



模块一复习一 动词的适当形式填空1. She gave him a _(challenge) look, “Are you really sure?”2. I usually do some_(cook) at home on Saturdays.3. Jane is my good friend and I have the greatest_(respect) for her judgment.4. Jenny is _(experience) in teaching English beginners.5. The speech contest will be held next Friday. I must make full _(prepare) for it.6. He kept me_(inform) that the sports meeting had been called off.7. He bitterly_(regret) having mentioned it at the meeting.8. He is a high-school _(graduate).9. Id like to have these films_(develop) in no time.10. Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great_(achieve) for him.11. There are 1000 people _(present) at the meeting.12. This plan requires_(consider).13. The old man used to_(devote) to his teaching when he was young.14. She_(select) one of her favorite books and read it to her students.15. Have you anything to say in _(defend) of your rudeness.16. We had an _(argue) with the waiter about the bill.17. Daniel gave no _(explain) for what had happened and ran out of the room.18. I hear youve got a set of_(value) Australian coins. May I have a look?19. Mum and Dad arrived back from vacation than _(expect).20. After the exam, they couldnt wait_(know) the results.21. _(follow) his father, Tom entered the room,_(follow) by his two brothers.22. I was supposed_(help) her out , but failed.23. With her attention_(concentrate) on her study, She has made great progress.24. Id like to see the new film time _(permit).25. With a lot of difficult problems_(settle), the newly-elected president is having a hard time.26. I have a composition_(write) this afternoon and I have no time to have my hair_(cut).27. Since youve got the chance, you might as well_(make) good use of it.28. We cant believe that Shelias _(behave) is becoming more than strange.29. Trees help stop the soil_(wash) away by the rain.30. He insisted that he_(be) right and that he _(not punish)by parents.31. The managers discussed the plan that theyd like to see_(carry) out the nxt year.32. _(not make) necessary preparations, we cancelled the plan.33. The question_(discuss) tomorrow is whether income tax should be increased.34. Canana is a _(mix) of many cultures and races.35. Professor Smith,along with his assistants,_(work) on the project day and night to meet the deadline.36. I dont feel like_(make) such a long journey. Id like _(stay) with my mother at home.37. -What do you think made Mary so upset?-_(lose) her new bicycle.38. How can I fix my attention on my work if you_ continually/always _(interrupt) me with so many silly questions?39. _(fail) is the mother of success.40. The old man suffers from high blood_(press).41. Exercising_(regular) helps the famous star keep a slim figure.42. She felt_(embarrass) at the _(embarrass) situation.43. Before she went out, the girl got _(change).44. she reported_(see) an old lady risk_(drive) very fast on the highway.二 完成句子1. It is _ quantity _quality that_.重要的不是数量而是质量。2. Water helps _your system_.水有利于保持身体内部系统的清洁。3. She is an engineer and she doesnt work in a large company. It is _ _ _ her brother.(她的弟弟也如此)4. If you _ _and _ _(合理饮食,定期锻炼), youll keep fit and feel great.5. Follow the suggestions and youll feel much better _ _ _ at all.(立刻,马上)6. Some teenagers say thay have tried _ _(不吃饭) to control their weight.7. I have _ _ (长胖)weight recently, so I must take exercise to lose weight.8. Join us now and _ _ _ _(充分利用) this special offer! 9. They _ _(得到酬金by the month.)10. This book_altogether 100 short stories,_some by Mark Twain.这本书里含有100个短篇小说,其中包含一些马克吐温写的。11. You should be_ _(对.感到羞耻)your behavior.12. Boys and girls_ _(往往会)be different in this regard.13. Many teenagers feel lonely,as if no one understands the changes they are_ _(经历)14. I _him_ (混淆了,搞混了)with someone else.15. I think we should do the work by ourselves. _ _ (毕竟)we are adults now.16. He spent most of his summer holiday_ _ _.(上网)17. The teacher asked who was_ _ _(负责)the cleaning job.18. Im _ _(非常) glad to work with you today.19. He _ _ _(提出,想出)a proposal at the meeting.20. The wall requires _ _ _.这堵墙需要修理21. I _ _ _you that youre not fit for the job.遗憾地告诉你,你不适合这份工作。22. The businessman _ a lot of money_the hospital.这个商人捐给医院很多钱。23. _ _,(平均)he receives 16 emails every day.24. _ _ _it is to go skiing on the top of the mountain.去山顶滑雪是件多么有趣的事情!25. In the end everything _ _ OK.最终一切都会好起来。26. In the social world,as teenagers get older, they struggle to_ _ themselves.在大千社会中,随着青少年长大,他们努


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