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目 录基础英语1英语语音 23英语口语 25英语写作 28英语语法 31英语听力 36英语阅读 47英语视听说 50第二外语(日语) 57翻译理论与实践 62英语国家国情 64美国文学史及作品选读 68语言学概论 73英文报刊选读 83英国文学史及作品选读 86高级英语 91英语教学理论与方法106英语口译112英语散文与小说115课堂与课外活动设计118英语测试理论与方法122英语词汇学125科技英语127旅游英语129英语修辞学131基础英语课程教学大纲修订单位:韩山师范学院外语系执 笔 人:谢春苗一、课程基本信息1.课程中文名称: 基础英语 2.课程英文名称: Basic English3.课程类别:必修4. 适用专业:英语(师范类)本科5. 总学时:280学时6. 总学分:16学分二、本课程在教学计划中的地位、作用和任务基础英语是英语专业本科一、二年级开设的一门专业基础技能课,是主要必修课。一年级的任务在于传授系统的基础语言知识,(包括语音、语法、词汇、语言功能、篇章结构等),训练语言基本技能(听、说、读、写、译),培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力,同时指导学生逐渐形成良好、有效的学习方法;不断提高自学能力,培养逻辑思维分析能力和创造性思维能力;扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型,具备基本的口头和笔头表达能力。教师应鼓励学生积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动以获得基本的交际技能,并达到新大纲所规定的听、说、读、写、译等技能的要求。二年级以课文为中心,侧重阅读和写作技能的训练,但也不偏废听、说训练,全面提高学生的听、说、读、写、译五项基本语言技能。在这一年中, 对语言的控制逐步减少, 而对学生创造力的发挥则不断加强,培养和提高学生从整个篇章结构出发对各种文体的文章进行分析与综合、抽象与概括、多层面多角度思考问题的能力,以及在事实性阅读和评判性阅读的基础上进行鉴赏性阅读的能力,使学生逐步从有控制的练习过渡到自然的交际。同时促使学生从深度广度上去把握不同文化的异同、不同风格的优劣,鼓励学生在主动参与课堂各种语言交际活动的同时,积极参与各种结合课堂教学的课外活动以获得基本的交际能力,培养创新精神,合作精神和自学能力,进而达到专业素质和其它素质的全面提高。三、教学内容及教学基本要求本课程一年级教学的基本要求:1在一年级,学生应认知英语基础单词共3,000个左右,其中2,0002,5000个结构功能及搭配能力较强的单词,如常用动词及其词组、常用介词、常用关系代词、常用关系副词等,应该能运用课文中出现的常用词组、习惯用法。2掌握单词的拼写,书写要规范。3掌握基本的构词法;掌握一定数量的同义词(或近义词)、反义词,比较它们在基本用法上的区别。4能用英语解释已学的主要词语并能恰当地使用它们。5掌握多种基本句型(Basic Structures)并能灵活运用。6能用英语意释(paraphrase)句子。7能理解难度相当于学过的语言材料的文字材料,并能就其内容回答问题、判断正误及其它练习。8能将浅近的汉语句子或段落翻译成正确的英语。9能按要求写便条。本课程二年级教学的基本要求:1在二年级,学生应认知英语基础单词共3,000个左右,其中2,0002,5000个结构功能及搭配能力较强的单词,如常用动词及其词组、常用介词、常用关系代词、常用关系副词等,应该能运用课文中出现的常用词组、习惯用法。2侧重阅读和写作技能训练,但不偏废听,说训练。3熟练掌握其中四级要求词汇及搭配,并能在说话和写作中灵活应用4能用英语正确表达规定的功能意念;能运用习得的语言知识和语言技能在规定范围内进行交际。5能用英语解释已学的主要词语并能恰当地使用它们。6掌握多种基本句型(Basic Structures)并能灵活运用。7能用英语意释(paraphrase)句子。8能理解难度相当于学过的语言材料的文字材料,并能就其内容回答问题、判断正误及其它练习。9能将浅近的汉语句子或段落翻译成正确的英语。10能按要求写简短的书信或作文。各章重点、难点: 第一学期(共64学时)每课主要内容:1.生词、短语 (Vocabulary)2.对话 1、2 (Dialogue I, Dialogue II) 和交互活动(Interaction Activities)3.阅读材料1、2 (Reading I, Reading II)4.指导性写作(Guided Writing)5.语言基本结构 (Basic Structures)Unit One (8学时)1教学内容:1) The simple past and the present perfect contrasted2) The past progressive3) The past perfect2教学的基本要求:掌握并能够熟练应用这几种常见的时态,能对比一般过去时和现在完成时的用法。3重点和难点重点:1) The simple past and the present perfect contrasted2) The past progressive 3) The past perfect难点:The simple past and the present perfect contrastedUnit Two (8学时)1教学内容:The nominal clause used as the object2教学的基本要求:掌握并能够熟练应用名词性从句作宾语。3重点和难点重点:The nominal clause used as the object, introduced by1) if2) wh-word3) that难点:The nominal clause used as the object, introduced by wh-wordUnit Three(6学时)1教学内容:The passive sentence2教学的基本要求:掌握并能够熟练灵活地运用各种时态的被动句。3重点和难点重点:The passive sentence1) in the simple present2) in the present perfect3) in the simple past 4) in the future难点:The passive sentence in the present perfect and the simple pastUnit Four(6学时)1教学内容:Modal auxiliaries2教学的基本要求:学习情态动词的用法,能够熟练灵活地运用各种情态动词,准确地表达情态。3重点和难点重点:1) Modal auxiliaries can/could and be able to used to express ability2) Modal auxiliary have to expressing obligation3)Modal auxiliaries can/may used to express permission or request for permission4)Modal auxiliary had better expressing advice or suggestion 难点:1) Modal auxiliaries can/could and be able to used to express ability2) Modal auxiliaries can/may used to express permission or request for permissionUnit five(6学时)1教学内容:Indirect speech introduced by a simple present verb 2教学的基本要求:学习一般现在时引导的间接引语的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3.重点和难点重点:Indirect speech introduced by a simple present verb1)reporting statements2)reporting yes-no questions3)reporting wh-questions 难点:Indirect speech introduced by a simple present verb reporting wh-questionsUnitSix(6学时)1教学内容:The adverbial clause of time2教学的基本要求:学习由各个关联词引导的时间状语从句,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The adverbial clause of timeintroduced by 1) when2) before3) until4) since难点:The adverbial clause of timeintroduced by until and sinceUnitSeven(6学时)1教学内容:The infinitive and the ing participle2教学的基本要求:学习不定式和现在分词的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:1)The infinitive preceded by a wh-word used as the object2) The infinitive used as a postponed object in the pattern It takes (so much time) to do something3) The bare infinitive used as the object complement4) The ing participle used as the object in the pattern Would you mind?