



2012-2013学年第一学期十月份教学调研卷九年级英语(时间100分钟,总分120分) 第卷(选择题,共75分)一、听力理解(共20分。每题1分) a) 对话理解 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 1. what happened to the woman?a. she lost her way b. she lost her purse c. she lost the address of the hospital 2. what does the man mean?a. he would rather play tennis. b. he doesnt understand why they wont play tennis. c. he agrees with the woman. 3. what are the two speakers going to do?a. to have a nice evening together. b. to say good-bye to each other. c. to look after each other. 4. where is nick now?a. in a shopping mall b. at toms home c. in a library 5. what is millies problem?a. she doesnt have enough time for her hobbies. b. she has no hobbies. c. she has to stay out very late. 6. what does linda ask tom to do? a. to go horse riding. b. not to hurt himself c. to keep the secret 7. what is daniel like? a. he is kind and modest. b. he is selfish and unhelpfulc. he is modest and generous. 8. when was the first cloned sheep born? a. in 1996. b. in 1952. c. in 1969. 9. what color is the mans room now? a. white. b. blue. c. white and blue.10. what types of tv programmes does the man probably like watching?a. drama series and newsb. documentaries and game shows c. travel and chat shows.听第11段对话,回答第1l至12题。11. how much money did victor get in his dream?a. $1,000,000 b. $100,000 c.¥1,000,00012. what did victor decide to do with the money in his dream?a. buy a car. b. go travelling. c. raise money for charity.听第12段对话,回答第13至15题。13. who is mr johnson?a. millies history teacher.b. millies doctor. c. millies geography teacher.14. what will millie do on saturday?a. go climbing. b. take an exam. c. stay at home and study.15. which season is it?a. spring. b. summer. c. autumn.b) 短文理解 听下面的短文。短文后有5个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。16. what did mary want to be?a. a dancer. b. a teacher. c. a singer.17. how was marys voice after many years practising?a. it got better. b. it only got louder. c. it was the same as before.18. why did her teacher decide to stop the lesson?a. because mary wasnt good at it.b. because her teacher was too busy.c. because mary wanted to stop the lesson.19. who did mary invite to her concert?a. many pop singers. b. her teacher. c. her friends.20. what did the teachers words really mean?a. mary did very well. b. mary would become a great singer some day. c. the concert was terrible and mary would never become a good singer. 二、单项填空(15分)( )21. would you please pass me _ dictionary next to the radio? and i also need _ pen to write something.a. a; a b. the; the c. the; a d. a; the( )22. _ a little child gives us_ great fun.a. such, such a b. so, so a c. such, such d. so, such( )23. i really dont know what to_ about the match.a. say b. speak c. tell d. talk( )24. its good for you to keep_when you have something difficult_atrying,to do bdoing,to do it cto try,to do dtrying,to be done( )25. the river is too wide for the swimmers_ato swim bto swim in cto swim across dswimming( )26. the exam was very easybut i dont think_could pass itasomebody banybody cnobody deverybody( )27. all of us found _difficult to work out the maths problemait bthat cthat is dit is( )28. im_ tired because i have had a good restaa little ba bit cnot a little dnot a bit( )29. he _ to lead us the way, which surprised us a lot.a. reminded b. offeredc. provided d. asked( )30. i dont know when kitty_ tomorrow,and please give this message to her when she_acomes,will come bcomes,comescwill come,will come dwill come,comes( )31. a:who called the telephone yesterday evening? b:_anone bnothing canyone dno one( )32. is there any_ left in your car? can i get into it?aarea broom crooms dplaces( )33. i would rather_ than_ with himalaugh at,quarrel bto laugh at,to quarrelcbe laughed at,quarrel dto be laughed at,to be quarreled( )34. although he got up early, _ he missed the train.a. but b. yet c. and d. or( )35. make sure that your friend will come here on time. _.a. certainly, i will b. dont worry , mum c. thats ok d. of course i can三、完形填空(10分) different colours usually stand for different feelingsred,for example,is the colour of fire,heat,blood and lifepeople say red is an exciting and active colourthey associate red with a strong feeling like angerred is used for signs of 36 ,such as stop signs and fire enginesorange is the bright,warm colour of leaves in autumnpeople say orange is a 37 colourthey associate orange with happinessyellow is the colour of 38 people say it is a cheerful colourthey associate yellow with happiness,toogreen is the cool colour of grass in springpeople say it is a refreshing colourin general,people 39 two groups of colours:warm colours and cool coloursthe warm colours are red,orange and 40 where there are warm colours and a lot of