless. add some _to the noodles before eating them.4. at the _of last year, mr wang bought a big apartment.5. after putting all the things in the blender, turn it _, please.、选择合适的词, 并用其适当形式填空。(5分)win check visit instruction play monitor hang sandwich drive lucky 1.in _, i like putting turkey slices, relish, butter and lettuce on two slices of bread.2. please write a recipe for pizza and then give us some _to make it. 3. _what did you do on your last day off? _i _out with my friends at the mall.4. mrs black is careful in everything. she always _the door locks before she starts.5. bob _first prize in last months writing competition. his parents were proud of him.6. they are _from taiwan. yesterday they visited the great wall.7. _i won a sheet (床单) before new years day.8. in our school the _in all the classes are very good. they organize class meetings on thursday afternoons.9. there are many good_ in china, like yaoming, wang hao and so on.10. last week toms father _him to school because his left leg was broken. 、选择填空。(20分)( )1. dont forget to turn _the tv before you go to bed. a. off b. up c. on d. down( )2. if you want to eat a banana, you must _it first. a. peel b. sell c. put d. wash( )3. could you please _the pizza _the oven? a. peel, for b. cut, up c. put, in d. pour, into( )4. if you add 5_6, you will get 11. a. up b. to c. in d. up to( )5. _slices of bread do you need? a. how much b. how long c. how many d. how heavy( )6. _the top of the house, there is a flag. a. in b. for c. to d. on( )7. _are the main vegetable in western countries. a. tomato b. a tomato c. tomatoes d. the tomato( )8. ten minutes _an hour when one is waiting for another man. a. are b. is c. seems d. is like( )9. after putting in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt, please_. a. mix it all up b. mix them all up c. mix them up d. mix it up( )10. i think rolled pancakes are _super chicken sandwiches. a. as delicious as b. the most delicious c. more delicious d. delicious( )11.im going to take you _. a. else somewhere b. somewhere else c. else anywhere d. anywhere else( )12. what _things can you see? a. else b. other c. others d. anything( )13. who is the _of the match? a. win b. winning c. winner d. won( )14. i met vie on my last school trip, and i _his autograph. a. got b. brought c. took d. fetched( )15. _of the street i met my old friend, jim. a. at the end b. in the end c. by the end d. to the end( )16. _what do you want to be_? a. for the future b. in future c. in the future d. into the future( )17.the weather was so bad, so _came to the sale that day. a. anyone b. no one c. someone d. everyone( )18. listen, and you can hear the girl_ in the next room. a. sings b. to sing c. singing d. sang( )19. before new years day, the students in grade nine had fun_dumplings at the dinning room. a. make b. making c. made d. makes( )20. miss wang _home_ all the students left. she was the last one who left the school. a. dont go, until b. didnt go, until c. went, before d. goes, after、交际运用根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。其中有一项是多余的。(5分) ( xiao hong and xiao fang are talking about cooking a whole turkey.)hong: do you know people in the western countries eat turkey on thanksgiving day?fang: yes, i do. its said that its very delicious. i want to eat, but i cant cook. (1)_hong: of course. (2)_fang: what to do next?hong: before putting the turkey into the oven, you fill it with chopped_up (切碎) pieces of bread and herbs. (3)_fang: and then?hong: the bird is placed in an oven to cook for several hours.fang: can it be cooked in the pan?hong: sure. some people use a special pan that keeps the meat moist(湿润).fang: (4)_hong: yeah. finally when the turkey is ready, youll cut the slices.fang: thank you very much for your recipe.hong: (5)_a. this mixture is called “stuffing(佐料)”b. im sorry, i dont like the recipe.c. could you tell me how to cook it?d. its my pleasure.e. first the turkey has to be cleaned.f. sounds good!.、根据对话内容,在空白处填写一个适当的话语(可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),使对话完整。(10分)(what is the life of a scientist like in the antarctic (南极).teens talked to shi xiaomin, head of beijing pacific ocean aquarium who took park in chinas scientific expedition (探险旅行)to antarctica (南极洲) in 2004.)teens: what did you wear in cold weather?shi: we set out in october and _antarctica in november. it was summer then. the temperature was about 10 degrees below zero. you had to wear very warm clothes.teens: what did you do at night?shi: we didnt have nights _days. there are no nights in the antarctic in summer. we were busy working. we worked until we got tired. then we would draw the curtains and go to sleep. that was our “night”.teens: _shi: we had big meals, of about four dishes. there was always plenty of meat but not enough vegetables. fresh vegetables are difficult to get there.teens: how did you stay in touch with your family?shi: most people _with them, but wasnt easy to contact (联络) friends and family. the internet was expensive. we only checked our e_mails once a week.teens: _shi: yes, i missed them very much.teens: thanks a lot for talking to us, mr shi. 