难点:The bare infinitive used as the object complementUnitEight(6学时)1教学内容:The relative clause2教学的基本要求:学习由各种关系代词引导的定语从句的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The relative clause introduced by1) that as the subject2) that as the object of a verb3) who4) whom难点:The relative clause introduced by that as the subjectUnitNine(6学时)1教学内容:Sentences of real conditions and unreal conditions2教学的基本要求:学习真实条件从句和非真实条件从句的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用非真实条件从句表达与现在事实相反的假使和愿望。3重点和难点重点:1) Sentences of real conditions2) Sentences of unreal conditions related to the present with be in the conditional clause3) Sentences of unreal conditions related to the present with have in the conditional clause4) Sentences of unreal conditions related to the present with action verbs in the conditional clause难点:Sentences of unreal conditionsUnitTen(6学时)1教学内容:The future tense2教学的基本要求:学习将来时的各种时态的的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:1) The future progressive2) The future perfect3) The future perfect progressive难点:The future perfect progressiveUnitEleven (灵活处理)1教学内容:The nominal clause2教学的基本要求:学习名词性从句作宾语、宾语补足语和后置主语的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The nominal clause introduced by 1) who used as the direct object2) (that) used as the object of I dont think3) (that ) preceded by an adjective, used as the object complement4) (that) used as the postponed subject in the pattern It is + adj + that clause难点:The nominal clause introduced by (that) used as the object of I dont thinkUnitTwelve(灵活处理)1教学内容:The passive sentence2教学的基本要求:学习各种时态和带着情态动词的被动语态,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The passive sentence1) in the present progressive2) in the past progressive3) in the be going to structure4) with a modal auxiliary难点:The passive sentence with a modal auxiliaryUnit Thirteen(灵活处理)1教学内容:Modal auxiliaries2教学的基本要求:学习各种情态动词的用法,掌握其表达的含义并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:1) Modal auxiliaries may/ might used to express possibility2) Modal auxiliaries should/ ought to expressing obligation3) Modal auxiliary would rather expressing preference4) Modal auxiliaries must and cant used to express strong probability and impossibility难点:Modal auxiliaries must and cant used to express strong probability and impossibilityUnit Fourteen(灵活处理)1教学内容:Indirect speech2教学的基本要求:学习间接引语的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:Indirect speech introduced by 1)a simple present verb reporting past events2)a simple past verb reporting questions and answers3)a simple past verb reporting a conversation难点:Indirect speech introduced by a simple past verb reporting questions and answersUnit Fifteen(灵活处理)1教学内容:The adverbial clause2教学的基本要求:学习由各种关联词引导的状语从句,明确它们所表达的含义并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The adverbial clause1) of place introduced by where2) of condition introduced by unless3) of cause introduced by since and because4) of concession introduced by though 难点:The adverbial clause of condition introduced by unlessUnit Sixteen(灵活处理)1教学内容:-ing participle and the infinitive2教学的基本要求:学习现在分词在句子中所起的各种作用以及不定式作目的状语,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:1) ing participle used as the object2) ing participle preceded by go3) ing participle used as the subject4) ing participle used as the object of a preposition5) ing participle used as a noun modifier6) ing participle used as the object complement7) The infinitive preceded by in order expressing purpose难点:ing participle used as a noun modifier and as the object complementUnit Seventeen(灵活处理)1教学内容:The relative clause2教学的基本要求:学习定语从句的用法和强调句的构成,并能够正确、熟练、灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:1) The relative clause introduced by whose2) The relative clause introduced by who(m) (as the object of a preposition)3) The cleft sentence with attention focused on various sentence elements4) The relative clause preceded by a noun which is modified by a superlative难点:The cleft sentence with attention focused on various sentence elementsUnit Eighteen(灵活处理)1教学内容:Sentences of unreal conditions2教学的基本要求:学习表示各种意义的非真实条件句以及它们的构成,并能够正确、熟练、灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:1) Sentences of unreal conditions making a supposition about the future2) Sentences of unreal conditions with past non-facts and present imaginary consequences3) Sentences of unreal conditions with past non-facts and past imaginary consequences难点:Sentences of unreal conditions with past non-facts and present imaginary consequences第二学期(共72学时) 每课主要内容:1.