light,people usually want to be 41 those who like to be with 42 like redthe cool colours are black and bluewhere there are these colours,people are usually worriedsome scientists say that time seems to 43 more slowly in a room with warm coloursthey suggest that a warm colour is a good way for a living room or a 44 people who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly 45 colours are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly( )36aroads bways cdanger dplaces( )37alively bdark cnoisy dfrightening( )38amoonlight blight csunlight dstars( )39aspeak bsay ctalk about dtell( )40agreen byellow cwhite dgray( )41acalm bsleepy cactive dhelpful( )42athe other banother cother one dothers( )43ago round bgo by cgo off dgo along( )44afactory bclassroom crestaurant dhospital( )45adifferent bcool cwarm dall四阅读理解 (30分)ado you know why different animals or pests(昆虫) have their special colors? colors in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.some birds like eating locusts(蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. why? it is because locusts change their colors together with the change of the colors of crops(庄稼). when crops are green, locusts look green. but as the harvest time comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have. some other pests with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others. so they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.if you study the animal life, youll find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves. bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. they cannot be easily seen by hunters(猎人). this is because they have the colors much like the trees.have you ever noticed an even stranger act? a kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid(液体)when it faces danger. while the liquid spreads over(散开), its enemies(敌人) cannot find it. and it immediately swims away. so it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all. ( )46how can pests with different colors from plants keep out of danger?a. they run away quickly.b. they have the colors much like their enemies.c. they hide themselves by day and appear at night.d. they have to move quietly.( )47bears and lions can keep safe because_.a. they have the colors much like the trees b. they move quietlyc. they like brown and gray colors d. they live in forests ( )48which is the best title for this passage?a. the change of colors for animals and pestsb. colors of different animals and pestsc. the main use of colors for animals and pestsd. some animals and pestsb eye doctors in shanghai found out that the nearsightedness among primary and middle school students has something to do with the colour of the paper in their textbooks and notebooks the doctors suggested that yellow paper will be used to replace the white oneaccording totheir research,the experts found out white paper reflects too much light and easily tires a persons eyesthe yellow paper,however,doesnt look so sharp to a persons eyesin other words,it is much milder to the eyes of students who may do reading or writing for hours the expertsresearch findings were based on firsthand information and a number of scientific experiments including a new study among the students from forty-one middle schoolsto make the students understand the truth,shanghai education development coltdhas produced textbooks and exercisebooks made of yellow paperthe books will be used in the whole city soon( )49what does the word“replace”here mean in chinese? a放置 b重置 c替代 d发生( )50the doctors found out_ caused the studentsnearsightedness atheir studies have bthe colour of the paper has cthe textbooks and notebooks have dthe colour of their clothes has( )51why does white paper easily make our eyes tired? abecause white paper reflects too much light bbecause white paper gets in too much light cbecause white paper is always shiningdbecause white paper is too brightc sunday evening,october 30,1938,was peaceful in new york citysome people were returning home from trip to the countryside,and others were sitting down to dinnerin those days,televisions were not very commonmost people listened to the radio for news and entertainment at eight oclock there was a concert of dance music,but suddenly,the program was interrupted(中断)with a notice:a large spaceship had landed on a field and an army of aliens was moving towards new york city and then the radio went silent people panickedsome drove out of the city as quickly as possible,but soon the roads were jammed with carssome people put wet towels(毛巾)around their faces because they thought there was a gas attackin new jersey,some farmers went out with gunsalthough it was dark,they found a large cylinder(圆柱体)standing in a field,and thinking it was the