七年级英语下册 Module 1 People and places Unit 2 Travelling around the world(第3课时)课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt_第1页
七年级英语下册 Module 1 People and places Unit 2 Travelling around the world(第3课时)课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt_第2页
七年级英语下册 Module 1 People and places Unit 2 Travelling around the world(第3课时)课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt_第3页
七年级英语下册 Module 1 People and places Unit 2 Travelling around the world(第3课时)课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt_第4页
七年级英语下册 Module 1 People and places Unit 2 Travelling around the world(第3课时)课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt_第5页
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unit2travellingaroundtheworld module1peopleandplaces 第3课时grammar 广东学导练七年级下册配上海教育版 选择填空 1 ithinkeveryoneshouldplayapartinsavingourenvironment iagree forexample therewillbelessairpollution wedriveless 2016厦门 a ifb soc though 2 thetrafficpolicemantookawayjim sdriver slicense hebrokethetrafficrulesofdrunkdriving 2016广东 a thoughb becausec tilld and a b 3 afteraskingthemanhowhedidit thefarmersunderstoodhewasnotlazy veryclever 2016广州 a sob andc ord but 4 theflightwasdelayedbythestorm thepassengershadtowaitattheairport 2016上海 a butb orc sod for 5 victoria hurryup wecan tarrivethereontime 2016河北 a orb soc butd and d c a 专有名词专有名词 propernoun 是用来表示特定人名 地名 组织或星期 月份等的名词 首字母要大写 1 表示人名 姓和名要分开 首字母都要大写 如 tom timsmith xuhaitao 2 表示地名 国名 如 france theunitednations thegreatwall 3 表示星期 月份 如 monday january october 4 表示节日 如 thespringfestival christmas newyear 5 表示书名 文章名 如 oxfordenglish mysummerholiday 连词and but so连词 conjunction 是用来连接单词 短语或句子的词 我们用连接词and but和so连接两个句子 这三个连接词表明了两个句子之间的不同关系 1 and表示并列关系 如 sheisbeautifulandsheiskind 她很漂亮 也很善良 sheisastudent andsheisagoodgirl 她是一名学生 她也是一位好女孩 2 but表示转折关系 注意but不能和though although用在同一个句子里 如 shelikessinging butshedoesn tlikesports 她喜欢唱歌 但是她不喜欢运动 helovesthestory butidon tloveit 他喜欢这个故事 但是我不喜欢 thoughhelovesthestory butidon tloveit 语法错误 3 so表示因果关系 注意so不能和because用在同一个句子里 如 hegotuplate sohedidn tcatchtheschoolbus 他起晚了 所以没有赶上校车 heisfat sohecan trunfast 他很胖 所以他跑不快 becauseheisfat sohecan trunfast 语法错误 一 用连词and but或so填空1 mybrotherisill ihavetostayathometotakecareofhim 2 icanplaytabletennis ican tplayfootball 3 takesomemedicine youwillfeelbetter 4 icametovisithim hewasn tathome 5 hurryup thenyouwillnotmissthetrain so but and but and 二 选择填空 1 theyaregoodatswimming iamalsogoodatit a andb butc sod or 2 theoldladycan tread write a andb orc butd andcan 3 johnfelttired hestillwentonworking a because sob although butc sod but a b d 4 heisrich heisn thappy a butb andc ord so 5 lucyhasseenthefilm lilyhasn t a andb orc butd so a c 三 语法填空longago therewasabigcatinthehouse hewasstrong1 hecaughtmanymicewhiletheywerestealingfood 2 allthemicewereafraidofit onedaythemicehadameetingtotalkaboutthewaytodealwiththeircommonenemy theydidn tagreewitheachother somesaidthis 3 somesaidthat atlastayoungmousegotup4 saidthathehadagoodidea wecouldtieabellaroundtheneckofthecat 5 whenhecomesnear wecanhearthesoundofthebell6 runaway and so but and so and everyoneapprovedofthisproposal 建议 7 anoldwisemousegotupandsaid thatisallverywell 8 whowilltiethebelltothecat themicelookedateachother 9 nobodyspoke untilnow theyhaven tdecidedwhetheritisagoodidea10 not but but but or 一 选择填空 1 tomisveryyoung heknowsalotofthings a butb andc or 2 whichcountryisbigger china france a butb andc or 3 he he wassick hedidn tgotoschool a because sob soc because and a c b 4 shewenttothebookshop boughtmanybooks a sob butc and 5 it it rainedheavily hedidn tgotothepark a sob butc because and 6 youcangoon youcanstop itisuptoyou a andb soc or 7 he he lovesplayingthepiano idon tloveit a andb butc so but c a c b 8 lucywantstoliveintheuk shestudiesenglishveryhard a sob butc or 9 yoursisterisdoingherhomework turndownthetv a sob butc or 10 afterthetrip ifeltverytired iwasveryhappy a sob butc or a a b 二 用but and或so填空1 thelittlegirlhasneverseenhimbefore shekeepsthestrangerout 2 hurryup youwon tbelate 3 iwanttocook myparentsthinkitistoodangerous 4 itrainedinthemorning ibroughtmyumbrellahere 5 ihavefinishedmyhomework icanplaynow 6 rebeccaalwayshelpsmewithmyhomework cooksdinnerformesometimes so and but so so and 7 daleeatshisdinner drinksjuice sleepsonthesofa 8 itissunny somechildrenareflyingkitesinthepark 9 it stoolate wedecidetostayathome 10 don tgiveup i msureyouwillsucceedintheexam 11 johnsonwassickseriously hedidn tstopworking 12 thepooroldmandiedbecauseofillness wewereallverysad and so so and but so and 13 waitforme yourunsofast 14 theappshowsthatthebusiscomingsoon let swait 15 haveatry thisdishisreallydelicious but so and 三 完形填空tom 1 timarebrothers tomalwaysdoeswellinhishomework 2 timdoesn t timisverycareless 3 tomisvery 4 5 oneday tomwasill 6 hedidn tgotoschool timdidn tdohishomework 7 hebroughttom shomework 8 changedtom snameintohisown 9 theteacherkneweveryoneverymuch


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