



9AU3 Teenage problems 词组卷 1.有一个问题要解决 have a problem to solve2.变得越来越胖 get fatter and fatter3.看看我的胃 look at my stomach4.看看我们的胃 look at my stomachs5.吃得太多 eat too much6.尽量多锻炼 try more exercise7.做早操和眼保健操 do morning exercises and eye exercises8.做一些物理练习题 do some physics exercises9.也许你是对的。(3种) Perhaps/Maybe you are right. You are probably right./You may be right.10.时而有问题 have problems from time to time11.找出更多有关他的学生们存在的问题 find out more about the problems his students have12.要求他的学生们写信给他们的笔友 ask his students to write to their penfriends13.得到足够的睡眠 get enough sleep14.在课上感觉累 feel tired in class15.有足够的时间做家作 have enough time to do homework16.电视机总是开着。 The TV is always on.17.几乎使我发疯 almost drive me mad18.没有亲近的朋友可交谈 have no close friends to talk to19.感到孤独 feel lonely20.发出很多吵闹声 make a lot of noise21.在我学习时打扰我 disturb me when I am studying22.整天工作 work all day23.有太多的考试和测验 get too many tests and exams 24.家里太吵 be too noisy at home25.和家庭成员没有交流 have no communication with family members26.就有关他们的问题写信给一个 write to a famous youth worker about their problems著名的青少年辅导员27.一个九年级的学生 a Grade 9 (Nine) student28.不知道如何处理它 (2种) dont know how to deal with it Dont know what to do with it29.别无选择做某事 have no choice but to do sth.30.熬夜来完成练习题 stay up late to complete /finish the exercises31.拒绝做这么多工作 refuse to do so much work32.按时上交它 hand it in on time33.几乎没有空余时间进行我的爱好 hardly have any spare time for my hobbies34.怀疑是否值得如此辛苦地学习 doubt whether it is worth working so hard35.期待着一个没有家做的假日 look forward to a holiday without homework so that 以便我能放松一下 I can relax36.给我提供一些有用的建议(2种) offer me some useful suggestionsoffer some useful suggestions to me37.对我很有价值(2种) be of great value to me / be very valuable to me38.希望收到你的来信(3种) hear from you =get/receive a letter from sb =get / receive ones letter39.对做看足球很痴迷 be crazy about watching football40.我的梦想是要当一名优秀的足球运动员 My dream is to be a great football player41,有大量的朋友 have plenty of friends42.在外面呆得很晚 stay out late43.熬夜得很晚 stay up late44.忘记何时停止 forget when to stop45.陷入困境 get into trouble46.脱离困境 get out of trouble47.不允许我在外面玩 do not allow me to play outside48.对某人严格要求 be strict with sb49.对某事严格 be strict in sth50.不时地感到恼火 feel angry from time to time51.花费一段时间在我的爱好上 spend some time on my hobbies52.帮助我放松并使我感到轻松 help me relax and make me feel relaxed53.使我们的生活更加有趣 make our lives more interesting54.有我父母亲的支持 have /get my parents support55.我真的不知道该怎么办。 I really dont know what to do.56.建议我如何在我的学业和爱好 advise me how to achieve a balance between my间取得平衡 schoolwork and my hobbies 57.在某事上获得成功 be successful at sth=achieve58.乐意接受某物 take sth willingly=accept59.对做某事感兴趣(2种) be interested in doing sth take / have/ show (an) interest in doing sth60.认真计划你的每一天 plan your day carefully61.把你必须要做的所有作业列个单子 make a list of all the homework you have to do62.计算出你需要多少时间来把它全部完成 work out how much time you need to complete it all63.我的建议值得采纳。 My advice is worth taking.64.放学后花几小时踢足球是不明智的。 It is not wise to spend hours playing football65.同意你父母亲的话 agree with your parents66.同意这个计划 agree on the plan67.同意每天选一个爱好来进行 agree to choose one hobby to do each day68.对你来说每天早一点儿回家更好 It is better for you to go home earlier69.保持学习和爱好之间平衡的一个好办法 a good way to keep a balance between study and hobbies70.乘公交车去某地(2种) get/take a bus to sp= go to sp by bus/ on a bus71.乘公交车回家 get / take a bus home72.发火,生气 get / become angry73.获得高分 get / achieve a high mark74.有许多家作要做 get / have a lot of homework to do75.很晚到家 get / arrive home late76.