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牛津小学英语6BUnit5 The seasons教学设计南通市小海小学 陆 红我解读:【教材分析】我们所使用的牛津小学英语教材围绕不同的话题,以任务型教学理念和交际法教学理念为依据,结合学生的生活实际,按“话题-功能-结构-任务”体系编写。这就要求教师创设或真实或虚拟情境来组织各单元的教学。本节课的教学内容是6B Unit5 The seasons Part A。主要围绕“季节和气候”这一话题展开的各种语言活动。【学情分析】六年级的学生能够主动与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;能够积极地调动各种感官参与课堂教学的各项活动;具有一定的语言基础,词汇量也较为丰富;能够注意观察生活中与所学的内容相关的事务,综合运用所学知识进行交流。【设计理念】创设愉快的教学情境,培养学生的学习兴趣“未成曲调先有情”。 在本节课中,通过创设weather这样一个贴近学生生活的情境,以兴趣为导向,在游戏、儿歌、竞赛、调查等丰富多彩的教学活动中,不断激发学生的学习热情,关注学生的学习情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。教学活动的设计源于生活,又以各种方式弓导学生联系生活实际在情境中充分运用,真正体现了语言的交际功能。我设计:【教学内容】牛津小学英语6B Unit5seasonsPart A【教学目标】1、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:weather, season, summer, spring, autumn, winter, cool, sunny, windy, warm, rain, New York2、能听懂、会说、会读句型:Whats the weather like? Its Does it often rain there in spring? Yes, it does. Which season do you like best? I like best. Why? Because its I can3、理解并初步朗读课文。4、了解句型Whats the weather like? Its所使用的语言环境。能用所学句型初步学会谈论天气情况。5、通过了解纽约城市的气候及环境,拓展学生的文化视野。【教学重点】整体理解语篇并初步朗读课文。【教学难点】能用所学句型初步学会谈论天气情况,并能初步了解be going to时态【教学过程】一、了解教师个人信息,活跃气氛。1.课件出示教师的个人信息:My name is May.Whats the weather like today?Rain, rain , It is a rainy day.教学:sunny , rain , rainy, Whats the weather like today?(设计意图:教师通过节奏感很强的音乐,以rap的形式展现给学生,激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,把学生迅速的引进英语课堂,同时也是对本课新知识的一个呈现。)二、词寓于句,句寓于境。1.T:Look, theres a weather map .(课件出示地图)Whats the weather like in Beijing/? Choose one city ask and answer.教学:windy, cloudy, snowy, Whats the weather like in?2T: Here is a picture. (课件出示)You know, Spring is coming. Whats the weather like in spring? 教学:Whats the weather like in spring? T: Whats the weather like in spring? Is it cold, is it hot? Ss: No. 教学单词:warmT: Whats the weather like in spring? Ss: Its warm and sunny. T: But sometimes its rainy. 3T:Spring is very beautiful. In spring the flowers are blooming, the trees turn green. Spring is a beautiful season.教学单词:season 4T: How many seasons are there in a year? There are four.(课件出示另外三个季节图)Which season can you say in English? 让学生说一说自己所知道的季节单词。分别教学单词:summer, autumn, winter5揭题:T:Today we will talk about the weather of the four seasons. (板书课题)6T: There are four seasons in a year. I like autumn best. Which season do you like best?”S: I like教学:best , Which season do you like best?” I likeT:“why?”.(肢体语言)Because its cool. I can go camping. (课件配图示)教学:why, because, cool7. Do a survey. (课件呈现表格)学生四人一组运用所学句子进行调查:“你最喜欢哪个季节?在这个季节的天气怎么样?在这个季节你能做什么?”NameWhich season?What can you do? (设计意图:以上几个环节是教学本课的重点句型和单词,但不是为了学句子而学句子,学单词而学单词,我把单词句子与生活紧密联系,英语教学生活化,在生活中学习并有效使用英语进行口语交际。同时也为课文教学做好了铺垫)三、整体把握,分层教学课文1 学习前言部分。 T: Boys and girls, we are talking about the seasons. Look at the two students. Theyre talking about the seasons, too. Why are they talking about the seasons?(listen to the first part and answer three questions)(回答问题)。