生词、短语 (Vocabulary)2.对话 1、2 (Dialogue I, Dialogue II)和交互活动(Interaction Activities)3.阅读材料1、2 (Reading I, Reading II)4.指导性写作(Guided Writing) 5.语言基本结构 (Basic Structures)Unit One (8学时)1教学内容1) The present perfect progressive indicating a finished action2) The past progressive indicating a circumstance and the simple past indicating a past event3) The past perfect progressive4) The I was wondering if pattern as a polite form of request2教学的基本要求:掌握并能够熟练应用这几种常见的时态。 3重点和难点重点:1) The present perfect progressive indicating a finished action2) The past progressive indicating a circumstance and the simple past indicating a past event3) The past perfect progressive4) The I was wondering if pattern as a polite form of request难点:The present perfect progressive indicating a finished actionUnit Two(8学时)1教学内容:The nominal clause 2教学的基本要求:掌握并能够熟练应用名词性从句作句子的各种成分3重点和难点重点:The nominal clause used as 1)the subject complement introduced by that2)the subject complement introduced by a wh-word3)the appositive4)the subject introduced by what难点:The nominal clause used as the subject introduced by whatUnit Three(7学时)1教学内容:The passive sentence2教学的基本要求:掌握并能够熟练灵活地运用各种结构的被动句。3重点和难点重点:The passive sentenceinvolving the modal auxiliary have toconverted from the active sentence with a direct and an indirect objectinvolving the verb phrase /phrasal verb formed by the They say/It is said patterns难点:The passive sentence involving the verb phraseUnit Four(7学时)1教学内容:Modal auxiliaries2教学的基本要求:学习情态动词用于表示未实现的愿望、未履行的职责、不必做的事、对过去的推测等的用法,能够熟练灵活地运用各种情态动词,准确地表达情态。3重点和难点重点:Modal auxiliaries1) would + perfect infinitive used to express “unfulfilled wish”2) should /ought to + perfect infinitive used to express “unfulfilled obligation”3)neednt + perfect infinitive expressing “unnecessary past actions”4)may /might + perfect infinitive used to express “speculations about past actions 难点:1)neednt + perfect infinitive expressing “unnecessary past actions”2)may /might + perfect infinitive used to express “speculations about past actionsUnit five(7学时)1教学内容:Indirect speech 2教学的基本要求:学习一般现在时和一般过去时引导的间接引语, 转述命令、劝告、请求和提醒等的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:Indirect speech introduced by1) a simple past verb reporting a commanda simple past verb reporting advicea simple present verb reporting a requesta simple present verb reporting a remindera simple present verb reporting a question 难点:Indirect speech introduced by a simple present verb reporting a reminder and a requestUnit Six(7学时)1教学内容:The adverbial clause 2教学的基本要求:学习由各个关联词引导的目的、结果、让步、比较状语从句,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The adverbial clause of purpose introduced by so thatof result introduced by sothatof concession introduced by on matter + wh-word / even ifof comparison introduced by thanof comparison in the more the more pattern难点:The adverbial clause of concession introduced by no matter + wh-word/even ifUnit Seven(7学时)1教学内容:The infinitive and the ing participle2教学的基本要求:学习不定式和现在分词的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3,重点和难点重点:The ing participle used as the object of remember, forget and stopThe infinitive used as the object of remember, forget and stop The infinitive used as a noun modifier preceded by for and its logical subjectThe infinitive used as the postponed in the introductory it constructionThe ing participle used as the object of a preposition难点:The ing participle used as the object of remember, forget and stopThe infinitive used as the object of remember, forget and stop Unit Eight(7学时)1教学内容:The relative clause2教学的基本要求:学习由各种关系代词引导的定语从句以及用倍表达增加的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:1)The relative clause introduced by when2)The relative clause introduced by where3)The relative clause preceded by the way (in which)4)The relative clause introduced by whyExpressing increase by using times 难点:Expressing increase by using timesUnit Nine(7学时)1教学内容:Sentences of unreal conditions2教学的基本要求:学习用于I wish后的虚拟语气和非真实条件从句的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用非真实条件从句表达与现在、过去、将来事实相反的假设和愿望。