收到一封来信 get / receive a letter77.放学后参加一些活动 join in some activities after school78.参加一些课外活动 join in some after-school activities79.路上总有很多车辆来往. Theres always a lot of traffic on the road.80.有很多时间进行复习考试 have much time to revise for tests81.你的课业有些问题 have some problems with your schoolwork82.准时交家作 hand in homework on time83.我的目的是帮你解决问题。 My purpose is to help you solve your problem.84.答应上学不再迟到 promise not to be late for school again85.允许我出去 allow me to go out86.告诉学生们别在课上大喊 tell the students not to shout in class87.第一个来最后一个离开 be the first to come and the last to leave 88.没有必要打扰他. Theres no need to trouble him.89.跑得很快以便能赶上第一班车 run fast to catch the first bus90.回到家才发现她的房子着火 come back home to find her house on fire91.长大成了一个漂亮的女孩 grow up to a beautiful girl92.找一个安静的地方来学习 find a quiet place to study93.没有勇气和我的朋友分担我的忧虑 have no courage to share with my friends my worries94.告诉你实话 to tell you the truth95.因某事和我的表兄弟争吵 quarrel with my cousin about sth96.她不要再来打扰我 She will not come to disturb me any more97.匀出一段时间给我 spare some time for me98.在家里需要某个人来谈心 need someone to talk to at home99.需要多得多的操练 need much more practice100.为了学好跳舞 to learn dancing well101.只关心测试后的分数 care only about marks after exams102.他们似乎没注意到我已尽力。 They dont seem to notice that I have tried my best.103.把电视机音量调低/调高 turn down / up the TV104.把它打开/关闭 turn it on / off105.让你单独留下(3种) leave you alone=by yourself=on your own106.确保你有一段时间来跳舞 make sure you have some time to dance107.最好的发法是让你的父母看到你 The best way is to let your parents see your progress after 每次测试后的进步. each exam.108.知道找谁谈心来求助 know who to talk to for help109.决定先做哪一件 decide which to do first110.忘记何时和他的朋友们见面 forget when to meet his friends111.知道哪儿可求得建议 know where to ask for advice 112.大多数学生(2种) most students=most of the students 113.从你自己学校的青少年辅导员 get help from youth workers at your own school那里得到帮助 114.一场多么精彩的足球赛(2种) 。 What a wonderful football game! How wonderful the football game is! 115.对她的学业感觉有压力 feel stressed about her schoolwork116.多么忙碌的一天啊。 What a busy day!117.忙于某事/做某事 be busy with sth/ be busy doing sth118.有大量家作要完成 have plenty of homework to finish119.放学后必须得去图书馆 have to go to the library after school120.不得不学到很晚 have to study till very late121.很少和我的朋友们聊天 seldom chat with my friends122.多么无聊啊! How boring!123.帮我解脱 help me out124.需要一段时间来玩和放松 need some time to play and relax125.我班的尖子生 the top student in my class126.擅长体育 be good at sport=do well in sport127.讨厌游泳 hate swimming128.嘲笑她 laugh at her129.称她为书呆子 call her a bookworm 130.感到伤心时和你最好的朋友谈谈 talk to your best friend when feeling sad131.和她分担你的问题 share your problems with her132.别注意那些嘲笑你的学生 pay no attention to those students who laugh at you133.为你的学业而骄傲 be proud of your schoolwork134.似乎比以前开心得多seem much happier than before135.发现体育对她而言有难度 find sport difficult for her136.有使他们担忧的问题 have problems that worry them137.轮流提建议 take turns to give advice138.答复我的最后三封邮件 reply to my last three e-mails139.给她发送电子卡 send an e-card to her140.谢谢你倾听我的问题。 Thanks for listening to my problem.150.那是作为朋友该做的事。 Thats what friends are for.151.花些时间把它通读(浏览)一遍 spend some time reading it through152.拼写错误 spelling mistakes153.缺漏单词 missing words154.不见,消失 go missing155.帮助他们处理压力的一些发法 some ways to help them deal with stress156.遭受压力之苦 suffer from stress157.健康的饮食 a healthy diet158.充足的睡眠 enough sleep159.以这样的方式 in this way160.更好地安排他们的时间 organize their time better161.去散步以保持健康 go wal


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