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2014届高考英语二轮专题复习测试精选:完形填空1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项。i was invited to attend a presentation at the kentucky school. that evening i found gratitude(感恩)had amazing 36 to change our attitudeand our life.the young musician mr. patrick was 37 onto the stage in his wheelchair and began to play the piano. his fingers danced across the keys as he 38 beautiful music. he then began to sing as he played, and it was wonderful. but what shocked me most was his 39 smile.patrick was born with no eyes and an illness in the legs, which 40 him lame for life. however, as a child, he was 41 with artificial eyes and placed in a wheelchair. before his first 42 ,he discovered the piano. when his mom hit any note on the piano, and within one or two 43 ,hed get it. by his second birthday, he was playing“twinkle, twinkle, little star”. his father was 44 .“we might not play baseball, but we can play music together.”when patrick was at the university of louisville, his father 45 classes with him. he was also a part of the 214-member marching band!he was a blind, wheelchair-bound trumpet player; and he and his father did it together. his father 46 the night shift(夜班)in order to accompany his daytime band practice. patrick says,“my dads my 47 .”but even more than his 48 musical talent, it was patricks “ attitude of gratitude”that 49 my soul. on stage, between songe, he talked to the audience about his life and about how 50 he was with a great father. when his performance was over, patrick and his father were on the stage together. the crowd rose to their feet and 51 for over five minutes.we all face misfortune in our lives. 52 ,its not the hardship but how we 53 to it that will determine the joy and happiness in our lives. during 54 times, do we spend too much time feeling 55 for ourselves, or can we, with gratitude, learn how to dance in the rain?36.a. knowledgeb. qualityc. wisdomd. power37. a. rolledb. heldc. allowedd. dragged38. a. wroteb. providedc. maded. gave39. a. strangeb. magicc. bitterd. friendly40. a. tookb. ledc. forcedd. left41. a. fittedb. connectedc. associatedd. filled42. a. placeb. birthdayc. performanced. attempt43. a. memoriesb. wordsc. triesd. notes44. a. confusedb. amusedc. interestedd. overjoyed45. a. listedb. foundc. attendedd. organized46. a. workedb. foundc. refusedd. cancelled47. a. dreamb. heroc. musicd. song48. a. unbearableb. unbelievablec. unconditionald. unreasonable49. a. touchedb. calmedc. freedd. felt50. a. satisfiedb. concernedc. blessedd. laughed51. a. cheeredb. whisperedc. shoutedd. laughed52. a. thereforeb. otherwisec. howeverd. besides53. a. seeb. reactc. agreed. put54. a. happyb. modernc. toughd. usual55. a. greatb. sorryc. hopefuld. proud2.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。one monday morning, news got around in the schoolyard about a fire over the weekend soon mrjohnson,my teacher, came to explain that the art class would be 36 due to the firehe also warned us not to approach the art room because it could be 37 during the morning break, kirn and i decided to take a 38 a first hand observation would make us heroes at lunchat the appointed time, kirn and i 39 the art room, ignoring the consequence i would face 40 i got caughtwe stood on tiptoes looking hard 41 the door window, trying in vain to see 42 was forbiddensuddenly a firm 43 on our shoulders slopped usturning around, i found a teacher staring angrily at usin those seconds millions of 44 flashed through my mindmy father would beat me hard45 than that, my mom might be so mad she might not stop himmy spirits 46 even lower wlien realizing how 47 mrjohnson would hewhen kirn and i were led back to our classroom, i could found 48 to hide and wanted to melt into the 49 however, mrjohnson had a different 50 to teachslowly, he bent down to look me in the 51 , and i was met with a look of concern rather than angerhe spoke softly as he explained why he was 52 in my decision to go where i may have got hurthe cared more about my 53 than the fact that fd broken a rulemy heart was 54 with regret, and i discovered that he still loved me even after f d disappointed himthe rest of the day, he didnt even mention it in class publicly, 55 did he tell my parents it was the first time i felt the power of being given an unexpected second chance36aconfirmed bexamined ccancelled dsuggested37auseless bdangerous cchildish dnaughty38atest brisk ccheck dchance39areached bsearched centered dcleaned40auntil bunless cas dif41aover bwithin cthrough dacross42awhat bhow cwhy dwhich43aword bhold ccry dorder44athoughts bfeelings csolutions dexcuses45aeasier bless cmore dworse46achanged blifted csank dlost47astrange bangry ckind dsad48asomewhere banywherecnowhere deverywhere49afire blaugh ctable dfloor50a course blesson cknowledge dability51aeye bhead chand dfeet52aembarrassed bexcited cdisappointed dmoved53agrade bhonesty cinterest dsafety54bheavy crelaxed dempty55aso bnor ceither dyet3.