3重点和难点重点:The subjunctive were after I wish, indicating a present non-factThe subjunctive had been after I wish, indicating a past non-factSentences of unreal conditions related to the future难点:The subjunctive were after I wish, indicating a present non-fact and the subjunctive had been after I wish, indicating a past non-factUnit Ten(7学时)1教学内容:The future tense, the past perfect and the simple past2教学的基本要求:学习be about to表示将来时、过去完成时用于一些句型的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The future expressed by be about toBe going to in the past expressed “implied intention”The past perfect used in the hardlywhen patternThe past perfect of hope + infinitive expressing “an unfulfilled wish”The simple past in the Its time + subject +past tense verb pattern难点:1)The past perfect used in the hardlywhen pattern2)The past perfect of hope + infinitive expressing “an unfulfilled wish”3)The simple past in the Its time + subject +past tense verb patternUnit Eleven(灵活处理)1教学内容:The nominal clause2教学的基本要求:学习名词性从句作主语、宾语、后置宾语的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The nominal clause used asthe subject, introduced by it seems thatthe subject, introduced by it happens thatthe subject, introduced by it doesnt matter + wh-wordthe object in the It all depends on + wh-word patternthe postponed object in the introductory it construction难点:The nominal clause used as the postponed object in the introductory it construction Unit Twelve(灵活处理)1教学内容:The passive sentence2教学的基本要求:学习一些句型的被动语态,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The passive sentenceconverted from an active sentence containing the make sb do sth patternformed by get +-ed participlewith a past perfect modal auxiliaryconverted from an active sentence containing the know /think sb to be patternconverted from an active sentence containing the want sb to do sth pattern难点:The passive sentence with a past perfect modal auxiliaryUnit Thirteen(灵活处理)1教学内容:Modal auxiliaries2教学的基本要求:学习各种情态动词的用法,掌握其表达的含义并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:Modal auxiliariesought to used to express strong probabilityused to expressing a past action/situation which is no longer done/existsdarent expressing lack of courageshould in the introductory it constructionshould used after certain verbs难点:Modal auxiliaries should in the introductory it construction and should used after certain verbsUnit Fourteen(灵活处理)1教学内容:Indirect speech2教学的基本要求:学习间接引语的用法,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:Indirect speech introduced by various kinds of reporting verbs 难点:Indirect speech introduced by a simple past verb reporting questions and answersUnit Fifteen(灵活处理)1教学内容:The adverbial clause2教学的基本要求:学习由各种关联词引导的状语从句,明确它们所表达的含义并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The adverbial clause1)of time introduced by while/as soon as /by the time2)of time and place introduced by whenever and whereverof concession introduced by howeverof time /cause introduced by now that3)of condition introduced by or elseof purpose introduced by so (that)4)of manner introduced by as if/as though, indicating an unreal situationof time / condition introduced by so long as/as long as5)of degree introduced by so far as6)of alternative condition introduced by whetheror not 难点:The adverbial clause of of degree introduced by so far as and of alternative condition introduced by whetheror not UnitSixteen(灵活处理)1教学内容:-ing participle, the infinitive and the -ed participle2教学的基本要求:学习现在分词、动词不定式和过去分词在句子中所起的各种作用,并能够熟练灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The ed participle used as the object complement in the have sth done patternThe infinitive that takes a logical object, which is the subject of the sentenceThe ing participle used as the object of the prepositionThe ing participle used as the postponed object in the introductory it constructionThe ing participle used as the object complement难点:The ed participle used as the object complement in the have sth done patternUnit Seventeen(灵活处理)1教学内容:The relative clause2教学的基本要求:学习定语从句的各种句型,并能够正确、熟练、灵活地运用。3重点和难点重点:The relative clause introduced by pronoun + of + whichThe relative clause introduced by who/that and preceded by another relative clauseThe relative clause introduced by that and containing there beThe relative clause preceded by which, its antecedent being the main clause难点:1) The relative clause introduced by pronoun + of + whichThe relative clause introduced by who/that and prec


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