alien spaceship,they shot at it many times many people were so frightened that they didnt hear the next announcement on the radio:“ladies and gentlemenyou are listening to a radio play called the war of the worlds” a message was sent to police stations that there was no real alien attack,and the police officers soon restored(恢复)calm to new york city many people were very angry that they had been fooled by the play,and complained to the radio stationbut what about the spaceship that the farmers found in the filed? the next morning,they found that they had damaged a large water tank 1( )52what can we know from the text? athe radio station had gone too far in fooling the people bin factthere was no real alien attack in new york city that night cthe farmers were brave in fighting against the aliens dpeople at that time were often fooled by radio stations( )53what does the underlined sentence“people panicked”in the third paragraph possibly mean? apeople ran away bpeople had a feeling of great fear cpeople showed great interest dpeople were quite mistaken( )54as a matter of fact,people had listened to_when they panicked aa news report ba love story ca part of a play dan announcement( )55the main purpose of writing this text is_ ato tell us a funny story bto report a piece of news cto blame the radio station for their misdoingdto advise people not to listen to the radiod as you are working,keep your eyes on your own test booklet(小册子)and answer document(答题卷)if you have a question,raise your handbut do not look aroundif you are involved in any of the actions listed below,you will be dismissed(让离开)and your answer document will not be scoredprohibited(禁止的)behaviors include: continuing to write after time is called on each test(you must put your pencil down when time is called) looking at another students test booklet or answer document using any device to share or exchange information at any time during testing or during the break(all electronic devices,including mobile phones and mp4s,must be turned off from the time you are allowed to test until you are dismissed after testing) trying to remove test materials,including questions or answers,from the test room not following instructions by the rules of the test center allowing a clock or mobile phone to sound in the test room if you finish before time is called,review your work on the test you have j ust finishedif you are satisfied with your answers,place your answer document inside your test booklet and close the coversit quietly until the teacher gives you further instructions you will have two tests in the morning and a short break between the testsdo not leave thebuilding during the breakyou must ask permission(允许)to leave the room during testing to go to the restroom;you will not be allowed to make up(弥补)the time you miss you will be required to sit quietly until you are dismissedafter all answer documents and test booklets have been collected,the teacher will dismiss you( )56the passage is written mainly about_ athe importance of the test bthe rules of the test cthe functions of the test dthe results of the test( )57if a student uses his mobile phone during the break,he will_ abe dismissed and get no score at all bbe asked to turn it off and continue testing cbe asked to stay in the test room for a long time dbe ordered to remove the test materials from the test room( )58when a student finishes testing before time is called,the right order of what to do is_ close the cover review the work on the test place the answer document inside the test booklet sit quietly until the teacher tells you what to do next a b c d( )59which of the following is true according to the passage? aclocks can sound to tell students time during testing bstudents can walk out of the building during the break cits possible for students to make up the time they miss dstudents cant go to the restroom during testing without permission( )60what do we know from the passage? ano rules are listed for the break ba student can raise his hand to ask questions during testing conly the answer document needs to be handed in before leaving dits useless for a student to understand prohibited behaviors before testing学校 班级 考试号 姓名 密封线第卷(非选择题,共45分)五、单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子句意及所给汉语注释,在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。61. we shouldnt lose our courage to face different kinds of _ (困难).62. though they are twins, they deal with problems _ (不同).63. do you think he is a man of great (智慧)? 64. tom is _ (梦想) about getting full marks in the english exam.65. girls like _ (蝴蝶), because they are beautiful.66. do you know who _ (发现) america?67. entering the room _ (涂) blue gives you a relax


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