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项。 it was a perfect day, just the right kind of day to go fishing.my 13-year-old son jonathan and i had been 26 this trip for weeks, and now we were sitting on the shore of a beautiful lake. we 27 and talked, and then, suddenly, i saw small 28 where my float(浮子) had been. i waited, 29 it would pop right back up again, but the 30 stayed underneath the water and my heart started to beat 31 . after a few more seconds, my fishing rod was suddenly pulled off the stick it was leaning on 32 me and it was being dragged towards the water. i firmly caught hold of the fishing rod and lifted it up. this fish was 33 ! slowly, my son balanced on two rocks and leaned down to get the giant off the fishhook. for just one second, he lost his 34 and reached up with his right hand to steady 35 . at that moment, our huge fish got off the fishing line and started to swim 36 . i saw tears streaming down jonathans face. “dad, im sorry. ill never be able to 37 this up to you.” i reached out and put my hands on his shoulders. i said the following 38 almost without thinking. “jon, how did you feel 39 i was reeling(往卷轴上绕起) that fish in? were you excited?” he nodded and said, “ dad, ive never been so 40 in my whole life!” i replied, “ jon, wasnt that about the most fun thing weve ever done together?” he nodded his head in 41 . then i said, “so, why should we let a fish getting away 42 possibly the best experience weve ever had? lets be happy about the fun we did have.” my son, 43 his arms around me and said, “ dad, i love you so much!” i 44 him back and said softly into his ear, “i love you too, jon.” we 45 did catch that big fish. but ive known ever since that i didnt let the most important thing get away that day. 26. a. promoting b. setting c. appreciating d. planning27. a. ran b. fished c. lay d. listened28. a. holes b. objects c. birds d. waves29. a. thinking b. watching c. pointing d. discovering30. a. pole b. float c. stick d. fishhook31. a. regularly b. quietly c. curiously d. heavily32. a. behind b. on top of c. in front of d. against33. a. huge b. white c. alive d. beautiful34. a. balance b. temper c. health d. bucket35. a. him b. it c. itself d. himself36. a. up b. beyond c. along d. away37. a. pick b. make c. build d. speed38. a. comments b. apologies c. songs d. words39. a. although b. while c. unless d. since40. a. reliable b. excited c. forgetful d. puzzled41. a. agreement b. surprise c. guilt d. happiness42. a. bring b. ruin c. shake d. mend43. a. folding b. getting c. showing d. throwing44. a. held b. followed c. hugged d. formed45. a. really b. never c. once d. merely 4.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。the start of a new school year always brings a return to routine at my house. its the 36 routine practiced all across the country: wake up the 37 , get them out of bed, make sure everyone has 38 , check to see that the five-year-old has her shoes on, see their teeth are brushed, 39 lunches or lunch money, grab the book bags, and 40 for the door. life goes like this and 41 thought is required for such a routine. as a 42 , i just get in the zone and get it all done. the mental clock is 43 ticking the whole time. one recent morning proved a(n) 44 . “the trees are dancing, mom!” shouted the five-year-old as we pulled out of the driveway. her conversation about dancing trees went on for several minutes 45 i finally came out of my “accomplish the routine” mindset (心态) and noticed the 46 that day. oh! the trees were dancing! i was so 47 with my daily routine that i 48 to notice the world around me. once i started paying attention to the 49 of the leaves and the beauty of the trees “dancing”, it changed my whole mindset. 