(课件出示) Who is going to New York next week? How long is he going to work there? What does SuYang want to know? 理解“be going to”(课件出示) T : Be going to means “将要”(Now open your books and turn to page 38, can you find the two sentences in this part about “be going to” Here are two sentences? Can you say it in English?他下周将要去北京。我们下周六要去野营。2学习对话。(课件出示)听课文录音,找出纽约四季气候特征T:Look! This is New York. Its very beautiful.(读New York)Whats the weather like there? Lets listen and finish the table. (播放课文录音)In summerIn autumnIn springIn winterHotCool,sunny and windywarm and rainycoldT: Whats the weather like there in summer? S: Its hot.T: What about autumn? S:Its cool, sometimes its sunny and windy.T: Whats the weather like there in spring? Does it often rain? S1:Its warm. S2:Yes,it does. How about winter? 学生自己泛读,学习课文中的词组 T:Read by yourself and then underline the new phrases.学生自己泛读,找到相应内容,板书在黑板In the countryside,Sounds great,most of the time,make snowmen,need some warm clothes帮助孩子理解并掌握新短语 T:Can you make some sentences with these phrases or find them in the text. eg: People like to go to farms in the countryside and pick apples. 跟读课文,注意语音语调T:Read after the computer. 精读课文,选词填空T:Now Su Yang is telling her dad about the weather in New York. Please complete the sentences with the correct words.A weather report for New Yorkseason sunny colder windy hot warm spring coolIn New York, theres a lot of rain in , and most of the time, it is . The weather in summer is as as in Nanjing. Autumn is the best in New York. Its and . Sometimes its . In winter its than in Nanjing. (设计意图:英语课程标准要求,小学毕业时,在阅读方面要能正确朗读所学的短文,为了让学生有目的地进行阅读,我设计了四个层次的阅读要求listen and finish the table, Read by yourself and then underline the new phrases,Read after the computer,read and write学生通过寻读,略读和细读,理解重点句子,并在适当的提示下,进行描述纽约天气,并把要求提高到写的方面。)四、拓展情景,延伸话题T: Boys and girls, now Ben wants to know about the weather in Nantong. Would you help him? Please introduce(介绍) the weather in Nantong! A: How many seasons are there in a year?B: There are. They are. A: Whats the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter in Nantong?B: Its .A: Which season do you like best?B: I like.best , because I can .(设计意图:新课标指出英语学习的总体目标是培养学生综合运用语言并进行交际的能力,所以这次安排的是综合训练,考查学生学习有关天气知识后的综合语言的运用能力。)五、布置作业 1 Write down the conversation in your group. 2. Say something about the weather in Nantong. (设计意图:设置开放性的作业,真正把学生当作了课堂的主人,真正体现了因材施教,照顾了学生的个性差异,学生自己设计作业的五花八门,也体现了英语学科和其他各种学科知识间的整合,课内向课外的延伸。)六、板书 (此课参加开发区优课评比) 我反思:一、联系生活实际,注重情景创设在小学英语教学中要注重创设情景,因为情景既可以满足小学生的心理需要,引起他们的有意注意,还可以让他们从小就明白学习英语是为交际服务的;而且学生在有情景的活动中学习英语,有身临其境的感觉,能加深他们所学英语知识的印象。本单元中“季节与气候”是与实际生活紧密联系的,也是学生所熟悉的。在设计过程中,首先通过一个Rap吸引学生的注意力,渲染课堂气氛,让学生感受所要学习的内容是有关气候的,同时观察不同季节不同的天气特征,为下面的教学作铺垫。其次,在教学完四季及四季的特征后,我通过一张当天的中国天气预报图,给学生创设一个预报天气的情景,做到词不离句,句不离词,贴近学生的生活实际。二、体现任务型教学,增进同学之间的交流 英语课程标准提倡任务型教学。任务型教学以任务为目标,要求学生在完成任务也就是学习过程中去建构知识,提高语言运用能力。在新授完四季和天气后,我设计了一张表格,布置了一个查任务


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