、完形填空(10分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后用所给的单词填空,使短文完整、通顺,其中有两项是多余的。a. those b. better c. surprise d. myself e. nothing f. of g. off h. pointed i. until j. from k. how l. that we must do better.i went to handan to visit my grandparents as soon as my holiday began. i really enjoy 1 _in that small city. during my 10_day visit i had an experience that i will never forget.one day i went to the new century shopping mall by bus. the buses in handan are much shabbier (破旧的) than 2_in beijing. the seats are made 3_wood and the doors are always broken. but to my 4_, this bus was really nice. this made me feel much 5_. at one stop, an old man got on. there are no conductors on handans buses to ask people to give up their seats to elderly passengers. the driver said 6_. he didnt need to. almost all the passengers stood up. a young woman helped him over to her own seat. but a young man 7_to his and said: “ my seat is more comfortable and i am getting 8_soon.” the old man sat down with a smile. then the driver started the bus. he was careful not to start it 9 everyone was seated. 10_considerate (考虑周到的) he was!、阅读理解(30分)( a )the beijing olympics are on their way. what are you most looking forward to about the games? lets take a look at what these teenagers have to say: yan shuang, 14, beijing my parents have booked tickets to the opening ceremony (开幕式)of the beijing games. hope we can be lucky enough. i want to watch the basketball to see yao ming and yi jianlian. and its really exciting that many foreign visitors will come to beijing next year. ill be able to make lots of foreign friends and learn more about their cultures. wu bozhen, 13, xian, shaanxi i have a dream: sitting in the birds nest and watching the opening ceremony of the beijing olympics. but i cant afford the trip, so there it is. i can watch my favorite sportson tv: the mens 110m hurdles (跨栏) and the diving(跳水). i hope liu xiang can win again in 2008. i also want to introduce foreign visitors to xian. 根据信息内容,选择最佳答案。(5分)( )1. yan shuangs parents have booked tickets to _of the beijing games. a. the opening ceremony b. the diving c. the basketball d. the race( )2. which sport does yan shuang want to watch at the 2008 olympic games? a. the table tennis. b. the football. c. the basketball. d. the baseball.( )3. many foreign visitors will come to beijing next year. why is yan shuang excited about that? a. because shell be able to make lots of foreign friends and learn more about their cultures. b. because she is interested in their appearance. c. because she is interested in their dressing. d. because she is interested in their customs.( ) 4. wu bozhens dream is _. a. watching the special olympics b. sitting in the birds nest and watching the opening ceremony of the beijing olympics c. to be a volunteer d. to be a translator.( ) 5. wu bozhen has two wishes. one is_, the other is _.a. to watch the diving, to watch the basketball b. to get a ticket to the opening ceremony of the beijing olympics, to watch his favorite sports in the birds nest c. to go to beijing to see yao ming and yi jianlian in 2008, to watch the mens 110m hurdlesd. to hope liu xiang can win again in 2008, to introduce foreign visitors to xian( b ) hans is visiting london for the first time. he has been in london for a week now, and he has seen many great sights.but something strange happened to him yesterday. he wanted to go to the british museum to read some old books, so he went to the bus stop, and waited for a bus. a no.3 bus soon came, and he got it on. he asked the conductor how he could get to the museum. the conductor told him to get off the bus at the third stop, and then walk down the street for five minutes.“ go down new oxford street, turn left, then turn right, and the british museum is on the left,” he said. hans got off the bus and started to walk. but after five minutes he knew he was lost. at school his english teacher always said, “if you lose your way in london, ask a policeman. they are very friendly.”suddenly, hans saw a policeman in a very new uniform. he wanted to ask him a question, but before he opened his mouth, the policeman said, “excuse me. can you help me? can you tell me the way to the nearest police station? it is my first day at work, and im lost!”1). 根据短文内容,用适当的词填空, 每空一词。(5分)1. hans is on a _to london for the first time.2. the conductor told him that it _him five minutes to get to the british museum.3. at school his english teacher said if he lost_ in london, he might ask a policeman.4. on the way he saw a policeman who was _in a very new uniform.5. the policeman asked him _he could tell him the way


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