50 life through the eyes of a five-year-old brought 51 back to my morning. i often find it easy to 52 the sense of wonder that i had as a child. the 53 ive been in “the routine”, the more likely i am to lose some of the wonder and the freshness. my young child 54 me that i need to 55 and enjoy the wonder of my life.36.a. speciala. neighborsa. eatena. hand in a. waita. littlea. doctora. usuallya. examplea. oncea. sunshinea. busya. hesitateda. colora. endinga. beautya. learna. highera. forceda. studyb. sameb. parentsb. leftb. hand overb. lookb. quickb. motherb. slightlyb. exceptionb. whileb. rainb. angryb. failedb. shapeb. hatingb. kindnessb. loseb. longerb. persuadedb. workc. newc. childrenc. recoveredc. hand downc. searchc. muchc. studentc. everc. successc. beforec. cloudc. unsatisfiedc. lovedc. movementc. experiencingc. angerc. talkc. lessc. remindedc. refused. flexibled. friendsd. disappearedd. hand outd. raced. actived. teacherd. neverd. disasterd. afterd. windd. comfortabled. begand. sized. devotingd. sadnessd. showd. betterd. requestedd. stop5.5.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意然后从各题所给的a、b、c和d项中,选出最佳选项。the new york times published an article recently that shows great regret for the “death of conversation”. it 1 that while technology such as cell phones, e-mails, and internet posting makes us feel more 2 than ever, theyre also driving us away from people around us. users get final connectivity at the price of 3 face-to-face conversation. sherry turkle, author of the article in the new york times says people are 4 to a different way of being “alone together”.actually, 5 text messages or writing micro-blogs allows us to 6 thoughts. but bits and pieces of online cannot 7 a “real conversation.” lan guo, 19, a freshman english major from changsha university, said that she would like to hear peoples tone of voice and see their faces in a (n) 8 . “the give and take of ideas in a conversation sharpens our minds.” she said. she also mentions that burying ourselves in mobile technology reduces our chance of starting conversations with strangers and 9 people.turkle mentioned the popular 10 of “i share, therefore i am” among this generation. liu xuan, a young writer from taiwan and psychology graduate from harvard university, thinks its a mindset adopted by most 11 people. they are so busy creating or polishing their online persona (网络人格) that they forget how to live a (n) 12 life. however, experts remind us that its 13 to blame mobile technology. chen chen, a sociology expert at china youth & children research center, 14 out that it is still owners of gadgets, whore avoiding personal contact. “only by strengthening conversation can we understand each other. 15 throwing away the mobile gadgets is not a solution.” she said.1. a. talksb. suggestsc. speaksd. advises2. a. received b. sharedc. connectedd. respected 3. a. havingb. riskingc. sacrificingd. sharing4. a. relatedb. committedc. devotedd. accustomed5. a. sending b. gettingc. readingd. taking6. a. change b. exchangec. explaind. raise7. a. indicateb. replacec. coverd. involve8. a. conversationb. computerc. partyd. internet9. a. interviewingb. introducingc. knowingd. meeting10. a. feelingb. conceptc. factd. truth11. a. shyb. busyc. oldd. young12. a. realb. interestingc. colorfuld. meaningful13. a. important b. necessary c. unfair d. uncomfortable14. a. reaches b. thinks c. points d. watches 15. a. eventuallyb. hardlyc. finallyd. simply6.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。this too shall passwhen my family moved to ohio over the summer, i feared attending another new school and knowing no one because i was able to expect what was coming. i had bright red hair and enormous glasses. in addition, i was 31 and not very sociable.boarding the school bus that first day, i felt like all eyes on me. i could hear the 32 shes huge! obviously, the kids on the bus had known each other well. i spent that first bus 33 in silence.the following day was even 34 . i did not notice that a few boys had tied a shoelace across the aisle and thus fell face first on the bus, 35 everything i was carrying. 36 i was embarrassingly gathering my supplies, i could hear the laughter, and then the 37 that felt like an earthquake! anyway, i 38 to find a seat. looking out of the window, i 39 the tears welling up in my eyes.it was then that i sank into myself. i began walking everywhere. i would wander through the woods behind our house. i would also walk to a 40 about two miles down the road, where i would chat silently with god. i began 41 the afternoon school bus 42 , walking home instead. then, 43 , i started losing weight. and as i became content with myself, i began making 44 .one of my newly-found friends also 45 with her weight, wanting to be a perfect cheerleader. she lived near my neighborhood so we would meet and 46 together. this became a daily activity with talking and laughing 47 the waydifferent from the lonely walks i had taken. my friend said that i didnt have to be perfect. i just had to be me, and be happy with 48


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